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We need more condi clear and priority system

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PvP is such a joke, condis are cancer. Also make clears take off things like burning or fear first then other trash ones like bleeding. Or perhaps make it calculate which dot is going to do the most damage and clear that one

Either way, taking off 2 stacks of bleed when I have 8 stacks of burn on me is criminal

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@"Skyline Crash.6254" said:PvP is such a joke, condis are cancer. Also make clears take off things like burning or fear first then other trash ones like bleeding. Or perhaps make it calculate which dot is going to do the most damage and clear that one

Either way, taking off 2 stacks of bleed when I have 8 stacks of burn on me is criminal


Burning condition is atrocious and Toxic to the the player experience yet it is not enough to be prioritize in the recent patch?it's quite unbelievable (not really, it's the typical balance every 6 months-1 year+) don't you think that what should be a priority are not seriously taken as a priority? over 3k stack of burning conditions per tick, how is this considered ok? Will players experience ever matter?

-condi clear is not enough, addressing its root cause is the answer. I leave it up to Professions who are responsible for it, to make amends as to how to address it-

Elementalist Profession, i'm pointing finger at you

  • I love you Guardian Profession but you leave me with no other choice

'Burning the Meta'- Sheraxo-build included-

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That would just exarcerbate the issue. If anything, we need to go the other way. Make clears not cleanse conditions at all, then lower condition damage to account for that. The way it works right now, if you can clear it condi is a non-factor, if you cant you just die. Thats a problem.

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condi builds needs to be viable too for the sake of diversity. if u prioritize burn as a must clear everytime it lands on you, it basically nullifies the builds using burn for dmg and using cover condi's to make that dmg last and stick. (as for guards/eles they mainly only pump out burn for dmg so time ur cleanses for the big burn stacks and dont stand in the swinging swords/primordial stance, ezclap)i dont know how u can pack any more cleanses into this game. i exchanged 1 utility for a cleanse skill and i dont have any problems with condi's after that. if i missplay and use the cleanse on a minor burst instead of the big one i lose (as i should) its exactly the same like a welltimed block can save u from a powerburst

i dont know. i dont see the problem. seems like l2p issue to me but i could be wrong. dont play as much as i used to

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The only condi builds that are over-performing right now are Rev and Core-Necro.

In both cases, the issue is how tanky they are, not how much condi-damage they can put out.

Condi-Mes, Condi-Thief, Condi-Engi, Burn-Guard, Trapper-Druid, all output the same or even more condi-pressure than Rev and Nec, but they aren't a problem since they are trivially easy to counter-pressure.

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Most builds deserve less condition cleanse, to be honest. Like daredevils being able to take both Escapist's Fortitude and Shadow's Embrace? That's a nonsensical level of condition cleanse, functionally immune unless you are stunned for something like eight seconds straight with no stunbreaks. Spectral walk? Absolutely never needed condition cleanse on it and adding that only power crept it to being an insanely uncompetitive best in slot skill no other utility can compare with.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:Most builds deserve less condition cleanse, to be honest. Like daredevils being able to take both Escapist's Fortitude and Shadow's Embrace? That's a nonsensical level of condition cleanse, functionally immune unless you are stunned for something like eight seconds straight with no stunbreaks. Spectral walk? Absolutely never needed condition cleanse on it and adding that only power crept it to being an insanely uncompetitive best in slot skill no other utility can compare with.

... do you think condi builds only apply 1 condition per second, rather than several instantly? Or that they can use both of them at the same time (as in dodge in stealth)? Thief is still poorly matched up against condi, even with those. That is, if they were running both. Thieves arent running Escapist's Fortitude anymore, its not good. You run Marauder's Resilience.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:Most builds deserve less condition cleanse, to be honest. Like daredevils being able to take both Escapist's Fortitude and Shadow's Embrace? That's a nonsensical level of condition cleanse, functionally immune unless you are stunned for something like eight seconds straight with no stunbreaks. Spectral walk? Absolutely never needed condition cleanse on it and adding that only power crept it to being an insanely uncompetitive best in slot skill no other utility can compare with.

... do you think condi builds only apply 1 condition per second, rather than several instantly? Or that they can use both of them at the same time (as in dodge in stealth)? Thief is still poorly matched up against condi, even with those. That is, if they were running both. Thieves arent running Escapist's Fortitude anymore, its not good. You run Marauder's Resilience.

. It's not a matter of "Thieves run Marauder's Resilience and that's that." it's a matter of what exactly they are matched up against. So you have a tech choice, MR vs Power and EF vs Condition. He even says one of the things that is good on thief right now is not an exact perfected science and that you can play around with a number of traits depending on what you are facing. Wild!

No build should be 100% immune to condition damage. Yours and other's insistence on this idea is ridiculous. Cleanse should potentially save you, the way having protection before eating a power burst should potentially save you. But if you're eating blow after blow after blow of high value condition damage skills you should die to condition damage overall regardless of build. It should be up to you to avoid taking damage entirely, which is entirely possible as in terms of landing damage conditions play by the exact same rule as power damage, with the variance of power dealing damage immediately but dealing with toughness and protection and condition doing higher dps overall but with the potential to be cleansed. Emphasis on potential, no build should be unkillable to condition damage.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Skyline Crash.6254" said:PvP is such a joke, condis are cancer. Also make clears take off things like burning or fear first then other trash ones like bleeding. Or perhaps make it calculate which dot is going to do the most damage and clear that one

Either way, taking off 2 stacks of bleed when I have 8 stacks of burn on me is criminal


Burning condition is atrocious and Toxic to the the player experience yet it is not enough to be prioritize in the recent patch?it's quite unbelievable (not really, it's the typical balance every 6 months-1 year+) don't you think that what should be a priority are not seriously taken as a priority? over 3k stack of burning conditions per tick, how is this considered ok? Will players experience ever matter?

-condi clear is not enough, addressing its root cause is the answer. I leave it up to Professions who are responsible for it, to make amends as to how to address it-

Elementalist Profession, i'm pointing finger at you

I'm honored (sincerely!) that you would share one of my videos to prove the point that burning is a problem, but I respectfully disagree that there is a problem. In my opinion, burning is balanced by balancing the way classes are able to apply it and defend against it. This is why most classes can't stack a lot of burning and it's also why the two classes that can are not meta.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:Most builds deserve less condition cleanse, to be honest. Like daredevils being able to take both Escapist's Fortitude and Shadow's Embrace? That's a nonsensical level of condition cleanse, functionally immune unless you are stunned for something like eight seconds straight with no stunbreaks. Spectral walk? Absolutely never needed condition cleanse on it and adding that only power crept it to being an insanely uncompetitive best in slot skill no other utility can compare with.

... do you think condi builds only apply 1 condition per second, rather than several instantly? Or that they can use both of them at the same time (as in dodge in stealth)? Thief is still poorly matched up against condi, even with those. That is, if they were running both. Thieves arent running Escapist's Fortitude anymore, its not good. You run Marauder's Resilience.

. It's not a matter of "Thieves run Marauder's Resilience and that's that." it's a matter of what exactly they are matched up against. So you have a tech choice, MR vs Power and EF vs Condition. He even says one of the things that is good on thief right now is not an exact perfected science and that you can play around with a number of traits depending on what you are facing. Wild!

That was the initial idea. But if you look at it later, he and every other thief is just permanently on Resilience, and people dont ever swap to Escapist's. Even when facing heavy condi comps. They noticed that cleansing a single condition on dodge against the current kinda condi builds just doesnt do anything. And that your survivability gets improved more just by the extra health from Resilience than trying to Escapists. Its no longer a choice, its just always Resilience.

No build should be 100% immune to condition damage. Yours and other's insistence on this idea is ridiculous. Cleanse should potentially save you, the way having protection before eating a power burst should potentially save you. But if you're eating blow after blow after blow of high value condition damage skills you should die to condition damage overall regardless of build. It should be up to you to avoid taking damage entirely, which is entirely possible as in terms of landing damage conditions play by the exact same rule as power damage, with the variance of power dealing damage immediately but dealing with toughness and protection and condition doing higher dps overall but with the potential to be cleansed. Emphasis on potential, no build should be unkillable to condition damage.

Uh, sure that wouldnt be great, but thief is not "100% immune to condition damage". Far from it, it actually struggles really heavily to survive against condition damage, even moreso than power burst. It doesnt matter because you dont stay in fights long, but its there. If youre really worried about builds nearly immune to condition damage, thats what Condi Rev does.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:Most builds deserve less condition cleanse, to be honest. Like daredevils being able to take both Escapist's Fortitude and Shadow's Embrace? That's a nonsensical level of condition cleanse, functionally immune unless you are stunned for something like eight seconds straight with no stunbreaks. Spectral walk? Absolutely never needed condition cleanse on it and adding that only power crept it to being an insanely uncompetitive best in slot skill no other utility can compare with.

... do you think condi builds only apply 1 condition per second, rather than several instantly? Or that they can use both of them at the same time (as in dodge in stealth)? Thief is still poorly matched up against condi, even with those. That is, if they were running both. Thieves arent running Escapist's Fortitude anymore, its not good. You run Marauder's Resilience.

. It's not a matter of "Thieves run Marauder's Resilience and that's that." it's a matter of what exactly they are matched up against. So you have a tech choice, MR vs Power and EF vs Condition. He even says one of the things that is good on thief right now is not an exact perfected science and that you can play around with a number of traits depending on what you are facing. Wild!

That was the initial idea. But if you look at it later, he and every other thief is just permanently on Resilience, and people dont
swap to Escapist's. Even when facing heavy condi comps. They noticed that cleansing a single condition on dodge against the current kinda condi builds just doesnt do anything. And that your survivability gets improved more just by the extra health from Resilience than trying to Escapists. Its no longer a choice, its just always Resilience.

No build should be 100% immune to condition damage. Yours and other's insistence on this idea is ridiculous. Cleanse should potentially save you, the way having protection before eating a power burst should potentially save you. But if you're eating blow after blow after blow of high value condition damage skills you should die to condition damage overall regardless of build. It should be up to you to
taking damage entirely, which is entirely possible as in terms of landing damage conditions play by the exact same rule as power damage, with the variance of power dealing damage immediately but dealing with toughness and protection and condition doing higher dps overall but with the potential to be cleansed. Emphasis on potential, no build should be unkillable to condition damage.

Uh, sure that wouldnt be great, but thief is not "100% immune to condition damage".
from it, it actually struggles really heavily to survive against condition damage, even moreso than power burst. It doesnt matter because you dont stay in fights long, but its there. If youre really worried about builds nearly immune to condition damage, thats what Condi Rev does.

How about reducing Dots by 40% and remove the Escapist's Fortitude from the Daredevil spec and give it to the Deadeye instead .

Any help is welcomed to this underpowered spec

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Condition application isn't and probably has never been a generic problem. Try killing even a DPS Guardian with a core condition Engineer. This is just one example out of many.

Truth be told, condition cleanse on some classes is as much out of line as condition application is on others.

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@Elmo Benchwarmer.3025 said:Condition application isn't and probably has never been a generic problem. Try killing even a DPS Guardian with a core condition Engineer. This is just one example out of many.

Truth be told, condition cleanse on some classes is as much out of line as condition application is on others.

Guardians dedicate two major traits, two utilities and an elite skill to cleansing.

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