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Why don't auras have counterplay?

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Assuming you mean shocking/magnetic aura as the rest do little to nothing.


The counterplay to magnetic aura is unblockable (tho it really shouldn't work like that)


The counterplay to magnetic is being ranged or having stability. (CC should overall be reduced, but shocking aura is no more of a problem than any other CCs)

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Everything should have a counter...but not only that, every skill should have a scale-invarient trade off so that people don't mindlessly spam things so that we can get rid of target caps so that zergs can be killed again by more experienced, smaller group of players. Just my thoughts.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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You mean dmg -% effects there a good number of stances that have no real counter play. The aure effect it self its where you find the counter play for the auras effect they fall in the same effects as class buff effects or say stances they all have a very set duration and there no means of removing them there a lot more then auras that work this way lol.

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15 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

You mean dmg -% effects there a good number of stances that have no real counter play. The aure effect it self its where you find the counter play for the auras effect they fall in the same effects as class buff effects or say stances they all have a very set duration and there no means of removing them there a lot more then auras that work this way lol.

Ya that's the thing though, is that because they dont have actual tradeoffs, we get instead mediocre effects, which exacerbates the issues of things not having any impact like how aura's are now. 


Whenever i think about this, i always think about skills like Frenzy from Gw1. This skill basically made you attack 33% faster, the equivelent to the quickness boon. This skill had a 4 second cooldown and an 8 second duration and in effect could be perma'd. However it had a tradeoff, which was that while it was active you would take double the damage.


If frenzy was in gw2 without the tradeoff, it would be OP and spammed mindlessly...in gw1 because it had that trade off it was actually used sparingly and skillfully.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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9 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Ya that's the thing though, is that because they dont have actual tradeoffs, we get instead mediocre effects, which exacerbates the issues of things not having any impact like how aura's are now. 

There are some counters but there are some things that the game cant counter that just happens to be part of the aura effects. Is there a -10% condi dmg that cant be counter (there is one for the boon that comes with the light aura 43% condi dmg taken is going to be silly but at least you can eat the boon if your a class with that).


There are chill counters burning counters reflection counters over all there many condi counters (there no vamp counter).

Edited by Jski.6180
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