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Dear devs: Top players pick professions with high performance..not the hardest to play


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@Bazsi.2734 said:

@"Supreme.3164" said:I think this is a big misconception the devs have :
there is no correlation between performance and difficulty
, if GW2 would be a game where skill ceiling=performance there would never be balance problems and everybody would be relatively happy as they have a reason to stick to a profession and reach their comfort zone.

We know that Top players represent the epitome of skill in this game and if it would be true what you say about revenants...then we would have a
much bigger
class/build variety at the top compared to the bottom instead we have exactly the opposite situation where most specs/classes stop being viable the higher we climb the skill ladder, they have a much lower skill ceiling compared to revenant and that's the main reason many specs disappear after silver/bronze level.

This is not a nerf thread, this is a request for devs to start "improving" underperforming/represented classes/specs , I don't mean powercreeping , I am talking about increase in functionality for what is not getting used much or seen at all in game

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play. If there were other high skill ceiling builds which were able to capture the interest of high end players for such a long time, you'd see them played aswell. However... PoF elite specs mostly bought spamfests and memes.Play shiroglint close to the maximum of it's potential, then go play deadeye/scourge/FB/mirage etc. the same way... which is more satisfying? Which is more fun? Apart from a few cases where you solely play the game to tilt people, shiroglint comes out on top for most people.

mirage is actually very fun as well now, both condi and power

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@Shao.7236 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:and having 9484743833 dmg multipliers for no reason.

too bad it was just doing as much damage as classes with 0 dmg multipliers, while having to spend every possible trait into dmg

Name one other class that rivals heralds sustain with two offensive traitlines.And a class with the same relative sustain that rivals their damage.

When the majority;
  • Don't play around Enchanted Daggers.
  • Don't compensate for Infuse Light.
  • Don't have spacial awareness of the most predictable burst in a team with some Power Herald that can only 1+.
  • Don't counter the most UNSAFE burst of the game with one CC.

There's no hope. Power Herald sustain is terrible and is only living by the same mistakes people make. If only most focused a Herald that didn't have Infuse Light and waited for proper times to use their skills rather than sink everything in one go because all Power Herald CAN do is only guess if you're going to use anything or not by using their sustain skills in one go while escaping and their peeling has ALWAYS the same skills that you can predict yourself.

Power Revenant rivals and surpass Power Herald in everyways also. It's an overrated dead build.

You're honestly the Trevor of rev. I'll write out an actual explanation when I'm back home tonight.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:So no los sporting is or has been a issue on thief etc for how long and the most accepted nerf was make them require los port to make it more fair. Rev has a port that requires los and it's a issue?

wat.literally everything is wrong in that.

Haha sry I only do action cam so the ports are los for me. Guess i wasn't considering how they function in tab target.

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@"Buran.3796" said:^ Don't agree. Did play 2 FB builds and 3 Rev builds in season 20 (~260 ranked matches). Never played so many matches and so many different builds across the same season, and the five were fun, having different strong points and weakness. Most of the seasons I did play a single build or sometimes two. But I agree in which after the February power damage shaving some builds focused on fast burst have been relegated and replaced by a "bunkerish bruiser AoE teamfight" meta. But I do like it more than one-shooting metas.

this is because people were testing new things, heck the day patch dropped you could probably get away with playing almost anything.but when peeps stop trolling and start minmaxing whats proven to work then diversity will die quickly.On my side ( mesmer ) things look fine diversity wise. power and condi are equally garbage so I can play whatever I feel like and delude myself that i am taking whats best.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Haha sry I only do action cam so the ports are los for me. Guess i wasn't considering how they function in tab target.

np. I think you can still los port if you have the guy targeted before they get out of los.why do you prefer action cam? I use it on some classes when I zerg in wvw but never really tried it in pvp.

I just find it more comfortable, became second nature to target and un target on dp thief over the years and made gw2 feel unique to me compared to other mmo tab target. Ur right there are certain instances I can los than move into cover before porting but in more spots than not u drop target and telep to ur own location wasting resources on it lol revs sw5 and thief sw2 are bad for it but phase traversal seems pretty reliable at successfully porting to target. Action cam kinda made gw2 feel bdo ish to me and it's what makes gw2 combat a blast for me, where as in say ff14 I don't mind tab targeting because the combat is slower and not so reactive like gw2 fluidity. That said classes like thiefs, rev and mesmer that have ports etc its prob a disadvantage to use action cam but to me its more fun in the end.

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@skillze.7689 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Well power rev has unrelenting assault,staff 4&5 and shiro elite evade they all require proper timing and spamming them leaves u without resources and dead. The heal to full if used smartly during times u know ur going to be taking a lot of damage is bad as well, other classes have this same heal skill basically. Honestly if a player is skilled enough to manage his resources and time those evades as well as use the heal at the most opportune time they should be rewarded with good sustain, I see this as far better than a press of a button take no damage for 2 or 3 seconds or other dumbed down methods available in this game to achieve high sustain. I get crev is overperforming and has low skill floor but that's more because condis are overturned right now. I actually agree that for the most part power rev is well designed and balanced these days to reward skillful play as it should be. The community needs to stop asking for the games over all skill ceiling to be continually dropped as it has been over last couple yrs.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Well power rev has unrelenting assault,staff 4&5 and shiro elite evade they all require proper timing and spamming them leaves u without resources and dead. The heal to full if used smartly during times u know ur going to be taking a lot of damage is bad as well, other classes have this same heal skill basically. Honestly if a player is skilled enough to manage his resources and time those evades as well as use the heal at the most opportune time they should be rewarded with good sustain, I see this as far better than a press of a button take no damage for 2 or 3 seconds or other dumbed down methods available in this game to achieve high sustain. I get crev is overperforming and has low skill floor but that's more because condis are overturned right now. I actually agree that for the most part power rev is well designed and balanced these days to reward skillful play as it should be. The community needs to stop asking for the games over all skill ceiling to be continually dropped as it has been over last couple yrs.

Mate I've been playing this game for 8 yrs, I dont need an essay on the intricacies of how to play a class I've played them all to death. I am not the type of person to jump ship onto the next FOTM because its the only way you feel you can win a fight, Unlike the majority of the GW2 Playerbase.

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@skillze.7689 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Well power rev has unrelenting assault,staff 4&5 and shiro elite evade they all require proper timing and spamming them leaves u without resources and dead. The heal to full if used smartly during times u know ur going to be taking a lot of damage is bad as well, other classes have this same heal skill basically. Honestly if a player is skilled enough to manage his resources and time those evades as well as use the heal at the most opportune time they should be rewarded with good sustain, I see this as far better than a press of a button take no damage for 2 or 3 seconds or other dumbed down methods available in this game to achieve high sustain. I get crev is overperforming and has low skill floor but that's more because condis are overturned right now. I actually agree that for the most part power rev is well designed and balanced these days to reward skillful play as it should be. The community needs to stop asking for the games over all skill ceiling to be continually dropped as it has been over last couple yrs.

Mate I've been playing this game for 8 yrs, I dont need an essay on the intricacies of how to play a class I've played them all to death.

Well u should kno better than. Unless u like the gbage dumbed down mess carry wars has been turning into. Sry but more than half the classes are braindead and full of carry mechanics and ontop throw in broken carry bs into half the rally mechanics. There's so many design issues among other things than a class that does what I explained above, as it should. U bring condi in general more in line and watch crevs fade away. Nerf the class than in future when condis get invariably nerfed which they will ull have yet another unusable place holder spec like druid and chrono.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Well power rev has unrelenting assault,staff 4&5 and shiro elite evade they all require proper timing and spamming them leaves u without resources and dead. The heal to full if used smartly during times u know ur going to be taking a lot of damage is bad as well, other classes have this same heal skill basically. Honestly if a player is skilled enough to manage his resources and time those evades as well as use the heal at the most opportune time they should be rewarded with good sustain, I see this as far better than a press of a button take no damage for 2 or 3 seconds or other dumbed down methods available in this game to achieve high sustain. I get crev is overperforming and has low skill floor but that's more because condis are overturned right now. I actually agree that for the most part power rev is well designed and balanced these days to reward skillful play as it should be. The community needs to stop asking for the games over all skill ceiling to be continually dropped as it has been over last couple yrs.

Mate I've been playing this game for 8 yrs, I dont need an essay on the intricacies of how to play a class I've played them all to death.

Well u should kno better than. Unless u like the gbage dumbed down mess carry wars has been turning into. Sry but more than half the classes are braindead and full of carry mechanics and ontop throw in broken carry bs into half the rally mechanics. There's so many design issues among other things than a class that does what I explained above, as it should. U bring condi in general more in line and watch crevs fade away. Nerf the class than in future when condis get invariably nerfed which they will ull have yet another unusable place holder spec like druid and chrono.

Did you read my post ? at what point did I say Spam ? Please show me! Have a good day

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@skillze.7689 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Well power rev has unrelenting assault,staff 4&5 and shiro elite evade they all require proper timing and spamming them leaves u without resources and dead. The heal to full if used smartly during times u know ur going to be taking a lot of damage is bad as well, other classes have this same heal skill basically. Honestly if a player is skilled enough to manage his resources and time those evades as well as use the heal at the most opportune time they should be rewarded with good sustain, I see this as far better than a press of a button take no damage for 2 or 3 seconds or other dumbed down methods available in this game to achieve high sustain. I get crev is overperforming and has low skill floor but that's more because condis are overturned right now. I actually agree that for the most part power rev is well designed and balanced these days to reward skillful play as it should be. The community needs to stop asking for the games over all skill ceiling to be continually dropped as it has been over last couple yrs.

Mate I've been playing this game for 8 yrs, I dont need an essay on the intricacies of how to play a class I've played them all to death.

Well u should kno better than. Unless u like the gbage dumbed down mess carry wars has been turning into. Sry but more than half the classes are braindead and full of carry mechanics and ontop throw in broken carry bs into half the rally mechanics. There's so many design issues among other things than a class that does what I explained above, as it should. U bring condi in general more in line and watch crevs fade away. Nerf the class than in future when condis get invariably nerfed which they will ull have yet another unusable place holder spec like druid and chrono.

Did you read my post ? at what point did I say Spam ? Please show me! Have a good day

I said spam? Where'd I state u said spam? I'm simply saying rev does have great sustain but the means it attains it is balanced and should be rewarded with great sustain instead of bs like a second health bar at press of a button or passive recurring blocks(aegis) and 3Secs invulnerability at a press of a button NOT tied to a heal skill. Look at rev staff which is huge part of its sustain thru evades, other than1 ondi removal skill its block and evade that's on a huge delay are all it's used for lol. I actually get what cmc was trying to get across.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Well power rev has unrelenting assault,staff 4&5 and shiro elite evade they all require proper timing and spamming them leaves u without resources and dead. The heal to full if used smartly during times u know ur going to be taking a lot of damage is bad as well, other classes have this same heal skill basically. Honestly if a player is skilled enough to manage his resources and time those evades as well as use the heal at the most opportune time they should be rewarded with good sustain, I see this as far better than a press of a button take no damage for 2 or 3 seconds or other dumbed down methods available in this game to achieve high sustain. I get crev is overperforming and has low skill floor but that's more because condis are overturned right now. I actually agree that for the most part power rev is well designed and balanced these days to reward skillful play as it should be. The community needs to stop asking for the games over all skill ceiling to be continually dropped as it has been over last couple yrs.

Mate I've been playing this game for 8 yrs, I dont need an essay on the intricacies of how to play a class I've played them all to death.

Well u should kno better than. Unless u like the gbage dumbed down mess carry wars has been turning into. Sry but more than half the classes are braindead and full of carry mechanics and ontop throw in broken carry bs into half the rally mechanics. There's so many design issues among other things than a class that does what I explained above, as it should. U bring condi in general more in line and watch crevs fade away. Nerf the class than in future when condis get invariably nerfed which they will ull have yet another unusable place holder spec like druid and chrono.

Did you read my post ? at what point did I say Spam ? Please show me! Have a good day

I said spam? Where'd I state u said spam?

This conversation is over I made my point to someone else not you. If you want to force an argument for the sake of arguing I have nothing more to say to you, I never asked for an opinion from you. Have a good day.

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@skillze.7689 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Well power rev has unrelenting assault,staff 4&5 and shiro elite evade they all require proper timing and spamming them leaves u without resources and dead. The heal to full if used smartly during times u know ur going to be taking a lot of damage is bad as well, other classes have this same heal skill basically. Honestly if a player is skilled enough to manage his resources and time those evades as well as use the heal at the most opportune time they should be rewarded with good sustain, I see this as far better than a press of a button take no damage for 2 or 3 seconds or other dumbed down methods available in this game to achieve high sustain. I get crev is overperforming and has low skill floor but that's more because condis are overturned right now. I actually agree that for the most part power rev is well designed and balanced these days to reward skillful play as it should be. The community needs to stop asking for the games over all skill ceiling to be continually dropped as it has been over last couple yrs.

Mate I've been playing this game for 8 yrs, I dont need an essay on the intricacies of how to play a class I've played them all to death.

Well u should kno better than. Unless u like the gbage dumbed down mess carry wars has been turning into. Sry but more than half the classes are braindead and full of carry mechanics and ontop throw in broken carry bs into half the rally mechanics. There's so many design issues among other things than a class that does what I explained above, as it should. U bring condi in general more in line and watch crevs fade away. Nerf the class than in future when condis get invariably nerfed which they will ull have yet another unusable place holder spec like druid and chrono.

Did you read my post ? at what point did I say Spam ? Please show me! Have a good day

I said spam? Where'd I state u said spam?

This conversation is over I made my point to someone else not you. If you want to force an argument for the sake of arguing I have nothing more to say to you, I never asked for an opinion from you. Have a good day.

Ok my bad, have a good day as well.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:and having 9484743833 dmg multipliers for no reason.

too bad it was just doing as much damage as classes with 0 dmg multipliers, while having to spend every possible trait into dmg

Name one other class that rivals heralds sustain with two offensive traitlines.And a class with the same relative sustain that rivals their damage.

When the majority;
  • Don't play around Enchanted Daggers.
  • Don't compensate for Infuse Light.
  • Don't have spacial awareness of the most predictable burst in a team with some Power Herald that can only 1+.
  • Don't counter the most UNSAFE burst of the game with one CC.

There's no hope. Power Herald sustain is terrible and is only living by the same mistakes people make. If only most focused a Herald that didn't have Infuse Light and waited for proper times to use their skills rather than sink everything in one go because all Power Herald CAN do is only guess if you're going to use anything or not by using their sustain skills in one go while escaping and their peeling has ALWAYS the same skills that you can predict yourself.

Power Revenant rivals and surpass Power Herald in everyways also. It's an overrated dead build.

You're honestly the Trevor of rev. I'll write out an actual explanation when I'm back home tonight.

Except I despite Herald for PvP. I hate it for how people think it's the only thing that playable for Revenant because nothing else has i-frames. I hate it even more that people play Herald Condition and reinforce the idea that it's all we got, Revenant has a lot of good content to be played with yet you look at the Revenant section and the majority of posts are underpowered complains, I don't want my class buffed, neither nerfed again when it's in a balanced position. If there should be anything changed, I've already made a post about it.

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@skillze.7689 said:

@"Bazsi.2734" said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Mr. "I played this game for 8 years", coud you please enlighten me what rotation lets you "evade for days"? No matter how hard I force my tiny smooth brain, the math on the cooldowns and the resource management just doesn't add up. Please, we need your wisdom!

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@Bazsi.2734 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Mr. "I played this game for 8 years", coud you please enlighten me what rotation lets you "evade for days"? No matter how hard I force my tiny smooth brain, the math on the cooldowns and the resource management just doesn't add up. Please, we need your wisdom!

immagine looking for defensive "rotation" lol

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@Bazsi.2734 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Mr. "I played this game for 8 years", coud you please enlighten me what rotation lets you "evade for days"? No matter how hard I force my tiny smooth brain, the math on the cooldowns and the resource management just doesn't add up. Please, we need your wisdom!

I dont give free advice on how to play a class, take some more times I'am sure you will figure it out eventually. In fact dont worry CMC will not let you Rev players down seeing as you are all "The Best" players in the game.

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@skillze.7689 said:

Thing is, shiro/glint revenant is actually really well designed, and fun to play.

Is that because you can just evade for days and then just full heal when pressured in that team fight / +1 lol. What a joker!

Mr. "I played this game for 8 years", coud you please enlighten me what rotation lets you "evade for days"? No matter how hard I force my tiny smooth brain, the math on the cooldowns and the resource management just doesn't add up. Please, we need your wisdom!

I dont give free advice on how to play a class, take some more times I'am sure you will figure it out eventually. In fact dont worry CMC will not let you Rev players down seeing as you are all "The Best" players in the game.

I can buy you fortnite skins with my daddies v-bucks...On a serious note though: you cannot present any rotation like that because it doesn't exist. Unless "evade for days" means 5 seconds for you(2 dodges, unrelenting assault, surge of the mists). If that's the case, of course you're right, also you have a weird perception of time, and please don't talk to me ever again.

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