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PvP post-patch

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Depends what you play I guess. I am also having a hard time adjusting, mainly because I lost so much pressure (even running zerker currently) - where anyone not light armor and with a smidge of extra HP don't really have to bother dodging or moving out of my attacks, while their weap 5 skill or AA-chain both chunk 50-70% of my health.

Made me realise how much counterpressure carried many builds pre-patch, and nerfing that was good however they left sustain exactly where it was at really putting a dent in offensive builds that already didn't have much resustain.

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They say it was to remove power creep, but it only rewards bad players/rally bots, and balance is the worst I've seen.For example if you fight a 2v1, cleave is lower than healing from rez, and cleave is so low players have no trouble sitting unprotected in zerk cleave to rally an ally, so to win a 2v1 you must out play them so hard you down 1 of them 4 times in 60 seconds to kill him with downed penalty, and at any point even if you've downed both of them 3 times, if you down once you lose.Balance wasn't perfect before, and never will be, but the only real problems was invuln/evade spam, and maybe a tweak to stealth.

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@avey.4201 said:They say it was to remove power creep, but it only rewards bad players/rally bots, and balance is the worst I've seen.For example if you fight a 2v1, cleave is lower than healing from rez, and cleave is so low players have no trouble sitting unprotected in zerk cleave to rally an ally, so to win a 2v1 you must out play them so hard you down 1 of them 4 times in 60 seconds to kill him with downed penalty, and at any point even if you've downed both of them 3 times, if you down once you lose.Balance wasn't perfect before, and never will be, but the only real problems was invuln/evade spam, and maybe a tweak to stealth.

While I agree balance rn isn't the best, to say balance wasn't stupid before is just wrong. Boons were even more overkill than they are now.

However, this patch was laid out as ground work and afaik the next balance patch is Tuesday next week.. so we will see how that turns out.

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  • Everyone and their mom playing some immob druid/ mobility focused Soulbeast
  • Everyone and their mom playing symbol brand
  • Everyone and their mom playing MINIONMANCER Necro/Reaper/Scourge

I've never been more disgusted than the beginning of PoF or the condi meta where chronomancer was 1v5ing at some points.

And yes I've seen TOP players pick this shit up in unranked and plague my games with this nonsense. Condi dominated. Slow. Less boon strip. CC controlled. Still aoe dominated. Even MORE CHEESE than the stupid one shot builds xddd. It's incredible that once again, the fotm is always cancerous no matter what class it is. It just leaves you speechless that literally no matter what changes, the gameplay always turns out the same: degenerate.

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@bigo.9037 said:

@avey.4201 said:They say it was to remove power creep, but it only rewards bad players/rally bots, and balance is the worst I've seen.For example if you fight a 2v1, cleave is lower than healing from rez, and cleave is so low players have no trouble sitting unprotected in zerk cleave to rally an ally, so to win a 2v1 you must out play them so hard you down 1 of them 4 times in 60 seconds to kill him with downed penalty, and at any point even if you've downed both of them 3 times, if you down once you lose.Balance wasn't perfect before, and never will be, but the only real problems was invuln/evade spam, and maybe a tweak to stealth.

While I agree balance rn isn't the best, to say balance wasn't stupid before is just wrong. Boons were even more overkill than they are now.

However, this patch was laid out as ground work and afaik the next balance patch is Tuesday next week.. so we will see how that turns out.

As someone who moved to guardian(DH) from longbow ranger before soulbeast was a thing, there is no comparing the 2 classes post patch, ranger grossly out classes DH skill per skill from longbow/elites/invuln's/melee with cast times/speed/damage post patch without taking a pet into consideration, soulbeast was tough, and dangerous before the patch, but now unless the ranger is grossly incompetent the DH may as well log off.Pre patch I could fight any class, very rarely did I encounter something I couldn't find a way to kill, only 2 builds I found could run over me, or brokenly hard counter me, and I played the same build for 4+ years, anyone could kill me when I made a mistake, didn't take the enemy seriously, or they out played me.

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@avey.4201 said:

@avey.4201 said:They say it was to remove power creep, but it only rewards bad players/rally bots, and balance is the worst I've seen.For example if you fight a 2v1, cleave is lower than healing from rez, and cleave is so low players have no trouble sitting unprotected in zerk cleave to rally an ally, so to win a 2v1 you must out play them so hard you down 1 of them 4 times in 60 seconds to kill him with downed penalty, and at any point even if you've downed both of them 3 times, if you down once you lose.Balance wasn't perfect before, and never will be, but the only real problems was invuln/evade spam, and maybe a tweak to stealth.

While I agree balance rn isn't the best, to say balance wasn't stupid before is just wrong. Boons were even more overkill than they are now.

However, this patch was laid out as ground work and afaik the next balance patch is Tuesday next week.. so we will see how that turns out.

As someone who moved to guardian(DH) from longbow ranger before soulbeast was a thing, there is no comparing the 2 classes post patch, ranger grossly out classes DH skill per skill from longbow/elites/invuln's/melee with cast times/speed/damage post patch without taking a pet into consideration, soulbeast was tough, and dangerous before the patch, but now unless the ranger is grossly incompetent the DH may as well log off.Pre patch I could fight any class, very rarely did I encounter something I couldn't find a way to kill, only 2 builds I found could run over me, or brokenly hard counter me, and I played the same build for 4+ years, anyone could kill me when I made a mistake, didn't take the enemy seriously, or they out played me.

So, boonbeast with siamoth didn't kill you before? Permaboons holo with crazy stab uptime and quickness was np?

After the patch, as a ranger, FB feels harder for me, as I'm no longer playing with boons ( purposely, cus boons are for noobs )I have to be careful every single step and make sure to avoid f1 every time or I could die very quickly. I'm not saying DH is on par with soulbeast, but it is definitely not as easy as before, cus before you didn't have to care what opponent was doing. Just executive the same rotation until they are dead. Now it's different.

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Pretty happy with it, aside some outliers like Monkeybrand or Ranger Multipliers, a few traits that missed the patch in other classes that people exploit. It's definitely a work in progress going in a better direction to me.

The only thing I hate is resurrection, just like traits it missed the patch.

You can be anything, you gotta make sure you have enough CC otherwise it's impossible to secure it but the problem with that is you need CC to get someone down in the first place. Poison barely slows it, I can be Revenant Berserker with Quickness + Impossible Odds, that cleave is going no where if I'm not hitting the person helping and the downed at the same time.

The only thing I can think of which can stop someone getting back up is Monkeybrand spam or Burn Guard Spam, those are just few things among the rest that wasn't touched by the patch and does insane damage still.

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@bigo.9037 said:

@avey.4201 said:They say it was to remove power creep, but it only rewards bad players/rally bots, and balance is the worst I've seen.For example if you fight a 2v1, cleave is lower than healing from rez, and cleave is so low players have no trouble sitting unprotected in zerk cleave to rally an ally, so to win a 2v1 you must out play them so hard you down 1 of them 4 times in 60 seconds to kill him with downed penalty, and at any point even if you've downed both of them 3 times, if you down once you lose.Balance wasn't perfect before, and never will be, but the only real problems was invuln/evade spam, and maybe a tweak to stealth.

While I agree balance rn isn't the best, to say balance wasn't stupid before is just wrong. Boons were even more overkill than they are now.

However, this patch was laid out as ground work and afaik the next balance patch is Tuesday next week.. so we will see how that turns out.

As someone who moved to guardian(DH) from longbow ranger before soulbeast was a thing, there is no comparing the 2 classes post patch, ranger grossly out classes DH skill per skill from longbow/elites/invuln's/melee with cast times/speed/damage post patch without taking a pet into consideration, soulbeast was tough, and dangerous before the patch, but now unless the ranger is grossly incompetent the DH may as well log off.Pre patch I could fight any class, very rarely did I encounter something I couldn't find a way to kill, only 2 builds I found could run over me, or brokenly hard counter me, and I played the same build for 4+ years, anyone could kill me when I made a mistake, didn't take the enemy seriously, or they out played me.

So, boonbeast with siamoth didn't kill you before? Permaboons holo with crazy stab uptime and quickness was np?

After the patch, as a ranger, FB feels harder for me, as I'm no longer playing with boons ( purposely, cus boons are for noobs )I have to be careful every single step and make sure to avoid f1 every time or I could die very quickly. I'm not saying DH is on par with soulbeast, but it is definitely not as easy as before, cus before you didn't have to care what opponent was doing. Just executive the same rotation until they are dead. Now it's different.

On popular builds it felt like same rotation, mesmer meant start with longbow to bait evades/invuln then burst some, starting with sword would lose to passive condi spam. Many classes/specs had a preferred way to start to see how they reacted/failed to react, but most could be taken different ways depending on cool downs available.Holo was so so, killed some, but there was a brain dead overheat build smash cc drop turret repeat, those were rare, and a few revenants could steam roll me, but those were all rare 1-2 maybe 3 a week.More classes should be like ranger, I love stealing plasma, just too bad I cant steal ele's stuff.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

  • Everyone and their mom playing some immob druid/ mobility focused Soulbeast

  • Everyone and their mom playing symbol brandI'd take these over rifle holo, d/p core thief, power herald, condi scourge etc

  • Everyone and their mom playing MINIONMANCER Necro/Reaper/ScourgeThis I agree with, it's very annoying.

Less boon strip.RIP Annulment Sigil

Still aoe dominated.Just don't stand on them so that they can wait until area gets compressed.

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I feel the first few days post-patch were fun because everyone was trying wacky builds to get a feel for the changes.

As time progressed, though it seems people gravitated to like bunker specs and then some games began to feel like a slog.

On one hand mediocre players can build bunker and stay alive longer, but on the other mediocre players aren't smart enough to realize what specs are damage sponges that excel at wasting 2-3 players time while the rest of their team capitalize on the outnumber elsewhere.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

  • Everyone and their mom playing some immob druid/ mobility focused Soulbeast
  • Everyone and their mom playing symbol brandI'd take these over rifle holo, d/p core thief, power herald, condi scourge etc
  • Everyone and their mom playing MINIONMANCER Necro/Reaper/ScourgeThis I agree with, it's very annoying.

Less boon strip.RIP Annulment Sigil

Still aoe dominated.Just don't stand on them so that they can wait until area gets compressed.

Imma agree with you on the appointment, all those builds were also just as bad, because they were ALL overtuned. Yet, now, when all of those builds got brought down to reasonable levels, the more cancerous stuff now dominating those tuned builds. Funny how that works.

The AOE thing is obvious, but its still annoying that I basically have to fight off of around the point because some ape just throws his body, minions, or aoes on top of point and 'did a good'. It makes playing shit like warrior basically turn into a bulkier thief. But now, since people are playing ranger spellbreakers have to deal with something that basically hardcounters their role because rangers, for whatever reason, has random condis on axe plus free poison hits from their traits because they also 'did a good'. It's something we dealt with for awhile, but it is certainly not fun or makes much sense as to why they are passively generating a condi that basically only needs one stack to stop any form of meaningful healing.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:because rangers, for whatever reason, has random condis on axeAxe MH should be a condi weapon lol.

It's something we dealt with for awhile, but it is certainly not fun or makes much sense as to why they are passively generating a condi that basically only needs one stack to stop any form of meaningful healing.Poison is okay but why do rangers have easy access to chill?

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

  • Everyone and their mom playing some immob druid/ mobility focused Soulbeast
  • Everyone and their mom playing symbol brand
  • Everyone and their mom playing MINIONMANCER Necro/Reaper/Scourge

Basically this.Instead of spreading out and finding their own builds to use, people are gravitating towards the easiest possible builds.

That being said, that is both expected and encouraged. People gravitating towards easy builds makes that build very visible for adjustment.

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@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:Does not feel satisfying.

Am I alone with this?

Nope. Game is a constant disappointment of the same cycle we've been having. I don't care if 'they are sending out these new patches to balance the game!" Yeah that is what ANET has been doing for 4 years and it is the same s hit.

New patch, 2-3 classes dominate the meta, shit gets annoying to where people dwindle in pvp. New patch, same shit but different flavor. It has been like this for forever.

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