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Beard Options, Hairstyles, Body options and Tatoos

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I wish to request the developers that with the new expansion coming up and hopefully new races like the Tengu (useless) and hopefully the Kodans (pleaseeeee), kindly care to bring in fresh beard options for the Norn, the current ones are really bad. Please bring in tatoo options for the human race and if possible more customizations for all races. Hairstyles and facial features need a lot of revamping for most races. All chars appear to be choosing either of two styles if they get a makeover kit.... there need to be more options. The beard option of the Norns is really really bad. If all races get some more body options it would be a bonus. Kindly work on these and give us some better options with the expansion.

Also, it would be fantastic if the makeover kits can be obtained by in-game content as rewards. Everything unique SHOULD NOT be via the Gemstore.... please give us the motivation to fight for it in-game and automatically you will see more players getting in the game, which will result in better return of your investements.


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I'd like tattoos for humans. I have one character I've used in many different games and she always has tattoos if they're available, but in GW2 she's a human so that's not an option. I'd love to give her a tattoo.

I suppose new faces and hair styles would be nice too, but to be honest I don't use them as much. I think I've changed 2 faces and 2 hairstyles across 11 characters. Oh, and I used a free kit I got from somewhere to change a character's hair colour but not the style. I have a definite idea of who my characters are, so face changes especially are difficult for me, both times I've changed it it's because the default faces didn't quite match the idea I had in mind and then I found something better. With other characters I preview possible changes and it just looks weird to me because it's not who they are.

I'd be more inclined to use new hair styles if it was like Elder Scrolls Online where you buy a style and then you can switch between that and your default at any time for free. That way I could do things like give my characters a fancier style if they're wearing a fancy outfit, or tie it back for dungeon runs or whatever. Whereas now I feel like I need to choose something which works for everything, so I tend to pick 1 that suits them best and then leave it.

@Teratus.2859 said:Guys like long hair too you know.I know cause I can sit on mine XD

But I bet you hate it when you do. That's when I know mine needs cutting, when I sit down and yank my head back because I sat on my hair.

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@"Eagelseye.6312" said:

Also, it would be fantastic if the makeover kits can be obtained by in-game content as rewards. Everything unique SHOULD NOT be via the Gemstore.... please give us the motivation to fight for it in-game and automatically you will see more players getting in the game, which will result in better return of your investements.How does that equate? Getting things in-game by playing a game that is for all intents and purposes "Free", how would there be any return on investment?

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:There are ways to acquire Total Makeover Kits in-game.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Statuette(In the last year, 6 have been offered at no cost.)Also, you can trade Gold for Gems for anything offered in the Gem Store.

They're also in massive achievement chests, meaning you get one for every 5,000 achievement points.

I think that's where mine must have come from, I know I've never bought one. I don't mind paying for cosmetics like this, but never felt tempted enough by any of the faces or hairstyles to pay for them.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:Guys like long hair too you know.I know cause I can sit on mine XD

But I bet you hate it when you do. That's when I know mine needs cutting, when I sit down and yank my head back because I sat on my hair.

Nah not me, I want mine down to my knees lmao.But I doubt it will ever grow that long, never been able to grow it past my bottom.. it seems to be the max length I can grow my hair.

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:

@Yung Reezy.8479 said:The more options the better especially more varied body types. Some more Elonian hairstyles and faces would also be wonderful but that’s just me being greedy XD

My understanding is that new body types isn't ever going to be a thing, which is a shame but not unsurprising considering its Anet.

Considering new body types mean they have to refit all the armor that is a no go.To much work for no gain.

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I think we would need an update on character creation in general.Let us customize things more! Tattoos, scars, make up( BOTH genders, don't be cheap) jewelry, etc. For bodies it's ok as it is now, I mean I'd love individual sliders but that could be nightmare for armor fitting.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Yung Reezy.8479 said:The more options the better especially more varied body types. Some more Elonian hairstyles and faces would also be wonderful but that’s just me being greedy XD

My understanding is that new body types isn't ever going to be a thing, which is a shame but not unsurprising considering its Anet.

Considering new body types mean they have to refit all the armor that is a no go.To much work for no gain...Indeed.
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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Eagelseye.6312" said:

Also, it would be fantastic if the makeover kits can be obtained by in-game content as rewards. Everything unique SHOULD NOT be via the Gemstore.... please give us the motivation to fight for it in-game and automatically you will see more players getting in the game, which will result in better return of your investements.How does that equate? Getting things in-game by playing a game that is for all intents and purposes "Free", how would there be any return on investment?

Increase in fan base and annual game purchases with upgrades, besides more players buying increased character slots. That is a smarter ROI for the company.

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@Eagelseye.6312 said:

Also, it would be fantastic if the makeover kits can be obtained by in-game content as rewards. Everything unique SHOULD NOT be via the Gemstore.... please give us the motivation to fight for it in-game and automatically you will see more players getting in the game, which will result in better return of your investements.How does that equate? Getting things in-game by playing a game that is for all intents and purposes "Free", how would there be any return on investment?

Increase in fan base and annual game purchases with upgrades, besides more players buying increased character slots. That is a smarter ROI for the company.

Where is the annual game purchase in your example. Increasing the fan base would be great, but if everything is available in game and not through a pay shop, then there is no ROI.

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