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Dear Anet, I love Halloween.. But.


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??Requesting for a success reward after 100 failed attempts is asking for anet to kitten it down, since you don't have to successfully complete something to succeed in it.I never said this jp was easy, i said it was a challenge. I said hearts are easy, it's objective, not subjective, if anyone in this universe thinks gw2 hearts are hard, then idk what to say. I'ts the most braindead activity i know.

I never been able to get gold in most HoT adventures, i'm not going to come on here to complain, "OMG i cna't get gold, plz give me pity gold reward"... kitten... that just invalidate other's efforts. It's like throwing a pie in their face.

I see, I took 'dum down the content'' to mean making the content it self easier as opposed to making getting the reward, subjectively, easier. Doing it 100x is perseverance, which is a good thing that is often rewarded. For example in grind based games like, I don't know, most mmo's? I doubt I could persevere more than a couple of times to say, explain something to a kitten.

Oh, you also said 90% of the game was easy not just hearts amongst other things but I'll say no more on it ;)

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@troops.8276 said:

??Requesting for a success reward after 100 failed attempts is asking for anet to kitten it down, since you don't have to successfully complete something to succeed in it.I never said this jp was easy, i said it was a challenge. I said hearts are easy, it's objective, not subjective, if anyone in this universe thinks gw2 hearts are hard, then idk what to say. I'ts the most braindead activity i know.

I never been able to get gold in most HoT adventures, i'm not going to come on here to complain, "OMG i cna't get gold, plz give me pity gold reward"... kitten... that just invalidate other's efforts. It's like throwing a pie in their face.

I see, I took 'dum down the content'' to mean making the content it self easier as opposed to making getting the reward, subjectively, easier. Doing it 100x is perseverance, which is a good thing that is often rewarded. For example in grind based games like, I don't know, most mmo's? I doubt I could persevere more than a couple of times to say, explain something to a kitten.

Exactly, it is rewarding persistence, which is the inherent nature of most MMO's. IE: Grind.

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@Omar Aschi Popp.7496 said:

@Donari.5237 said:

@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:Wait. What's the twitch skill? Please tell me what this is. I've beaten it, but if it would make it easier I would actually try to beat it a 2nd time.What is a twitch skill?

I'll take that as a serious question. "Twitch skill" refers to having very fast reflexes, being able to very quickly and accurately do fast-reaction motion and control in games. So OP wasn't saying some people or professions have an in-game skill on their bar that helps, s/he was saying some people are physically better at rapid keyboard/mouse action.

(I am someone without high twitch skill, though happily it is not due to anything but being older).

Ah. I'm playing with a controller. I would never beat this with keyboard/mouse. My hands would jolt way too much and screw me up.I already screw up a ton with the controller but it would be way worse on mouse.


Before, with a horrible "make-shift" action camera until I learn about action camera like 1 or 2 weeks ago.

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@Danikat.8537 said:the main thing is to learn and remember the path

This is why I've never succeeded. I have never liked puzzles or games that require memorizing an exact route, and especially not in the tower, where I am unlikely to be able to try again immediately after falling (before getting past the first interesting jump). To me, it's about as enjoyable as trying to remember the dates of important Civil War battles; I could manage it; it's just not fun enough (for me) to put in the effort.

Mind you: I love the two festival puzzles. They are gorgeous and amazingly (and lovingly) crafted works of science, art, and gaming. They just aren't my cup of tea and never will be.

And I think it's perfectly fine for ANet to gate Festival skins (and chieves) behind the JPs. A little frustrating for me, sure, but there is so much other stuff I can do without worrying about it.

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Wonder if they could add a "remote control" feature. Party with a player and let that player do the puzzle for you while you watch.They could maybe do a group participation thing. Where only one member in the instance has to complete it so that everyone gets credit, maybe not the chest, but the achievement credit (/shrug). Maybe they add a counter to the failures so that after 10 or x number of failures the Mad King feels bad for you and gives you the achievement. You tried, he belittles you, and then you get credit. I don't know, just throwing around ideas.

Personally, I love the puzzle, and have finished the AP's for it on 3 accounts. I look forward to it every year. I also don't know if I'll be able to do it in the future due to tremors in my hands. I know how bad it can be for other players. My wife has put many hours in trying to finish it and the Christmas one just so she could say SHE did it. In 5 years, she still has 0 personal successes on them. It's just a holiday festival, so I can see a reason to include everyone somehow.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:You should NEVER use the keyboard to turn. Ever. Only use it for strafing and skills.

Maybe for you but I would watch the word "never". I have been playing games with a keyboard for, what, about 40 years. That is some pretty strong muscle memory there! To me turning with a mouse is awkward because it goes against decades of how to react. That is like those people saying not to hold the space bar down too long in JPs because you will not go further (even though that is precisely what you do with the raptor jump).

Its not for me. Rotating with keys will objectively always be slower, just like clicking on skills rather than using keys will also be slower.

Its not because some activities can be done with a keyboard that it works as the perfect controller for every type of game. Typically moving in a 3d world is more precise with an analogic stick (you can go slower or faster also), fps are commonly better with a mouse (faster reactions), etc.

If using skills is indeed better with a keyboard, when it comes to movement and especially if you need to react fast, a mouse will be objectively better.

For you maybe but you said never. I will match 4 decades of muscle memory of doing things one way vs if I tried to do things another way any day. I decided to give ESO a try once. There were some things I liked and other things I hated, but do you want to know what made me give it up? No option to turn with a keyboard. It was dumbing down my reactions.

But the person is also right: Keyboarding turning is slowed in the system. It reads it over time and animates the turn.You can use a mouse to instant face any direction and the animation will put you there as fast as the mouse gets there, but a keyboard takes 'holding down' or even 'tapping' and processes it as a series of hits over a time delay.

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If you use keyboard you will never get it.

It's actually really easy, the second half has zero challenge as the gas stops coming up and you can just stand there and aim your jumps. The first half is the bigger problem, most people fail the big cog jump because they jump too early and don't angle to the lower portion of the cog.

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@Daffan.8924 said:If you use keyboard you will never get it.

It's actually really easy, the second half has zero challenge as the gas stops coming up and you can just stand there and aim your jumps. The first half is the bigger problem, most people fail the big cog jump because they jump too early and don't angle to the lower portion of the cog.

I typically get overrun by the goop just before the second large Cog.

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@Kichwas.7152 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:You should NEVER use the keyboard to turn. Ever. Only use it for strafing and skills.

Maybe for you but I would watch the word "never". I have been playing games with a keyboard for, what, about 40 years. That is some pretty strong muscle memory there! To me turning with a mouse is awkward because it goes against decades of how to react. That is like those people saying not to hold the space bar down too long in JPs because you will not go further (even though that is precisely what you do with the raptor jump).

Its not for me. Rotating with keys will objectively always be slower, just like clicking on skills rather than using keys will also be slower.

Its not because some activities can be done with a keyboard that it works as the perfect controller for every type of game. Typically moving in a 3d world is more precise with an analogic stick (you can go slower or faster also), fps are commonly better with a mouse (faster reactions), etc.

If using skills is indeed better with a keyboard, when it comes to movement and especially if you need to react fast, a mouse will be objectively better.

For you maybe but you said never. I will match 4 decades of muscle memory of doing things one way vs if I tried to do things another way any day. I decided to give ESO a try once. There were some things I liked and other things I hated, but do you want to know what made me give it up? No option to turn with a keyboard. It was dumbing down my reactions.

But the person is also right: Keyboarding turning is slowed in the system. It reads it over time and animates the turn.You can use a mouse to instant face any direction and the animation will put you there as fast as the mouse gets there, but a keyboard takes 'holding down' or even 'tapping' and processes it as a series of hits over a time delay.

Yeah. I made that comment to help people cause I see a lot of them still using keyboard for rotation... and it just cant work in a jp where timing also matters.It might take a while to learn, but not more than learning to go from clicking skills to using keys for skills.Obviously you dont need to do it, it doesn't matter for most content, but if you're going for challenging jp you absolutely need to consider it.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:You should NEVER use the keyboard to turn. Ever. Only use it for strafing and skills.Instead control the camera with your mouse (right click) and a left click while controlling the camera will make your character move and turn accordingly to the camera (= much faster)

If you wonder why you have so many issues with JPs... look no further that is why.

What the?

Maybe for you but I would watch the word "never". I have been playing games with a keyboard for, what, about 40 years. That is some pretty strong muscle memory there! To me turning with a mouse is awkward because it goes against decades of how to react. That is like those people saying not to hold the space bar down too long in JPs because you will not go further (even though that is precisely what you do with the raptor jump).

Its not for me. Rotating with keys will objectively always be slower, just like clicking on skills rather than using keys will also be slower.

Its not because some activities can be done with a keyboard that it works as the perfect controller for every type of game. Typically moving in a 3d world is more precise with an analogic stick (you can go slower or faster also), fps are commonly better with a mouse (faster reactions), etc.

If using skills is indeed better with a keyboard, when it comes to movement and especially if you need to react fast, a mouse will be objectively better.

For you maybe but you said never. I will match 4 decades of muscle memory of doing things one way vs if I tried to do things another way any day. I decided to give ESO a try once. There were some things I liked and other things I hated, but do you want to know what made me give it up? No option to turn with a keyboard. It was dumbing down my reactions.

I turn with either the mouse or keyboard, have been using both so long I'm quick with each of them. It's funny you mention ESO because I use my keyboard to turn in that game...when I play it on occasion.

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I actually don't care about the achieves.

But I would like to do the puzzle. I would love to buy an instance version of it where I could choose with "death fog" or "without". So that I could practice on my own time. xD.

It is definitely far too quick for me, I really struggle with aiming the camera the most but I also have horrendous lag from my shitty internet service.

An instance version would make it easier for me to experience the puzzle, but oh well, it's just another achieve I won't complete in the large list of them. XDThere's more to the game than AP hunting And I don't care much about the rewards these days either.

Just move on OP, play the aspects you enjoy.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@troops.8276 said:

@Samnang.1879 said:Can ppl pls stop complaining about the difficulty of things in this game???NOTHING in the game is that hard (save from getting god of pvp title).90% of guild wars 2 content is easy and made for casuals, hearts, map events, low level fractals, stories. this jp is something that comes once every year, let the ppl who enjoy the challenge have their enjoyment of the challenge instead of making anet dum down all the content cuz u can't do it. its not fair and unreasonable.

I think OP was 'complaining' about their own inability and not asking for it too be 'dumbed down'. Rather just wanting a 'different' way to complete it.

Something may be easy for you but that doesn't mean its easy for everyone. Just like how it was easy for me to understand what the OP actually meant. ;)

Some things may be relatively easy for most people but may take time and time is a commodity that many don't have much of. Or as the 'no lifers' put it 'casual'.

This was my point, it also stonewalls progress in many other activities, like the book, and the boots. If the clock tower was standalone, I'd be more then happy to avoid it and let people farm it for bags and whatever. But, since it's tied to a few other items, I don't think it's asking to much, to give a "You gave it your best" completion, after 100 tries.

@Loboling.5293 said:I'm fine with this. I can't remember how many tries it took me. I don't think I ever would've gotten it if not for watching other people beat it, as I tried to keep up with them. It was one of the best feelings I had when I finally beat it, and now every year I do it still just to help others get up.

However, if someone wants to avoid that high you get when you finally beat it, and you've been trying 100 times. I say, why not give it to you. You're missing one fun feeling when you beat it on your own.

Anyway, after 100 times if you haven't made any real progress, just give them the achievement. My opinion.

I agree, there should be some kind of maybe checkpoint, that have to reach for it to count.. like say.. you need to at least jump onto the platform that comes off the tower wall at the start. I know I fail getting past that point a lot. But getting to it would remove the AFK players at least.

This is the Winter's Presence scenario all over again. What really kills me is all the people who are "It's easy, anyone can do it". I wish I could take these people and subject them to a series of REAL world trials of skill. Say shooting, car racing, billiards, orienteering, baseball, basketball, and a math test. And then I wish I could GRADE them on their success or lack thereof in ALL of those skills TOGETHER, and then say... you LOST your completion of the Clock Tower and NEVER can have it because you're not good enough in all these skills.

Because that is what ANet is doing by gating an armor piece behind this jumping puzzle. Jumping is a skill. Making it a timed event makes it DIFFICULT SKILL. VERY. Anyone who says otherwise is likely under 20 years old or possibly jumped up on illegal substances.

Personally, after the FIRST TWO TRIES at the CT, I just walked away. That was three, four years ago. I think I accidentally went in one other time. That's it. I play games to have fun, blow up/maim/kill mobs, to decompress and enjoy myself. I don't enjoy JP's, never have, NEVER will, and to have ANY content whatsoever gated behind a JP, especially a JP that is CLEARLY designed for very good to superior hand to eye co-ordination and reflexes is TOTALLY INSULTING TO ME PERSONALLY.

Anet needs to STOP insulting its customers in this fashion. I truly hope that THIS wintersday that Anet has come up with an ALTERNATE METHOD to gain the step currently covered by the WD JP. And I also hope that the next time that Anet considers gating something behind a uber crazy insane difficult JP, that they PROVIDE another pathway that is REASONALBE... and I also hope that they observe the stats on how many people AVOID the JP. Might give us some real numbers to talk about.Nuff said.

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"possibly jumped up on illegal substances."

Going a bit far there?I get frustration. .i very likely will be unable to complete this jp but to suggest people are using psychoactive substances..is quite rude.

And the armour isn't gated. You can buy a recipe to craft it.

So, move on. Spend your time farming instead and craft it.

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I somewhat agree.

I'd just like this clock tower to be single player instanced to get rid of the wait time. If I can't complete a hard JP puzzle even with rapid spawning trying over and over.. then that is on me. I just don't want the reason to be I'm failing due to frustration of standing around over half the time. I would likely pay to have this completed if by all other means, couldn't do it before the event was gone.

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@Nightshade.5924 said:

This is the Winter's Presence scenario all over again. What really kills me is all the people who are "It's easy, anyone can do it". I wish I could take these people and subject them to a series of REAL world trials of skill. Say shooting, car racing, billiards, orienteering, baseball, basketball, and a math test. And then I wish I could GRADE them on their success or lack thereof in ALL of those skills TOGETHER, and then say... you LOST your completion of the Clock Tower and NEVER can have it because you're not good enough in all these skills.

Because that is what ANet is doing by gating an armor piece behind this jumping puzzle. Jumping is a skill. Making it a timed event makes it DIFFICULT SKILL. VERY. Anyone who says otherwise is likely under 20 years old or possibly jumped up on illegal substances.

Personally, after the FIRST TWO TRIES at the CT, I just walked away. That was three, four years ago. I think I accidentally went in one other time. That's it. I play games to have fun, blow up/maim/kill mobs, to decompress and enjoy myself. I don't enjoy JP's, never have, NEVER will, and to have ANY content whatsoever gated behind a JP, especially a JP that is CLEARLY designed for very good to superior hand to eye co-ordination and reflexes is TOTALLY INSULTING TO ME PERSONALLY.

Anet needs to STOP insulting its customers in this fashion. I truly hope that THIS wintersday that Anet has come up with an ALTERNATE METHOD to gain the step currently covered by the WD JP. And I also hope that the next time that Anet considers gating something behind a uber crazy insane difficult JP, that they PROVIDE another pathway that is REASONALBE... and I also hope that they observe the stats on how many people AVOID the JP. Might give us some real numbers to talk about.Nuff said.

You can craft the armor with a recipie you can buy. You dont need to do the JP to get it, its not gated.

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@Nightshade.5924 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:

@troops.8276 said:

@Samnang.1879 said:Can ppl pls stop complaining about the difficulty of things in this game???NOTHING in the game is that hard (save from getting god of pvp title).90% of guild wars 2 content is easy and made for casuals, hearts, map events, low level fractals, stories. this jp is something that comes once every year, let the ppl who enjoy the challenge have their enjoyment of the challenge instead of making anet dum down all the content cuz u can't do it. its not fair and unreasonable.

I think OP was 'complaining' about their own inability and not asking for it too be 'dumbed down'. Rather just wanting a 'different' way to complete it.

Something may be easy for you but that doesn't mean its easy for everyone. Just like how it was easy for me to understand what the OP actually meant. ;)

Some things may be relatively easy for most people but may take time and time is a commodity that many don't have much of. Or as the 'no lifers' put it 'casual'.

This was my point, it also stonewalls progress in many other activities, like the book, and the boots. If the clock tower was standalone, I'd be more then happy to avoid it and let people farm it for bags and whatever. But, since it's tied to a few other items, I don't think it's asking to much, to give a "You gave it your best" completion, after 100 tries.

@Loboling.5293 said:I'm fine with this. I can't remember how many tries it took me. I don't think I ever would've gotten it if not for watching other people beat it, as I tried to keep up with them. It was one of the best feelings I had when I finally beat it, and now every year I do it still just to help others get up.

However, if someone wants to avoid that high you get when you finally beat it, and you've been trying 100 times. I say, why not give it to you. You're missing one fun feeling when you beat it on your own.

Anyway, after 100 times if you haven't made any real progress, just give them the achievement. My opinion.

I agree, there should be some kind of maybe checkpoint, that have to reach for it to count.. like say.. you need to at least jump onto the platform that comes off the tower wall at the start. I know I fail getting past that point a lot. But getting to it would remove the AFK players at least.

This is the Winter's Presence scenario all over again. What really kills me is all the people who are "It's easy, anyone can do it". I wish I could take these people and subject them to a series of REAL world trials of skill. Say shooting, car racing, billiards, orienteering, baseball, basketball, and a math test. And then I wish I could GRADE them on their success or lack thereof in ALL of those skills TOGETHER, and then say... you LOST your completion of the Clock Tower and NEVER can have it because you're not good enough in all these skills.

Because that is what ANet is doing by gating an armor piece behind this jumping puzzle. Jumping is a skill. Making it a timed event makes it DIFFICULT SKILL. VERY. Anyone who says otherwise is likely under 20 years old or possibly jumped up on illegal substances.

Personally, after the FIRST TWO TRIES at the CT, I just walked away. That was three, four years ago. I think I accidentally went in one other time. That's it. I play games to have fun, blow up/maim/kill mobs, to decompress and enjoy myself. I don't enjoy JP's, never have, NEVER will, and to have ANY content whatsoever gated behind a JP, especially a JP that is CLEARLY designed for very good to superior hand to eye co-ordination and reflexes is TOTALLY INSULTING TO ME PERSONALLY.

Anet needs to STOP insulting its customers in this fashion. I truly hope that THIS wintersday that Anet has come up with an ALTERNATE METHOD to gain the step currently covered by the WD JP. And I also hope that the next time that Anet considers gating something behind a uber crazy insane difficult JP, that they PROVIDE another pathway that is REASONALBE... and I also hope that they observe the stats on how many people AVOID the JP. Might give us some real numbers to talk about.Nuff said.

Wow... I find it easy and a matter of muscle memory (aka yeah, anyone can do it) so I'm a kid or I take drugs?I can't even imagine what you think of raids lol.

I think you're the one insulting players who like trial and error challenges. Anet is just providing some very limited content that is based around that. The Clock Tower is one of them and so is trial and tribulations from SAB. There's still (Thanks gods) a playerbase for that kind of content, or games like Dark Souls, Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain, whatever, would not be critical successes.

It's your right not to enjoy something. But first, saying we're all on drugs for finding it easy after having tried only TWO TIMES is ridiculous, and second, it was said before your post that there is no piece of armor gated behind that content. You're ranting and attacking players over a bunch of AP points that you do not deserve, especially if you only tried twice only.Even if that armor was still gated behind that content, that still wouldn't be an excuse to attack players, and attack anet, for proposing that kind of content. Legendary armors are gated behind raids, weapons set are gated behind SAB. If you had it your way everything should be given regardless of skill and perseverance and that is definitely NOT good for any game.

It was challenging for me at first, I tried for hours the first year and I finally got it, and I will confirm what everyone else said, it's more memory muscle than anything, it's absolutely FINE if you don't want to spend time on that but stop asking for nerf just because you don't want to do that.I don't care what real skills you have irl, it doesn't matter, it's a video game, you're tested on the mechanics of that video game, and you're not automatically right or legitimate because you're having issues beating some content. This kind of behavior actually IS typical of this new generation of gamers that blame a game for offering challenge, something no older gamer who played during the golden age of video games would ever do.

And that is why I was against the Eater of Soul nerf. The more you nerf a game, the more people want to keep nerfing it.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:Wow... I find it easy and a matter of muscle memory (aka yeah, anyone can do it) so I'm a kid or I take drugs?

Well, I can't say if you are child or not, but the dismissive "aka: yeah anyone can do it" is a very childish style of dismissive statement. No, just because you have good muscle memory, does not mean anyone can do it, it means nothing more then it was easy for you This has no bearing on how hard or easy it may be for anyone else. I used to farm, (Well Homestead, bu for sake of brevity, we will call it farming) the work I thought was easy often broke city/suburban kids, their hands blistered, and because I was immature at the time, I would laugh at them and tell them that they just need to toughen up, it was easy work. Looking back, I was a immature jerk to talk to people that.. funny how you remind me so much of how I used to be.

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@zombyturtle.5980 said:

You can craft the armor with a recipie you can buy. You dont need to do the JP to get it, its not gated.Be that as it may, how does it diminish you if I get some token completion in a Holiday festival in a game? Is your ego that fragile that it would hurt you in some way to allow people to have their paltry rewards and complete objectives?

Are we really going to be that petty over a Holiday event?

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:Wow... I find it easy and a matter of muscle memory (aka yeah, anyone can do it) so I'm a kid or I take drugs?

Well, I can't say if you are child or not, but the dismissive "aka: yeah anyone can do it" is a very childish style of dismissive statement. No, just because you have good muscle memory, does not mean anyone can do it, it means nothing more then it was easy for you This has no bearing on how hard or easy it may be for anyone else. I used to farm, he work I thought was easy often broke city kids, their hands blistered, and because I was immature at the time, I would laugh at them and tell them that they just need to toughen up, it was easy work.

Yah.. while I may noting about your physical age, there is nothing mature in your response.

You aren't explaining how the statement is not true, you're just saying that some people will have a hard time.Yes, we agree on that. It's hard for some people. Here's the thing: It doesn't make the statement "anyone can do it" any less true.

Note that I haven't said "It's easy". In fact not many people said that in this thread. I even said it's quite challenging and I had to spend hours on it before I finally consider it easy (to me, because that's what "I find it easy"......)

My issue is when people (like you, apparently) are making shortcuts such as "anyone can do it" = it should be easily achievable for everyone.No, I don't agree, will never agree, and I find it hilarious to be called out for that, when entire generations of games were built to offer challenges based around different skills.

But sure, feel free to blame it on the game, or the maturity of some players or else.

@STIHL.2489 said:Is your ego that fragile that it would hurt you in some way to allow people to have their paltry rewards and complete objectives?

It just destroys the notion of "achievement".And again, people ask for nerfing story, then want to ask events that just give AP points, then they're gonna want to nerf meta events (KotJ was already nerfed) then raids, and the funny thing is that they STILL think they got the rightfulness on their side and other players are immature for simply LIKING challenge and having fun beating them.You think it's about ego? Hell yeah it is. And you know what? Same reason as to why you want these rewards too. It's your ego. Except your ego is trying to dictate how we as players who enjoy that level of content should behave, while I have no problem if you don't like the content I enjoy.

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Anyway... so Anet.. any chance you could put in something that after a set number of tries.. you just a "you did your best" or maybe make that it's own thing, after 100 fails, you get a different but equal reward. But make it so you can only get one or the other. Either you get "You did it" or you get "You tried your best"

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