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New pets I'd like to see. (Please add onto this, lets give em a list.) [Merged]


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I’m more interested in what kinda skills they will bring and how it will affect soulbeast + new spec. Ranger especs are always a bit more exciting than other classes cus we can use new pets with old specs and vice versa. It would be nice with some pet skills that are user ground targeted.. but the exact effects I’m not sure what I think would be nice.

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They're high on the Asian theme so guessing it's panda and yeah probably turtle to go with the siege turtle theme.  


Sadly both of those point to more charge/CC type abilities--would need elephant or something to get a ground target.  Though by time it runs over and actually does the thing it may not be effective.  

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While I'd enjoy new pets, I'm way more interested in an overall pet rework. Even if it is just the pets, not the commands.


Just a personal opinion, but since HoT and PoF introduced 'unique' pet-types (like Smokescale), I wished they just reworked all classic pets to have roles based on their archetype and the different version within the archetyp just being for aesthetic purposes. This, of course, would take away some flexibility. But it would make it way easier for ANet to bring the old pets up to bar with the newer ones.

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I have been begging for Karka since Karka were added to the game. It started as a meme, but the more I looked into crab, I discovered forbidden knowledge: Carcinisation, the truth of our universe. All will return to crab. All will be crab. For crab is the true eternal alchemy.

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to New pets I'd like to see. (Please add onto this, lets give em a list.) [Merged]
  • 3 weeks later...

Here's quite a few new pet ideas - using a lot of what is already in game that our fearless rangers haven't successfully trained yet! 

The one's with **, I'd be elated to have as a pet.

  1. **Ice wyvern (AOE chill or chill aura since AI isn't great)
  2. Black Ram (just like the skin)
  3. Black Wolf (same)
  4. Cobalt Eel (since snakes are hard to do, one of the eels would be great!)
  5. Dolphin (underwater AOE heal/regen)
  6. Sea Scorpion (I remember the first time I ticked one of these off as an underpowered newbie, needless to say, I didn't survive, lol)
  7. **Sea Turtle (built in 'guard' skill to takes damage for you)
  8. Thundershrimp (see sea scorpion above, same story, I was not ready for underwater combat back then lol)
  9. Cave Crab (cool skin!)
  10. **Basilisk (straight line stone gaze)
  11. Earthen stalker (weak aoe bleed & blindness)
  12. Hawkeye Griffon (I wonder how many rangers would name it big bird)
  13. Sporeling (poison and a short daze maybe)
  14. Forest Grub (cool skin)
  15. **Ice hydra (now we're talking, any juvenile hydra, especially if we could merge into it, would be awesome)
  16. **Luminescent Grub (torch-like effect in darkness, aoe blind)
  17. Nightmare hound (because some sylvari don't like to follow the dream)
  18. Jungle raptor (maybe a small pack, with some rush and DPS but very low health)
  19. Rolling devil (cool skin and why not another saurian pet? bleed and short knockdown)
  20. Elonian Skale (regen, tank)
  21. Ridgeback skale (cool skin)
  22. Nightmare Sloth (straight line pull and weak torment)
  23. Vampire Beast (health steal and weak bleed)
  24. Wind Rider (aoe knockback spin and weak confusion)
  25. **Ice/Lava/Toxic Wurm (same as eel, these would be awesome)
  26. Karka (why not train a giant crab-like thing before going to Cantha?)
  27. Chak (why not train a giant magic eating bug to take on the next dragon that ate all that magic from Primordis and Jormag)
  28. Cave screamer (cool skin, maybe weak confusion and blind)
  29. **Osprey (not a pet, but allow rangers to fish with this bird!)
  30. Ley-line scavenger (cool skin)
  31. **Bonesnap turtle (from GW1, who wouldn't want a giant snapping turtle?)
  32. Kraken spawn (from GW1, giant squid..might be hard to do like snakes/eels, but would still make for a cool pet)
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