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Suggestion: Trade black lion chest drops for statuettes or make it free to trade.

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Hey, quick suggestion, hopefully people agree, being able to trade stuff like revive orbs, teleport to friends, self style kits, so on so forth, to other people or convert them into statuettes would be amazing, i mean i run a guild and we have a roulette, id love to use the self style kits for them as rewards, as they are useless atm, so just a option to trade them in or give to my friends who want them more would be a godsend.

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I'd say the idea is actually QUITE appealing...perhaps making the items tradable but unsellable, meaning not able to be sold in Trading Posts, but able to be traded between players...either between friends we had added exclusivly...or as you said, statuette converters which would be quite good!

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Perhaps, ArenaNet might allow them as trade-ins for Statuettes at, um, something like 25 or 50 to 1? Maybe 60 would be the magic number.I don't see it happening for less.

How about defining a set of these "useless" consumables and make a mystic fountain recipe where any 4 items from this set will result in a random item from the set? (Or 4 stacks of x, where x isn't too high a number.) Perhaps with a tiny chance to get a better type of BLC item. That way people can dispose of the "junk" without having to save up the rather large amounts you're suggesting. A "junk" reroll could be nice for a lot of people because not every "junk" item is junk for everyone.

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I like this idea. I use revive orbs, transmutation charges (although I get plenty of those free from other sources), and I think I once used an upgrade extractor. But I've got far, far more teleport to friends than I'll ever use and small piles of metabolic and utility primers, hair kits and other bits and pieces which I'm keeping because my only other option is to delete them but I'm not likely to ever actually use them all. Being able to exchange them for the equivalent items I do use would be great, even if it meant using lots of the ones I don't need to get one of the ones I do.

It would be even better if it included the items which aren't in black lion chests any more but are in the Chest of Black Lion Goods which is one of the login rewards. I have no idea how many merchant/tp expresses or instant repair canisters I have but I'm certain it's more than I'll ever use. Boxes of Fun would be the same but I dump them in the middle of Rata Sum as soon as I get them to stop them taking up space in my bank.

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not a terrible idea to be able to trade in some of the common items for half their statuette value(rounded down) from the Black lion chest merchant.but we're only really looking at 4/5 items that this would reasonable work with; those being Metabolic/utility primers, Upgrade extractors,, Teleport to friend, and Revive orbson a quick note: Self-style hair kits were removed from Black lion chests a year ago

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@Danikat.8537 said:Boxes of Fun would be the same but I dump them in the middle of Rata Sum as soon as I get them to stop them taking up space in my bank.

I used to use these as soon as I got them, too. Until I discovered they were needed for crafting some Legendary weapons. Now I save them. I'm not a fan of items from the Gem Store needed for crafting.

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@DeanBB.4268 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:Boxes of Fun would be the same but I dump them in the middle of Rata Sum as soon as I get them to stop them taking up space in my bank.

I used to use these as soon as I got them, too. Until I discovered they were needed for crafting some Legendary weapons. Now I save them. I'm not a fan of items from the Gem Store needed for crafting.

I did consider that, but I'm not expecting to craft either of the legendaries which need them so I didn't see the point in keeping them just in case. It takes literally years for me to go from first thinking I might make a particular legendary to actually completing it, so if I ever do decide to make them I think I'll have time to obtain the boxes.

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Being able to trade them in would certainly make opening BLTC a bit more appealing. As it is now, you open some, and get consumables that you don't need - if I could at least trade those in for something, it wouldn't feel like a total waste. The question really becomes is whether more chests would be bought because of this, to offset the value of the trade in.

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I've been asking for this for 7 years.

It's a good idea because it allows you to not get any rubbish from the chest, allowing you to save up statuettes for something you really want. At the same time, they need to remove all common items from the chest and only give statuettes, also making every item available from the merchant with statuettes.

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@Zephyr.5382 said:I would love to trade in my two, extra Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matics, while we're at it....

Just noticed this comment and wanted to say that Anet was more than willing to refund me gems for my extra copperfeds when shared inventory slots first came out. Not sure if they still do it since it's been a while since they came out, but you can try sending in a support ticket about it.

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@Ototo.3214 said:

@Zephyr.5382 said:I would love to trade in my two, extra Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matics, while we're at it....

Just noticed this comment and wanted to say that Anet was more than willing to refund me gems for my extra copperfeds when shared inventory slots first came out. Not sure if they still do it since it's been a while since they came out, but you can try sending in a support ticket about it.

I think it depends partially on how long you've had an item. I once tried asking if they could refund the Molten Mining Pick I'd bought back when it was the only infinite mining pick available because I really don't like the animation and stopped using it once I had an alternative, but they said because I'd had it for ages (over a year I think) at that point they couldn't refund it.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Zephyr.5382 said:I would love to trade in my two, extra Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matics, while we're at it....

Just noticed this comment and wanted to say that Anet was more than willing to refund me gems for my extra copperfeds when shared inventory slots first came out. Not sure if they still do it since it's been a while since they came out, but you can try sending in a support ticket about it.

I think it depends partially on how long you've had an item. I once tried asking if they could refund the Molten Mining Pick I'd bought back when it was the only infinite mining pick available because I really don't like the animation and stopped using it once I had an alternative, but they said because I'd had it for ages (over a year I think) at that point they couldn't refund it.

Yeah, that's what might happen here too, but figured I should at least point it out so they can try. The worst that can happen is they say no.And multiple copperfeds are literally useless with shared inventory slots existing, so who knows.

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