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what happen ? to much content ??

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@"Tyncale.1629" said:... LW Seasons are wonderful but we already had those, never going to accept them as a replacement for Expansions...oh, LW Season is more greater that any Expansion. May be you need play some time other game as I, or some people from my guild, and after that come back, and say - "the GW2 is so great!!"

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Apparently we went into maintenance mode

I thought it was 'LW episode every two months is not enough!' Wouldn't that GW2 is in maintenance mode? I'm so confused now... :s

It's quite simple to remember

The less content we get, the more it indicates we are in maintenance modeThe more content we get, the more it indicates we are in maintenance mode

Hope that helps

Oooh! That is easy to remember!

... What's maintenance mode?

When whether or not content is being made,
the playerbase feels like the devs have abandoned the game

Or is it the other way round? The chicken or the egg?

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@"Mil.3562" said:The chicken or the egg?but that we reason is do something more if we not complete 2%+ ???this week get response from guild member who have 38900+ achiv point .. the short summary is:"oh, so hard keep temp, how ANet do so fast everything? this is unreal.."mostly he is repeat my vision ..And after that very strange to see someone beginner with 20k points, and non complete cms and without fractal back who say "ou- we not have new fractal" ..

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@lare.5129 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:When whether or not content is being made, the playerbase feels like the devs have abandoned the gamelol. They can't feel nothing, and absolutely not understatement that is is not supported, and no maintain. Also people who not play in mmo more that 10 years can't realy understand how it should be.I have experience play 5+ years on server where 150-300 players, rewritten 15 years ago engine from lineage c4, and realy no any support, I have play wow, and other mmo games .. And only after that I can compare. And I see - now it is realy cool. And speed wiht patch and updates is unreadable.

Your last words really summarized your comment. Not trying to be rude but i really cannot decipher what you're trying to say

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:Your last words really summarized your comment. Not trying to be rude but i really cannot decipher what you're trying to saythe patch and changes go so fat that people can't ready all patch notes, and rethink it .. oh, and absolutely can't get and feel all changes, and after short time new wave of changes

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@lare.5129 said:

@"Ayakaru.6583" said:Your last words really summarized your comment. Not trying to be rude but i really cannot decipher what you're trying to saythe patch and changes go so fat that people can't ready all patch notes, and rethink it .. oh, and absolutely can't get and feel all changes, and after short time new wave of changes

Are you saying that changes here come so "fast" that people don't notice them? and this is a good or a bad thing?Or reading your initial comment are you saying changes don't happen enough?

I am reading your comments and i cant figure out if they were in favor of or against gw2.

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@lare.5129 said:

@"Tyncale.1629" said:... LW Seasons are wonderful but we already had those, never going to accept them as a replacement for Expansions...oh, LW Season is more greater that any Expansion. May be you need play some time other game as I, or some people from my guild, and after that come back, and say - "the GW2 is so great!!"

Oh, but I think GW2 is great! I indeed try other games (recently TESO and SWtOR) and came back to GW2 almost immediately. I just wish they would keep going with the Expansions, since they were great. LW Seasons are also great though I think the last season has absolutely lousy Masteries so far.

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@Tyncale.1629 said:

... What's maintenance mode?GW2 Maintenance mode is where they still trickle content into their game but fail to excite players for the future.

Sorry guys, LW Seasons are wonderful but we already had those, never going to accept them as a replacement for Expansions. All the rest (Festivals, #th rework of PvP (yawn), tweaks to balance) are all maintenance to me. Expansions are Life, they are game changing additions to the game. They delve deeper into what GW2 offers to players.

Not sure why people get so antagonized by the phrase Maintenance Mode. Maybe they confuse Maintenance Mode with Life Support? Life Support is worse, as the phrase might suggest.

I will be sure to let everyone know when I think GW2 has gone on Life Support. ;)

People are antagonized by 'Maintenance Mode' because that's what the original Guild Wars is in, as defined by ArenaNet. When making that comparison, it's a false statement which distresses those who are actively enjoying the current Guild Wars 2.

As for expansions, I honestly think ArenaNet made a mistake introducing them. Living World is the equivalent of an expansion while allowing a greater degree of customizable monetization. When done properly (Not a business expert). Unfortunately, no one can change the past, so all I can say is the current releases, and their pace, has me hopeful.

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@Diak Atoli.2085 said:

As for expansions, I honestly think ArenaNet made a mistake introducing them. Living World is the equivalent of an expansion while allowing a greater degree of customizable monetization. When done properly (Not a business expert). Unfortunately, no one can change the past, so all I can say is the current releases, and their pace, has me hopeful.

I completely disagree that the LW seasons are an equivalent to an Expansion. Both expansions have brought entirely new features and content to the game, and new ways to play the game. The LW Seasons are great additions but not the same. Looking at the current LW season I see no signs at all that they will be introducing expansion type content to the Season. In fact, I find the Saga lacking compared to other Seasons. The new Masteries and Bjora are both boring and uninspired to me.

I think the best content we have seen added in a LW episode was the Skyscale and Beetle, and this was Season 4. And they are still only variations on the theme of MOUNTS which was added in an Expansion, and is exactly the type of game changing feature that I am talking about. For one, it completely rekindled playing in Core Tyria for me, and playing Alts, which I barely did before. Not only exploration but simply playing became more fun. Getting proficient with each Mount(and I mean skilled as in getting the most out of them) is still so much fun(Still have to work on the beetle). Same for Gliding, Elite Masteries, the hugely improved maps we got in HoT and even PoF and the fact that they add an entirely new cultural/themed part to the world in one go. HoT is Epic in scope, layout and story while PoF is beautiful, ancient and oozes atmosphere. I am replaying HoT now with Alts and Alt accounts because it is such a favorite Story and region for me. These expansions also added their own type of Loot and a whole slew of elite items and achievements. I am still collecting airship parts and Leyline sparks and what not, because I still need oodles of them for various things. People are constantly doing the meta events in all HoT maps, except Verdant Brink which needs a tweak. That is staying power.

The LW seasons have less staying power especially once you have acquired both Legendary trinkets (which I both have). This is why I think the extra mounts in LW Season 4 are the best LW content additions: you will always be using them (just as I am using all the other mounts still).

Stuff like Builds are additions that are no more then (long overdue) tweaks to me.

I simply do not understand how one can regret that Anet gave us expansions.It used to be: Great LW Seasons + Great Expansions.Now it is: Mediocre LW Season + Nothing.

How is that better?

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@trixantea.1230 said:PvP season 21 and SAB are just rehashs and not new content.it is absolutely new content.We have have current re balance, and also pvp season 21 achievements don done yet.About SAB. This is not new content only for them who complete 16+ times each tribulation and complete all achievements and collections. How much it is ? 2% ? 1% ? or 0.02% ? For all others this is new content.

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@lare.5129 said:

@trixantea.1230 said:PvP season 21 and SAB are just rehashs and not new content.it is absolutely new content.We have have current re balance, and also pvp season 21 achievements don done yet.About SAB. This is not new content only for them who complete 16+ times each tribulation and complete all achievements and collections. How much it is ? 2% ? 1% ? or 0.02% ? For all others this is new content.

The nerf patch, which is part of the balance initiative, isn't new content. If anything its negative content as people have to regear/redo builds that they might have already been set up and playing for a while. I like theory crafting and creating new builds but even I found this patch tedious so I can't fault others that are exiting the game until the full balancing is done since they feel they are wasting time. For each person on the forum that complained nerf this or nerf that there were probably 5 to 10 that didn't see an issue with it which is why they were just off playing the game versus coming to the forums. Whenever you have people exiting a game for changes like this even if temporarily that does not describe new content.

You keep quoting completing all achievements for a given piece of content is what makes it new. The problem with that is for most players new content is new experiences, this is not the same as completing all the achievements. The reason that completing achievements is not new content is because most achievements are about replaying the same content and finishing in different ways. Repetition, that's exactly what classifies it as played content, not new. The fact that SAB has seen 'x' amount of repeats makes it old content regardless of if you finished all the achievements or not. Now if they added new ways of play via something like new skills and elites, that at least makes repeated content fresher if not new since there would be new ways to play older content.

Take PvP, the 2v2 is not new, you could already do that in the custom arenas. The fact that there is a new tournament is the closest that it comes to new, but again for most not new since it is the same maps using the same mechanics minus the number of players that are on each side. So again, for others, that just means it's more of the same PvP. Now if this had been on all new maps only available for tournament then it might be looked at differently.

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@"TheGrimm.5624" said:The problem with that is for most players new content is new experiences, this is not the same as completing all the achievements. The reason that completing achievements is not new content is because most achievements are about replaying the same content and finishing in different ways. Repetition, that's exactly what classifies it as played content, not new. The fact that SAB has seen 'x' amount of repeats makes it old content regardless of if you finished all the achievements or not. Now if they added new ways of play via something like new skills and elites, that at least makes repeated content fresher if not new since there would be new ways to play older content.Not for "most". For some - yes. And for that 'some 'to get that content feed thay should play another games, new games each week, or each 4 weeks.From that point of view Anet should add each 2 weeks something like SAB by content size. Or like HOT each 8-12 weeks, This is realy impossible, and realy not needed for most players. We still not close current SAB for 5 years !!!!

Take PvP, the 2v2 is not new, you could already do that in the custom arenas. The fact that there is a new tournament is the closest that it comes to new, but again for most not new since it is the same maps using the same mechanics minus the number of players that are on each side. So again, for others, that just means it's more of the same PvP. Now if this had been on all new maps only available for tournament then it might be looked at differently.tournament also now a partially new. Is have new mechanic because after lose you still wait new match.

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@lare.5129 said:

@"TheGrimm.5624" said:The problem with that is for most players new content is new experiences, this is not the same as completing all the achievements. The reason that completing achievements is not new content is because most achievements are about replaying the same content and finishing in different ways. Repetition, that's exactly what classifies it as played content, not new. The fact that SAB has seen 'x' amount of repeats makes it old content regardless of if you finished all the achievements or not. Now if they added new ways of play via something like new skills and elites, that at least makes repeated content fresher if not new since there would be new ways to play older content.Not for "most". For some - yes. And for that 'some 'to get that content feed thay should play another games, new games each week, or each 4 weeks.From that point of view Anet should add each 2 weeks something like SAB by content size. Or like HOT each 8-12 weeks, This is realy impossible, and realy not needed for most players. We still not close current SAB for 5 years !!!!

I think this comes down to metrics and how that is defined for ANet. That could range from anything to player count in map/event compared to total base or against total average normal for the game mode. From there that might help define their pace. We know they have numbers per game mode which is where they could tell that raiding really wasn't taking hold. For the 2v2 sPvP they probably have good numbers to compare to since we just came off a regular sPvP season so they could use that to gauge how well that's taking. Same with weekly WvW numbers. I assume, might be wrong, that they are measuring how long people are staying in new LS maps to gauge if they are creating content to hold people attention or not and planning from there. Take changes to the world boss, they could gauge number of players which is why they adjusted it sooner rather than later.

But again not all content is for all players and therefore the definition of "new" is not a fixed value for each player since the game does not require cross over of modes. If you slow releases for one game mode for another you will end up impacting expectations for another group. Take Swiss, WvW community has been told Alliances are on hold till Swiss. Now is there some cross over of these groups, but how much. But where there is not cross over, we are now what, 2+ years and no alliance system. And that doesn't account for other changes to WvW people might have asked for but held off on since they knew Alliances might impact additional changes. So Swiss might be new for people looking for 2v2 but some sPvPers just do sPvP while they wait on WvW changes and 2v2 might have added nothing to them at all. Again that comes down to numbers that Anet has an the players do not.

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@kharmin.7683 said:I might have missed this earlier in the thread? Where is it said that new content has to be completed in a set amount of time and/or before the next new content is released?

I don't think that was said. New content is new content per each player's opinion of said content. This originally came from should the pace be slowed, and then moved to is it meeting expectations for a release schedule. From there your mileage will vary.

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@cloudsareyum.8120 said:I'm confused, is the OP being sarcastic or something?

No, I have seen @lare.5129 post in the past and I think their view of whether or not content has been played thru might vary from others. I know completionists and @lare.5129 is someone who seems to fall into that category.

This is very similar to an older discussion when we still had a range more of dailies, the completionist group of forum goers asked that there be less dailies since they felt like they had to do them all, where as the group that wanted more variety didn't feel like they needed to do them all but wanted more options. This is very reminiscent of that. Where as one group felt overwhelmed and the other underwhelmed.

On the flipside, if you give ANet a pass on content release it just hurts everyone and you will see less complaints on the forums after a while, but that may not indicate that people are happier but may mean you lost more people to other games. Remember each time someone take a break, that may mean that break never ends.

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@Diak Atoli.2085 said:

... What's maintenance mode?GW2 Maintenance mode is where they still trickle content into their game but fail to excite players for the future.

Sorry guys, LW Seasons are wonderful but we already had those, never going to accept them as a replacement for Expansions. All the rest (Festivals, #th rework of PvP (yawn), tweaks to balance) are all maintenance to me. Expansions are Life, they are game changing additions to the game. They delve deeper into what GW2 offers to players.

Not sure why people get so antagonized by the phrase Maintenance Mode. Maybe they confuse Maintenance Mode with Life Support? Life Support is worse, as the phrase might suggest.

I will be sure to let everyone know when I think GW2 has gone on Life Support. ;)

People are antagonized by 'Maintenance Mode' because that's what the original Guild Wars is in, as defined by ArenaNet. When making that comparison, it's a false statement which distresses those who are actively enjoying the current Guild Wars 2.

As for expansions, I honestly think ArenaNet made a mistake introducing them. Living World is the equivalent of an expansion while allowing a greater degree of customizable monetization. When done properly (Not a business expert). Unfortunately, no one can change the past, so all I can say is the current releases, and their pace, has me hopeful.

I disagree and believe the opposite, their mistake was introducing and forcing the living world. Living world is nothing but a content patch much like WoW's 8.1, 8.1.5 and so on. It is a continuation of the expansion and as it should be a bridge between launches; Living world failed which is why they went to expansions due to the lack of interest on the playerbases end. Now we've gone back to "Living world only" and again it will fail; I can tell you that SaB does nothing for me, I've never been interested and I never will be interested. So for me its nothing; Same with the living world season 1 becoming playable, its not new for me because I was there when it was there and while good for newer players its terrible for players who lack interest. (Season 1 was NOT that great honestly, their current story-telling in living world is much better).

Expansions breed hype, and bring TONS of new content as most of current guild wars 2 from raids, to masteries to e-specs and so much more ALL come from and expansion or expansions as do mounts. They would never of broken through in a living world and it will prove to be the case as we are getting no e-specs and exclusive masteries tied to these new maps and no where else. While gliding and mounts effected the whole game; So in reality it solves nothing and lacks the needed requirements to continue engagement and as such many are moving on (not some, many. The player base is down and we can feel that, I Feel that and I SEE THAT a lot.) Where as with expansions people get pumped, old players come back and people try to bring their friends. Living world? Yea not so much.

Visions of the past are basically a new form of dungeons to run alongside fractals (Which is good.) And strikes are the replacement for raids which will be going into the same position as dungeons due to strikes being much like fractals easier to produce for the small niche that plays them. So in reality you're getting less but you can sit here and argue I suppose that it is fine; Again I don't care because for me raiding was content I just didn't care about. I did it a bit and saw what it was and how it worked and shrugged, walked off and never looked back. Strikes? A bit more interested, but Im not going to devote myself to it as I don't care once again. I've felt an honest disconnect and lack of interest in the game, I show up for my dailies shenanigans, I show up for reset and I show up when living world/content arises to try it and see if I like it. Then I log off until next time so Im not giving them as much money as I would be if this was my exclusive game; As I've been playing other titles which are now giving me more to keep my appetite sated. I find Im logging in less and less and its not that I hate this game, In fact the opposite actually as I love guild wars and have been with the franchise since I was ten years old maybe younger as my family was a guild wars family. My dad, mom and sibling all played and now its just my dad and I and even we have our issues and get disconnected because the content we want will not and may never happen.

You could argue "just move on, don't like it? Just LEAVE!!!" Like all the other people scream when someone is unhappy but we both want the same thing, the success and fun of guild wars to last. I love this franchise and as someone who understands merchandising and marketing all of this and all of what they've done over the last year is the WRONG move. It is the wrong move because it is literally in most cases PR-speak such as them reminding everyone at the august announcement that Guild wars 2 is technically free, expansions are optional and there are people who STILL only play core guild wars 2 and won't buy expansions. (Won't play living world either..) So its wasted effort to try and get them into current content as they have no interest in doing so.

Look at ESO for an example if you will (In comparison to where we sit now.)

  • Greymoore has TONS of hype and it brought in TONS OF NEW PLAYERS and its not even out yet. (Me included.)
  • They have the same endgame is the whole game mentality, and your gear never degrades but they did it better and have worked to fix the issue of "I haven't played since X and my gear is bad now." Well no now its not so even after a break your build and character will remain intact with minor changes due to the chasing of balance acrossed skills and so on..
  • They have a very strong PvE end-game due their collections of personalities and cosmetics and this wasn't always the case and is something guild wars could look into as it would re-new the point of tons of stuff. (Personalities add customization to your character, which is huge.)
  • When you buy the new expansion you get ALL the others, which could be the case with guild wars 2. if you already have them like ESO just discount it to a price fitting the purchase so new players only pay like say 60$ for ALL of them. While vet players pay like 30$ if they only need that expansion.

there are many ways to tackle this issue, and so far they've chosen none and merely pay lip service to "Its on the table." which Is essentially like when we were children and you asked mom to go to the park and she tells you. "Let's say we did, but we didn't" and moves on completely ignoring your question and giving you a No without saying no so to speak. But this time mom is a company, and you're a paying customer being told that you are wrong and should just buy the cosmetics that are overpriced such as the 25$ mount skins which are FIVE DOLLARS short of being the base price of an expansion which people buy all the time. If you can afford that then you can afford an expansion, but why would A-net ever make an expansion knowing they can make more with mount skins which was the ENTIRE point mounts were made.... it had nothing to do with us wanting it. It had everything to do with how they saw that they could milk it for a good chunk of cash and still are effectively doing so. (Not a bad business move.)

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