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What race would you like to play as?

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@Aphrodite.6950 said:I posted a couple weeks back about kodan as a playable race, but there were so many other good suggestions. What race would you like to see the devs make playable?

Skritt or we riot!

Tengu for real tho. Their whole backstory is so cool.

I want to see what the devs come up with for this in a character creation screen. I mean ... they are bird people :3 can you imagine the body types and dye channels for this if you could customize it? It would be amazing.

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:The only options of the races and species in the game I would want to make a character of is (including playable):HumanAsura (Inquest Choice as well)Sylvari (Nightmare Court and Soundless choices too please)Charr (Only if I can be Flame Legion as I want to be a kitten Shaman)KodanKraitLargosItzel HylekExhaultedGhostCentaurQuaggan (with rage power when fighting obviously)OgreHarpy

No dredge? Everyone forgets the mole race lol. easy to do gw1 & 2 there are very few areas with them.

I don't follow lore to closely I play games for game play rather than story or lore anyone wanna catch me up to the Naga to Krait relationship? Are they the same or is Krait an evolution to naga? Like descendants? Though not sure as even Krait and naga existed within the same time period of gw1 was just in EOTN when krait first came to light in tarnished coast area. So maybe cousins?

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I'd like to see them add Krait as a playable race. My idea also requires Quaggans as playable. Quaggans are passive so every other race is green to them like normal. Krait, however, see other Quaggan players as red regardless and can pk them if they are bored.

Humor aside, the only real chance we had/have is Tengu, and it's NEVER going to happen. They are never going to add a new playable race to GW2. You can start petitioning now for Gw3 though.

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:The only options of the races and species in the game I would want to make a character of is (including playable):HumanAsura (Inquest Choice as well)Sylvari (Nightmare Court and Soundless choices too please)Charr (Only if I can be Flame Legion as I want to be a kitten Shaman)KodanKraitLargosItzel HylekExhaultedGhostCentaurQuaggan (with rage power when fighting obviously)OgreHarpy

No dredge? Everyone forgets the mole race lol. easy to do gw1 & 2 there are very few areas with them.

I don't follow lore to closely I play games for game play rather than story or lore anyone wanna catch me up to the Naga to Krait relationship? Are they the same or is Krait an evolution to naga? Like descendants? Though not sure as even Krait and naga existed within the same time period of gw1 was just in EOTN when krait first came to light in tarnished coast area. So maybe cousins?

Oh no I haven't. I can't forget the one race I can't stand being near in this game.Having so much aggro most times near jumping areas or vistas (yes some vistas are near champion kraits, but all of them can sneak by). Then the whole dazing and stunning and what not."Geh-jit! Geh-jit! Geh-jit!" every time I shoot them in the face. Can't stand them so much.Krait could be annoying too as you can fight one that wants to pull you in, but right next to him is one that likes to push so they play pinball with you until you fall off their tower, but at least the Kraits, in my opinion, is quite interesting and I would like to learn more about them.

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:

@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:The only options of the races and species in the game I would want to make a character of is (including playable):HumanAsura (Inquest Choice as well)Sylvari (Nightmare Court and Soundless choices too please)Charr (Only if I can be Flame Legion as I want to be a kitten Shaman)KodanKraitLargosItzel HylekExhaultedGhostCentaurQuaggan (with rage power when fighting obviously)OgreHarpy

No dredge? Everyone forgets the mole race lol. easy to do gw1 & 2 there are very few areas with them.

I don't follow lore to closely I play games for game play rather than story or lore anyone wanna catch me up to the Naga to Krait relationship? Are they the same or is Krait an evolution to naga? Like descendants? Though not sure as even Krait and naga existed within the same time period of gw1 was just in EOTN when krait first came to light in tarnished coast area. So maybe cousins?

Oh no I haven't. I can't forget the one race I can't stand being near in this game.Having so much aggro most times near jumping areas or vistas (yes some vistas are near champion kraits, but all of them can sneak by). Then the whole dazing and stunning and what not."Geh-jit! Geh-jit! Geh-jit!" every time I shoot them in the face. Can't stand them so much.Krait could be annoying too as you can fight one that wants to pull you in, but right next to him is one that likes to push so they play pinball with you until you fall off their tower, but at least the Kraits, in my opinion, is quite interesting and I would like to learn more about them.

You know you wanna pet them molemen dont lie lol. Could you imagine a weirdo like me following you round with a dredge at 3am?Ya know what i think be funny trying see a krait riding a skimmer (though might look wild) but imagine a dredge riding a raptor haha How bout the quaggin riding a bunny? (an overdose of cuteness right there) How would they do centaurs on mounts? I'd imagine that be a bit awkward to say the least lmao. Now Ogre on a griffon that kinda seems fitting don't some ogre hunters have bird pets somewhere i think some did. Ghost riding a jackal that be cool to.

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@Dashiva.6149 said:Most realistic: TenguNot likely to happen:

  1. Largos
  2. Djinn
  3. Dragon minions! (Branded, Destoyer, Icebrood)

Just remeber mounts exist so some would be hard to actually look right on a mount we cant forget that addition that we now have. i had actually not considered that till my post before this one. Mounts are a bit of a game changer when it comes to the options they would actually consider for us as a new race.Seriously, imagine a destroyer riding on a bunny just looks like a bad mod from skyrim lol.

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Dashiva.6149 said:

Just remeber mounts exist so some would be hard to actually look right on a mount we cant forget that addition that we now have. i had actually not considered that till my post before this one. Mounts are a bit of a game changer when it comes to the options they would actually consider for us as a new race.Seriously, imagine a destroyer riding on a bunny just looks like a bad mod from skyrim lol.

I am well aware that it isn't realistic at all, but that goes for many races mentioned here. Imagine a Quaggan riding a deadly raptor :P It's just that occasionally you want to play as the "bad guys".

It does make me wonder if Risen is a more likely alternative. A fair number are formerly from playable races and freed from Zaithans influence. They do seem feral and mindless at the moment tho but perhaps in the (distant) future?

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@Dashiva.6149 said:

@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Dashiva.6149 said:

Just remeber mounts exist so some would be hard to actually look right on a mount we cant forget that addition that we now have. i had actually not considered that till my post before this one. Mounts are a bit of a game changer when it comes to the options they would actually consider for us as a new race.Seriously, imagine a destroyer riding on a bunny just looks like a bad mod from skyrim lol.

I am well aware that it isn't realistic at all, but that goes for many races mentioned here. Imagine a Quaggan riding a deadly raptor :P It's just that occasionally you want to play as the "bad guys".

It does make me wonder if Risen is a more likely alternative. A fair number are formerly from playable races and freed from Zaithans influence. They do seem feral and mindless at the moment tho but perhaps in the (distant) future?

Calm down was just pointing it out trying get you to picture it and have a laugh.I'm just very straightforward with wording, I come accross as a rump hole for that and I know it, but can't be helped. Most time im being a joker. If I'm defending something like say mounts in core tyria you can tell I'm being hardcore serious as I'm very firm. Usually never say lol or lmao. I never back down when I'm being serious.

I know thread just a fantasy thread meant as nothing more. Nor are any my replies to others. But picture a destroyer not the gw2 version but gw1 version on a bunny lol. The bunny be riding it lol.

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Opopanax.1803 said:Dwarf!!!!.

Don't fit lore though, supposedly the dwarfs all died off the people that really care about lore wouldn't support it, unless anet some how figured away to resurrect the dwarf race by some sorta plot twist it's feasible so don't lose hope just wanted to point it out. Though i still thumbed you up. Because dwarves was always fun to work with in gw1.

Yes they do. Lore says they are fighting off primordius.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:

@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Opopanax.1803 said:Dwarf!!!!.

Don't fit lore though, supposedly the dwarfs all died off the people that really care about lore wouldn't support it, unless anet some how figured away to resurrect the dwarf race by some sorta plot twist it's feasible so don't lose hope just wanted to point it out. Though i still thumbed you up. Because dwarves was always fun to work with in gw1.

Yes they do. Lore says they are fighting off primordius.

Well cool beans, I'd back a dwarf either way lore i personally care nothing for as you can tell else you'd never needed to correct me ehehehehe

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Dashiva.6149 said:

@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Dashiva.6149 said:

Just remeber mounts exist so some would be hard to actually look right on a mount we cant forget that addition that we now have. i had actually not considered that till my post before this one. Mounts are a bit of a game changer when it comes to the options they would actually consider for us as a new race.Seriously, imagine a destroyer riding on a bunny just looks like a bad mod from skyrim lol.

I am well aware that it isn't realistic at all, but that goes for many races mentioned here. Imagine a Quaggan riding a deadly raptor :P It's just that occasionally you want to play as the "bad guys".

It does make me wonder if Risen is a more likely alternative. A fair number are formerly from playable races and freed from Zaithans influence. They do seem feral and mindless at the moment tho but perhaps in the (distant) future?

Calm down was just pointing it out trying get you to picture it and have a laugh.I'm just very straightforward with wording, I come accross as a rump hole for that and I know it, but can't be helped. Most time im being a joker. If I'm defending something like say mounts in core tyria you can tell I'm being hardcore serious as I'm very firm. Usually never say lol or lmao. I never back down when I'm being serious.

I know thread just a fantasy thread meant as nothing more. Nor are any my replies to others. But picture a destroyer not the gw2 version but gw1 version on a bunny lol.

Ah, my mistake. The tone i got was "it doesn't make sense with mounts and so is totally wrong!" Thanks for clarifying.

That said. now I want to play as a huge two-headed Ettin riding a bunny!!

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