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The absolute pain of boosting a character from 1 to 80

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And having to click on every single level up reward, and then deleting all the garbage.


Is there a way to skip all of this that I don't know of? If so, thank you so much. If not, please add an option to opt out of those "rewards".

Edited by Aodlop.1907
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37 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Money = convenience.  Either use your tomes and deal with deleting all of the useless stuff or pony up and buy a level 80 booster.


One might actually think that this is by design?

I suspect you're overthinking things here. I doubt somebody went and said: "Let's see how annoying we can make level-ups to get people to buy boosts". Level-up rewards are aimed at the newer players without many resources. That most of it is useless clutter to people who have been playing a ton is more likely a side effect not important enough to try and code a way around.

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Just now, Dawdler.8521 said:

How many times a day do you have to do this?

That's what I was thinking. It's annoying when you're doing it, but for me boosting a new character to level 80 is rare enough that it's not a big deal.


Having said that if there was a way they could let us open all the level up notifications in one go, or even wipe them entirely if we don't want the stuff from them, it might be nice to have, especially if it worked at any level rather than only when you boosted a character straight to 80. It's still not a daily occurrence but it is more common that I'll boost a character from 2-30 or so and even then opening and sorting all the rewards can be annoying.

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Money = convenience.  Either use your tomes and deal with deleting all of the useless stuff or pony up and buy a level 80 booster.


One might actually think that this is by design?


Not just that. After you went through all that pain of creating the char, ANet assumes that you will never delete it again, but instead buy some new character slots.



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I enjoy the process of scroll and tome boosting chars to 80, there is actually quite a few fun loots to collect. The only issue is that there's like 40 items the chest spam gives that have to be deleted. The improvement I would like to see is make all the items in the level up reward chests that can't be salvaged or vendored able to be salved or vendored. Is it really going to break the economy if the useless delete equipments could be quickly vendored for 1 copper each? These chest give valuable boosters that cost many gold to buy, 1c vendor price on the random trash items would not have a negative effect. It wouldn't even add an extra half silver to the reward pool.

Edited by Asgaeroth.6427
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You can toss most of the acquired gear in the forge to get rid of and then perhaps have something to salvage, then delete just the few remaining.


I never minded it. Yes, it takes some time, but you do get some good rewards as well: crafting materials, obsidian, spirit shards, ecto, etc.

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