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TC, stop beating yourselves up.


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Pfft some of my best years in wvw were spent on mag clouding without a commander. Not all players are idiots, and if you played the game long enough you can read through situations easily, pretty easy to see how a commander will command in a couple fights too. 


But not every commander deserves trust, especially the ones that have shown to repeat their mistakes over and over again, like sitting yourself in the middle of two zergs instead of putting them in front of you, or running back and forth in a choke to double eat bombs, or standing around pveing a lord only to get run over even though scout calls came out even a minute before. I'll run a meta class, I'll run into the fray with you, but if you show one hint of stupidity I'm out and finding my enjoyment on another part of the map. Stacking 30 meta support on you doesn't automatically make you good.

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11 hours ago, reddie.5861 said:

why roam to cap stuff? u roam to lure people towards u to create small fights no? keeps are perfect way to keep constant flow off deffenders untill u get over run. u dont cap it xD.

when i saw ur list of top 3 commanders i hope no1 agree's cus then NA is in really bad shape :x

Just roaming around fighting people and ignoring all of the objectives isn't nearly as helpful for the team. Once the objective is taken, on to the next one, and the fights continue. 

As I said, they people I mentioned are just my opinions. Who would you name for your top 3 NA commanders? 

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15 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

you've lost me. i'm not the one forgiving pugs dude, you are, and now you're using 'you' for the rest of the post lol. i'm not a commander. i get what you're saying tho. pugs don't give randos their trust. problem is, it takes way too long, or the pugs won't give the commander some breathing room to improve. theres nothing wrong with pushing and failing a few times. plus once the comm is labeled as bad, its pretty hard to come out of that. meanwhile, pugs cloud and use the comm and whoever else is dumb enough to push as meat shields so they can spam useless damage on their meme builds. after a few times the comm gets sick of it, logs out or usually switches map and the zerg dies. this is based on the scenario of a known pugmander logging out who usually gets most of their pugs to push, then someone less known tags up and tries to hold it all together.

That commander who yells at everyone to get on discord shouldn't push further than what their core can handle. Why are they factoring in numbers that aren't theirs? Not everyone on the map or even in the same area are trying to be in that commanders squad, the action is there so they're going to be there also and that tag is as much in the way as anyone else. I'm going to attack parts of that other squad with the other usual pugs and floaters and if a tag shows up, that doesn't mean pugs are clouding around it, it just means that tag has the same idea.


Pugmanders are great, I don't have any problems with them, they tend to size themselves up realistically. 


Also read your first reply I responded to again, not sure why you're confused about anything. 

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Since when was FC recognized as a roam server? It's a ppt blob server. If they had any decent roamers, or players in general they wouldn't be farmed by every single T2 server that rises to T1. Honestly I couldn't stand to be on a server that is basically farmed off EBG from Eu to late NA.

Edited by jul.7602
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14 minutes ago, jul.7602 said:

Since when was FC recognized as a roam server? It's a ppt blob server. If they had any decent roamers, or players in general they wouldn't be farmed by every single T2 server that rises to T1. Honestly I couldn't stand to be on a server that is basically farmed off EBG from Eu to late NA.

What server and guild are you from? 

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1 minute ago, Fubuki.7162 said:

What server and guild are you from? 

I'm from Maguuma. I genuinely don't see any roaming groups that are worth mentioning on FC BL. It's just them getting farmed on just about every map.

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2 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

That commander who yells at everyone to get on discord shouldn't push further than what their core can handle. Why are they factoring in numbers that aren't theirs? Not everyone on the map or even in the same area are trying to be in that commanders squad, the action is there so they're going to be there also and that tag is as much in the way as anyone else. I'm going to attack parts of that other squad with the other usual pugs and floaters and if a tag shows up, that doesn't mean pugs are clouding around it, it just means that tag has the same idea.


Pugmanders are great, I don't have any problems with them, they tend to size themselves up realistically. 


Also read your first reply I responded to again, not sure why you're confused about anything. 

i hear you about pugmanders. i'm confused at the part i indicated earlier, maybe reread it. no worries.

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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On 7/6/2021 at 9:13 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Meh every community is pretty much like that, you got a bunch of small guilds that run around with 10-20 people doing their own thing, you get the usual big mouths that need to hear themselves talking every minute in chat about random garbage, you get the bad apples never happy and blame everyone else for everything going wrong, the bad apples that bad talk the linked server as if their server is the best thing since sliced bread, and the favorite one where the "expert player" that criticizes every commander and their every move but you'll never see them tag up. Just block and move on.


As for pug commanders, Indo doesn't really run a pug zerg in the true pug sense anymore, he tends to run a zerg filled with op/tw/ek people, guilds he has run with for many years, then you get maybe the 5-10 that might be new plugins, not like the 30-40 randos other pug commanders are actually running with. He also likes to brag about fighting blobs with 35-40 and basically no green dots/pugs on his side. Good commander sure, pug commander eh not really.


So very few actual pug commanders left these days, people either don't want to get run over by guild boon balls following  newbie commanders, or get on voice to run with a group. Some people just want to have fun playing what they want in there, or not be some robot sheep for some idiot commander that runs over bombs without a care cause they saw some boon balling guild do it.


Lastly, I like how people complain about pugs, how they don't get on voice, how they don't run meta classes/builds, yet they're more than happy to fight and farm them. If you want to fight organized groups you can go on maps that's not EBG which usually has all the pugs, but you know, most times they actually only want to fight against groups they can win against, seen guilds run from maps after one wipe so many times, pretty sad. Now just imagine if you were stuck fighting a group like Indo's on every map, wonder how long these so called "fighters" would last.

Well said! Nothing against the OP with my post, just referring to @Xene now. Yes the vast majority of "guilds" in GW2 are nothing more than organized gank guilds on voice chat proving how "l33t" they are going around mobbing the casual pver then they run miles if caught on their own against equally or better player ...sad and shameful, the real reason they hop server is to avoid challenges....

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2 minutes ago, jul.7602 said:

I'm from Maguuma. I genuinely don't see any roaming groups that are worth mentioning on FC BL. It's just them getting farmed on just about every map.

I left FC a few weeks back, so I can't really say what's going on there now, but none of it changes the fact that they went over 3 months undefeated in T1, and did it with mostly roamers. Maybe people left FC, maybe Maguuma got some fresh blood. You guys were just in T3 recently weren't you? That's the ebb and flow of gw2 WvW. 

I'm curious because I still have a few friends on FC, what roaming guild are you in, and which similarly sized FC roaming guilds are you farming? 

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31 minutes ago, Fubuki.7162 said:

I left FC a few weeks back, so I can't really say what's going on there now, but none of it changes the fact that they went over 3 months undefeated in T1, and did it with mostly roamers. Maybe people left FC, maybe Maguuma got some fresh blood. You guys were just in T3 recently weren't you? That's the ebb and flow of gw2 WvW. 

I'm curious because I still have a few friends on FC, what roaming guild are you in, and which similarly sized FC roaming guilds are you farming? 


Undefeated in T1 doesn't mean much. It means that your server has 1) very good coverage and 2) your guilds play for ppt. Maguuma will jump between t2-t1 depending on the linked server's coverage. I'm not in a roaming guild, but I'm one of the most prominent tags in EBG, and I play a lot. I see very little evidence of there being this strong strong roaming culture in FC. At least mag will have roaming guilds like MUAH, Chi, PEKO. We have quite a few "micro-guilds". Ctrl, PPT, TIE ect.

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3 minutes ago, jul.7602 said:


Undefeated in T1 doesn't mean much. It means that your server has 1) very good coverage and 2) your guilds play for ppt. Maguuma will jump between t2-t1 depending on the linked server's coverage. I'm not in a roaming guild, but I'm one of the most prominent tags in EBG, and I play a lot. I see very little evidence of there being this strong strong roaming culture in FC. At least mag will have roaming guilds like MUAH, Chi, PEKO. We have quite a few "micro-guilds". Ctrl, PPT, TIE ect.

What am I missing here? You claim to be a "prominent tag" who doesn't roam, and you're suggesting not one single roamer or small roaming guild poses a challenge to your blob? Not even Ser Jaime Lannister? He's good for 2 or 3 blobs by himself usually. He must be having an off week.

What's the point of your post? This is supposed to be a positive thread about the TC community, you took the time to slam FC for no obvious reason other than... oh... I see what's going on here. I'm here for you bro. 

How are you doing? Are you getting enough rest? I'm thinking about grilling burgers this weekend. What are your plans?  

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15 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Pfft some of my best years in wvw were spent on mag clouding without a commander. Not all players are idiots, and if you played the game long enough you can read through situations easily, pretty easy to see how a commander will command in a couple fights too. 



Mag cloud is a special case. While not all of them may run "meta" builds, a lot of them tend to run optimized builds in other forms.  For example, if you can pull someone in to them, they will almost always kill them without fail. I guess you could say they are running a meta, but a different one.


There's also a tendency for people to know when to not overextend  but also are capable of kiting gradually and poking which lets them cover each other. Contrast this against many other clouders that tend to fail miserably at this and make threads crying about pulls.


So people that do dumb stuff or are just not aware tend to not survive well at all in this environment.


While players may not be the most efficient individually, a lot have learned to be self sufficient and only work better when there's a tag group able to absorb the damage for them because at the very least they aren't rallybots and can continuously punish enemy players for falling out of position. That's how you can be useful via clouding.


In my guild, there are always a few (won't name them!) that always fail to stay on tag and get ganked. However, when linked with Mag, this is a much less common occurrence simply because there's this rather large screen of roamers ready to (counter) gank. This is also why I find it hillarious that zergers that whine about not being able to make it 100% safely on their mount back their zerg also want all the roamers to get off the map....


But one must consider how daft the average gw2 player is. The problem is not that they're running a non-meta build, but rather they may not even know what they're even running.


They may still be terrible if they're running a meta build and told to press 1 while following a tag, but they'll be even more useless if running some junk.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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2 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

I'm from Maguuma. I genuinely don't see any roaming groups that are worth mentioning on FC BL. It's just them getting farmed on just about every map.

This explains alot.

Truth is and many will agree is that Mag is a T4 server cos all they do is take SMC and siege hump it everyday and couldn't care less about defending their BL cos of SMC. 

The only reason you get out of T4 depends on how good your link server is or ppt they do.

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On 7/5/2021 at 2:19 PM, Fubuki.7162 said:

Indo, Able Sentry

I'll tag up on EBG every once in a while, but I've relegated myself to just tagging up on Sundays for SKY. That said, I haven't seen these two in years. Are you sure you're talking about 2021?



18 minutes ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

This explains alot.

Truth is and many will agree is that Mag is a T4 server cos all they do is take SMC and siege hump it everyday and couldn't care less about defending their BL cos of SMC. 

The only reason you get out of T4 depends on how good your link server is or ppt they do.


Wonder what will happen to Maguuma should Alliances actually happen.

Edited by Bristingr.5034
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37 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

I haven't seen these two in years. Are you sure you're talking about 2021?

Is your account inactive? 🙂 

Indo's not on FC, but I  seemed to face him at least once a month, and we got linked with him every so often. I've seen him within the last 2 or 3 weeks while I was on TC, and not long before that when I was on FC. 

Able was running groups the night before I left FC. He's still there doing his thing. I was talking to Gabe from LEGO a few days ago and he saying good things about Able so he's still out there doing his thing.

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2 hours ago, Fubuki.7162 said:

What am I missing here? You claim to be a "prominent tag" who doesn't roam, and you're suggesting not one single roamer or small roaming guild poses a challenge to your blob? Not even Ser Jaime Lannister? He's good for 2 or 3 blobs by himself usually. He must be having an off week.

What's the point of your post? This is supposed to be a positive thread about the TC community, you took the time to slam FC for no obvious reason other than... oh... I see what's going on here. I'm here for you bro. 

How are you doing? Are you getting enough rest? I'm thinking about grilling burgers this weekend. What are your plans?  

I believe the first thing you are missing is some very basic reading comprehension. Please read this quote, highlighted in bold and explain how you concluded that I do not roam at all.


3 hours ago, jul.7602 said:


 I'm not in a roaming guild, but I'm one of the most prominent tags in EBG, and I play a lot. I see very little evidence of there being this strong strong roaming culture in FC. At least mag will have roaming guilds like MUAH, Chi, PEKO. We have quite a few "micro-guilds". Ctrl, PPT, TIE ect.


Back to the subject matter of this "FC roaming population". In my opinion, roamers are reasonably competent players that know good positioning, have a solid build even if its not optimized for zerging, and avoid instantly dying on first engagement. If this FC roaming culture really existed, it would be very obvious and would show up in the strength of their FC militia/pug force. Of course we know that the above isn't true, and we can approximate that by looking at the KDR. Every single map, including desert BL has FC in dead last place. Not first, not second, but dead last. Obviously not every single kill-death is a result of a roaming battle, but for instance just look at red BL. Maguuma never zergs in red BL, which means that most of the activity there is probably small man or roaming. You would expect FC to at least be at parity with the other servers, but instead they are last place. I'm not interested in blasting FC, but lets not make up alternative facts here either. If FC was a roaming server, they would at least be winning a good portion of their non zerg fights, yet we don't see that happening at all.


2 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

This explains alot.

Truth is and many will agree is that Mag is a T4 server cos all they do is take SMC and siege hump it everyday and couldn't care less about defending their BL cos of SMC. 

The only reason you get out of T4 depends on how good your link server is or ppt they do.


Actually mag doesn't siege hump SMC. Outside of the cannons, there is often very few little siege there. The mag militia has no problem wiping the vast majority of enemy groups without the siege. It's honestly a waste of our time to build it when we can just 1 push the enemy anyway.


The next thing I don't get is why people claim mag siege humps, but then also complain about mag spawn camping? Which is it? We can't be spawn camping FC 24/7 and siege humping smc at the same time.

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2 hours ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

I'll tag up on EBG every once in a while, but I've relegated myself to just tagging up on Sundays for SKY. That said, I haven't seen these two in years. Are you sure you're talking about 2021?


Indo streams practically every night with a 35-40 boon ball. Just his server has been linked to t4 host quite a lot recently, he's in t2 these days though.

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2 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

Back to the subject matter of this "FC roaming population". In my opinion, roamers are reasonably competent players that know good positioning, have a solid build even if its not optimized for zerging, and avoid instantly dying on first engagement.

Blasting my reading comprehension? You didn't even tell me your weekend plans. You wound me, sir. 

OK, let me explain it to you friend. What YOU believe a roamer is, doesn't really matter, and is actually part of the problem. There is already an agreed upon understanding of what a roamer is in the community, and it's not what you seem to think it is. 

You said (and emphasized in bold) that you are a tag, you're not in a roaming guild, and you are in EBG. You are also talking about "roaming battles", zerg optimized builds, and positioning. This is how everyone reading this right now knows you're not a roamer. 

Roamers don't usually tag  up, follow tags, and most of the time, tend to avoid both EBG and zergs. They simply go somewhere else to fight smaller groups or do whatever needs to be done to help the team, and help each other when they need a hand. They are usually INDIVIDUALS or SMALL GROUPS (usually 2 to 5 people max), and their builds are custom made for the task at hand, not zerging. If your blob happens to kill one, it's probably not something you want to run to the forums and brag about. 

I'm not making this up. Simply go to YouTube and search for GW2 Roaming. Check out Rogue Spectre's videos, from FC. Good stuff, and was actually featured in Noody's most recent #MRGA event. 

But more importantly, you come across as very abrasive for absolutely no reason. You seem to have come here looking for a fight, and I can't think of anything more boring. I'm not even on FC anymore, as you know. If you can demonstrate some level of mutual respect and genuinely have something to contribute or want to ask questions, I'm fine with continuing this conversation. Otherwise, good luck on reset and have a good weekend. 

Edited by Fubuki.7162
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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:


Indo streams practically every night with a 35-40 boon ball. Just his server has been linked to t4 host quite a lot recently, he's in t2 these days though.

They tend to take long breaks  if the matchup lacks fights and sometimes if you don't play during the right time period you won't see them.

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4 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

I believe the first thing you are missing is some very basic reading comprehension. Please read this quote, highlighted in bold and explain how you concluded that I do not roam at all.



Back to the subject matter of this "FC roaming population". In my opinion, roamers are reasonably competent players that know good positioning, have a solid build even if its not optimized for zerging, and avoid instantly dying on first engagement. If this FC roaming culture really existed, it would be very obvious and would show up in the strength of their FC militia/pug force. Of course we know that the above isn't true, and we can approximate that by looking at the KDR. Every single map, including desert BL has FC in dead last place. Not first, not second, but dead last. Obviously not every single kill-death is a result of a roaming battle, but for instance just look at red BL. Maguuma never zergs in red BL, which means that most of the activity there is probably small man or roaming. You would expect FC to at least be at parity with the other servers, but instead they are last place. I'm not interested in blasting FC, but lets not make up alternative facts here either. If FC was a roaming server, they would at least be winning a good portion of their non zerg fights, yet we don't see that happening at all.



Actually mag doesn't siege hump SMC. Outside of the cannons, there is often very few little siege there. The mag militia has no problem wiping the vast majority of enemy groups without the siege. It's honestly a waste of our time to build it when we can just 1 push the enemy anyway.


The next thing I don't get is why people claim mag siege humps, but then also complain about mag spawn camping? Which is it? We can't be spawn camping FC 24/7 and siege humping smc at the same time.

I almost spit out my drink.  Having faced mag more than a dozen times this year, SMC is packed full of siege, most hours.  They treb open every tower in range of smc, and only push it when they outnumber the defenders.  Occasionally, while 20 push 5 guys at a keep gate, another 3-5 will take a tower that has had walls down for 20 minutes.  This is every day, all day just about.  Every server has some good roamers, but mag rarely leaves the smc buff without more players than what they are facing.  They push your keep door, and when you show an even number or equal skill group, all of a sudden those guys are on the other third of the map pushing the other outnumbered server.

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7 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

The next thing I don't get is why people claim mag siege humps, but then also complain about mag spawn camping? Which is it? We can't be spawn camping FC 24/7 and siege humping smc at the same time.

It's literally both. Once Mag gets ahold of SMC, they never let it go and then go and take control of the enemy keeps, tier it up and spawn camp their enemies to the point that people just log off for the week. If there's a break in the spawn camping and their enemy gets control of their keep back, they flee back to their SMC.


I hate fighting against Maguuma. I know I'm not alone when I say that most servers feel the same. There's a reason other tiers play try to avoid moving up/down and end up against them.

Edited by Bristingr.5034
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15 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

I almost spit out my drink.  Having faced mag more than a dozen times this year, SMC is packed full of siege, most hours.  They treb open every tower in range of smc, and only push it when they outnumber the defenders.  Occasionally, while 20 push 5 guys at a keep gate, another 3-5 will take a tower that has had walls down for 20 minutes.  This is every day, all day just about.  Every server has some good roamers, but mag rarely leaves the smc buff without more players than what they are facing.  They push your keep door, and when you show an even number or equal skill group, all of a sudden those guys are on the other third of the map pushing the other outnumbered server.

lol it's literally not though. Yes mag only cares about SMC and takes it and tries to keep it full wipe. Yes mag likes to take enemy keep and spawn camp.   But, it's just bs to say mag seige humps smc. There is almost never anything built in SMC on mag other then trebs. Yes plenty of trebs to hit towers.  Ac/catas/defensive siege  lol no, nobody bothers. 



They push your keep door, and when you show an even number or equal skill group, all of a sudden those guys are on the other third of the map pushing the other outnumbered server.


That's just because a scout called a group out somewhere else or a EWP was pulled. Mag does very well to respond to scout callouts.  Even mid-seige of a keep mag will dip and go take care of another area then come back. 

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Most of the FC I've seen on the borderlands doing the PPT work to stay in T1 during the NA daytime are much larger groups than 5.  Usually it's a pug group of around 15-20.  Reminds me of the meme "BG roaming group".


Everytime I'd see them I'd tell myself ironically the old FC recruiting motto, "Ferg's!  Not Zergs!"

Edited by Chaba.5410
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