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Player House instances!


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What a great idea! <3

If we ever get player housing in Cantha expansion, it probably will be something similar to this based on the city scape from GW:Factions



WARNING!!! You may find some scenes to be rather disturbing what the end-game of capitalism could become

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The only arguments I've ever heard against player housing are the same arguments that a lot of the same people made against mounts before we got them. And in the same way mounts became a massively immersive QOL improvement that everyone now is on board with, housing would be a huge hit that people would happily divert 8 months of play to optimizing.

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@Fallesafe.5932 said:The only arguments I've ever heard against player housing are the same arguments that a lot of the same people made against mounts before we got them. And in the same way mounts became a massively immersive QOL improvement that everyone now is on board with, housing would be a huge hit that people would happily divert 8 months of play to optimizing.

Yes, mounts are huge QoL improvement as they allow players different (arguably better) ways to access content throughout all of Tyria.

Player housing would not.

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Open world housing would probably make more money, people love to show off.

I know some people don't like this because open world housing has "premium lots"

(if they create a separate zone for housing a premium lot would be a spot right next to the housing zone entrance or a spot in front of a lake for example )

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@"Lambent.6375" said:Open world housing would probably make more money, people love to show off.

I know some people don't like this because open world housing has "premium lots"

(if they create a separate zone for housing a premium lot would be a spot right next to the housing zone entrance or a spot in front of a lake for example )

Only if I can attack other houses and defend my own!

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Player housing is something that RPGers tend to like. Every MMORPG I've played that didn't have player housing has had players suggest adding player housing. There are games where there are open world homes in such high demand that it actually attracts a black market. That's how popular the idea of owning a player home is in these types of games. People would go ham for it like they did when they introduced the ability to sit in chairs. Imagine all of the collecting players would do! The collecting could end up being more potent than collecting equipment skins, because a player might want more than just one chair at their table. Players would run around the world collecting materials to make a home.

Who wants players out in the world? Not me. I want them on the forums shooting down posts with nothing better to do. I want them to attempt to stop the next cool RPG thing that rears it's ugly head around the corner.

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:For the love of God, use the search function before making a post, there are dozens upon dozens of threads about player housing already.

People will complain about necro, and those are outdated.I could bring back the housing ideas since only GW2 core. Super outdated to current game.

Thats why fresh threads are good.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@The Greyhawk.9107 said:For the love of God, use the search function before making a post, there are dozens upon dozens of threads about player housing already.

People will complain about necro, and those are outdated.I could bring back the housing ideas since only GW2 core. Super outdated to current game.

Thats why fresh threads are good.

Yes, if only fresh threads have new ideas or points for discussion. Most (if not all?) housing threads are the same things over and over again. If one wants to know the forums community's thoughts on housing, one need only review the existing threads by using the search feature.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@"The Greyhawk.9107" said:For the love of God, use the search function before making a post, there are dozens upon dozens of threads about player housing already.

People will complain about necro, and those are outdated.I could bring back the housing ideas since only GW2 core. Super outdated to current game.

Thats why fresh threads are good.

I haven't seen much backlash for necro'ing threads on this forum. I know it's a thing on other forums but I guess people here would prefer necro's over repetition. Also what Kharmin said, if a fresh thread meant fresh ideas or arguments I guess it would be better, but instead each and every thread raises the same points over and over again and tries to sell them as if they're new. Also, as is the norm with most suggestion threads, the ideas are not well thought out beyond the point of 1)"wouldn't it be cool if" or 2)"That other game has, so GW2 should have it as well."

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  • 2 months later...

I tend to drop money in games that have housing. I spent an embarrassing amount in Wildstar because I loved their housing system so much. I haven't spent any money in GW2 for a good long while. Their gem shop is mainly account-wide unlocks, personal and mount cosmetics which I can't justify buying because I do the living world episodes (or whatever they call it nowadays) and then log off. All that money has been going into ESO's housing system. If GW2 were to come out with a housing system, I'd drop ESO in a heartbeat to come back to GW2. Housing may not appeal to many people, but it would be a great form of revenue if they play the gem store right with decorations. Though I would like for the houses to be free or cost in-game currency and they put SOME of the decor itself up for gems.

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