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What exactly is warriors unique thing?


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20 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

Fast hands should always have been a built in feature for Warrior, it is such a downgrade to not play with it because you lose on a great amount of burst skills to use back to back which is where most of the damage/setups come from.

First of, ou no you scratched a touchy topic for some people, lol.

Second, Warrior could have worked OK with 10 second cd on swap if weapons and skills were not designed/balance for years with the idea that it will always work with discipline, Its probably one of those ou they like Discipline on everything lets leave it at that, one less traitline slot to worry about.

Now for the guardian envy, why does these kitteners get to have good synergy between the traitlines, it is like they are throwing more time into some professions, the kittening FC is Protector's Strike with gold particles like wtf.

Lets see the reworks on Hammer and Rifle, one time thing not follow up for issues that might occur after the rework, also what is the Idea behind it, what is the build there, what is the purpose? It doesn't seem that the reworks are for any type of content cause they are not even close to good for PVP/WvW or Structured PVE, they don't even help for Open world, rifle is a little bit better at tagging kitten but is nowhere near to Berserker GS with just Arc Divider.

The last proper rework was Axes with Berserker for PVE and it stuck there for years now.

The best draw of the game is the Combat and having multiple options as builds to play is good for the game but for some dumb reason they decided that it is fine to have barely one build for all modes.     

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14 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:


The best draw of the game is the Combat and having multiple options as builds to play is good for the game but for some dumb reason they decided that it is fine to have barely one build for all modes.     

Thats the issue with most classes, exception of revenant IMO, where every its build works in most game modes.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 6/28/2021 at 6:58 PM, Pati.2438 said:

Mes got clones evades stealth

Thief got stealth blinds evades

Guardian got Blocks aegis blinds

Necro got 2 lifebar barriere and aoe spaming



What is actually warriors unique kitten? Shouldnt it be damage on cc or at least high weapon damage? Actually warrior got not mutch unique kitten i mean okay a might heal skill lmao. Pls buff damage of warriors so they will got actually back to the 1v1 lvl in pvp as it was before.


Aren't warrs famous for their burst and their ability to stunlock?

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Its unique at sucking compared to all other classes. and this comes from a EX warrior/berserker/sb Main. its unique has being a half useless class butchered by useless balance team and skill less crybabies on wvw/pvp  . slow telegraphed skills now  and berserker has been virtually annihilated . its a class now that is only good if u put 100% of your time trying to make it work and if ur one of those elitist 0.05% player. the last patch was also indeed very painfull. bring back and fix hammer, fix rifle, and fix the god kitten character.

Edited by LordTemujin.5498
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40 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Not typically.

ngl, had a tough match as a power zerker with mace/shield GS vs a minion master condi scourge in wvw today. I did easy stuff vs them with revenge counter, but even tho i tried 2 times with interrupts on zerker and as much cleave as possible, I failed to defeta them. Fwiw I had defense, cleansing sigil, brawler's, endurance signet, shake it off and zerker stance. I guess I should have dropped the reflects for dogged march and RI for cleansing ire, but not sure if that would rly change the ending result.

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17 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

ngl, had a tough match as a power zerker with mace/shield GS vs a minion master condi scourge in wvw today. I did easy stuff vs them with revenge counter, but even tho i tried 2 times with interrupts on zerker and as much cleave as possible, I failed to defeta them. Fwiw I had defense, cleansing sigil, brawler's, endurance signet, shake it off and zerker stance. I guess I should have dropped the reflects for dogged march and RI for cleansing ire, but not sure if that would rly change the ending result.

It would have helped.

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7 minutes ago, adormtil.1605 said:

I did not knew warrior was not good compared to others. I see it in fractals in open world in pvp in everything. I thought people use it cause its good I use it cause I thought it was good.

Was. Operative word.


It functions everywhere for sure. Banner Slave is wanted in all PvE endgame content because of the stats while doing passable DPS. In OWPvE it does pretty great. In PvP/WvW the damage nerfs and Hard CC nerfs from Feb. 2020 hit it way too hard and is generally considered bottom of the barrel. Spellbreaker sees play in zergs because of WoD. Without WoD it would not be welcome in zergs for the most part.

You still see mains in WvW/PvP making the best of it, myself included.

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I don't know why they mess with warrior anymore. Every time I see a change with warrior, I get nervous that they made it less fun. The way they go about tweaking the warrior is like they're diffusing a bomb. It's a little of this and a little of that, nerf here then balance that.


I'd rather they reverted warrior to the beginning where the playstyle was high risk/high reward. It was more fun. We'll never out sustain, out heal, out support, out condition or out maneuver the other classes. They might as well let us out gun them in a fire fight with more damage and less sustainability like the old days.

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