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Bunker stats after patch


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Condi frequency is going to be king for Condi classes.

No more burst Condi, yu actually have to field a weapon or skill that can pressure condi onto players.

In that respect, Power is still gonna be stronger since Power weapons aren't affected by stuff like duration or anything ; land the hit, deal the damage.

People can say that "oh condi cleanse is being nerfed too" but remember, Condi frequency isn't.

So stuff like Mesmer clone crit bleed stacking is still gonna be painful as heck, but yur gonna see less of Burn bursts which totally melt yur health bar.

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@"Yasai.3549" said:Condi frequency is going to be king for Condi classes.

No more burst Condi, yu actually have to field a weapon or skill that can pressure condi onto players.

In that respect, Power is still gonna be stronger since Power weapons aren't affected by stuff like duration or anything ; land the hit, deal the damage.

People can say that "oh condi cleanse is being nerfed too" but remember, Condi frequency isn't.

So stuff like Mesmer clone crit bleed stacking is still gonna be painful as heck, but yur gonna see less of Burn bursts which totally melt yur health bar.

That's the entire point of conditions though. That's how it should be. You're not meant to cleanse every time you get a stack of condi's youre meant to save your cleanse when they ramp too much on you and you can not out sustain it. That's literally the whole concept of the grinding playstyle.

A trait like that is meant to allow the player to force a cleanse so their other low application skills can do their work.

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@Jski.6180 said:More about playing a bunker class who gets free hp / def over other classes with bunker gear. That the real problem and will be even worst after this coming update.

That’s quite interesting actually, but a group of ministrels scrappers for example is already broken with the current damage output multiplayers.

I would bet in testing some plaguedoctor and marshal scourges as well.

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It's guaranteed that there will exist builds that are unkillable in a 1v1. But as a result of the overall damage nerf these builds won't be able to kill anything too. Bunker weaver and bunker ranger (both have power and condi bunker builds) will still exist but won't even be able to stop a zergling running back to the fight. This is also some form of balance which isn't even that bad when you think about what the game mode is about in the first place (mass encounters).

Scenarios where you just cancel a fight and move on will become common (but won't be the rule!) as there are people in the world that put "not dying" above anything else and build for it. We will have to deal with that for a few weeks at least and then it will be interesting to watch whether anet plans to do something against it or not (I don't care to be honest).

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Like it or not, the majority of fights in WvW are not like this, and you can't sacrifice the entire game mode and leave every group fight as "everyone suddenly go explodey boom" just so you can kill some roamer with defensive gear and a full escape kit.

This isn't PvE or PvP, and years of balancing it like it is are what has lead to the current sad state of WvW.

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@"KrHome.1920" said:It's guaranteed that there will exist builds that are unkillable in a 1v1. But as a result of the overall damage nerf these builds won't be able to kill anything too. Bunker weaver and bunker ranger (both have power and condi bunker builds) will still exist but won't even be able to stop a zergling running back to the fight. This is also some form of balance which isn't even that bad when you think about what the game mode is about in the first place (mass encounters).

Scenarios where you just cancel a fight and move on will become common (but won't be the rule!) as there are people in the world that put "not dying" above anything else and build for it. We will have to deal with that for a few weeks at least and then it will be interesting to watch whether anet plans to do something against it or not (I don't care to be honest).People say they wanted higher TTK. They're getting higher TTK.

Where is the problem?

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"KrHome.1920" said:It's guaranteed that there will exist builds that are unkillable in a 1v1. But as a result of the overall damage nerf these builds won't be able to kill anything too. Bunker weaver and bunker ranger (both have power and condi bunker builds) will still exist but won't even be able to stop a zergling running back to the fight. This is also some form of balance which isn't even that bad when you think about what the game mode is about in the first place (mass encounters).

Scenarios where you just cancel a fight and move on will become common (but won't be the rule!) as there are people in the world that put "not dying" above anything else and build for it. We will have to deal with that for a few weeks at least and then it will be interesting to watch whether anet plans to do something against it or not (I don't care to be honest).People say they wanted higher TTK. They're getting higher TTK.

Where is the problem?To repeat myself: I don't care.

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i'm also agreeing with just waiting to seewhat happens, after the first some weeks we will have a better idea. meta stuff needs time to evolve, and for some while we will get monstrous queues due to the new reward track farmers.

@kialb.2098 said:it's why wvw is so braindead, because this kind of stat.(minstrel,trailblazer...)

that's not a fact, just your opinion. plus, how can one be salty on minstrel? it's literally a fully defensive, zero offensive build. okay, you won't kill them often, but they won't kill you too.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:i'm also agreeing with just waiting to seewhat happens, after the first some weeks we will have a better idea. meta stuff needs time to evolve, and for some while we will get monstrous queues due to the new reward track farmers.

@"kialb.2098" said:it's why wvw is so braindead, because this kind of stat.(minstrel,trailblazer...)

that's not a fact, just your opinion. plus, how can one be salty on minstrel? it's literally a fully defensive, zero offensive build. okay, you won't kill them often, but they won't kill you too.

i take 1 example (before big patch)fb support in pvp was "hard" (in decent game not in gold tier) because u have no toughness, you have to support ur team and focus ur survivalin wvw with ur fb u can facetank like everything no need to focus ur survival and this kind of rollface have to be delete

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@kialb.2098 said:in wvw with ur fb u can facetank like everything no need to focus ur survival and this kind of rollface have to be delete

as an all-time support fb player, this is just so damn wrong lol.

i think the main problem for wvw is that many people said many things they actually dont understand, and then anet believed it and make the adjustment based on it, then miss the real problem that wvw is having right now.

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@EmeraldNight.4307 said:

@kialb.2098 said:in wvw with ur fb u can facetank like everything no need to focus ur survival and this kind of rollface have to be delete

as an all-time support fb player, this is just so kitten wrong lol.

i think the main problem for wvw is that many people said many things they actually dont understand, and then anet believed it and make the adjustment based on it, then miss the real problem that wvw is having right now.

i think the main problem is minstrel(an other stat broken like trailblzer) is good for player who like rollface and don't understand this game

but pls tell me the REAL problem, it can be funny

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@kialb.2098 said:

@kialb.2098 said:in wvw with ur fb u can facetank like everything no need to focus ur survival and this kind of rollface have to be delete

as an all-time support fb player, this is just so kitten wrong lol.

i think the main problem for wvw is that many people said many things they actually dont understand, and then anet believed it and make the adjustment based on it, then miss the real problem that wvw is having right now.

i think the main problem is minstrel(an other stat broken like trailblzer) is good for player who like rollface and don't understand this game

but pls tell me the REAL problem, it can be funny

minstrel is not even a problem because if a noob that wear minstrel but only know to press 1, he will still insta down during blob fiight, please just dont because you cant kill a fb during fight then claim that they can "ignore everything and facetank every damage", just accept that sometimes ppl are simply play better than you.

the real problem that wvw is having right now, is lack of new content (maps/ mechanics) that can attract new player to join this game mode, and also let wvwer able to get some proper reward through their good play, the real imbalance that this game is the reward between PVE and WVW, and it straightly cause the huge population difference like everyone is seeing right now.

so whos the funny guy now?

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@EmeraldNight.4307 said:

@kialb.2098 said:in wvw with ur fb u can facetank like everything no need to focus ur survival and this kind of rollface have to be delete

as an all-time support fb player, this is just so kitten wrong lol.

i think the main problem for wvw is that many people said many things they actually dont understand, and then anet believed it and make the adjustment based on it, then miss the real problem that wvw is having right now.

i think the main problem is minstrel(an other stat broken like trailblzer) is good for player who like rollface and don't understand this game

but pls tell me the REAL problem, it can be funny

minstrel is not even a problem because if a noob that wear minstrel but only know to press 1, he will still insta down during blob fiight, please just dont because you cant kill a fb during fight then claim that they can "ignore everything and facetank every damage", just accept that sometimes ppl are simply play better than you.

the real problem that wvw is having right now, is lack of new content (maps/ mechanics) that can attract new player to join this game mode, and also let wvwer able to get some proper reward through their good play, the real imbalance that this game is the reward between PVE and WVW, and it straightly cause the huge population difference like everyone is seeing right now.

so whos the funny guy now?

Pretty much this, looks like Anet is finally on the correct path toward skill and their lvl of difficulty, still some like cc skils need shaving and fixing :)

Mechanics, better designed map that doesn’t allow afk bot trending structure to structure, some design that makes people fight more open field.

Home bls need to be city do take :) with supply corridors even to other maps where small and havick groups can fight for objectives.

There’s a ton of good changes/mechanics that wvw could have, imagine that home side would look Like a city In the middle, where if structures were down to 0%, city would be considerated lost.

The current fight from node to node is just AB from gw1 but with walls, some mix of AB and the Kurzik gates of FA.It get to much redundanct due lack of mechanics and map design.

Imo wvw need to growth more in depth now that the balance is on a decent ideal.

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The game couldn't take a huge population increase in WvW anyways. Or do you wanna be stuck in queues the whole time? The whole underlying structure of WvW would have to be changed in order to deal with bigger numbers. I do greatly agree with the rewards, though. They need to be better. Why can I go to SW and earn 10+ gold an hour, but have to do full days of WvW for similar rewards?

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@EmeraldNight.4307 said:

@kialb.2098 said:in wvw with ur fb u can facetank like everything no need to focus ur survival and this kind of rollface have to be delete

as an all-time support fb player, this is just so kitten wrong lol.

i think the main problem for wvw is that many people said many things they actually dont understand, and then anet believed it and make the adjustment based on it, then miss the real problem that wvw is having right now.

i think the main problem is minstrel(an other stat broken like trailblzer) is good for player who like rollface and don't understand this game

but pls tell me the REAL problem, it can be funny

minstrel is not even a problem because if a noob that wear minstrel but only know to press 1, he will still insta down during blob fiight, please just dont because you cant kill a fb during fight then claim that they can "ignore everything and facetank every damage", just accept that sometimes ppl are simply play better than you.

the real problem that wvw is having right now, is lack of new content (maps/ mechanics) that can attract new player to join this game mode, and also let wvwer able to get some proper reward through their good play, the real imbalance that this game is the reward between PVE and WVW, and it straightly cause the huge population difference like everyone is seeing right now.

so whos the funny guy now?

just accept minstrel carry pleb like u(maybe u think u are a decent player because u rollface with ur minstrel in a blob of 50 players or u rollface in roaming carry by a support unkillable)if all good team fight guild left is not for no reason.

with the patch fb seems less braindead but still to rollface with minstrel in wvw

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@"kialb.2098" said:

just accept minstrel carry pleb like u(maybe u think u are a decent player because u rollface with ur minstrel in a blob of 50 players or u rollface in roaming carry by a support unkillable)if all good team fight guild left is not for no reason.

with the patch fb seems less braindead but still to rollface with minstrel in wvw

this is really funny that this comment was came from a person that completely dont understand what fb is doing in the blob fight. just because you see fb survives in red circles then you claim that they "ignore everything and facetank every damage". the thing "unkillable" is come from correct timing on multiple skills cast and also cooperate with other support class, and you just ignore that and said we "rollface with minstrel". just think of that - the side that has been wiped in a blob fight, they also got multiple "unkillable" "roll face with minstrel" fb, whats wrong with their "unkillable" overpower?

there is no braindead class in wvw, only braindead ppl that ignore the truth and crying that theres something broken.

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@blazefm.1693 said:Power & Sustain is getting really nerf (good thing) but i cant see any nerf to condi compare to those (may i missed em?) and, worst, stats like trailbrazer / minstrels / dire / apothecary and others (make condi OP) still gonna exist after patch so power classes are gonna hit less but condi counter parts are gonna survive more often, Anet have said anything about WvW stats? they 've done it on PvP b4

Testing so far, I would have to disagree. I was expecting the bunker builds to be doing better than this but not seeing it. I would have to say that the sustain builds so far are coming out on top in roaming and small scale. The limited large scale been doing it seems like it's a little longer fight in the beginning but when a side collapses, it's a faster fall than before. So start of fight slower but a faster finish. This could be results of a number of things not excluding people still button mashing.

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