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My friends quit because of Holosmith


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Out of all the mmo's I've put hrs into I'd say non had great balance but some had good balance and I think given the genre and all the unique hurdles thst come with balancing any mmo good balance is a great standard to try for as I think great balance is next to impossible in this genre. Saying that gw2 balance at this point is no where near the ball park of good unfortunately. The game needs a real balance team that actually makes real changes on a more acceptable time frame. The balance passes are not only confusing to most their also insignificant more often than not and far to infrequent.

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@Kuma.1503 said:Holo isn't even that big of an outlier. Every competetive game is going to have a top tier build/class/character. In holo's case, it's strong but not worth quitting over.I'd argue that PvP has some much larger problems currently.

I strongly disagree. Holosmith feels like I'm fighting a game masters character when compared to any other class. The only thing remotely close to this in a pvp rpg was S5 DK in WOTLK.

This is on topic. I am talking about holosmith and the thread title is holosmith.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@Kuma.1503 said:Holo isn't even that big of an outlier. Every competetive game is going to have a top tier build/class/character. In holo's case, it's strong but not worth quitting over.I'd argue that PvP has some much larger problems currently.

I strongly disagree. Holosmith feels like I'm fighting a game masters character when compared to any other class. The only thing remotely close to this in a pvp rpg was S5 DK in WOTLK.

Necro can feel like that at times too honestly. But holo is definitely the bigger offender.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:Also, Aion and the rest of MMORPs you mentioned --- been there, done that. Quit when they became p2w. Be grateful gw2 only has fluff and cosmetics in the shop.

Yea that's what i mean. Most MMOS have different issues. Primary issue is ofcz p2w. But i've never had issues when it comes to pvp balance. Some yes.. but definitely not as extreme as we see in gw2.

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@Dave.6819 said:

@ollbirtan.2915 said:Also, Aion and the rest of MMORPs you mentioned --- been there, done that. Quit when they became p2w. Be grateful gw2 only has fluff and cosmetics in the shop.

Yea that's what i mean. Most MMOS have different issues. Primary issue is ofcz p2w. But i've never had issues when it comes to pvp balance. Some yes.. but definitely not as extreme as we see in gw2.

Well. may be just my POV, but p2w is THE BIGGEST balance issue. Want to enhance that weapon? Pay! Want to unlock new ability? Pay!

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@"ledernierrempart.6871" said:in an alternate universe: "my friend quit because core engi is too strong."

That was funny. Core engineer has been garbage tier since HoT came out. In most of these years core engineer has been arguably the worst core spec among the 8 core professions. The meta for engineer has been either scrapper or holosmith. Basically Arenanet is telling either play holosmith or scrapper or delete your engineer.

I am afraid Arenanet will once again balance overpowered holosmith by applying nerfs to core engineer skills and traits, thus sinking core even deeper. They should instead shave the sustain holosmith has. I understand holosmith should by design very hard hitting glass cannon. Now holosmith traits offer everything from stability to barrier, condition-to-boon conversion, leap, boon generation etc.

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@Deniara Devious.3948 said:

@"ledernierrempart.6871" said:in an alternate universe: "my friend quit because core engi is too strong."

That was funny. Core engineer has been garbage tier since HoT came out. In most of these years core engineer has been arguably the worst core spec among the 8 core professions. The meta for engineer has been either scrapper or holosmith. Basically Arenanet is telling either play holosmith or scrapper or delete your engineer.

Ele and core rev send their regards

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@Fritaspt.3290 said:@Dave.6819 Probably u played Spiritmaster on aion and fearlock everyone, because aion rly had balance problems too or do you played templar and killed anyone?? Balance issues always will exist in every MMO.

Nah i was a sorcerer all the time. They weren't really top at PvP but once you really get good they were deadly. Which again.. as i said.. skill in other games meant alot. You could be good on any class in that game. I remember seeing even rangers or chanters or clerics (or really any other class) just destroying people like crazy. Maybe there were issues even then but they weren't as extreme as we have it here. Same with ESO. Skill alone enabled you to stay competetive. That gave alot of incentive and meaning. You knew if you practice more and more you'll get rewarded and that was enough for me to keep PvPing and having a blast. Can you say the same about GW2?

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:

@ollbirtan.2915 said:Also, Aion and the rest of MMORPs you mentioned --- been there, done that. Quit when they became p2w. Be grateful gw2 only has fluff and cosmetics in the shop.

Yea that's what i mean. Most MMOS have different issues. Primary issue is ofcz p2w. But i've never had issues when it comes to pvp balance. Some yes.. but definitely not as extreme as we see in gw2.

Well. may be just my POV, but p2w is THE BIGGEST balance issue. Want to enhance that weapon? Pay! Want to unlock new ability? Pay!

True. You're talking about gear difference that's causing some imbalance. But the real reason is P2W not builds/classes/pvp system itself and once you gear up yourself you're good to go. Meanwhile in gw2 case it's other way around and you can't overcome it. It's actual builds/skills/classes/gameplay.. whole PvP system is at fault and not the gear difference. Both scenarios suck but atleast first scenario you can overcome. Well i guess you can overcome 2nd scenario too.. by rolling another class that's OP at the moment. (like Holo for example lol)

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