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No discussion about the fastest burst in the game?

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I keep seeing nerf this, nerf that, this is broken, holy moly!

But I've yet to see anyone talk about what I am pretty sure is the fastest burst in the game: Beast Mode, Sick'Em, Q Zeph, One Wolf Pack ---> Pretty much any multi hit move? Axe/Axe 5 or Longbow Rapid Fire?This combo literally does 30k-40k damage in 2.4 seconds for Longbow Rapid Fire, or about 25k-30k AOE damage while reflecting all projectiles for Axe/Axe 5...so potential for around 150k damage in 4 seconds?And lets not forget Leader of the Pack....you know....so your whole group can do insane damage :pensive:Now, as far as AOE goes with Axe/Axe 5, it deletes a single target, its effect doesnt seem to run on all targets hit so the above could be wrong...but its still easily 50K damage with insta downing one and doing great aoe damage to the others....Long bow is just instant delete anyone who doesn't have reflect or block up.It just seems crazy that all I see is Engi hate, reaper hate, rev hate, DE hate...but Soul Beasts are literally deleting people so fast I have group mates claming they are hacking...and I have to sit there and explain...no....that's just One Wolf Pack....lol

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Every class can burst quite hard and fast if build for it and they land their combo:

For a specific answer I would say overheat holo where you sink up the overheat explosion with the second pulse of corona burst and grenade barrage while proccing explosive entrance though PBM is a very unreliable and gimmicky trait.

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@"ArthurDent.9538" said:

For a specific answer I would say overheat holo where you sink up the overheat explosion with the second pulse of corona burst and grenade barrage while proccing explosive entrance though PBM is a very unreliable and gimmicky trait.

Yep, though I prefer having my 15sec of stealth before hand :D Far more reliable

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@Luclinraider.2317 said:I keep seeing nerf this, nerf that, this is broken, holy moly!

But I've yet to see anyone talk about what I am pretty sure is the fastest burst in the game: Beast Mode, Sick'Em, Q Zeph, One Wolf Pack ---> Pretty much any multi hit move? Axe/Axe 5 or Longbow Rapid Fire?This combo literally does 30k-40k damage in 2.4 seconds for Longbow Rapid Fire, or about 25k-30k AOE damage while reflecting all projectiles for Axe/Axe 5...so potential for around 150k damage in 4 seconds?And lets not forget Leader of the Pack....you know....so your whole group can do insane damage :pensive:Now, as far as AOE goes with Axe/Axe 5, it deletes a single target, its effect doesnt seem to run on all targets hit so the above could be wrong...but its still easily 50K damage with insta downing one and doing great aoe damage to the others....Long bow is just instant delete anyone who doesn't have reflect or block up.It just seems crazy that all I see is Engi hate, reaper hate, rev hate, DE hate...but Soul Beasts are literally deleting people so fast I have group mates claming they are hacking...and I have to sit there and explain...no....that's just One Wolf Pack....lol

holo/reaper/whatever do this shit while taking defensive traitlines.For example Holo takes.Flashbang over big boomer. ( blind instead of 10% bonus damage to target with lower HP )Blast shield over explosive temper ( vit + barrier over stacking ferocityThey CAN get more damage, they just dont have to, so they keep their damage while also spamming, blinds. having stealth, much more sustain, damage as aoe or unblockable, while being more tanky in general.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:There could be an attack that shot a projectile that dealt instantly 100,000,000 damage to any target it hit, but it would still be considered UP if it had a 3s cast time, moved too slow, was on a 60s CD and flashed brightly while making firecracker noises so everyone could easily dodge it.

It would be bad design, I think we can all agree on that

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:There could be an attack that shot a projectile that dealt instantly 100,000,000 damage to any target it hit, but it would still be considered UP if it had a 3s cast time, moved too slow, was on a 60s CD and flashed brightly while making firecracker noises so everyone could easily dodge it.

I too think killshot could use a buff

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@OP it's pretty easy to dodge their knockback and dodge the burst or just use the many various tools at your disposal to not let that happen to you. Heck even terrain. Once they blow their stuff they're very easy to finish off. Glass ranger is probably the least cancer ranger spec. Unironcally "Just dodge" or stunbreak the knockback and then dodge.

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@Tycura.1982 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:There could be an attack that shot a projectile that dealt instantly 100,000,000 damage to any target it hit, but it would still be considered UP if it had a 3s cast time, moved too slow, was on a 60s CD and flashed brightly while making firecracker noises so everyone could easily dodge it.

I too think killshot could use a buff

Killshot animation should work like Gunflame animation.

That'd be great.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:There could be an attack that shot a projectile that dealt instantly 100,000,000 damage to any target it hit, but it would still be considered UP if it had a 3s cast time, moved too slow, was on a 60s CD and flashed brightly while making firecracker noises so everyone could easily dodge it.

I too think killshot could use a buff

Killshot animation should work like Gunflame animation.

That'd be great.

Oh that would be great

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@Ashkew.6584 said:go marksmanship gazelle for unblockable burst of around 15k on kick+charge, maul for 20k and not on a 60 second cooldown but more like 10 sec

While getting the exact same dmg from everyone and having 1 condi remove every 30 seconds

It's fun but trash

wouldnt call it trash, cuz its great at securing kills, and +1s.Sure the defense is weaker then any other ranger build, but i'd say its great for ppl who look for a balance between fun and usefulness.I mean +1ing a fight at sides and ending it in 2 seconds to move on to mid and have same burst ready to turn around the mid fight in a few seconds.Meanwhile u be having fun and sweating your ass off trying to make sure the thief is not on you or rev etc. i love it.

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@Ashkew.6584 said:

@Ashkew.6584 said:go marksmanship gazelle for unblockable burst of around 15k on kick+charge, maul for 20k and not on a 60 second cooldown but more like 10 sec

While getting the exact same dmg from everyone and having 1 condi remove every 30 seconds

It's fun but trash

wouldnt call it trash, cuz its great at securing kills, and +1s.Sure the defense is weaker then any other ranger build, but i'd say its great for ppl who look for a balance between fun and usefulness.I mean +1ing a fight at sides and ending it in 2 seconds to move on to mid and have same burst ready to turn around the mid fight in a few seconds.Meanwhile u be having fun and sweating your kitten off trying to make sure the thief is not on you or rev etc. i love it.

You can play it till low p2, than you get basically farmed by every thief, holo, Rev, ele, necro.Ofc you can run away, but than you are 90% of the game running

But it's easy to carry low rated games, because you one shot everyone

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o> @Avatar.3568 said:

@Ashkew.6584 said:go marksmanship gazelle for unblockable burst of around 15k on kick+charge, maul for 20k and not on a 60 second cooldown but more like 10 sec

While getting the exact same dmg from everyone and having 1 condi remove every 30 seconds

It's fun but trash

wouldnt call it trash, cuz its great at securing kills, and +1s.Sure the defense is weaker then any other ranger build, but i'd say its great for ppl who look for a balance between fun and usefulness.I mean +1ing a fight at sides and ending it in 2 seconds to move on to mid and have same burst ready to turn around the mid fight in a few seconds.Meanwhile u be having fun and sweating your kitten off trying to make sure the thief is not on you or rev etc. i love it.

You can play it till low p2, than you get basically farmed by every thief, holo, Rev, ele, necro.Ofc you can run away, but than you are 90% of the game running

But it's easy to carry low rated games, because you one shot everyone

oke, seems to work for me in higher rated games aswell

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@Ashkew.6584 said:o> @Avatar.3568 said:

@Ashkew.6584 said:go marksmanship gazelle for unblockable burst of around 15k on kick+charge, maul for 20k and not on a 60 second cooldown but more like 10 sec

While getting the exact same dmg from everyone and having 1 condi remove every 30 seconds

It's fun but trash

wouldnt call it trash, cuz its great at securing kills, and +1s.Sure the defense is weaker then any other ranger build, but i'd say its great for ppl who look for a balance between fun and usefulness.I mean +1ing a fight at sides and ending it in 2 seconds to move on to mid and have same burst ready to turn around the mid fight in a few seconds.Meanwhile u be having fun and sweating your kitten off trying to make sure the thief is not on you or rev etc. i love it.

You can play it till low p2, than you get basically farmed by every thief, holo, Rev, ele, necro.Ofc you can run away, but than you are 90% of the game running

But it's easy to carry low rated games, because you one shot everyone

oke, seems to work for me in higher rated games aswell

There is a reason why good players use sic em instead

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@Ashkew.6584 said:go marksmanship gazelle for unblockable burst of around 15k on kick+charge, maul for 20k and not on a 60 second cooldown but more like 10 sec

While getting the exact same dmg from everyone and having 1 condi remove every 30 seconds

It's fun but trash

wouldnt call it trash, cuz its great at securing kills, and +1s.Sure the defense is weaker then any other ranger build, but i'd say its great for ppl who look for a balance between fun and usefulness.I mean +1ing a fight at sides and ending it in 2 seconds to move on to mid and have same burst ready to turn around the mid fight in a few seconds.Meanwhile u be having fun and sweating your kitten off trying to make sure the thief is not on you or rev etc. i love it.

You can play it till low p2, than you get basically farmed by every thief, holo, Rev, ele, necro.Ofc you can run away, but than you are 90% of the game running

But it's easy to carry low rated games, because you one shot everyone

oke, seems to work for me in higher rated games aswell

There is a reason why good players use sic em instead

i use it with sic em , but anyway not saying markmanship soulbeast the best option.i just like it more and to have a counterplay to blocks is very useful for me vs holo, guard rangers warriors. especially when u can do 20k damage in 2 to 4 seconds.

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To me the quickest nastiest burst right now that needs changing and nerfing is holosmith burst....they get so many skills and hits on a milisecond time frame. that cast time and animations are not there at all. U recieve an absurd amount of damage with out any indecation what skill is acually what with all the aoe light exposions and other things they do at the dame time and if not the same time miliseconfs apart thats for sure.

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