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Remove channeling requirement from meteor shower


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@Sigmoid.7082 said:Be careful what you wish for because such a change would come with a trade-off. Fewer meteors, less damage, smaller area, shorter duration etc

Don't see why that would have to be the case. Though admittedly, I only play spvp. Maybe meteor shower is significatly better in wvw where it can hit a lot of targets at once. In spvp, its rare to even have 5 people in the meteor shower radius. And even then, it doesn't do much since most of the meteors only hit any particular player two to three times.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:Be careful what you wish for because such a change would come with a trade-off. Fewer meteors, less damage, smaller area, shorter duration etc

They did that back back when already. Time they revisted and updated everything they nerfed on staff. Projectile speeds and cast times in particular need to be brought into this decade.

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"Nuker Ele" is stuck in 2012. This is not GW1 anymore.Meteor Shower is harder to land that other classes' counterpart skills. I hate that they introduced this kitten damage reduction after the initial hit.If they're going to keep the rooted-channeling, please revert this back to original damage and add some burning or something.

And pls reduce Fiery Greatsword CD in PvP and WvW.

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@thepolishman.2348 said:

@"Sigmoid.7082" said:Be careful what you wish for because such a change would come with a trade-off. Fewer meteors, less damage, smaller area, shorter duration etc

Don't see why that would have to be the case. Though admittedly, I only play spvp. Maybe meteor shower is significatly better in wvw where it can hit a lot of targets at once. In spvp, its rare to even have 5 people in the meteor shower radius. And even then, it doesn't do much since most of the meteors only hit any particular player two to three times.

:+1:It's very rare nowadays to see* a weaver top DPS. Because you don't see a lot of staff weavers, but also because it needs real hability to place yourself and predict ennemi placement.Plus, my shower deal 6k max per hit to random targets ....I'm trying a fresh air BUILD for zerg, and I'm asking why I've never played it before in zerg, to me it's just so much stronger because you can really burst specific targets.

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To be honest channel would be fine if the skill had impact as soon as you start channeling like various spin2win abilities and ether renewal heal on ele. With current MS you lose ~2 seconds on channel while nothing is happening which makes it too easy to avoid in wvw scenario, especially with all the buffs to superspeed application.

Not to mention that 99% of the meteor showers have to be casted with burning retreat or flash because you're a sitting duck for 3 seconds and you're also losing health for placing a good meteor due to no ICD on retaliation.

Also what's with the lava font cast animation? Why is the skill that does 1k per second and have minimal aoe radius still delayed by 1 second cast animation? I'd understand it while it was broken back in wvw (and even pve), but it's awful in both modes, might as well make it instant cast like scepter 2/3 in air.

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I can easily get into top DPS or at least in the top 5 if I pull off a rotation in proper zergs.

With the recent buffs back to necros and given that their shades will be hitting more targets or something... I'm just thinking of taking a break. There is literally no point in me struggling to survive and rip my hair out trying to manage my positioning and timing double attunement for elements of rage + burning retreat or lightning flash just to max my damage and survive the superspeed blob slamming right into my static position and yet still dying to retaliation because all the healers moved along with the blobs. All of this effort seems useless now with 20 the necros buffed back I'm pretty sure they'll be pulling the numbers while I'm dying to randomly thrown wells and which are available even faster due to lower CD (again gg Anet)

Would it kill Anet to buff staff 's star skill meteor just a tiny bit?? PLEASE remove the channel restriction on meteor or at least let us move with the zerg blob while we are channeling it! This is a minor change. If not then MAKE IT REWARDING! Give us the full damage back!

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@steki.1478 said:To be honest channel would be fine if the skill had impact as soon as you start channeling like various spin2win abilities and ether renewal heal on ele. With current MS you lose ~2 seconds on channel while nothing is happening which makes it too easy to avoid in wvw scenario, especially with all the buffs to superspeed application.

Not to mention that 99% of the meteor showers have to be casted with burning retreat or flash because you're a sitting duck for 3 seconds and you're also losing health for placing a good meteor due to no ICD on retaliation.

Also what's with the lava font cast animation? Why is the skill that does 1k per second and have minimal aoe radius still delayed by 1 second cast animation? I'd understand it while it was broken back in wvw (and even pve), but it's awful in both modes, might as well make it instant cast like scepter 2/3 in air.

The thing is casting like that is more of an exploitation then what they skill should be doing. Ppl use to think MS nado was fine but it was an exploitation as well.

There simply not much in the game that roots you when casting a spell MS root just a hold over.

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