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I wonder what the new masteries for End of Dragons will be

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I've been wondering about this too, Gliding and Mounts were game changers. I'm not sure what could introduce that'd be that big.I'd hope with how much water there might be in the next expansion that they'd rework underwater content altogether, especially when it comes to combat. We've already seen the start of it with the skimmer update but Underwater content in my opinion has a lot of untapped potential.

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I said it elsewhere but: A pet (a spirit, since it's canthan thematic) that can interact with environmental objects in our stead.

It would:

  • Give ritualist's magic to all professions (This will please most GW: faction players. And maybe end some arguments about which profession is the successor of the ritualist).
  • From a story point of view it'd give quite a few option like unlocking some door from afar, having the spirit spy for you or getting some hint from the spirit.
  • Some new interactions in puzzles in PvE.
  • From a more pragmatic point of view, it could mine nodes, gather wood and plants for the player/increase gathering speed if you mine alongside it.

    As for ANet's marketing team it would be a goldmine:

  • Skins cheap to make (You can give it pretty much any humanoid skin with minor touch to give it a "spectral" feel)
  • Gathering tools sales (Because having to always check your spirit's gathering tools charges is even more bothersome than your own)
  • E-motes for your spirit (Who wouldn't pay to make it's spirit slave do ridiculous dances in lion arch while playing some cash item instrument?)

You can also imagine some things a bit more exotics related like:

  • Having some spirit specific consumable, for example: Artificer making spirit banners with the same effect as warrior's banners and that cannot be cumulated. (This would both free warrior from being pigeonholed as a bannerslave in PvE end game and reduce the need for a bs warrior.)

Truth be told there is more to make out of this idea than there was to make from gliders and mounts.

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Well we dont know how much Cantha might have been flooded with the dissolution of the Jade Sea. I do think the underwater skimmer was introduced for a reason.Plus the skimmer pretty much makes boats pointless.But maybe something to make us feel like a Commander. A personal customizable minion hero? A nod to the heroes in Nightfall.

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We probably get another set of masteries to unlock vendors, like the Nuhoch, Itzel and Exalted ones.

Maybe they also lock off parts of the maps again, just so they can throw masteries at us to unlock these areas.Think of the Raven barriers and gates, or the Nuhoch Chak thingie.

Of course, they can also put in another rock-paper-scissors system like Season 5's essences.

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None, and hopefully they will give us something more. The mastery system is great and all but there is NOTHING that can usurp mounts and gliding for movement, the skimmer is already water based and can now go underwater. Honestly Id very much for once in this game, want them to take the resources and put it elsewhere because for me mastery's at this stage FEEL BETTER when implemented through living world... expansions? Its not worthy of holding a selling point within those. (They were at one point, but icebrood saga has shown me we dont need them behind paid content.)

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