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Please tone down the AoE spam by a lot with next elites

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Let's not have a repeat of scourge fiasco with the upcoming elite specs. Don't go crazy with the AoE spam like it has been with the PoF specs, while it may be fun in PvE ...AoE is that much more unfun to deal with in PvP/WvW.

On a second note : stealth , this is another mechanic that should not be given graciously , much thought should be given before allowing access to such powerful mechanic , please no more deadeye with stealth on dodge.

Overall...Anet must be very very careful with the balance of the future elites, the community is that much more unforgiving compared to PoF launch, the scouge fiasco pushed many players away from the game. More balancing and testing is required, this time around more consideration must be given to the feedback coming from the beta weekend events.

I pray for a better expansion this time around and most of all : I am expecting a WvW zerg build for rangers...no more duellis builds, don't need another one really, just a personal thought here though

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@kharmin.7683 said:More splits between OWPvE and the other formats. As a OW player, I really get discouraged when builds are changed or nerfed for competitive mode reasons.

The main issue with skill splitting is the additional load on the balance team. If you take a look at the skill balance history for the first game, you will realise that a lot of Izzy and his team's time was taken up with this because the skill splitting was massive.

Re. the OP's topic - I do not mind AoE. I find it fun. That being said, I would not mind a bit more of single-target DPS specialisations like the Deadeye. That could be good fun too.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:The problem with scourge is that it both did powerful barrier, and high condition damage, instead of just one of them. Now both have been nerfed into oblivion, rendering the scourge a pitiful shadow of what it used to be.

The list is actually longer you forget the mention boon corruption , with staff you have range attacks while you have a big aoe around you who does also soft cc , on top of that necro has a lot of HP . With this the class had and has no natural enemy

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@flog.3485 said:Maybe It would be better for the next batch of elite specs to not have any AoE based spells. Or be a little more intelligent in adding them only as part of a specific trait.

Which would have to make those low target skills insanely overpowered in order to be worth anything. Doesn't work.

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@Donutdude.9582 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:More splits between OWPvE and the other formats. As a OW player, I really get discouraged when builds are changed or nerfed for competitive mode reasons.

The main issue with skill splitting is the additional load on the balance team. If you take a look at the skill balance history for the first game, you will realise that a
of Izzy and his team's time was taken up with this because the skill splitting was massive.

If you think it's not an additional load on the balance team when they have to tweak the balance again and again when it screws over PvE because of PvP, you are mistaken.Of course, when the balance team just ignores the problems they created for months/years it isn't a problem.

They should just have different equipment and skills for PvE and PvP to avoid the obvious problems. So i ask myself again: why didn't they do that? Who knows.

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@"Yggranya.5201" said:They should just have different equipment and skills for PvE and PvP to avoid the obvious problems. So i ask myself again: why didn't they do that?

I believe the reasoning they use is "We don't want players to suddenly not know how their character works when shifting between the modes"

Which discounts how different classes can feel due to significant changes in skill cooldowns, effects (CC skills doing 0 damage in PvP for example) as well as limitations in available stats/runes/sigils...

So yeah, the excuse doesn't really hold up very much these days, with the amount of splitting they've already done.

Leading to the original decision now causing vastly more work for them as they keep having to buff/nerf/split skills constantly because of their impact on one mode based on changes made with regard to another mode. Compared to if they just made completely separate classes for PvP and PvE which, yes, in the short term takes more work but in the long term requires far less maintenance since you can make whatever changes you like without having to be concerned with additional impacts based on other completely unrelated modes.

The only question would be with regards to WvW, whether it'd continue using PvE gear/runes/sigils or would instead use PvP amulets/runes/sigils (The latter would likely be best for balance, due to it being the focus of Player vs Player related balance changes. It'd also be beneficial for newer players whom can access WvW early, but don't get proper scaling up to 80 so end up being weak af due to no Exotic gear and limited skills/HP's)

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Overall...Anet must be very very careful with the balance of the future elites, the community is that much more unforgiving compared to PoF launch, the scouge fiasco pushed many players away from the game. More balancing and testing is required, this time around more consideration must be given to the feedback coming from the beta weekend events.

I don't see where people became more unforgiving, people just cry more and scream louder, but they not quitting, and I doubt they will, what other alternatives they have? New World? not going to happen, they did a huge mistake with listening to the audience and catering without sticking to the blueprint/vision of the game they had.Ashes of Creation? not going to be out by the time Cantha launches.Elyon? Might also not be out and is much more for the Hardcore PvPvE audience, not the casual audience GW2 has.

And even if some people suddenly start to quit the game it wont change a thing, people come and go.

WvW is much more populated then it was before the Necro changes btw.

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@melody.2601 said:

Overall...Anet must be very very careful with the balance of the future elites, the community is that much more unforgiving compared to PoF launch, the scouge fiasco pushed many players away from the game. More balancing and testing is required, this time around more consideration must be given to the feedback coming from the beta weekend events.

I don't see where people became more unforgiving, people just cry more and scream louder, but they not quitting, and I doubt they will, what other alternatives they have? New World? not going to happen, they did a huge mistake with listening to the audience and catering without sticking to the blueprint/vision of the game they had.Ashes of Creation? not going to be out by the time Cantha launches.Elyon? Might also not be out and is much more for the Hardcore PvPvE audience, not the casual audience GW2 has.

And even if some people suddenly start to quit the game it wont change a thing, people come and go.

WvW is much more populated then it was before the Necro changes btw.

there's also Corepunk and Blue Protocol, among the hyped up and upcoming online games.

but yeah imo, there isn't any better buy-to-play mmorpg alternative to GW2 at the moment (on par yes, but better? maybe no)

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@flog.3485 said:Maybe It would be better for the next batch of elite specs to not have any AoE based spells. Or be a little more intelligent in adding them only as part of a specific trait.

Which would have to make those low target skills insanely overpowered in order to be worth anything. Doesn't work.

Does it though ?Just saying, for the sake of performance, power creep, design novelty and new players interest, it might be a good alternative to have the opportunity to play a more standard gameplay which revolves around player to player and self targeted interaction.Anyway, it is not like if all the other options regarding AoEs are gone and obviously the design of the new elite specs would still interact with AoEs. I mean, even the new build that would arise from the next elite specs would still largely be AoE oriented, since 2/3 of the trait specs will still take into account core mechanics.

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