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Please remember thief is the best class in 5v5

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@mehelpu.7160 said:Yes! The best benchmark for the other classes buffs would be the chance of winning a match of double thief vs double other class. Bigdata ftw!Because right now it's obvious that the team with the most thieves wins..

Lol.It's obvious especially since only unranked 5v5 has been available since patch that third decap +1 bot is definitely the best. Their also ruling 2v2 destroying bunker core necro's, condi revs and fb's with no issues. OP has got to be trolling.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@mehelpu.7160 said:Yes! The best benchmark for the other classes buffs would be the chance of winning a match of double thief vs double other class. Bigdata ftw!Because right now it's obvious that the team with the most thieves wins..

Lol.It's obvious especially since only unranked 5v5 has been available since patch that third decap +1 bot is definitely the best. Their also ruling 2v2 destroying bunker core necro's, condi revs and fb's with no issues. OP has got to be trolling.

Let other specs has the same treatment as double thief has in 2v2! Or we'll end up with 5 thieves in top 10 leaderboard very soon!Don't get me wrong I'm not biased against thief's, just wanted the equal treatment.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@mehelpu.7160 said:Yes! The best benchmark for the other classes buffs would be the chance of winning a match of double thief vs double other class. Bigdata ftw!Because right now it's obvious that the team with the most thieves wins..

Lol.It's obvious especially since only unranked 5v5 has been available since patch that third decap +1 bot is definitely the best. Their also ruling 2v2 destroying bunker core necro's, condi revs and fb's with no issues. OP has got to be trolling.

Thief is far from a +1 bot if you have good mechanics.

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@mehelpu.7160 said:

@mehelpu.7160 said:Yes! The best benchmark for the other classes buffs would be the chance of winning a match of double thief vs double other class. Bigdata ftw!Because right now it's obvious that the team with the most thieves wins..

Lol.It's obvious especially since only unranked 5v5 has been available since patch that third decap +1 bot is definitely the best. Their also ruling 2v2 destroying bunker core necro's, condi revs and fb's with no issues. OP has got to be trolling.

Let other specs has the same treatment as double thief has in 2v2! Or we'll end up with 5 thieves in top 10 leaderboard very soon!Don't get me wrong I'm not biased against thief's, just wanted the equal treatment.

This is honestly the first time I've heard thief being strong in 2v2 lmao I thought u guys were legit joking. Thief is not great in 2v2. If ur having issues against them that's 100% l2p issue. In 5v5 thief is only viable cuz its mobility lends to slightly faster decaps and +1'ing which can be done viabley by other mobile spec's just not quite as effectively.Don't really know what else to tell ya.

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@mehelpu.7160 said:

mobility, sustain, damage, CC, evades and stealth.

If that's not the definition of the best 5v5 class then I don't know what is..Also look at the neighbor thread, there's the same conclusion but proved with math!

Sustain,damage? Evades and stealth are its sustain.Sry but these post seem like legit new players qq'ing before they even understand the game and the classes.Post patch thief can be out bursted by fb(burns),revs and rangers that have far more sustain,core necro can out last a thief post patch if it doesn't let a DE free shoot it.U guys definitely are very biased towards thief, sry but it's very obvious.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

mobility, sustain, damage, CC, evades and stealth.

If that's not the definition of the best 5v5 class then I don't know what is..Also look at the neighbor thread, there's the same conclusion but proved with math!

Sustain,damage? Evades and stealth are its sustain.Sry but these post seem like legit new players qq'ing before they even understand the game and the classes.Post patch thief can be out bursted by fb(burns),revs and rangers that have far more sustain,core necro can out last a thief post patch if it doesn't let a DE free shoot it.U guys definitely are very biased towards thief, sry but it's very obvious.

BTW I main thief and I'm all into the idea of equal treatment. I won't mind if enemies run away from me with great mobility skills or spend some CDs to save their asses in stealth while I'm (de)capping a node.

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@mehelpu.7160 said:

mobility, sustain, damage, CC, evades and stealth.

If that's not the definition of the best 5v5 class then I don't know what is..Also look at the neighbor thread, there's the same conclusion but proved with math!

Sustain,damage? Evades and stealth are its sustain.Sry but these post seem like legit new players qq'ing before they even understand the game and the classes.Post patch thief can be out bursted by fb(burns),revs and rangers that have far more sustain,core necro can out last a thief post patch if it doesn't let a DE free shoot it.U guys definitely are very biased towards thief, sry but it's very obvious.

BTW I main thief and I'm all into the idea of equal treatment. I won't mind if enemies run away from me with great mobility skills or spend some CDs to save their kitten in stealth while I'm (de)capping a node.

Exactly, if I'm on war or ranger and the thief books it as soon as I pressure him I consider it a win for me especially when I'm sitting on the node. With that said as effective as thief is at disengagement and travelling throughout the map I'd be all for a thief spec being added that's a high tier brawler or 1v1'r that gives up some of the mobility and or stealth just so it can provide different roles. Staff/staff does high burst but its viable on a meme lv as far as truly being a high tier 1v1'r

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guys, if you are asking for Thief Profession nerfs, 8 years of being immune to 'nerfs'.....should be enough evidence that nothing will change for the better. In other word; without a complete redesign/rework on Thief Profession, they will continue to be as Toxic as it want to

'without finding the root cause and resolving it at its core; fixing the symptoms will not change anything

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@Burnfall.9573 said:guys, if you are asking for Thief Profession nerfs, 8 years of being immune to 'nerfs'.....should be enough evidence that nothing will change for the better. In other word; without a complete redesign/rework on Thief Profession, they will continue to be as Toxic as it want to

'without finding the root cause and resolving it, fixing the symptoms will not change anything

U mean 8 yrs of being most nerfed class along with mesmer? Ur agenda against thief doesn't just negate that, sry lol.I think the root cause of the toxicity U find in this game is your inability to accept that there are classes or a class in this game that u do not like the design of and yes others agree but just as many like the thief's design and enjoy it. Ur lack of ur own acceptance and ability to adapt to fight certain playstyle's is not a fault of anets but ur own.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

mobility, sustain, damage, CC, evades and stealth.

If that's not the definition of the best 5v5 class then I don't know what is..Also look at the neighbor thread, there's the same conclusion but proved with math!

Sustain,damage? Evades and stealth are its sustain.Sry but these post seem like legit new players qq'ing before they even understand the game and the classes.Post patch thief can be out bursted by fb(burns),revs and rangers that have far more sustain,core necro can out last a thief post patch if it doesn't let a DE free shoot it.U guys definitely are very biased towards thief, sry but it's very obvious.

BTW I main thief and I'm all into the idea of equal treatment. I won't mind if enemies run away from me with great mobility skills or spend some CDs to save their kitten in stealth while I'm (de)capping a node.

Exactly, if I'm on war or ranger and the thief books it as soon as I pressure him I consider it a win for me especially when I'm sitting on the node. With that said as effective as thief is at disengagement and travelling throughout the map I'd be all for a thief spec being added that's a high tier brawler or 1v1'r that gives up some of the mobility and or stealth just so it can provide different roles. Staff/staff does high burst but its viable on a meme lv as far as truly being a high tier 1v1'r

Can't troll this thread anymore with your serious answers, don't what to bm you :)

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@"Burnfall.9573" said:guys, if you are asking for Thief Profession nerfs, 8 years of being immune to 'nerfs'.....should be enough evidence that nothing will change for the better. In other word; without a complete redesign/rework on Thief Profession, they will continue to be as Toxic as it want to

'without finding the root cause and resolving it at its core; fixing the symptoms will not change anything

Even if they rework thief and remove stealth entirely, someone is going to perform well with the class and we will be right back where it started.Give the rework route a rest. The class was developed with a certain playstyle in mind and 8 years of that playstyle being more or less the same means that's the theme they want thief to have here. the best you can do is have a pool of options in the game that counter thieves, then leave it to the players to decide when they want to stop thinking "got outplayed" means "thief is too strong." How strong it is doesn't matter.

This is why I was against the necro nerf in the first place. Necro is the only class that was disadvantaged vs them and couldnt build to not be. I don't know if its like that now. As for every other class, they all have avenues to deal with most meta thief builds. I'm convinced 90% of the issues we keep seeing stem from people not having a contingency plan if a thief drops on them until the thief is already eating their HP. You can't ship a nerf or rework that fixes that.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:guys, if you are asking for Thief Profession nerfs, 8 years of being immune to 'nerfs'.....should be enough evidence that nothing will change for the better. In other word; without a complete redesign/rework on Thief Profession, they will continue to be as Toxic as it want to

'without finding the root cause and resolving it at its core; fixing the symptoms will not change anything

There is not a balance patch that will help bad players learn to play better.

The root cause is that 99% of us who play this game are really bad.

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@"Lordrosicky.5813" said:If you are going to do balance later in the month then please bare in mind that thief is pretty clearly the best 5v5 class given their mobility, sustain, damage, CC, evades and stealth.

"thief is pretty clearly the best 5v5 class" based on what statistic exactly? Can you show us how you came-up with that stretchy conclusion?

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Thief gets played for duels - "Can't have that!"

Thief gets played for mobility - "Can't have that, toxic!"

One'd think I'd have gotten used to this by now. Pugs will always complain about thieves, though, because playing against one requires map attention and brain usage. Not saying there hasn't been times when thief's been over the top - as an avid advocate against pre-patch stealth thief.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Thief is the best class proven by math.

And where is this data, and analysis made on the data supporting this conclusion?

I believe the data came from all recent forums post and was put together and calculated for the official ranking. I was surprised alittle surprised my self by as I check other forums post the numbers all added up.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Thief is the best class proven by math.

And where is this data, and analysis made on the data supporting this conclusion?

I believe the data came from all recent forums post and was put together and calculated for the official ranking. I was surprised alittle surprised my self by as I check other forums post the numbers all added up.

Lol? This data is... useless. Unless you used sPvP game results, your the data has zero validity. No wonder it has thief and Mesmer as top builds (Mesmer was from another thread making the same claim).

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@otto.5684 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Thief is the best class proven by math.

And where is this data, and analysis made on the data supporting this conclusion?

I believe the data came from all recent forums post and was put together and calculated for the official ranking. I was surprised alittle surprised my self by as I check other forums post the numbers all added up.

Lol? This data is... useless. Unless you used sPvP game results, your the data has zero validity. No wonder it has thief and Mesmer as top builds (Mesmer was from another thread making the same claim).

These results were all voted for by the players who play these specs in games

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