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What's the point?

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree.

No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

You sound like you need 2 things. (and no, I'm not being condescending.)1) A buddy to laugh with when you go through sab. First, pick someone at or equal to your skill. Otherwise if you are anything like me, you will feel crummy when they merrily skip through to the checkpoints and tell you to just gg. With someone your equal sometimes you'll get to the checkpoint first and sometimes they will. Having two people makes getting the glitches, killing beedogs, bosses and well, just everything else so much more enjoyable. EDIT: forgot, having a buddy also means you can exit, exchange baubles, and re-enter without losing any progress.

2) A guide so you know what to buy and when and where.

The two above are for having fun while getting the achievements. If you only want the achievements, find someone better. You can even mostly get carried through trib. I admit I bargained my daughters to help me with trib, since I am awful at jumping, but it was frustrating, not fun. That said, I do adore the mode in regular difficulty.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:The point of all festivals is to act as filler content. ANet pretty much said that in the blog post when they started the whole annual festival thing. It allows them to give stuff for people to do while also giving themselves more time to create other non-filler content.

As a player I really appreciate that it's on a schedule. Festivals inform me when to avoid GW2 for a set period.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree.

No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

Here you go all you need to know about sab old guides but still works for the current content

http://dulfy.net/2017/03/30/gw2-super-adventure-box-2017-guide/http://dulfy.net/2018/03/29/gw2-super-adventure-box-2018-event-guide/Newest addition glitches skip if you want to find them yourself

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Based on the OP's responses, it's really hard to tell what kind of answer they're looking for, or even what the question they're asking actually means. So here's my attempt at an answer - but I might be way off here in terms of what they're looking for.

You should think of SAB as a mini-game, but one that happens to be more thoroughly developed than any of the other mini-games in GW2. The majority of mini-games - e.g. adventures, activities, other festival games like Wintersday Bell Choir, etc. - replace your standard skills and weapons with something different (in fact, I can't think of any that don't). In fact, the mini-games usually revolve around the new set of skills that you're given. I think the key difference with SAB is that you don't get given all of the new skills at the start - you unlock them by playing the levels, and either purchasing or finding new items.

Personally, I think some of the design elements of SAB are superior to the corresponding elements of GW2. For example:

  • No number bloat.
  • No RNG in the combat.
  • No hit point sponges.
  • Better integration of the combat and platforming elements of the game. Part of what makes this work well in SAB is the absence of fall damage and the lack of respawning enemies - so even if they tried to do this type of design in the open world (as they sort of did in HoT), it wouldn't work as well.
  • Power-up-based gear system, in which items unlock new skills. In contrast, although the main game has an element of this in weapon choices, its gear system is primarily a convoluted vehicle for stat bloat, whose main purpose is widen the disparity in damage output between new and experienced players.
  • Greater distinction between the different skills, and the contexts in which they're useful. Every skill is useful for something, and the gameplay is based around using the right skills in the right situation - not around using a skill rotation that maximises damage output.

I'm not saying that I dislike the main game in GW2 and only like SAB - that's not true - but SAB does actually remove all the features I don't like in GW2! Of course, it may not be your cup of tea, especially if you enjoy separation of combat and platforming, numerical gear progression, skill-rotation-based combat, the potential to be much more powerful than other players, etc.

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree.

No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

What exactly don't you understand? The routes? how to jump? The hidden rooms?

There's nothing to understand when it comes to enjoyment..some like..some don't. You might not like it..and that is fine.. but if its mechanics..ask, I'm sure people will help

I got crickets when I asked in-game. That's why I'm asking here. (The online players may have interpreted the question the same way many on this thread did, though, and weren't interested in a philosophical debate.)

What I don't understand is the objective. In PvE where I play, it's to kill things and gather loot while performing tasks the game assigns (events and missions). You gather loot WHILE doing other things.

But in SAB, there's nothing to pick up, nothing to defeat, no missions or events, and you only get three lives and no hit points (everything one-shots you, and that's on rookie mode).

The graphics are fine. It's nostalgic, and that's OK. The story is supposed to be simple, but THIS simple? There don't seem to be any objectives (as there would be in a meta, for example).

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin.
. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you?

Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra.

But there doesn't seem to be any point to hitting things. No XP-equivalent, no loot, not even death wails.

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@Etria.3642 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree.

No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

You sound like you need 2 things. (and no, I'm not being condescending.)1) A buddy to laugh with when you go through sab. First, pick someone at or equal to your skill. Otherwise if you are anything like me, you will feel crummy when they merrily skip through to the checkpoints and tell you to just gg. With someone your equal sometimes you'll get to the checkpoint first and sometimes they will. Having two people makes getting the glitches, killing beedogs, bosses and well, just everything else so much more enjoyable. EDIT: forgot, having a buddy also means you can exit, exchange baubles, and re-enter without losing any progress.

2) A guide so you know what to buy and when and where.

The two above are for having fun while getting the achievements. If you only want the achievements, find someone better. You can even mostly get carried through trib. I admit I bargained my daughters to help me with trib, since I am awful at jumping, but it was frustrating, not fun. That said, I do adore the mode in regular difficulty.

That #2 seems like a good idea. But, I looked on the wiki before asking here, and it also didn't make any sense to me.

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The loot is Baubles (the equivalent of Gold or any other map currency). You use Baubles, and/or Bauble Bubbles to purchase items/gear/novelties/weapons/minis, etc.Hitting things (enemies) keeps them from killing you. You can increase your maximum Hearts, as well as Skills/Power-ups and Lives.You can refill your health with food obtained from enemies and breaking items.

All this, and more, is explained in the Wiki quite well.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin.
. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you?

Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra.

But there doesn't seem to be any point to hitting things. No XP-equivalent, no loot, not even death wails.

You should look it up on the wiki. There's a compete walkthrough for all the rewards, unlocks, and achievements. There is quite a lot to do if you find SAB enjoyable and the rewards worth going for.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin.
. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you?

Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra.

But there doesn't seem to be any point to hitting things. No XP-equivalent, no loot, not even death wails.

There's loot which you can take to he main game world and your guild hallsThere's currencyThere's upgrades self contained within the SAB to further progressionThere's achievementsThings to exploreIt did intend to have a storyIt has multiplayerIt has racesIt has unique boss fights

It is exactly like any other platform game (eg Mario Bros), except...within another game. Surely you have played other games to know how this works right?

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin.
. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you?

Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra.

But there doesn't seem to be any point to hitting things. No XP-equivalent, no loot, not even death wails.

Well the ambient creatures are just there to annoy you to varying degrees (from barely noticeable to plain annoying to you need to kill them to proceed) while you're on your way to save the princess and anyone else being captured by Lord Vanquish and his henchmen. Ofcourse, SAB only has two worlds so far, and the story doesn't go as far actually saving the princess, but you do save some villagers. :P

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@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

Of course it makes sense. The SAB is an Asuran simulation created by Moto. You have a set goal, a path you must follow, secrets to discover on the way and a final reward for each zone, and each world has a final boss you must defeat. There are also achievements, a currency and collections.

@Daddicus.6128 said:No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

Perhaps you should watch one of the walkthrough videos, that might enlighten you. ;)


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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin.
. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you?

Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra.

But there doesn't seem to be any point to hitting things. No XP-equivalent, no loot, not even death wails.

You should look it up on the wiki. There's a compete walkthrough for all the rewards, unlocks, and achievements. There is quite a lot to do if you find SAB enjoyable and the rewards worth going for.

I'll look again. I didn't find anything remotely useful the first time I read it.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

Of course it makes sense. The SAB is an Asuran simulation created by Moto. You have a set goal, a path you must follow, secrets to discover on the way and a final reward for each zone, and each world has a final boss you must defeat. There are also achievements, a currency and collections.

@Daddicus.6128 said:No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

Perhaps you should watch one of the walkthrough videos, that might enlighten you. ;)

I'll try that. Thanks

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@"Taygus.4571" said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin.
. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you?

Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra.

But there doesn't seem to be any point to hitting things. No XP-equivalent, no loot, not even death wails.

You should look it up on the wiki. There's a compete walkthrough for all the rewards, unlocks, and achievements. There is quite a lot to do if you find SAB enjoyable and the rewards worth going for.

I'll look again. I didn't find anything remotely useful the first time I read it.


If you scroll down to the bottom of this link you'll see zones listed by name (e.g. Z1 Sunny Glade). Those links include complete walkthroughs for each zone that will tell you where all of the secrets are located. There are also links listing available achievements (which are also easily located in your achievement panel in game in the festival category!).


This is another good resource, with video guides.

It sounds like you aren't really interested in playing a game that isn't GW2, though. That's okay. For most everything else, I'm with you. I hate most of the so-called "adventures" for exactly that reason. Basically, anything that takes my character's skills away and replaces them with something else. I don't like it. I built my character the way I did because that's how I want to play! So, if that's what you mean when you say you don't get it, I understand. But for me at least, SAB was an exception to that rule.

Also, I just happened to record and upload a video of a tribulation mode run through 1-1 yesterday. It's unedited, so you get to see all of my deaths, not just where I succeed! It occurs to me that the normal mode might be too easy for you and that might be why it seems pointless? I would say that very few players would find tribulation mode SAB "easy", and most of those that do have put in quite a lot of practice at it! Take a look. Maybe you'll see something that confirms your suspicions or maybe you'll see a reason to dive into this!

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree.

No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

What exactly don't you understand? The routes? how to jump? The hidden rooms?

There's nothing to understand when it comes to enjoyment..some like..some don't. You might not like it..and that is fine.. but if its mechanics..ask, I'm sure people will help

I got crickets when I asked in-game. That's why I'm asking here. (The online players may have interpreted the question the same way many on this thread did, though, and weren't interested in a philosophical debate.)

What I don't understand is the objective. In PvE where I play, it's to kill things and gather loot while performing tasks the game assigns (events and missions). You gather loot WHILE doing other things.

But in SAB, there's nothing to pick up, nothing to defeat, no missions or events, and you only get three lives and no hit points (everything one-shots you, and that's on rookie mode).

The graphics are fine. It's nostalgic, and that's OK. The story is supposed to be simple, but THIS simple? There don't seem to be any objectives (as there would be in a meta, for example).

Do you understand the objective of jumping puzzles??? There are many throughout the game. This is just a mini game of jumping puzzles that rewards tokens(baubles) to buy loot with.

Have you never played Super Mario? Zelda?

I don't find things one shot me. you have 5 hearts and you earn lives, but also buying the infinte continue coin, really helps with SAB. Are you sure, you're playing on infantile mode to start with?Try playing it with a friend. That helps.

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