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Removal of Reflect

The Boz.2038

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reapers and scourges are the class with the current flavour stack for overperformance, also they have a 2nd life bar, lets not talk about something that is a bit overbuffed.  



Warrior Rifle can be  used as  comparisson VS longbow  wich IMO Rifle is far superior than ranger  LB  🙂 in everything.

Issue is when buffing core specs w/o see what can hapen to the elite specs that m8 end overbuffed.


Still 90% of rangers ive found in wvw are pretty bad..really bad...and buffins a classes cause players are bad?

I would not find strange for ranger to point out the overstacking of permanent engie domes.. but complaing about puny reflects :)...


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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15 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

It uses the Power, Ferocity, Condition Damage, and Expertise of the attacker... and the Precision of the reflecter. Wonderfully consistent, innit?

Well this is what I mean you can send back the attack as critical strike even if it wasn't . I don't want to put out guild internal stuff put let say we had an argue about this mechanic before my CM group final dissembled to fair it wasn't just that.


Basically on B2 in Shattered Observatory in CM mode you can reflect the balls from the boss which gives you a huge DPS burst as dps player but usually as HFB I do reflect bubble in F3 well I didn't but shortly before phase  I did and this started mimi .

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6 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


reapers and scourges are the class with the current flavour stack for overperformance, also they have a 2nd life bar, lets not talk about something that is a bit overbuffed.  



Warrior Rifle can be  used as  comparisson VS longbow  wich IMO Rifle is far superior than ranger  LB  🙂 in everything.

Issue is when buffing core specs w/o see what can hapen to the elite specs that m8 end overbuffed.


Still 90% of rangers ive found in wvw are pretty bad..really bad...and buffins a classes cause players are bad?

I would not find strange for ranger to point out the overstacking of permanent engie domes.. but complaing about puny reflects :)...


I’m not talking about buffing a class because players are bad, I’m talking about buffing a single skill/trait because it’s bad in comparison to equivalent skills/traits of other classes.

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57 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

I’m not talking about buffing a class because players are bad, I’m talking about buffing a single skill/trait because it’s bad in comparison to equivalent skills/traits of other classes.



 if u reduce the CD even to half would not solve anythign but make class more target of nerf later.

Souldbeast unblockables  uptime  were nerfed for a reason.

Removing reflects from game is not healthy.

Giving passives with second for rangers to have free unblockables is dream to be carried.

Lower Signet hunt cooldown is somewhat plausible but what impact will make in others builds?

THere are LB  skills that are actually a joke why not improve those, killed more than 4-5 LB rangers today cause they stealthed with that LB skill...

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59 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:



 if u reduce the CD even to half would not solve anythign but make class more target of nerf later.

Souldbeast unblockables  uptime  were nerfed for a reason.

Removing reflects from game is not healthy.

Giving passives with second for rangers to have free unblockables is dream to be carried.

Lower Signet hunt cooldown is somewhat plausible but what impact will make in others builds?

THere are LB  skills that are actually a joke why not improve those, killed more than 4-5 LB rangers today cause they stealthed with that LB skill...

Regardless of what they do with ranger, people will cry about it so anet might as well give them a reason and give back to the ranger class, maybe that will help keep those over performing nercomonkeys in check.


I’d rather anet buff non meta-weapons for ranger than buff longbow.

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34 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Regardless of what they do with ranger, people will cry about it so anet might as well give them a reason and give back to the ranger class, maybe that will help keep those over performing nercomonkeys in check.


I’d rather anet buff non meta-weapons for ranger than buff longbow.


I hate LB on gw2, reason if i feel to play ranger i play my druid lol (wich actually gona be deleted to be remade when i have time)... well LB could get it skills tweaked for example Hunter's Shot and Point-Blank Shot.


           Signet of the Hunt (reduce number of hits and CD - 6 hits over 4sec) reduce colldown to 28sec when taited.

Passive:  Signet of the Hunt: 25% increased movement speed.
Activation :6 Unblockable (4sec): Your attacks are unblockable
                      Stealth ranger and pet 4sec


            Hunter's Shot :  increase CD to 18sec

  Damage: 154 (0.4)
  Pet swiftness (10s): 33% Movement Speed
 +50-75% damage from stealth 100% crit.
  interrupt action on target  if being performend set target daze 0.7sec
  Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
  Range: 1,500
 Point-Blank Shot - Reduce CD to 10 sec ammo recharge (2-3)
  Damage: 308 (0.8)?
   instant recharge if target action is interrupted
 +25% damage when target is less than 400 range
  Maximum Knockback: 600
  Minimum Knockback: 100
  Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
  Range: 1,200
Brutish Seals : activating a Signet grants fury to nearby allies. Signets gain reduced recharge, and interrupting enemies action would recharge your recharging signets by 2sec.
 Fury (6s): 20% Critical Chance
  Number of Allied Targets: 5
 interrupting enemy skills recharge your signets  CD by 2sec max.(ICD 2-3sec)
  Recharge Reduced: 20%
  Radius: 300
Edited by Aeolus.3615
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2 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


I hate LB on gw2, reason if i feel to play ranger i play my druid lol (wich actually gona be deleted to be remade when i have time)... well LB could get it skills tweaked for example Hunter's Shot and Point-Blank Shot.


           Signet of the Hunt (reduce number of hits and CD - 6 hits over 4sec) reduce colldown to 28sec when taited.

Passive:  Signet of the Hunt: 25% increased movement speed.
Activation :6 Unblockable (4sec): Your attacks are unblockable
                      Stealth ranger and pet 4sec


            Hunter's Shot :  increase CD to 18sec

  Damage: 154 (0.4)
  Pet swiftness (10s): 33% Movement Speed
 +50-75% damage from stealth 100% crit.
  interrupt action on target  if being performend set target daze 0.7sec
  Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
  Range: 1,500
 Point-Blank Shot - Reduce CD to 10 sec ammo recharge (2-3)
  Damage: 308 (0.8)?
   instant recharge if target action is interrupted
 +25% damage when target is less than 400 range
  Maximum Knockback: 600
  Minimum Knockback: 100
  Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
  Range: 1,200
Brutish Seals : activating a Signet grants fury to nearby allies. Signets gain reduced recharge, and interrupting enemies action would recharge your recharging signets by 2sec.
 Fury (6s): 20% Critical Chance
  Number of Allied Targets: 5
 interrupting enemy skills recharge your signets  CD by 2sec max.(ICD 2-3sec)
  Recharge Reduced: 20%
  Radius: 300

I won’t say no to those skills ahha

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15 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

I won’t say no to those skills ahha


Ranger in Gw1 was really somewhat skilled to play in pvp and strong to play, one of the many reasons were the  skill disruption on casting targets and the preparations wich would be something like, for X seconds your arrows  will "some effect like, criple, burn, interrupt, deal more damage in certain criterias".


check this out:








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