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Daily: Tengu Special: ANGTFT

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@Donari.5237 said:I spent time on story today, didn't try for the daily. These don't drop from trash mobs, you have to kill the big ones? I was assuming it would be a matter of wading into a pack of trash :(

It does drop from trash mobs, but its not a guaranteed drop. I gave up bothering with it after i killed a few dozen enemies and still only had 3/20 progress.

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@Donari.5237 said:I spent time on story today, didn't try for the daily. These don't drop from trash mobs, you have to kill the big ones? I was assuming it would be a matter of wading into a pack of trash :(

They do but at extremely low rates. Out of a north meta with active play and AoE to tag, I only had 5 drop from mobs for example. So you could kill trash mobs for them but you may be there for as long as a meta if you do.

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To be honest I've always thought the bonus event dailies take too long. I usually do the one for donating materials (if I have them to donate) and the one for doing 3 DRMs because that ties in well with the champions dailies, but unless it's something I'm planning to do anyway I skip the other two.

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Approach on day one:-got 4 "one per chest" from 4 those north tribune "boss" chests. (missed the first chest, 4 total) -already annoyed by the drop rate :D-after second chest I got another one, no idea where from, might be random mob drop (5 total)-At this point I swapped maps to south meta finale "for science", got late for the boss, still got some chests +post meta bosses with their respective chests -through all of it I got ONE more relic. (6 total)-again, looked for lfg, joined north frost citadel, looted the chests inside... got just one more (7 total in about 30-40 minutes probably)-claw kill: got 10 (17/20)-opened 4 chests from the post-boss chest circle, 3 of which gave me 1 relic each for 20/20.

Overally first 30-40 minutes gave me 7, last 3 minutes when I turned into leeching mode gave me 13.

So now, the obvious approach (for science, duh) for day two -looked for a late north map, got right into frost citadel:-looted chests inside, got 3 in total.-1, maybe from a random mob during claw phase? no idea, where from but I got it (4 total)-10 for claw kill (14 total)-6 out of 17 chests from the post-claw circle (20/20)Probably around 15 minutes for 20 relics.

So.. might as well be just heavily rng dependant and my experience means nothing, but for now this daily achievement seems to only be worth it if you're specifically set on leeching others building up the frozen citadel/claw kill for you.

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I went to Drizzlewood yesterday and landed in a map with the north meta near the final boss fight. I looted the few already existing chests in the citadel and after the boss fight I looted the final end chests and got the 20 for daily.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@aspirine.6852 said:Hmm got them yesterday and today by doing south meta :/

All 20? :o

Edit: I was just told on the map that the Tribune chests have guaranteed drops. So you are basically forced to do this tedious meta
. Ack!

Yup, perhaps I was lucky, But 6 chests, random champs and the end chests at the crossing was enough for 20..

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