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Killer clown outfit and items (warning, clown pictures inside)


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Can you devs add some killer clown outfits or items in the game as additional content please? I wanted to have some fun dressing my character like a killer clown in PvP modes but the game is lacking on the fashion side. Please, don't make them gem only items, I would spend a few golds just to dress like a bloodthirsty killer clown like Sweet Tooth ( https://bbts1.azureedge.net/images/p/full/2016/11/b1a17266-c663-42f6-8324-225bc77e3a53.jpg ) or IT ( https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1C4.cc6fguuRjSspaq6yXVXXaz.jpg )


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@knite.1542 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Considering that they didn't add the spider mount because a lot of people have arachnophobia, and that a lot of people are afraid of clowns, I don't think it's something they would add. I could be wrong though.

Is that confirmed. There are tons of spiders in this game and there is even a longbow skin that is a spider.

Yes, it is confirmed. The Devs talked about it in a Guild Chat, I believe. That, or one of the 'behind the scenes' videos they released.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Considering that they didn't add the spider mount because a lot of people have arachnophobia, and that a lot of people are afraid of clowns, I don't think it's something they would add. I could be wrong though.

Is that confirmed. There are tons of spiders in this game and there is even a longbow skin that is a spider.

Yes, it is confirmed. The Devs talked about it in a Guild Chat, I believe. That, or one of the 'behind the scenes' videos they released.

Dang that's too bad. I would love to run around LA as a killer clown riding a giant spider.

Oh well...

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@"Touchme.1097" said:Can you devs add some killer clown outfits or items in the game as additional content please? I wanted to have some fun dressing my character like a killer clown in PvP modes but the game is lacking on the fashion side. Please, don't make them gem only items, I would spend a few golds just to dress like a bloodthirsty killer clown like Sweet Tooth ( https://bbts1.azureedge.net/images/p/full/2016/11/b1a17266-c663-42f6-8324-225bc77e3a53.jpg ) or IT ( https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1C4.cc6fguuRjSspaq6yXVXXaz.jpg )


For the love of god just NO. The last thing we need is killer clowns running around in GW2 , I couldn't think of anything worse to kill the immersion !

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@"Mack.3045" said:

For the love of god just NO. The last thing we need is killer clowns running around in GW2 , I couldn't think of anything worse to kill the immersion !

I can think of a few:

Bobbleheads, bunny ear skin, aviator sunglasses, most of the legendary weapon skins, pretty much anything from the super adventure box, captain america cosplays, sailor moon cosplays, hulk cosplays, thor cosplays, iron man cosplays, super man cosplays, ronald mcdonald cosplays, invisible walls, minis, and the message that says "Return to the playable area or you will be killed."

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The > @Mack.3045 said:

@"Touchme.1097" said:Can you devs add some killer clown outfits or items in the game as additional content please? I wanted to have some fun dressing my character like a killer clown in PvP modes but the game is lacking on the fashion side. Please, don't make them gem only items, I would spend a few golds just to dress like a bloodthirsty killer clown like Sweet Tooth (
) or IT (


For the love of god just NO. The last thing we need is killer clowns running around in GW2 , I couldn't think of anything worse to kill the immersion !

The immersion of this game is already dead. We got so many stupid things that i cant see why we cant have a clown outfit

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I think you could already do a clown costume, using something like Confessor Caudecus's Mask from Season 3, or the Lunatic Acolyte Mask (light armour only unfortunately) from Halloween. Actually a lot of the light armour masks could work for a clown theme with the right dyes. Then you just need suitably flamboyant clothing, and there's no shortage of that for light armour.

Alternatively they could give us the costume worn by clowns in the game, but then it wouldn't be possible to combine it with a mask or face paint because those are armour skins.

@Mack.3045 said:

@"Touchme.1097" said:Can you devs add some killer clown outfits or items in the game as additional content please? I wanted to have some fun dressing my character like a killer clown in PvP modes but the game is lacking on the fashion side. Please, don't make them gem only items, I would spend a few golds just to dress like a bloodthirsty killer clown like Sweet Tooth (
) or IT (


For the love of god just NO. The last thing we need is killer clowns running around in GW2 , I couldn't think of anything worse to kill the immersion !

If killer clowns are an immersion breaker for you don't ever pick the "I never joined the circus" option for a human character.

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@knite.1542 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Considering that they didn't add the spider mount because a lot of people have arachnophobia, and that a lot of people are afraid of clowns, I don't think it's something they would add. I could be wrong though.

Is that confirmed. There are tons of spiders in this game and there is even a longbow skin that is a spider.

Jup, doesn't make sense, but that was what they said.

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@lokh.2695 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Considering that they didn't add the spider mount because a lot of people have arachnophobia, and that a lot of people are afraid of clowns, I don't think it's something they would add. I could be wrong though.

Is that confirmed. There are tons of spiders in this game and there is even a longbow skin that is a spider.

Jup, doesn't make sense, but that was what they said.

I don't know why they made the decision but I'd guess it's something to do with being able to avoid them. I'm arachnophobic and I play a ranger, I just never use any of the spider pets. When I'm fighting spiders in the game I can keep my distance (with one exception in season 4 - then I just focused on the skill bar and tried not to look at the rest of the screen). Or I can avoid those areas if I feel like I can't face it right now. Likewise if someone else has a spider pet and I don't want to see it I can move away and/or angle the camera so it's off the screen.

But the way mounts in this game are designed you always have to use them for at least some things, especially since this was when they were first developing PoF and I don't think they wanted to have a second optional mount along with the griffon. There's a huge difference between a spider enemy in a cave somewhere which you can skip or fight from a distance and a spider big enough for a player character to sit on which has to be right in the middle of your screen, with your character on top of it. Not to mention spiders that size running around all over the cities.

But if I remember correctly it wasn't just because people were scared of them. I remember hearing they also had issues with their mechanics, either they couldn't get it to work or when they did it wasn't unique or interesting enough to justify a dedicated mount. So I think it was the combination of the two - faced with the choice between a mediocre mount that a lot of players wouldn't like using (or even seeing in use) or scrapping it and making something which works better and doesn't creep people out they chose the second one.

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I can debunk the arachnophobia argument with: There are already tons of giant and creepy spiders in the game, an extra spider won't make a difference.Let's get back to the killer clown argument: There is a personal story called college of clowns and it's currently possible to use the Harlequin's mask to make your Scholar character look like Ronald McDonald, another clown outfit or armor set wouldn't make a difference, but it would allow me and other players who play other professions to have some fun with customising their character. Clowns NPCs do exist, they are in Queesndale, I don't know anyone who suffer of clownphobia, but if anyone would be so afraid of them they would have already complained about the issue. Let people have some fun, you don't have to lurk in every forum thread and be negative about something new all the time. Be positive and have fun.

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@Mack.3045 said:

For the love of god just NO. The last thing we need is killer clowns running around in GW2 , I couldn't think of anything worse to kill the immersion !

Consider yourself lucky then that you have not already seen them, I've seen many clown characters, usually based on the Ronald McDonald theme, sadly immersion died for me when they added SAB, and since then it has only gotten worse.

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