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Is it possible to farm any materials by simply defeating mobs?

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23 hours ago, SaskiaElite.8132 said:

It seems like all I get is junk items,

Is there anything in GW2 which  isn't a junk item (ok, beside some pre-cursors and infusions)? It's just a matter if you currently need it or not, and the mass of junk is it what makes you rich 😉

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And then you have a market that is bonkers to say the least.  A market were the value of something is classed by it's rarity.  A rarity that is mostly manufactured by the dev's.  A rock being of more worth than a diamond so to speak.

Then you have the sheer disgusting amount of account bound items constipating the market until it pooing through a pin hole.

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In response to OP:


Those 'dropped' mats used to be the case for about 2 years after the game first came out. I and many others farmed mobs for our legendarys - and general wealth very successfully.


However these areas had their drop rates nerfed or the large player base mechanism behind the farm stopped. I'd had said years ago it isn't economical to farm mobs for mats, and this is still the case. 


I'd be bold enough to say that the gem store gold conversion is exceptionally economical these days, which I believe was the intent behind the 'balancing'. 

Devs got to eat you know. 

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23 minutes ago, Rob.7624 said:

Devs got to eat you know. 

i dont think thats the intention behind this. but when they want make money. maybe make more content you can sell and not create a problem nobody had and sell the solution in the shop.

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To be honest I kind of miss it. In the early days of GW2 and in GW1 killing mobs had an element of excitement because there were nice things dropping from time to time.

The current system may be easier to manage economy-wise but it completely took away this element of fun. Sure, you get the bags/gear but nobody really opens it all the time, it’s farther salvage/sell.

There’s nothing as fun and relaxing as killing some mobs for money and wondering around the map. Of course world events and metas provide drops as well, but with much more flashing and tiring atmosphere around it. For this reason I don’t really farm anymore

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1 hour ago, Mik.3401 said:

To be honest I kind of miss it. In the early days of GW2 and in GW1 killing mobs had an element of excitement because there were nice things dropping from time to time.

The current system may be easier to manage economy-wise but it completely took away this element of fun. Sure, you get the bags/gear but nobody really opens it all the time, it’s farther salvage/sell.

There’s nothing as fun and relaxing as killing some mobs for money and wondering around the map. Of course world events and metas provide drops as well, but with much more flashing and tiring atmosphere around it. For this reason I don’t really farm anymore

I remember with MMO's I have played in the past were your out farming in the hills all alone and then out of nowhere a legendary drops from a ravenous mouse or some such creature.  The thing that this could happen somehow made the game magical and wonderous.  The feeling that there was hidden treasure made exploring something special.

As you say it a very rare I check my drops in GW2. until the end of the day  You know what it is depending on the area.  It never really changes.


I think what would be exciting in GW2 is if the loot pool dropped worldwide and there was one mastery point for all not having everything segregated to it's own little area.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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5 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

I remember with MMO's I have played in the past were your out farming in the hills all alone and then out of nowhere a legendary drops from a ravenous mouse or some such creature.  The thing that this could happen somehow made the game magical and wonderous.  The feeling that there was hidden treasure made exploring something special.

As you say it a very rare I check my drops in GW2. until the end of the day  You know what it is depending on the area.  It never really changes.


I think what would be exciting in GW2 is if the loot pool dropped worldwide and there was one mastery point for all not having everything segregated to it's own little area.

As other have stated that is already how gw2 works.

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7 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

As other have stated that is already how gw2 works.

It has never happened for me so I assumed it was the same for everyone.  Every one of my drops over a long period has been your basic stuff that is prominent to that area.  Never once have uttered "Oh wow"


Wait, I tell a lie.  Years back I did had a bow drop that was worth quite a bit of money. There was only one other on the tp up for 70 gold.  I couldn't believe a old bent twig could be worth so much.  That was in a starting area.  Nothing since though.

Maybe I should start farming the starting areas.  😄

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21 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

I think the only way you could prove it apart from someone putting days of research into it and it still would not be 100% conclusive is to have someone examine the code.

There are people that put days and weeks of research into it.



21 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

Let's say for arguments sake that I strongly suspect that 'luck' is worthless and I would much rather have something of value drop in it's place.

Let me give you a very clear and visible example:

During Halloween, the drop rate of Trick of Treat bags in the Labyrinth farm (assuming you are not farming inefficiently of course) is estimated to be a number of bags per hour equal to your MF value. So, if you have 200 MF, you get around 200 bags per hour. If you have 700 MF, you get 700 bags per hour (for obvious reasons it gets a bit more complicated at below 100 MF values, as you do actually get some bags even at 0 MF).

This is an example where MF impact is extremely visible. Not all farming grounds are affected that heavily, but all farms that include actual direct mob drops as an important part of the farm do get affected, to at least some degree.

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Because of the system I am forced to grind the hell out of the silver wastes for the mats for crafting.  Nowhere else can I get them in the quantities needed.  It shouldn't be like that.  It just makes the game boring and tedious.  I am soooo sick of the silver wastes, but now it feels as if I'm wasting my time playing any other map.

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u can farm "fangs" and other trophys just killing charr in DWC.


but notice most core Tyria maps, the mobs have a longer respawn rate than average MMO. "camping" is discouraged. only bots do that, because a robot dont feel anything.

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3 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

And of course, lots of leather drops if you equip your tools with Glyph of the Leatherworker and go farm any map.

Done this with all of my tools.  You have to since the dev's have put the screws on leather.  Another daft synthetic plug in the market that make's no sense unless your a accountant.  3000 gems a pop if you want leather.  Same as they made chicken a protected species, but why?


Haha, I just realised leatherworker is the only trade I haven't levelled.  I wonder why?

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Banned leather?  What game are you playing?


Go to the Leather farm, if you are so in need of leather.  Play a Medium Profession character, which drops more leather items (albeit not by much).


If leather at L80 is so scarce, why is it so cheap on the Trading Post? 


I do hope you are opening that plethora of Champion Bags from The Silverwastes on an appropriate-leveled character for the tier of leather (you've never said which leather) you desire.

If it is Tier 6, then promote Tier 5, or open the bags on a Level ~50 character and sell those to buy Tier 6. 


Don't just make up things to lament. 

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On 6/27/2021 at 9:58 PM, Follyfoot.2803 said:

Also, you might be able to make 2 to 5 gold a day but just from crafting one exotic inscription can eat that and more, and hardly touches a ascended, but you can buy that inscription for around 75 silver on the tp.  See what I mean when I say the economy in the game is on it's head.  All smoke and mirrors.

Which ones EXACTLY (from the ones you actually intended to use)?



And by the way Laurels (...) are too darn valuable.

Maybe at the start of playing the game. Then not at all.


On 6/27/2021 at 10:11 PM, Follyfoot.2803 said:

In my book and my experience you get the same with 100% luck as you do with zero luck.  Luck is a lie surly you can see that.

That's because you don't understand how it works, so maybe read up first.




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On 6/28/2021 at 11:36 AM, Follyfoot.2803 said:

And then you have a market that is bonkers to say the least.  A market were the value of something is classed by it's rarity.  A rarity that is mostly manufactured by the dev's.

Woah, so literally like any mmo ever? You truly opened my eyes. Up until this moment I thought the easier it is to get the item, the more it costs!

...sorry, but what even is this complaint even supposed to be?


On 6/29/2021 at 7:25 AM, Follyfoot.2803 said:

It has never happened for me so I assumed it was the same for everyone.  Every one of my drops over a long period has been your basic stuff that is prominent to that area.  Never once have uttered "Oh wow"

And what kind of game offers those super rare valuable legendary drops that everyone easly gets by just "farming random mob on the hill"? Because based on your posts it basically "doesn't count if you didn't get it", so following that same ""logic"" if not everyone gets them, then it didn't count in the games you're mentioning here as well, right?


9 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

Because of the system I am forced to grind the hell out of the silver wastes for the mats for crafting. 

You can farm what you want and how you want.



It shouldn't be like that.  It just makes the game boring and tedious

As opposed to farming the same mob over and over and over and over and over and over again, which clearly is super entertaining and non-repetitive, which is why this is something you keeps saying you'd want in the game, right? 🙃





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55 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Banned leather?  What game are you playing?

You know you type some things in that are obviously satire or a joke, and it always amazes me how some people don't get it.

I think they just pretend that they don't get.  They must, mustn't they?  Unless they have just arrived from the planet of straight and boring.  Or, maybe they can't abide laughter.  Or, they just like a good argument  Or they are on the payroll.  Or they might just be plain ......

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52 minutes ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

Haha, I just realised leatherworker is the only trade I haven't levelled.  I wonder why?

Seeing how...


-the cost of leveling it 0-400 is pretty much the same as 2 other armor "trades" (+/- 1g50s, sitting riiiight in the middle)

[unless you consider "faster options", then it's the cheapest out of the 3 🙃 ]

-leveling up 400-500 costs more, but it's a one-time difference of ~13 gold when compared to other armor "trades" 

-crafting a FULL ASCENDED SET is a difference of about 10 gold between leather and tailor (because the difference is just between the amount of bolts and squares, which combined cost ~201,8 gold for light and ~211,5 gold for medium)


...I also wonder why, do tell me.


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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, SaskiaElite.8132 said:

Geee you guys still responding and replying here huh, I ditched this game long ago, I have better games to play than this economic disaster.


I just noticed it with my email nofitications are on and emails are pending in my inbox lol,


Sorry to see that GW2 didn't appeal to you.  If you have any mats like mystic coins and ectos you don't plan on using as well as any gold, I'd be glad to put them to good use.   So perhaps mail them to me if you don't mind logging in one more time to do so.  Or even better keep all that stuff in the event you change your mind and decide to return some day.   Best wishes with the other games you are enjoying.    🙂

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