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Which obnoxious spells and mechanics would you like to see reworked?


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2 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

how do you spam signets?

by having 3 of them and chaining them together with disortion, disort reset from signet and the rest of the signets.
you get kittening 11s invulnerability in total, not even counting grabbing mirrors and signets going off cooldown, its too excessive.

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(Continuing the mesmer discussion train)

I wish the strength of shatters wasn't so tied to clones (a low-hp NPC that we have no control over) surviving. Clones die very quickly: whether they're actually being focused or not. It's like a Warrior's adrenaline bar that the enemy can decrease by doing any AoE. If I'm supposed to be rewarded for setting up my clones to make a play, they shouldn't be too squishy and die so quickly. Not to mention clones disappearing if the target goes too far away or if the target dies: no other class has their class mechanic's resources depleted by successfully defeating an enemy. 


I know hypothetically clones also bring value by deceiving the enemy, but I don't think this actually does much in high level play: except maybe with mirages since they have more skills that de-target and relocate the mesmer and its clones. 


I'd honestly be happy with just a bigger hp pool for the clones. The passive for Signet of Illusions used to have this forever ago, but it was changed. This doesn't address shatter strength being depleted when I kill an enemy, but it's a step in the right direction at least.


Another idea: make all clones take 1hp of dmg per hit or something like that: as soon as you see unusually low dmg on a mesmer, you know you picked the wrong one. I don't love this 2nd idea as much since looking at dmg numbers to identify an enemy will not work well in team fights, but I think you get the idea. 

Edited by Iso.3425
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On 5/29/2021 at 9:56 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:

Condi thieves have good burst damage? I thought it came from the Confusion on Steal that was removed not so long ago.


Didn-t confusion turn into poison and bleedin recent changes?

Edited by Axl.8924
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Daze Mantra being instant cast with no counterplay. Make it a projectile. 


Swipe, remove the unblockable. 


Shadowstep being a double stunbreak, 3 condi cleanse and potentially 2400 range movement. Remove the stunbreak from the second port.


Symbols, too polarizing. They are either farming pugs in half a second or so absolutely nothing to people that use their wasd keys. 


Unbloat rev skills. Like Shiro port.


Just delete scourge already.


Increase cd on full counter, but make it stronger. 


Make roots not bug 50% of the time. 


Remove holo being able to stack 25 might by itself. 


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Coming from a Ranger main's standpoint.


What I am saying is not about things being OP, but rather when they are annoying or just need QOL update in general.



  1. Berserker - Arc Divider not buffing Fury in the same way that Arcing Slice buffs Fury, is actually highly responsible for holding back viable Berserker PvP builds. Arc Divider needs to buff Fury.
  2. Maces/Hammers in general need more damage given back to CC skills, mainly the F1 bursts.


  1. Rune Of The Stealth God needs to be taken care of after updates to longbow and what resolution patch did to empower all Guardian builds. Dragonhunters are pushing the Pepegian scale of dumb a bit too hard.


  1. Dwarf Taunt is stupid and broken and I'm tired of it. Either fix the issue where Taunt completely negates the use of some stun breaks or nerf the range & duration of this skill, and add a tell to it.


  1. Pistol projectiles both main hand and off hand are completely botched in usage due to targeting issues. We are in year 9, why are these problems not fixed? 
  2. Most people would say that Grenades are OP, but Grenades are fine on Engineer and Scrapper. The true problem is Holosmith Forge and I will explain why. Other classes have to choose between swapping for melee side or ranged side, or offensive side and defensive side, and this comes with 9s CDs or greater before being able to swap into the other side. This means that if a person misjudges the situation and swaps ranged side at the wrong time, they get punished for it, and if they try to go melee offense when they should have stayed defense side, they get punished for it. Holosmith on the other hand completely ignores this rule that applies to every other class/build in the game. Its normal weapon set is a very defensive side set "Sword/Shield", and then it gets a high powered ranged kit that hurls AoE damage at high velocity that are explosions which can get around LOS and hit things through walls and floors. This ranged kit has no CD and can be used as freely as the Holosmith wishes. Then to add upon this, it has Forge which is a very aggressive melee kit that lands massive AoE CC and damage with large radius that can also chase, and it is only on a 5s CD. So when other classes only get 2 sides to use on 9s CDs and are punished for poor judgement in swapping between their 2 sides, a Holosmith gets 3 sides, two of which have no CD, and the most powerful side only on a 5s CD. The Holosmith can go defensive and stay combat with Sword/Shield or he can run with it, then he can swap to Nades with no CD for a ranged chase or to use while kiting, and if he misjudged the use of the Nades it's ok because he can immediately turn it off and go back to Sword/Shield and then immediately turn on Nades again if he wanted. He is not punished for misjudging when to go in and out of his sides like other classes are. Furthermore, he has powerful Forge that is only on a 5s CD, which isn't punishing enough at all considering that he has 2 other sides to work with that have no CD at all. Holosmith Forge needs to go from a 5s CD to a 9s CD just like everything else in the game. I firmly believe this is largely the reason why Holosmith often gets out of control OP.


  1. Everyone hates roots, even me. But what most people don't quite identify is how much of Ranger is balanced around roots. Fixing this problem isn't as easy as saying "Remove all roots and just have normal immobs". These root builds became a problem when they lowered DPS. The problem occurred when patching made it so there wasn't so much damage being dealt to the roots. These root/immob spam builds are largely enabled due to the era of patching we are in post -33% mega nerf patch that also removed most of the damage from hard CCs even. My best suggestion to cater towards current patching, would be to half the health value of roots. So they are still doing their job for builds designed around them, but they would die very quickly to any damage dealt to them.
  2. Lightning Reflexes needs the damage proc removed. That damage proc is too much of a problem nowadays with how much passive CC was added to the game, and how Taunting completely bugs up its usage.
  3. Druid CA Kit is ridiculously weak in competitive modes and needs heavy buffing. I have explained this in detail here in this thread -> Druid - Proposed Competitive Changes - Defining What Is Wrong With Druid - Player vs. Player - Guild Wars 2 Forums Druid also needs the evade frame back on Staff #3.


  1. Smoke Screen straight up needs to be chopped. This single skill rates extremely high on the Pepegian scale of dumb and I shouldn't have to explain why. The 7s needs to go down to 5s, and the radius could afford to be nerfed a bit as well.


  1. Everything about clone spam and random no tell sudden evades/invuln/tele reposition, annoys the hell out of me by general design. But if one thing were to change, I'd say give Mirage back 2 dodge rolls and find an alternate drawback.


  1. Too much passive CC spam off Tempest Shocking Aura Share is obnoxious and makes team fighting feel like you're stuck in a traffic jam. Shock Aura needs to become a 1/2 second Daze that functions as an interrupt, 1 second Stun is too much for how spammy it is.
  2. Whatever that unblockable ranged CC is that Eles use, yeah that doesn't need to be unblockable. That's annoying considering how strong Weaver is right now. 


  1. Minions have transcended being obnoxious and are actually too strong at this point. They deal too much damage not only on their own but also with special traits tied into their use, and they tank way harder than they should. When those minions are benefitting barriers, they are as tanky as Ranger pets and this sets them past the acceptable mark on the Pepegian level of dumb. They need to lose maximum health value and barriers should only effect minions by 50% of the normal barrier that would be granted to players.
  2. Blood Bank & Rune of Sanctuary interaction with Barrier mechanic needs a review. There is some kind of a broken mechanic going on here. I had shown this already in a twitch recording that was posted in this forum and I'm not going to get all into it again. But something amplifying the benefits of Blood Bank/Sanctuary way way higher than it should be.


  1. Super Godzilla Jesus Hand Reviving & Revive Utilities - nerf it, come on man. I shouldn't have to explain why.
  2. 2v2 Arenas are TOO SMALL. These arenas need to be opened up so there can be viable use of precision/accuracy based classes Mesmer/Thief/Ranger. Seriously though, these 2v2 seasons get god awful boring when there are only 2 or 3 viable builds to use in those tiny enclosed dead end maps.
  3. Stop removing options from the game. Stop doing it.
  4. Start suspending/banning cheaters who use hack programs or bots or who obviously match manipulate.
Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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32 minutes ago, Quadox.7834 said:

And multiple pvp maps being too small for how much mobility the game has.

Play any Necro build without Spectral Walk and Wurm both on your bar alongside a passive movement speed rune or trait and most maps suddenly become very, very big.


Arguably, mobility and passive movement speed sources need to be nerfed.


The other option is baselining a good amount of existing mobility sources for all classes.

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18 minutes ago, Aktium.9506 said:

Play any Necro build without Spectral Walk and Wurm both on your bar alongside a passive movement speed rune or trait and most maps suddenly become very, very big.


Arguably, mobility and passive movement speed sources need to be nerfed.


The other option is baselining a good amount of existing mobility sources for all classes.


I don't know about that man.


The game was a lot more balanced back in the days when squishy things were fast and tanky things were slow.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


I don't know about that man.


The game was a lot more balanced back in the days when squishy things were fast and tanky things were slow.

I'm assuming you're talking about the pre-HoT metas?


Because then its not really true and you'll realize it when you remember that Cele/Soldier Rifle Engi had great mobility while tanky. Cele D/D Ele had great mobility while tanky. Shoutbow had great mobility because of sword leap while being tanky. And the meta was positively infested with that unholy awful trinity of garbage.

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8 minutes ago, Aktium.9506 said:

I'm assuming you're talking about the pre-HoT metas?


Let's be honest, there were just as much complains about balance in sPvP pre-HoT than there is now, the game wasn't more "balanced".


Most days people were whining about thiefs, some days people where whining about mesmer shattercats insta-kill, I can remember people whining about ranger shortbow "insane" attack speed/shouts/pets, warrior that had to much sustain or not at all, necromancer being only viable when in downstate (If you remember necro suiciding on point, you're a true GW2 player), engineers thousand time cursed slick shoes... etc. Guardian were pretty much as unkillable than the average bunker right now and it was accepted (now as soon as someone con't kill something alone it's the end of the world). Pets, whether it is the ranger's pet and moving spirits, necromancer's minion, guardian spirit weapons or even engi's turrets were hated and constantly complained about until nerfed to oblivion because "It's AI! AI is PvE! Get PvE out of our PvP... No, the events that feature NPCs and give points are ok, just get the pets out". Projectiles so slow you could just straf to avoid them... etc.

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2 hours ago, Aktium.9506 said:

Play any Necro build without Spectral Walk and Wurm both on your bar alongside a passive movement speed rune or trait and most maps suddenly become very, very big.


Arguably, mobility and passive movement speed sources need to be nerfed.


The other option is baselining a good amount of existing mobility sources for all classes.

play a class with mobility and dont take mobility and you will be slow.
Surprised pikachu 
If you really wanted to you could even make thief slow

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3 hours ago, Aktium.9506 said:

Play any Necro build without Spectral Walk and Wurm both on your bar alongside a passive movement speed rune or trait and most maps suddenly become very, very big.

"remove all mobilty from your build and maps feel bigger" yeah thanks

Edited by Quadox.7834
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1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


Let's be honest, there were just as much complains about balance in sPvP pre-HoT than there is now, the game wasn't more "balanced".


Most days people were whining about thiefs, some days people where whining about mesmer shattercats insta-kill, I can remember people whining about ranger shortbow "insane" attack speed/shouts/pets, warrior that had to much sustain or not at all, necromancer being only viable when in downstate (If you remember necro suiciding on point, you're a true GW2 player), engineers thousand time cursed slick shoes... etc. Guardian were pretty much as unkillable than the average bunker right now and it was accepted (now as soon as someone con't kill something alone it's the end of the world). Pets, whether it is the ranger's pet and moving spirits, necromancer's minion, guardian spirit weapons or even engi's turrets were hated and constantly complained about until nerfed to oblivion because "It's AI! AI is PvE! Get PvE out of our PvP... No, the events that feature NPCs and give points are ok, just get the pets out". Projectiles so slow you could just straf to avoid them... etc.

back then guard had only tankiness. zero mobility. this was a great thing.

Edited by Quadox.7834
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2 hours ago, Aktium.9506 said:

I'm assuming you're talking about the pre-HoT metas?


Because then its not really true and you'll realize it when you remember that Cele/Soldier Rifle Engi had great mobility while tanky. Cele D/D Ele had great mobility while tanky. Shoutbow had great mobility because of sword leap while being tanky. And the meta was positively infested with that unholy awful trinity of garbage.

yes cele ele and shoutbow were indeed the two problems of that era, dd ele especially before ride the lightning nerf.


however, idk where you got the idea that cele engi had great mobilty.


in general, guard and necro were teamfighters and were slow, mes and thief were roamers and were fast, engi ele war were sidenoders and were medium speed.

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42 minutes ago, Quadox.7834 said:

however, idk where you got the idea that cele engi had great mobilty.



Rifle 5 > About Face > Acid Bomb was as good as a 1200 range teleport. And you often saw Slick Shoes on the same build which had the superspeed toolbelt skill. The good Engis were fast as heck.

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12 hours ago, Aktium.9506 said:

I'm assuming you're talking about the pre-HoT metas?


Because then its not really true and you'll realize it when you remember that Cele/Soldier Rifle Engi had great mobility while tanky. Cele D/D Ele had great mobility while tanky. Shoutbow had great mobility because of sword leap while being tanky. And the meta was positively infested with that unholy awful trinity of garbage.

But ele is a lot squishier than say warriors and necros.


If you take away too much mobility, they get wrecked.


Even if you can give slight protection and other stuff, getting hit is something a ele player don't want in PVE because its a death sentence, so they need mobility.




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12 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


Let's be honest, there were just as much complains about balance in sPvP pre-HoT than there is now, the game wasn't more "balanced".


Most days people were whining about thiefs, some days people where whining about mesmer shattercats insta-kill, I can remember people whining about ranger shortbow "insane" attack speed/shouts/pets, warrior that had to much sustain or not at all, necromancer being only viable when in downstate (If you remember necro suiciding on point, you're a true GW2 player), engineers thousand time cursed slick shoes... etc. Guardian were pretty much as unkillable than the average bunker right now and it was accepted (now as soon as someone con't kill something alone it's the end of the world). Pets, whether it is the ranger's pet and moving spirits, necromancer's minion, guardian spirit weapons or even engi's turrets were hated and constantly complained about until nerfed to oblivion because "It's AI! AI is PvE! Get PvE out of our PvP... No, the events that feature NPCs and give points are ok, just get the pets out". Projectiles so slow you could just straf to avoid them... etc.


Nostalgia is overrated basically and peeps misremember stuff yeah.


Balance is difficult  yep, this would be back before weapon damage nerfs for thiefs and they could hit really hard.

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This are my main pain points. 


Ancient Seeds needs to be deleted. 

Temporal Curtain - Into the Void needs to have the radius reduced in half. 

Scorpion Wire need a better visual queue and slower projectile.

Spectral Grasp  needs a better visual queue.

Rapid Fire needs a better visual queue, like when the skill is used with Pharus. Projectiles could be bright red. 

Gun Flame need an slightly slower projectile. 

Winter's Bite needs a better visual queue and an slightly slower projectile. 

Stealth in general needs to be reworked with some counter play in mind, not just "take a guess" 


The pulls are particularly unfun when you get constantly pulled. CC in general is unfun when all you do is to get your stab corrupted and you can't even do anything for 10 seconds. 




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1 Rework inspiration from mesmer
2 Remove ancient seeds from the game, and rework druid in general, it feels pathetic to play.
3 Remove most of the bloat from revenant, its actually crazy how most of their kitten is brute forced to work.
Be it massive aoe, ignoring blind/aegis, low CD massive teleport, skills hitting you when you are on high elevation, going over intended range etc.

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10 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Stealth in general needs to be reworked with some counter play in mind, not just "take a guess" 

Huge missed opportunity to add a flash indicator before an attack fires from stealth. 

Like in fps games where you're able to see a small flash before the sniper volley.


Probably more difficult here since everything is so close and projectiles move so fast, but it's at least something.

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I'd like to see targeted boon strip/corrupt. Certain skills/traits corrupting particular boons on enemy no matter how many other boons surround them.

Ofc in limited amounts so it doesn't get outta hand, but a surefire way to for example remove stab or quickness would be diamonds in pvp scenarios.

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