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Scepter noise


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I agree that its awful and I have sound sensitivity so it can get legit painful if I use it for long. I typically run with sound effects off if I know I'm going to want to be at range for a but as guardian like against behemoth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always hated this sound effect more than any other, even more than Dreamer. But now Thief Axe has taken 1st place from it as most annoying sound effect in game. Wish there were a way to change it myself if mods were actually allowed for these sort of things; if Anet insists on never changing them theirselves.

I'm curious of how they even made the noise. It's not even logical~ not something I'd ever imagine an orb of light magic to sound like, and why would a thrown Thief axe make a scraping metal sound as it leaves your hand?... makes no sense. It's not hitting anything yet. 

Need one big patch that wipes out/redesigns all annoying sound effects

Edited by Doggie.3184
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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't mind the auto attack chain in function. In fact I like it solely because it's fast and fluid, instead of clunky like Mesmer scepter 😒
The sound effect however.....yea - absolute misery. I avoided Guardian scepter for a very long time because of the horrendous sound, but ultimately caved recently because I wanted a ranged power option to swap to if needed (scepter/torch is a great combo, aside from the sound).

Why was this bizarre sound effect chosen in the first place? Why has it not been revisited after all these years despite it being almost unanimously hated? Very strange....
At the same time, I'd be nervous that a potential change could be just as bad (if not worse) in a different way. Maybe give us a poll with a few new sound options or something xD

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  • 1 month later...

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