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Mordremoth was a cool, unique and original concept. I wish he received more love.


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I mean the Scarlet story & HoT were good, but at the end of the day, Mordremoth was yet another generic evil vilain with cheesy edgy lines.

I expected more of him. The writers did Jormag's character well in that regard, but, well...you know.


I just wish Mordremoth had been more like Jormag. Smart, cunning, not susceptible to anger and mean dragon tantrums. 

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I wish they left jormag to stay alive... I miss jormag...  such an intelligent elder dragon.. even aurene couldn't answer jormag's questions properly and abruptly decided to kill jormag.. it was sad... the writers gave nice personality to jormag.. but killed it abruptly.... sad to see jormag die like that! 😭

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I liked them better when they were ineffable eldritch abominations. Mordremoth was fine as a single dragon doing that, but everything after that just made them less interesting. No wonder left since they were just humanized with fee fees and goals. I suppose that makes writing them easier...

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dragons have always been boring, this is the worst idea arena had at the beginning of guild wars 2 story .

it would have been so much more exciting to spend more time on the lazarus / white mantle story, on the gods lore  or on the  joko plot....all these wonderful characters ruined to quickly return to the dragon 😞

Two or three dragons would have been enough but 6, we suffocate as it is repetitive.

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On 7/7/2021 at 1:34 PM, radda.8920 said:

dragons have always been boring, this is the worst idea arena had at the beginning of guild wars 2 story .

it would have been so much more exciting to spend more time on the lazarus / white mantle story, on the gods lore  or on the  joko plot....all these wonderful characters ruined to quickly return to the dragon 😞

Two or three dragons would have been enough but 6, we suffocate as it is repetitive.

Only one more left, wish granted!

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27 minutes ago, Tyson.5160 said:

Only one more left, wish granted!

the problem is that there will be nothing left of the lore of gw1 to be used since even  cantha will be mainly dedicated to the dragons.

And i doubt they will be able to invent new stories without relying on gw1, we saw what happened with scarlet ...

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19 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:

the problem is that there will be nothing left of the lore of gw1 to be used since even  cantha will be mainly dedicated to the dragons.

And i doubt they will be able to invent new stories without relying on gw1, we saw what happened with scarlet ...

I’m actually excited about brand new stories, especially on continents we know nothing about…

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After replaying HoTs, it's pretty apparent how alarmingly short the actual story is when not gated by the mastery system. You don't have to do any of the map metas to progress it, which isn't a bad thing per se, but it really highlights how condensed the story itself is.


I think the studio did Mordremoth well with what they were able to give us, but I can't help but feel it could have been so much *better*. This is why I am all for the studio delaying End of Dragons so they can have all the time they need to make it a success.


Having just replayed it as a sylvari for the first time during my Return playthrough, it is pretty interesting to see the slight variations the sylvari pc experiences. I never knew you could hear Mordremoth's voice periodically, or that his influence can knock you out a few times the closer you get to the Heart of Thorns. Really, there were so many great concepts behind HoTs -- it truly is a shame so much of it was cut. I wish there had been a bigger arc for Caithe and Faolain specifically. I feel the expansion really needed them to frame the narrative as a push and pull between Pale Tree sylvari and Nightmare Court sylvari -- how both sides, however opposing, just want to be free on their own terms. Highlight those commonalities, their differences, and make us wonder if peace can truly be possible. Tease us with the idea of Caithe fully falling, of Faolain having the potential for true redemption, only for it to end tragically in much the same way (with Faolain falling to Mordremoth, leaving Caithe devastated). The expansion was missing the Court almost entirely beyond Faolain's short screen time, and in general had nothing to say about them or how the events of the expansion affected them. We really missed out on some delicious push and pull between those two factions, and Caithe and Faolain would've made the perfect figureheads of those respective struggles. The fact we didn't get any answers or even hints about the true nature of the Dream or the Nightmare (which was originally going to be Mordremoth iirc, but was scrapped at some point in development) in arguably the sylvari's most important storyline feels pretty bad to me.


Looking back, I am also disappointed Jory was not an optional companion for the final battle. Her storyline through S2 regarding the loss of Belinda, inheriting her sword and infusing her spirit within it to become a reaper, was the perfect set up for her participation in that fight. Perhaps they wanted to make sure you had to take a sylvari into the final battle with you?


While Mordremoth may have not had as much depth as Jormag, he did do that whole mental-domination-mind-flayer thing rather well. I felt it more on this replay as a sylvari in particular, so I'd recommend that to anyone who wants to "feel" Modremoth's influence a little more starkly. I really would've loved to see *more*, but I can bet the narrative team didn't want make the pc feel overly susceptible/vulnerable.

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On 7/10/2021 at 1:55 AM, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

There really wasn't that much cut from HoT.


Malyck's appearance, and the Nightmare courts involvement, were going to be very minimal, even in the original idea, from what we know.

Perhaps, but it would’ve rounded things out a bit more if they’d had the time and resources to implement it.


And we were robbed of Canach crushing on Malyck! ROBBED!!!

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