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Is it possible to farm any materials by simply defeating mobs?

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Can I farm any types of material just by doing defeating mobs on regions? Level sync or any systems like that in game prevents me farming? It seems like all I get is junk items,


I noticed gw2 wiki indicates plenty of mats can be gained from defeating mobs, I saw "dropped by" list but I never seem to get higher amounts of any materials, I literally cannot farm on level 80 areas due to my character seems underpowered even with a set of rare armour and weapon and yes she is level 80 with abilities unlocked, its just takes too long to defeat a single mob, I dunno whats wrong with that,

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You can farm materials by farming mobs, but it is a slow process. The drop chance isn't crazy high (one crafting mat every 10-20 mobs maybe?), plus the game discourages players from farming one area for too long by implementing diminishing returns. If your character has been in that area for more than an hour that is likely why you are not getting anything but trash items.


On the other hand, the game has a lot of systems in place that make material gathering actually viable, just not by single-mindedly farming mobs. There are map bonus rewards for participating in events, jumping puzzles, mini dungeons and similar on all maps. Check the mouseover tooltip of the maps on the world map view to see what is available on which map right now.


The trading system in this game is very robust, too. Pick up anything you come across, salvage all equipment you don't need, and then check which of the materials you actually need and which you don't need. Often you have a surplus of one thing that you can sell to buy the materials you are lacking.


On a side note, not being able to kill stuff in level-appropriate maps is usually a question of player skill rather than equipment. Higher rarity equipment helps, but your personal skill with using your character and its toolkit, from finding the right build for your playstyle to actually using said build is the main factor in combat in this game. Equipment doesn't carry you in this game, your skill does, and you only get that skill by training and experience.


May I ask what class(es) you are playing? You are playing the core game only, no expansions, right? All classes are able to easily solo on-level mobs on core specializations if you know what you're doing. It's the learning what to do and how to do it on your class of choice that is the hard part of this game.

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Thats the whole problem I'm having since long time, map events are cannot be done solo and there is no LFG system for it, every single time I enter a map and wander around a bit , I see literally no one doing together map reward events, I was just recently noticed 35 ascolan dungeon increase of popularity yesterday but that was in certain hours comes in a night time in my region so cannot do,


I do love doing salvage, I do WANT to love salvage, sadly in my case 25silver is too much for getting a master salvage from vendor and salvaging everything usually results in tons of luck which is absolutely useless and a small wood thing, every single time its same result. I never find myself getting a surplus material by doing salvage, even when I do 25silver master salvage kit ruins that profit.


There is some mmos allows grind and there are even specific regions in game to allow players to farm experience and certain items but gw2 is so far I found most annoying and time consuming one,

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Master salvage kit should only be used on rare = yellow or exotic = orange gear of level 68 or above.

The reason for that is they have a chance to drop globs of ectoplasm making the salvage worth it.

For rare below 68 + any white blue or green gear of any level. use basic or even crude salvage kits.



Do you have any expansion? if so check this video out



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9 minutes ago, SaskiaElite.8132 said:

Thats the whole problem I'm having since long time, map events are cannot be done solo and there is no LFG system for it, every single time I enter a map and wander around a bit , I see literally no one doing together map reward events, I was just recently noticed 35 ascolan dungeon increase of popularity yesterday but that was in certain hours comes in a night time in my region so cannot do,

Once you're 80, most map events shouldn't be a problem on lower level maps, especially if you have exotic or ascended hear with the right stats. Dungeons, maybe a problem, but there definitely is a LFG system for it. Dungeons have their own, and for everything els, you post in "Central tyria".

9 minutes ago, SaskiaElite.8132 said:

I do love doing salvage, I do WANT to love salvage, sadly in my case 25silver is too much for getting a master salvage from vendor and salvaging everything usually results in tons of luck which is absolutely useless and a small wood thing, every single time its same result. I never find myself getting a surplus material by doing salvage, even when I do 25silver master salvage kit ruins that profit.

You don't salvage random crap with master salvage, you only use master salvage on exotic rare and exotic items. Better yet, use a Mystic salvage kit for rare and exotics. It's cheaper and better than just using Master's. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Salvage_Kit

For white, blue and green gear, ALWAYS use Basic salvage kit. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Basic_Salvage_Kit

It's cheap and is the best value per salvage for what you get out of it.

9 minutes ago, SaskiaElite.8132 said:

There is some mmos allows grind and there are even specific regions in game to allow players to farm experience and certain items but gw2 is so far I found most annoying and time consuming one,

It's foolish to expact "others do it so it must be here". GW2 is GW2 you either work within its systems or play something else if you really hate it. In GW2 grinding works like it does (or rother doesn't because the game discourages it directly). You grind achievements here and other stuff, not mobs.

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If you're talking about vanilla-gw2, the events are all designed for solo players. Try to get to know your class a bit, then you shouldn't have any problems.

Otherwise, there are still big events like world bosses, silverwaste, tarir, ect.
And in terms of grind, especially in the beginning, gw2 is far away from time-consuming compared to other MMOs. You just have to play differently. That's not GW2's fault if you try a method in a game that was never intended.

There are tons of events in GW2 that bring you so much loot. Big ones and small ones.
If you want to get mats fast, it also makes more sense to farm gold and buy the mats in the AH.

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I'll be blunt, you can't play this game without using the Trading Post.


Yes, you can get many materials off of enemies, or from salvaging items, but its never going to be enough to do anything with it. The econemy is designed around the fact that all players get loot in all situations, rather than only specific players (unlike WoW and other traditional MMOs), so the average volume of loot is lower and you have to trade.


There is farming routines in this game, some of them quite heavy, but they're almost always focused around getting gold, karma, volatile magic or some other currency and then using those currencies to get materials either from NPCs or from other players.


Actual farming methods of obtaining very specific materials without trading are extremely labor intensive and meant more for veteran players.


If you tell players here what you're trying to accomplish exactly, they can try to help.


Btw, with the right gear, build, rotation, etc. you can solo Champion-level enemies in open-world, even some dungeons, Fractals, etc. This game is very L2P-centric, you can't just be carried by your equipment like in other games.


For example, many players don't know that just weapon swapping every time its off cooldown will increase your DPS by nearly 100% due to having five extra skills to cast, with the exception being non-damaging kits like Ele Staff/Air. And that's assuming skill spam; experienced players do up to ten times the damage of inexperienced players.


Builds also need to synergise with gear--e.g running around with Condition Damage gear and using a Power-centric weapon and build is friutless.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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The market and crafting is upside down in GW2.  I can buy a full set of exotic for around 1.5 gold but it would take something like a fortnight of farming and/or around 20 gold to craft it.

Every night I scrap between 10 and 50 rare and exotics simply because what I get from them is worth more than the actual stuff.

Then you have the tons and tons of blues and greens that you sell 200 of for about1 gold or scrap for luck. Funny how you get very few mats back from them.

I think they lost control over the economy years ago and now it's left to implode.  It's a game of parts being of more value than the whole.  Shame you can't fight and wear the parts before they become junk. 


I'm at the level where I farm for a few specific mats, three of which are rationed, sprit shards, laurels and Obsidian shards.  I'm stuck in this viscous loop.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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3 hours ago, SaskiaElite.8132 said:

Thats the whole problem I'm having since long time, map events are cannot be done solo and there is no LFG system for it, every single time I enter a map and wander around a bit , I see literally no one doing together map reward events, I was just recently noticed 35 ascolan dungeon increase of popularity yesterday but that was in certain hours comes in a night time in my region so cannot do,


I do love doing salvage, I do WANT to love salvage, sadly in my case 25silver is too much for getting a master salvage from vendor and salvaging everything usually results in tons of luck which is absolutely useless and a small wood thing, every single time its same result. I never find myself getting a surplus material by doing salvage, even when I do 25silver master salvage kit ruins that profit.


There is some mmos allows grind and there are even specific regions in game to allow players to farm experience and certain items but gw2 is so far I found most annoying and time consuming one,

You're not supposed to use Master Salvage Kit on blues and greens. Use a cheaper kit on those and save Master for yellow.

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3 hours ago, SaskiaElite.8132 said:

Thats the whole problem I'm having since long time, map events are cannot be done solo and there is no LFG system for it, every single time I enter a map and wander around a bit , I see literally no one doing together map reward events, I was just recently noticed 35 ascolan dungeon increase of popularity yesterday but that was in certain hours comes in a night time in my region so cannot do,


I do love doing salvage, I do WANT to love salvage, sadly in my case 25silver is too much for getting a master salvage from vendor and salvaging everything usually results in tons of luck which is absolutely useless and a small wood thing, every single time its same result. I never find myself getting a surplus material by doing salvage, even when I do 25silver master salvage kit ruins that profit.


There is some mmos allows grind and there are even specific regions in game to allow players to farm experience and certain items but gw2 is so far I found most annoying and time consuming one,


This game doesn't really give any incentive to just grind trash mobs.  Many maps have a cyclical or linear event structure that players will farm.  The silverwastes, drizzlewood coast, and dragon's stand are examples of this.  Other maps have major events which repeat at specific times.  This includes world bosses which occur on many of the core maps as well as the HoT map metas.  Show up at the right time and you get in on the event and the loot. 


Type /wiki et into chat to open a browser to view the event timers on the wiki.  This way you know which events are coming up so you can get there before the map fills up.  GW2 will open new instances of the same map as maps fill up.  Try different things to find out the events you find worthwhile and make it a point to show up at those times.  This should give you better results than just grinding mobs until your eyeballs bleed (if you are into that, do one of those maps like drizzlewood or silverwastes and grind events, not mobs!).


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Crafting mats are very thin on the ground and some of the parts for a item I want to craft can require cloth and leather in the hundreds.  To farm this from drops would probably take me a month or so, especially the leather which is as rare as any flying pig.

Thank goodness for bot farmers or nothing would get crafted.  If you want to craft high level stuff for your self you need bucket loads of gold.

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I don't know how one can't accumulate 100s of leather or cloth from salvaging the plethora of blues and greens one acquires.

If one wants a particular tier of material, open those dozens and dozens of Champion Bags on the appropriate-level character.


Also, Gold is not that difficult to come by; just doing the regular Daily, and, say, Dragonstorm is 4 Gold per day.  Turn Laurels into Materials, keep what one needs and sell the rest is more Gold.  Sell Mystic Coins from Log-in Rewards, and other sources, is more Gold.

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I have salvaged well over a hundred blues as well as greens in the past and received around 3 leather (if I'm lucky) from them.  That's why I no longer bother salvaging the blues and greens.  All you mainly get from them is motes and luck.

Also, you might be able to make 2 to 5 gold a day but just from crafting one exotic inscription can eat that and more, and hardly touches a ascended, but you can buy that inscription for around 75 silver on the tp.  See what I mean when I say the economy in the game is on it's head.  All smoke and mirrors.


And by the way Laurels and mystic coins are not something you dilly-dally with.  They are to darn valuable.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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Unlikely.  You either get leather, cloth or ore.

Luck is valuable, unless you are already maxed on Magic Find. 


If you are not getting the particular leather you desire, either play in the maps that correspond to the level of material wanted, or open Champ Bags/Containers on an appropriate level character. 


Sell unwanted materials and buy those materials you do want. 

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In my book and my experience you get the same with 100% luck as you do with zero luck.  Luck is a lie surly you can see that.

Yes you do get some ore now and again from blues and greens.  But we are talking one chunk here.  How many to make a ingot?

I have had quite a lot of very important looking crafting chests or bags drop for me  I can't remember the exact name given to it now but the title make it sound like you have hit the jackpot. They pop 1 silver and 2 iron ingots.  Talk about dressing a dog food up as a Sunday dinner.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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2 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

In my book and my experience you get the same with 100% luck as you do with zero luck.  Luck is a lie surly you can see that.

Yes you do get some ore now and again from blues and greens.  But we are talking one chunk here.  How many to make a ingot?

I have had quite a lot of very important looking crafting chests or bags drop for me  I can't remember the exact name given to it now but the title make it sound like you have hit the jackpot. They pop 1 silver and 2 iron ingots.  Talk about dressing a dog food up as a Sunday dinner.

Magic Find isn't a lie, just a bit obscure.


If you compare a new account to an old one you'll see a huge difference. A player who is maxed on MF with no boosts has a roughly 30% better loot than newbies; this translates into alot more Rares (and thus, Globs of Ectoplasm from salvage) and alot less junk especially. Its not some cosmic difference but just having MF maxed passively helps vets alot.


I think players get confused about it "doing nothing" because it doesn't affect most bags and boxes, which is the majority of loot from meta-event chains. This is because nearly every drop in the game can only roll against MF once, and the bag drop counts as a roll, which is why you see different quality bags. Except for in places with set loot patterns like Silverwastes chest farm--where the quality is always Exotic.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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4 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

I have salvaged well over a hundred blues as well as greens in the past and received around 3 leather (if I'm lucky) from them.  That's why I no longer bother salvaging the blues and greens.  All you mainly get from them is motes and luck.

Also, you might be able to make 2 to 5 gold a day but just from crafting one exotic inscription can eat that and more, and hardly touches a ascended, but you can buy that inscription for around 75 silver on the tp.  See what I mean when I say the economy in the game is on it's head.  All smoke and mirrors.


And by the way Laurels and mystic coins are not something you dilly-dally with.  They are to darn valuable.

Just wondering you are identifying them before salvaging right?

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6 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Just wondering you are identifying them before salvaging right?

Yes I do.  I also don't store my finds throughout the day so at the end of the day I can easily see the true amount of what I have gained for a days adventure.  Try this and I bet it will have you shaking your head in disappointment.

@Hannelore.8153  I come from a household of 3 GW2 players one of them is barely a month old.  This is what I draw my conclusions from.  It's not some wild guess but on the other hand it's a very hard thing to prove.  But I will say this;  I would swap my luck for some hands on solid mats any day.

Luck is a fuzzy attribute.  Who's to say it's something, or nothing more than a graphic on your screen?  I for one trust the goods, not the promise of goods.

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11 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

In my book and my experience you get the same with 100% luck as you do with zero luck.  Luck is a lie surly you can see that.

It's not a lie. Although 100% MF (i assume that's what you mean by "100% luck") is indeed not much, you can very much see difference after you get 300+ of it.


11 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

Yes you do get some ore now and again from blues and greens.  But we are talking one chunk here.  How many to make a ingot?

A few (usually 3). But then, you get a lot of blues and greens in a day.



2 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

@Hannelore.8153  I come from a household of 3 GW2 players one of them is barely a month old.  This is what I draw my conclusions from.  It's not some wild guess but on the other hand it's a very hard thing to prove. 

It's actually a very easy thing to prove - all you need is to do a specific farming routine that is based on direct drops, not on champ/even reward boxes on characters with differing MF values. And compare the result. You just need to do a lot of farming in order to remove randomness out of equation - killing a dozen of mobs is nowhere close enough to see the differences.

And you know what? It has been actually done by people that did those farming runs many times over, noting the drops every time and comparing the results. As such, we do know how MF works, and that it does indeed work quite well.


In case you might have misunderstood its purpose: MF does not really make you get more stuff. What it does is increase your chances of getting the stuff of better quality. So, with higher MF, you will see less whites and blues, and more greens, rares and exotics. You will see more T6 basic (ore, wood, cloth and leather) materials in place of T5 ones. You will see fine mats more often (and again, you will see a beter proportion of t6s to t5s among them). Sometimes it also helps with some extra drops (i.e. drop rate of Trick and Treat bags from Labyrinth mobs in the Halloween event is heavily based on MF)

All that however affects only direct drops. It does not affect salvage results, nor does it help with items you get from different bags and boxes. Most of the time anyway (there are some exceptions to that do get affected by MF)


MF is extremely valuable, and increasing it helps you massively in the longterm (even if shortterm it is barely noticeable)




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True I can run a character with 10% luck through the same routine as a character with 100% and find the 10% drops better stuff but that doesn't prove anything especially with the random element being involved along with other factors.

I think the only way you could prove it apart from someone putting days of research into it and it still would not be 100% conclusive is to have someone examine the code.

Let's say for arguments sake that I strongly suspect that 'luck' is worthless and I would much rather have something of value drop in it's place.

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