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Next elite spec "Celestial-Envoy"


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10 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:


Well no. because the leak says theres ways to change its functionality.. which means each choice had deeper choices.


If there's situational decisions to make it's alot more deep then your predicting tbh. 


Im hoping for something more spellslinger styled. Imho I wouldn't mind seeing a elementalist specc that didn't utilise attunements. And maybe had mechanics surrounding arcane magic. 


EAch elite doesn't have to be a increase on the prior. I'd like to see elementalists next elite be completely different and utilise magic by different means. 



from the other points leak is false anyway, so pff saved from an horrible plain boring spec that change nothing to the gameplay

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Those leaks have the most absurd and fanmade stuff ever lmao!


First I give to anet creativity for naming classes and specs. This "leak" has no such good names for the specs. SOunds like a bunch of youtube reccomended specs from WP's elite speculation video.


Secondly, the idea of giving warrior 2 additional weapon slots, which requires a change in the very armor panel that's not affiliated to classes to begin with is a dead giveaway.


Would anet ever let warriors or any class, stack 2 more sigils and benefit from them (say bloodlust and cleansing on my thind weapon set, and another 4 being on swap effects or something dunno, basically triggering up to 5 effects on swap off-cd)?


I call bs.


Also whats the point in leaking if you have been in that place and you got 10 mins to remember everything? Very vague info. They call dedicated healers and dps specs, but anet will never promote especs as capable of a single dedicated role. Or they won't show/say it at least.


Idea is as absurd as people calling double greatswords, when the thing is coded as two handed for a reason....the IQ of some people.

Edited by Grand Marshal.4098
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20 minutes ago, WindBlade.8749 said:

from the other points leak is false anyway, so pff saved from an horrible plain boring spec that change nothing to the gameplay


well yes its obviously fake.. it starts referring to class DPS on a "Closed beta server" which wouldnt have a ArcDPS Updated enough to work on..


Tbh dont consider urself saved til u know what u actually get.. it could be worse, hopefully not. but could be.


we could get a build like Staff Mirage.. Anet have come out with some proper braindead builds lately.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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I would be surprised if it is longbow or short bow for that matter, the reason is there are skins of frost bow for both of these weapons. Why should anyone care? Well ANet at least used to say you play the game and not the UI, this means you could use a frost bow skin and people wouldn’t know if you had frost bow out or not. It’s also one of the reasons ele is unlikely to ever had shield, hammer, axe or great sword as skins exist of all these conjures.


Yes it’s not wasted on me that someone can use the skin for volcanus and then pick up a conjure but it’s not as likely as if the class was generating the conjure.


My guess for weapon would be rifle, possibly duel pistols. I doubt it will be mace given the melee nature and how both elite specs have been close range biased due to either being a melee weapon or offhand that has to be paired with dagger or sceptre.

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5 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

I would be surprised if it is longbow or short bow for that matter, the reason is there are skins of frost bow for both of these weapons. Why should anyone care? Well ANet at least used to say you play the game and not the UI, this means you could use a frost bow skin and people wouldn’t know if you had frost bow out or not. It’s also one of the reasons ele is unlikely to ever had shield, hammer, axe or great sword as skins exist of all these conjures.


Yes it’s not wasted on me that someone can use the skin for volcanus and then pick up a conjure but it’s not as likely as if the class was generating the conjure.


My guess for weapon would be rifle, possibly duel pistols. I doubt it will be mace given the melee nature and how both elite specs have been close range biased due to either being a melee weapon or offhand that has to be paired with dagger or sceptre.

a longbow skin sharing the same model of your shortbow conjure (not even the skin just the model) is not enough an argument to say there will be no longbow, at best it's just salvaging models from conjures and they probably put on both since they could salvage models even more to make more skins.

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5 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

I would be surprised if it is longbow or short bow for that matter, the reason is there are skins of frost bow for both of these weapons. Why should anyone care? Well ANet at least used to say you play the game and not the UI, this means you could use a frost bow skin and people wouldn’t know if you had frost bow out or not. It’s also one of the reasons ele is unlikely to ever had shield, hammer, axe or great sword as skins exist of all these conjures.


Yes it’s not wasted on me that someone can use the skin for volcanus and then pick up a conjure but it’s not as likely as if the class was generating the conjure.


My guess for weapon would be rifle, possibly duel pistols. I doubt it will be mace given the melee nature and how both elite specs have been close range biased due to either being a melee weapon or offhand that has to be paired with dagger or sceptre.

This would just be an argument for me if conjures would work like engineer kits, which they don't.


Kits are an instant swap without any further notice that the engineer switched to the kit except the weapon in their hand.


But conjures have, besides the symbol on the UI, other tells. Conjures are creating an additional weapon to pick up which is visible for both players. See an icebow appearing on the battlefield? Chances are pretty high that the else switched to an icebow. 


Also conjured weapons are limited in their usage, once the ele has used the skills from the conjured weapons, they either pick up the other one (so you are warned once again) or they have to wait for it's cooldown, which is actually pretty high. Meanwhile kits don't have a downtime, you can freely switch at will.


So these skins are not really problematic for me. I personally would prefer the aesthetics of a bow for ele, but can see pistols or rifles working, too. I just think that the conjured weapons are not really a strong argument here, you have multiple layers of tells when the ele is switching to them.

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48 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

This would just be an argument for me if conjures would work like engineer kits, which they don't.


Kits are an instant swap without any further notice that the engineer switched to the kit except the weapon in their hand.


But conjures have, besides the symbol on the UI, other tells. Conjures are creating an additional weapon to pick up which is visible for both players. See an icebow appearing on the battlefield? Chances are pretty high that the else switched to an icebow. 


Also conjured weapons are limited in their usage, once the ele has used the skills from the conjured weapons, they either pick up the other one (so you are warned once again) or they have to wait for it's cooldown, which is actually pretty high. Meanwhile kits don't have a downtime, you can freely switch at will.


So these skins are not really problematic for me. I personally would prefer the aesthetics of a bow for ele, but can see pistols or rifles working, too. I just think that the conjured weapons are not really a strong argument here, you have multiple layers of tells when the ele is switching to them.

Unfortunately the way ANet sees the player base using skills is often very different to how they are actually used. So while it might not be a problem to you, me and a lot of other people, it doesn’t mean the skills team doesn’t see it as an issue.


How do you tell if the ele is in frost bow or back to the weapon without looking at the UI? The skill use technically but that’s not a lot of reaction time to some skills and it also means there’s a number of animations you’d need to not use from frost bow on the bow. 

I do think we will see more of the lesser used weapons as elite spec weapons this expansion even if I’ve longed for great sword on ele like many ele mains.

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On 6/8/2021 at 5:31 PM, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Those leaks have the most absurd and fanmade stuff ever lmao!


First I give to anet creativity for naming classes and specs. This "leak" has no such good names for the specs. SOunds like a bunch of youtube reccomended specs from WP's elite speculation video.


Secondly, the idea of giving warrior 2 additional weapon slots, which requires a change in the very armor panel that's not affiliated to classes to begin with is a dead giveaway.


Would anet ever let warriors or any class, stack 2 more sigils and benefit from them (say bloodlust and cleansing on my thind weapon set, and another 4 being on swap effects or something dunno, basically triggering up to 5 effects on swap off-cd)?


I call bs.


Also whats the point in leaking if you have been in that place and you got 10 mins to remember everything? Very vague info. They call dedicated healers and dps specs, but anet will never promote especs as capable of a single dedicated role. Or they won't show/say it at least.


Idea is as absurd as people calling double greatswords, when the thing is coded as two handed for a reason....the IQ of some people.

U know they can easily change a name of a spec, right? A experimental version is not mean that they will implement everything in the test. They can easily hide the real names for a lot of porpouse.

Edited by Ravenous.7281
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47 minutes ago, Ravenous.7281 said:

U know they can easily change a name of a spec, right? A experimental version is not mean that they will implement everything in the test. They can easily hide the real names for a lot of porpouse.


Yup. IIRC the PoF leaks showed Firebrand as Purifier.

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1 hour ago, Ravenous.7281 said:

U know they can easily change a name of a spec, right? A experimental version is not mean that they will implement everything in the test. They can easily hide the real names for a lot of porpouse.

well ofc, names aside, the rest of my claim stands. a 3rd weapon set cannot exist. 2 more sigils to proc, how will the weapons switch? In what order? the ui will need to have a third and a fourth weapon slot implemented just for warrior characters?




If this ends up being true, it will be the most horrendous, uncreative and boring thing anet could ever deliver for warrior. In which case no expac money from me.


People going around saying "Main hand warhorn, dual wielding greatsword, 3rd weapon set" but dont realize how none of these things can work due to how the game is coded since release.

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to be honest.... these leaks, if true, actually make me happy, under the disclaimer that stuff can still change and be balanced and such. but i'll keep my comments on Celectial Envoy. i like it. it's about time elementalist gets a ranged damage spec. i'm so sick of the melee style for elementalist. almost feels like someone is forcing melee style down my throat with melee overloads and swords and daggers and most conjures. if i wanted to play melee, i'd main warrior, not elementalist.


i can almost see a new CORE f5 coming, because the e-specs so far just blow core ele out of the water, and the simple recharge change doesn't really seem to be much of a tradeoff anymore, when going with an espec. a core f5 could look like physical skills, or maybe new dragon-themed skills, or maybe order-themed skills to be unlocked during the race-recruitment story missions, or maybe something simpler like a current-attuned-aura (with a flip skill to detonate the aura). 

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4 hours ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

to be honest.... these leaks, if true, actually make me happy, under the disclaimer that stuff can still change and be balanced and such. but i'll keep my comments on Celectial Envoy. i like it. it's about time elementalist gets a ranged damage spec. i'm so sick of the melee style for elementalist. almost feels like someone is forcing melee style down my throat with melee overloads and swords and daggers and most conjures. if i wanted to play melee, i'd main warrior, not elementalist.


i can almost see a new CORE f5 coming, because the e-specs so far just blow core ele out of the water, and the simple recharge change doesn't really seem to be much of a tradeoff anymore, when going with an espec. a core f5 could look like physical skills, or maybe new dragon-themed skills, or maybe order-themed skills to be unlocked during the race-recruitment story missions, or maybe something simpler like a current-attuned-aura (with a flip skill to detonate the aura). 


they wont for one reason.


Nothing will kill a Players hype for new expansion content then giving the Core game something realistically, if they do that and core takes hype, Ele players no longer need to realistically buy expansions for their most effective builds.. im afraid it goes against Selling the Elite Specs if they start going back and fixing stuff already in the game.

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On 6/14/2021 at 2:17 PM, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

to be honest.... these leaks, if true, actually make me happy, under the disclaimer that stuff can still change and be balanced and such. but i'll keep my comments on Celectial Envoy. i like it. it's about time elementalist gets a ranged damage spec. i'm so sick of the melee style for elementalist. almost feels like someone is forcing melee style down my throat with melee overloads and swords and daggers and most conjures. if i wanted to play melee, i'd main warrior, not elementalist


Tbh if it gets a ranged weapon I put my money on being a support specc. As it seems traditional for melee to do more DPS then ranged which means everything will always point to the melee weapon being higher dps. 


So the only way they could lock it down to being meta with lower DPS is to feed utility and support into it. 

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Something a lot of ppl seem to miss is weaver is a better support class then core ele. On some level weaver is even stronger then tempest at supporting due to just how power creeped the duel skills are.


Over all this is all because core ele tempest and weaver do the same thing they only do them slightly different. Whom ever made core ele tempest and weaver has no imagination. I do not think the next elite spec to be any different it will only have more power creep then weaver so it will become the main dps support set up for the ele class. We need names of ppl who made each class dose any one have any ideals who made what?

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On 6/18/2021 at 11:11 AM, Jski.6180 said:

Something a lot of ppl seem to miss is weaver is a better support class then core ele. On some level weaver is even stronger then tempest at supporting due to just how power creeped the duel skills are.


Over all this is all because core ele tempest and weaver do the same thing they only do them slightly different. Whom ever made core ele tempest and weaver has no imagination. I do not think the next elite spec to be any different it will only have more power creep then weaver so it will become the main dps support set up for the ele class. We need names of ppl who made each class dose any one have any ideals who made what?

no single dev can be attributed as creator of an espec here. both the Tempest overload idea and the weaver mulit-attunement (thief ripoff) ideas were suggested by forum members on the forums, and then altered / tweaked by devs. 


if i remember correctly, a dev said somewhere that they were working on a weapon-swap e-spec, where each weapon would have access to 2 elements (which basically was suggested on these forums). for hypothetical example: the first weapon set would give you fire and water skills, and second weapon set would give you air and earth skills. i could easily be wrong about the memory though.


i just don't want another frontline e-spec for elementalist. i personally want a 1500 range longbow with some block hate, utilizing some new versions of GW1 skills. i actually suggested a celestial themed longbow ele with celestial storm f5 with ideas for skills on these official forums. actually, most of the e-spec description in the "leak" are variations of e-specs that were suggested on these very forums. that actually makes me think that the so-called "leaks" could have been fabricated by someone who is actually quite familiar with those e-spec suggestions over the past several years.

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Lot of people saying that this is 100% fake and impossible to happen.

I remember when Firebrand, Spellbreaker and Mounts were leaked a few months before PoF realease and people were going crazy on how impossible these were, people laughing at the idea of Warrior getting dual dagger since it was "so out of place", Guardian getting tomes back was just someone wet dream, and mounts being just impossible to happen in the game because "the engine won't make it work.

Well, guess what happened in the end lol, not saying this leak is true, but none of these seem "impossible" tbh, nothing that crazy compared to what we already got in HoT and PoF.

But oh well, better to just wait for the announcements.

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3 minutes ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

Lot of people saying that this is 100% fake and impossible to happen.

I remember when Firebrand, Spellbreaker and Mounts were leaked a few months before PoF realease and people were going crazy on how impossible these were, people laughing at the idea of Warrior getting dual dagger since it was "so out of place", Guardian getting tomes back was just someone wet dream, and mounts being just impossible to happen in the game because "the engine won't make it work.

Well, guess what happened in the end lol, not saying this leak is true, but none of these seem "impossible" tbh, nothing that crazy compared to what we already got in HoT and PoF.

But oh well, better to just wait for the announcements.

It made the game a lot worst that why ppl though it was fake because they where bad ideals and ppl at the time though anet had better ability to balance. Now we kind of know better.

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On 6/8/2021 at 8:40 AM, Vissarion.6509 said:

All i have to say is, Where is my Greatsword Anet?!?!??!




For ONCE, let's let the caster class play like a CASTER. I am SO sick of having elementalist's playstyle dictated and nerfed by using a sword in melee combat. Because THAT'S why I picked this class. To take a sword and get into MELEE. The ABSOLUTE LAST THING we need is yet ANOTHER close combat spec dictating how elementalist gets buffed and nerfed over the next X years.


If you want to play around with a greatsword, PLEASE GO PLAY A WARRIOR OR SOMETHING. Let those of us who want to play a caster actually HAVE something!

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I don't think the leak is 100% true as Anet has never given a classe 2 weapon at once like new supposed elite spec for revenant, they won't give dual daggers at once, either a main hand, off hand or two handed weapon, the fact that they give two daggers ar once is not possible, total BS for revenant.

Although I hope the engineer elite spec is the same as described as it would be cool to summon some robots/constructs instead of turrets.

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17 hours ago, Rayko.9136 said:

I don't think the leak is 100% true as Anet has never given a classe 2 weapon at once like new supposed elite spec for revenant, they won't give dual daggers at once, either a main hand, off hand or two handed weapon, the fact that they give two daggers ar once is not possible, total BS for revenant.

Although I hope the engineer elite spec is the same as described as it would be cool to summon some robots/constructs instead of turrets.

Warrior literally got that with Spellbreaker in PoF.

But maybe this is a Warrior only thing, since they are the only class right now that can use all their main hands in the off-hand.

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22 hours ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

Warrior literally got that with Spellbreaker in PoF.

But maybe this is a Warrior only thing, since they are the only class right now that can use all their main hands in the off-hand.

Yeah it's apart of their "weapon master" concept. I think warriors the only one who will get stuff like that 

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