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Show player tiers at the start of a match

Faux Play.6104

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@Faux Play.6104 said:

@darren.1064 said:So I can just focus and kill the silver on your team for the entire match? Is that really what you want?

yes. that way the silver knows they are playing against better players, and their team knows they are silver so they rotate accordingly.

no, only tiers of players in your team, strenght if ither team only can be known trough playing and/or knowing them from previous matches

only problem is the toxicity og some players that instead of suport the low ranked players in their team that has no fault of being in a match where they will be the feble link they will harras them

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@Faux Play.6104 said:

@darren.1064 said:So I can just focus and kill the silver on your team for the entire match? Is that really what you want?

yes. that way the silver knows they are playing against better players, and their team knows they are silver so they rotate accordingly.

In other words you want to effectively bully the lower rank players by focusing them for no reason besides their lower rank. 'You're a lower rank, so we're gonna make sure you know we're better than you.' This is disgusting.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@darren.1064 said:So I can just focus and kill the silver on your team for the entire match? Is that really what you want?

yes. that way the silver knows they are playing against better players, and their team knows they are silver so they rotate accordingly.

In other words you want to effectively bully the lower rank players by focusing them for no reason besides their lower rank. 'You're a lower rank, so we're gonna make sure you know we're better than you.' This is disgusting.

@darren.1064 said:So I can just focus and kill the silver on your team for the entire match? Is that really what you want?

yes. that way the silver knows they are playing against better players, and their team knows they are silver so they rotate accordingly.

In other words you want to effectively bully the lower rank players by focusing them for no reason besides their lower rank. 'You're a lower rank, so we're gonna make sure you know we're better than you.' This is disgusting.

Plat players already do that because there are so few players at that level they know they lesser tier players. This is pvp, so the whole point is to keep your team alive and kill the other team.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@"Faux Play.6104" said:Show player tiers at the start of a matchSince you are facing MM necros all the time, I can tell you, that in your matches they are all bronze.

I am glad I could help.


When you are in gold, you are playing one match with low tier silvers and can have the next match with plat players. I literally had one match where i went 25-0 on kills and could win 1v2 fights. My team barely won. I got 8 points. A couple matches later I had a a match where I was hard focused all match and had to play super conservative. I got 19 points for that match. After your rating stabilizes, if you get 11-13 points per match the team is close to your rating. If you are getting 6-10 points the other team is rated significantly lower than you. If you are getting 16-20 they are rated significantly higher. You should be getting some indication of what to expect before the match starts.

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Team 1: 1430, 1470, 1450, 1570, 1480 - Total = 7400Team 2: 1390, 1400, 1520, 1550, 1540 - Total = 7400

Team 1 has: 1 Plat 4 GoldsTeam 2 has: 3 Plats 2 Golds

In terms of rating, the teams are perfectly balanced.

But tell me with a straight face that Team 1 wouldn't be screaming "unfair" and coming on forums to whine about matchmaker "bias".

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Won't be done because the moment the game showcases a platinum fighting amongst silvers and golds will portray how depressingly low is the roster of players (revealing that the matchmaking must mix players from 2 entire categories away). Another two elements, also: GW2's matchmaking works based on Glicko, which is a variation of Elo with calculations for ratings of deviations when the system lacks enough information. But the reason why is used over Elo (the deviations) is not because lacks info about the player, but because both systems, Elo and Glicko, were developed to test 1 vs 1, whereas the base for all those calculations in GW2 are n vs n players (5 vs 5, 3 vs 3 and 2 vs 2). And the less players are available to initiate the match, the worse will be at predicting a balanced roster. The second elements that ends fumbling the whole system is that in both Elo and Glicko you'll never see in a tournament a 1.300 player fighting a 1.500+, because tournaments, don't waste time pairing such disparity of skill in a match. You earn in local tournaments the chance to increase your score, then regionals, then nationals, and then once you have proved skill and feats and score you can have the chance to be invited to top-end tournaments in which players are ordeded by seeds.

So, between the numbers being low, and the score system being developed to work just in 1 vs 1 duels, the matchmaking in GW2 just doesn't work. It work in the sense that the best players have higher scores, but fails at providing balanced matches because ends mixing whatever vs whatever...

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@"Ragnar.4257" said:Team 1: 1430, 1470, 1450, 1570, 1480 - Total = 7400Team 2: 1390, 1400, 1520, 1550, 1540 - Total = 7400

Team 1 has: 1 Plat 4 GoldsTeam 2 has: 3 Plats 2 Golds

In terms of rating, the teams are perfectly balanced.

But tell me with a straight face that Team 1 wouldn't be screaming "unfair" and coming on forums to whine about matchmaker "bias".

Relatively speaking, the points in the system are not as influencial as they are made to be regardless. Although some may think so because of the population being the way it is currently.

I could farm golds all day as gold because I can't keep plat due to "bad" MM. Most golds tend to be close to the plat division anyway, whining about anything there is just whining period because at the end of the day these people want to be plat anyway, the complains are redundant.

Being Legendary right now today only means that you know your way around the system, there's no way reliably for any legitimate players won't don't exploit it to get it right.

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Oh my god, no. Players moan and whine about every excuse for their loss as it is. The last thing we need is one more thing for people to point to as the reason for their every miserable moment in PvP without actually solving it.

Matchmaking is only as good as the player population that is available for matches to be created from. Everyone will have lopsided games sometimes because there will be times when there's just not enough people queued of the same matchmaking level to create an even game, so you either get to wait forever in queue or you get a game that's not as optimized for skill rating as it could be.

Showing those ratings would just give people more reason to be pissed off and incentivize people to play less. Oh, and as mentioned by others, people would totally focus fire the lower ranked players.

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It would be a nice addition in theory. You could play around your good players and you'd be able to tailor your expectations appropriately around your less skilled players.

From my experience playing games where skill level is visible, it devolve into Ego Wars 2.

"GG silver thief""Dude hush, you're bronze""Lol you haven't broken gold since last year. Don't talk"

Our community is small enough that most people know each other anyway.

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