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GW2 could really benefit from a Wardrobe slot system

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As the title says, I think we need a wardrobe slot system. Where we can switch between wardrobes on a whim.

Now, before you go saying "But they need money from Transmutation Orbs!" , lets look at it from a different perspective. Also, outfits are not a solution to this imo. That is a set look, and there are tons of singular gorgeous pieces of gear that I enjoy mix and matching.

I have literally never bought Transmutation orbs, and I'm one of those people who have played since beta. I just don't need to. They come for free often enough, and because it requires TOrbs, I often don't change my outfit. Plus the fact, I can't easily change back. Sure, I could just have an extra set of gear, but that is a lot of work to go through, bank space, and organization I'd have to bother with. Not happening.

However, if you give me multiple Wardrobe slots. You can both charge for the slots, and myself (Possibly a lot of other players too) will be using a lot more TOrbs, as I fill out my Wardrobe.

Granted, I think we should get rid of TOrbs entirely, and move to a Wardrobe Slot system. Warframe does this well, where you get a few slots to change the look of your frame, and you can purchase more. The system clearly works well for them. Being able to play dress up a lot more freely, I'd definitely purchase more slots, and more cosmetics from the shop so I can tweak out my look a lot more.

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Once you have an outfit, it is account bound so transmutation orbs aren't really needed. Having a way to quickly swap in to/out of an outfit could work I suppose, but the slots would probably be monetized like the equipment wardrobe.

I don't know about Warframe. Is it also F2P? Comparing things in games with different business models isn't necessarily a valid comparison.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:Gear loadouts don't work with outfits, do they?

They don't, no. OP is talking about outfits made from actual gear/armor pieces, and those do work with the loadouts. ..if you want to pay the fee per character to unlock them.

Outfits are a separate system entirely, and a pretty clunky one given that you can't assign unique dyes between the various outfits you've unlocked. They tried to streamline it a little by reducing the number of dye channels, but it just restricts players even more.

Fashion, the real endgame content.

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@"AgentMoore.9453" said:They actually do have this right now, but it's gear loadouts. They're 500 gems a pop, and you can have up to 6 per character. Not the best system, and I've seen other games do it better (and cheaper), but at least it's there I guess.

It'd be nice if the slots were accountwide - currently you have to buy them per character.

Gear loadout just changes your gear, not simply the cosmetics on the gear.

@kharmin.7683 said:Once you have an outfit, it is account bound so transmutation orbs aren't really needed. Having a way to quickly swap in to/out of an outfit could work I suppose, but the slots would probably be monetized like the equipment wardrobe.

I don't know about Warframe. Is it also F2P? Comparing things in games with different business models isn't necessarily a valid comparison.

Outfits are pre-determined, and not what I want as I mentioned in my post.

Also Warframe is F2P. Only difference between GW2 and Warframe is you have a base price (Which means things should be cheaper in GW2 imo, but whatevs).

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So, from what I can tell, you want essentially "Cosmetic Loadout"?

Which would function similarly to Gear Loadouts, but only change cosmetics (Skins/Dyes/Outfits)

Sure why not.

As far as Transmutation Orbs go, I'm really not sure if literally anyone does in fact purchase them given they're given away constantly (Especially for WvW players whom get them by the bucketfull)... They could honestly just get rid of them, which should be possible given that the Radiant/Hellfire/Zenith/Pinnacle skins from Achievement rewards can be applied to items without a TOrb cost.

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I think transmutation charges have their place. Actually really hoping to have the ability to have different outfits on legendary armor between equipment templates. Currently you can already have different outfits on different armor between templates, as long as it's different armor pieces. Legendaries are the only ones left out.

I wouldnt necessarily be opposed to some sort of outfit saving system, I just don't think they are going to remove transmutation charges given that, iirc, a discussion about armor skins and equipment templates actually came up in the Guild Chat before the templates dropped, and I think they mentioned that they dont necessarily want to just make them useless if they do implement some sort of outfit system with armor skins.

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This is something I really want, you spend transmutation charges to apply the armour or to change the armour skins on the template but costs nothing to switch wardrobe template. This way Transmutation charges can be spent more oftern creating more looks for your character (I currently have my main character unable to change looks due to two to three armour skins I dont want to change, I would be willing to change them knowing i can switch back to that look with a template however.

This system can be worked like the current template system, you get 2 slots open to you at the start, and pay gems to unlock more slots.

If you want me to finally get through my 600 transmutation orbs, this is the way. The current system makes me never change my armour or really go ham with it.

EDIT 30/03/22 (OUTDATED)
There was a change made a while back, only became known to me recently, legendary armour will change looks when in 1 or 2 slots and you can change the looks of each set and it will switch and save, which is what i wanted! Big thumbs up

Edited by Smoosh.2718
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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:I may be stupid, but the warddrobe system is actually pretty awesome as it is now.

Yes, its the best I've seen in any MMORPG. But that doesn't mean it can't improve.I agree with OP. And i'm sure they would make much more money on cosmetic loadouts than transumation charges. I've never purchased them.It would also be nice if we could save outfit/mount and glider dye themes.

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@jokke.6239 said:

@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:I may be stupid, but the warddrobe system is actually pretty awesome as it is now.

Yes, its the best I've seen in any MMORPG. But that doesn't mean it can't improve.I agree with OP. And i'm sure they would make much more money on cosmetic loadouts than transumation charges. I've never purchased them.It would also be nice if we could save outfit/mount and glider dye themes.

You haven't seen a lot of MMOs then. Outfits are fine, dyes are spectacular, but changing the appearance of individual equipment gets pricey with charges. No other game I can name requires real money items to change the appearance of gear. And it's unnecessarily restrictive as only loaded players are going to use them on leveling toons. Everyone else gets to enjoy 80 levels of $#!%-tier gear design sans the odd fashionable one in the mid levels. It's pretty much why I'm all for more outfits while others loathe them. The whole transmutation charge system makes switching appearances impractical next to new outfits. If I could charge to a cosmetic slot and NOT an item directly, that would make them at least understandable, but as it is, it's just archaic and impractical.

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@Timbersword.9014 said:

@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:I may be stupid, but the warddrobe system is actually pretty awesome as it is now.

Yes, its the best I've seen in any MMORPG. But that doesn't mean it can't improve.I agree with OP. And i'm sure they would make much more money on cosmetic loadouts than transumation charges. I've never purchased them.It would also be nice if we could save outfit/mount and glider dye themes.

You haven't seen a lot of MMOs then. Outfits are fine, dyes are spectacular, but changing the appearance of individual equipment gets pricey with charges. No other game I can name requires real money items to change the appearance of gear. And it's unnecessarily restrictive as only loaded players are going to use them on leveling toons. Everyone else gets to enjoy 80 levels of $#!%-tier gear design sans the odd fashionable one in the mid levels. It's pretty much why I'm all for more outfits while others loathe them. The whole transmutation charge system makes switching appearances impractical next to new outfits. If I could charge to a cosmetic slot and NOT an item directly, that would make them at least understandable, but as it is, it's just archaic and impractical.

I agree that it sucks that you have to have transmutation charges to change skins, but they are not that hard to get though, I have a bit over 100 of them right now, and no I'm not loaded, it's not exclusively a payed item, it's rewarded for doing content. You have to either prioritize PVP/WVW to get them fast though. Getting them from PVE map completion is slow ..Skins directly being saved in wardrobe after selling/salvaging/equpipping is amazing and super convinient. You don't have to hold onto the item in a wardrobe bank or whatever (that usually also have limited slots)Dye system is also the best I've seen, and lets not forget that we don't have to buy dyes more than once, in other games you usually have to purchase them as consumable everytime you want to change colors, and they can even be very expensive.Also you don't have to go to a NPC or home instance or whatever to change skins/outfits.So yeah I would say the convinience factor of GW2 wardrobe far outweighs the negative aspect of having to use transmutation charges

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@jokke.6239 said:

@"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:I may be stupid, but the warddrobe system is actually pretty awesome as it is now.

Yes, its the best I've seen in any MMORPG. But that doesn't mean it can't improve.I agree with OP. And i'm sure they would make much more money on cosmetic loadouts than transumation charges. I've never purchased them.It would also be nice if we could save outfit/mount and glider dye themes.

You haven't seen a lot of MMOs then. Outfits are fine, dyes are spectacular, but changing the appearance of individual equipment gets pricey with charges. No other game I can name requires real money items to change the appearance of gear. And it's unnecessarily restrictive as only loaded players are going to use them on leveling toons. Everyone else gets to enjoy 80 levels of $#!%-tier gear design sans the odd fashionable one in the mid levels. It's pretty much why I'm all for more outfits while others loathe them. The whole transmutation charge system makes switching appearances impractical next to new outfits. If I could charge to a cosmetic slot and NOT an item directly, that would make them at least understandable, but as it is, it's just archaic and impractical.

I agree that it sucks that you have to have transmutation charges to change skins, but they are not that hard to get though, I have a bit over 100 of them right now, and no I'm not loaded, it's not exclusively a payed item, it's rewarded for doing content. You have to either prioritize PVP/WVW to get them fast though. Getting them from PVE map completion is slow ..Skins directly being saved in wardrobe after selling/salvaging/equpipping is amazing and super convinient. You don't have to hold onto the item in a wardrobe bank or whatever (that usually also have limited slots)Dye system is also the best I've seen, and lets not forget that we don't have to buy dyes more than once, in other games you usually have to purchase them as consumable everytime you want to change colors, and they can even be very expensive.Also you don't have to go to a NPC or home instance or whatever to change skins/outfits.So yeah I would say the convinience factor of GW2 wardrobe far outweighs the negative aspect of having to use transmutation charges
  1. You also have to change individual pieces...every time. Instead of having saved wardrobe sets. Hell, even City of Heroes had a better system than GW2, and its older than WoW. So does Warframe, a F2P system, with a better dye system too. WoW does this better too, the only thing it doesn't have is a dye system which is dumb. F14's system is similar to GW2, but still has saved wardrobes. Every MMO I've mentioned also saves the skin, you don't need to keep it.

  2. "Outfits" imo are terrible. Not being able to mix and match drastically reduces the amount of dress up I can do. I always avoid outfits for this reason. And they still clip!

  3. The home instance/npc thing is the only thing you've mentioned that GW2 has above the others. But honestly, with saved wardrobe settings, I'd say it takes less time to go to a NPC, and click 2 quick buttons than to go through, find the armor, and reset all your dyes so it looks good again. And then you lose your previous look, so going back requires you to do that all over again.

In other MMO's that have a saved look, people change looks A LOT more. Most people I know in GW2 are rocking the same look for a year+. They rarely change anything, and if they do, its only one or two pieces. While in WoW/FF14/Warframe/CoX, people are constantly changing pieces around, throwing on all the different outfits they have, etc. Because its more accessible, and enjoyable.

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I would disagree. Not being able to load exactly what you had before leaves it more open to experimentation, slight modifications to the same basic look without just flipping to the same thing every time. I believe that adds more variety and entertainment value to the system.

Besides, there's always the "writing it down" option. It's not that complicated.

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@Chyanne Waters.8719 said:I may be stupid, but the warddrobe system is actually pretty awesome as it is now.

Not 100% sure if this has been answered already.

If i gauge this right, OP is suggesting that we have a Armour skin template system, So we can change our looks instantly without having to spend between the sets you created.

If I am to also gauge this correct, you will be charged a transmutation to apply the armour skin to that template, but not be charged to switch templates. So Transmutation charges will still be relevant. Personally I would be more likely to use more transmutation charges under this system than the current. Since I am running legendary armour, I can only use 1 skin for all my templates.... which isnt the greatest if you want to 'switch' into a tanky template and look the part.

This is why i 100% back this idea... so i can create more looks for all my character, rather than be locked to 1 look for ever.

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@"Trise.2865" said:I would disagree. Not being able to load exactly what you had before leaves it more open to experimentation, slight modifications to the same basic look without just flipping to the same thing every time. I believe that adds more variety and entertainment value to the system.

Besides, there's always the "writing it down" option. It's not that complicated.

This makes 0 sense. Why would having a wardrobe setup prevent this...at all? In the games that have this, I'm always tweaking my wardrobe.

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@Fractured.3928 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:I would disagree. Not being able to load exactly what you had before leaves it more open to experimentation, slight modifications to the same basic look without just flipping to the same thing every time. I believe that adds more variety and entertainment value to the system.

Besides, there's always the "writing it down" option. It's not that complicated.

This makes 0 sense. Why would having a wardrobe setup prevent this...at all? In the games that have this, I'm always tweaking my wardrobe.

Why tinker when you can flip a switch?

Nothing is "prevented", merely less convenient. Don't be so melodramatic.

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@Fractured.3928 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:I would disagree. Not being able to load exactly what you had before leaves it more open to experimentation, slight modifications to the same basic look without just flipping to the same thing every time. I believe that adds more variety and entertainment value to the system.

Besides, there's always the "writing it down" option. It's not that complicated.

This makes 0 sense. Why would having a wardrobe setup prevent this...at all? In the games that have this, I'm always tweaking my wardrobe.

Def agree. A wardrobe system would def improve experimentation. As it is, I stick with one set look because it is far too much hassle to change between diff styles I want for diff occasions

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/11/2020 at 12:33 PM, Fractured.3928 said:

In other MMO's that have a saved look, people change looks A LOT more. Most people I know in GW2 are rocking the same look for a year+. They rarely change anything, and if they do, its only one or two pieces. While in WoW/FF14/Warframe/CoX, people are constantly changing pieces around, throwing on all the different outfits they have, etc. Because its more accessible, and enjoyable.

Exactly. It's really simple why so many games let people make multiple looks and save them. The freedom to make looks would see an increase in transmutation stone use. I update my outfit slots in ESO every week even though it's not free to do so. In GW2 the system is so miserly it has made me miserly by nature.

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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A bit "offtopic", gw2style is still bugged.

A Wardrobe lodout + integration with gw2style via a "link system" similar to builds links would be great.

Sometimes when i see a player with good luck/dyes, i have to PM asking for which stuff hes using, when its respond, i have to print it to annotate, to try look later; to sum up, its too much time consuming borrow a look in Gw2.


About development, is obviously 50x less complicated then a build storage/equip storage development. 

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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