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Strikes CMs are just another nail in the coffin

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11 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Yes to LI ,they need progression to stay , otherwise offer the same gold 😛

Learning the modes (like YOU claim it should be) and then moving to normal content is progression. And rewards are rewards, I already said I'm fine with easay mode having some rewards, a bit lower than the normal mode. How many times do you need me to repeat it for you to understand it? 🙂 


10 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:


You seem to have time to argue with me , but you dont offer me a party inv

Does this mean you have nothing relevant to say, so your last ditch effort is to somehow blame me for not carrying you through the content? Or what exactly are you doing here right now? I am already playing with random lfg groups, including low/no req and training squads. Just because you're not in them changes nothing about that, so hilariously misguided attempt at shifting the blame here 🙃 

YOU seem to have time to argue here, you could use this time to join training groups and start raiding instead. 🤔


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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Learning the modes (like YOU claim it should be) and then moving to normal content is progression. And rewards are rewards, I already said I'm fine with easay mode having some rewards, a bit lower than the normal mode. How many times do you need me to repeat it for you to understand it? 🙂 


Does this mean you have nothing relevant to say, so your last ditch effort is to somehow blame me for not carrying you through the content? Or what exactly are you doing here right now? I am already playing with random lfg groups, including low/no req and training squads. Just because you're not in them changes nothing about that, so hilariously misguided attempt at shifting the blame here 🙃 

YOU seem to have time to argue here, you could use this time to join training groups and start raiding instead. 🤔


In order to progress the normal , i will need LI for LFG

When i more LI , i will apply to a pro team 😛

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4 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

In order to progress the normal , i will need LI for LFG

No, you won't. As I said, I'm regularly playing low/no req and training squads nowadays. I've started that way as well and it was quite some time after people already made squads with 250+ li requiremenets. So stop lying. Or talking about things you know nothing about. Feel free to ask questions if you want to learn, though.


And you accidentally dodged this:

YOU seem to have time to argue here, you could use this time to join training groups and start raiding instead. 🤔


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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, you won't. As I said, I'm regularly playing low/no req and training squads nowadays. I've started that way as well and it was quite some time after people already made squads with 250+ li requiremenets. So stop lying. Or talking about things you know nothing about. Feel free to ask questions if you want to learn, though.


And you accidentally dodged this:

YOU seem to have time to argue here, you could use this time to join training groups and start raiding instead. 🤔


Ahh Sobx the one that speak the truth 😛

Its funny that every kind of people whey they say Raid , they target the KP and the damage meter . While the ones thatare doing them , they are saying casual dont do them because of low rewards 😛

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12 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Do you have some money for me to join them ?:P

oh so you don't want to play open world either. no worries Anet still got your back:
-open blacklion trading company and click buy gems:
-then go in second tab and trade gems for gold or do custom exchange
-finally talk to the sweet party pool glenna to see how to do the payment (most likely you get to convert gold in mystic coins)
see no need to play the game at all, you're all sorted 🙂

Edited by Fangoth.4503
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59 minutes ago, Fangoth.4503 said:

Then ask to have one in openworld, having one in raid is also irrelevant for openworld players
considering raid and openworld the same is as wrong as considering pvp and openworld the same.

Sure, the open world option (which i have also supported many times over so far) would be far better, but in absence of that, anything that would make the PvE legendary armor options less narrow and restricted to PvE players than they already are would be good in my book.



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7 hours ago, Fangoth.4503 said:

oh so you don't want to play open world either. no worries Anet still got your back:
-open blacklion trading company and click buy gems:
-then go in second tab and trade gems for gold or do custom exchange
-finally talk to the sweet party pool glenna to see how to do the payment (most likely you get to convert gold in mystic coins)
see no need to play the game at all, you're all sorted 🙂

tell glenna to pay the bill for the next raid development 😛

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If LI and current forms of kp drop in easy mode THEY WILL NO LONGER BE KP. I will simply ask for things that can only be obtained in normal mode like titles to gate 10k dps easy mode farmers or killproofme api keys. If I'm pugging and looking to clear, I don't want to play with you if you're not experienced. I will simply find another way to filter you out.


Make your own squad, set your own rules, play the content how you want. Don't sit there waiting for groups that clearly don't want you.

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2 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Ahh Sobx the one that speak the truth 😛

Not "the one", whatever you mean by that, but yes, I do speak the truth. Your sarcastical non-answers don't change anything about the facts in my posts, whether you like them or not. If you think I'm incorrect, then actually start addressing it or stop pretending it's not true just because you don't like it 🙃 


2 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Its funny that every kind of people whey they say Raid , they target the KP and the damage meter . While the ones thatare doing them , they are saying casual dont do them because of low rewards 😛


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2 hours ago, Shikaru.7618 said:

Make your own squad, set your own rules, play the content how you want. Don't sit there waiting for groups that clearly don't want you.

Nooo, but if other players don't organize content for him the way HE wants it to be then it's those players faaaauuult! 😢 


For real, sometimes I'm wondering if creating a squad and putting it in lfg is somehow limited to certain number of accounts.

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We've had this discussion in some form or other ever since raids were first introduced, and it's just gone around and around. :/ The bottom line is this: Not enough players do raids for ANet to really justify sinking that kind of time and manpower into making them on a more regular basis (a similar sort of scenario applies to Fractal CMs; the proportion of T4 fractal players who also do CMs is a much smaller group, small enough that you can actually start to recognize players who do CMs after you've done it for a while.). The only way we can turn that around is if we make raids more accessible (aka "easier") for players to clear; for a very clear example, take a look at what happened to Marionette. Once people realized that you could clear the content much more easily in Public, everybody gravitated there and, after a bit of learning curve, Marionette was being cleared more often than not. People were getting their loot and achieves, and for those who wanted a more challenging experience, the Squad version was still there. The content was successful.


This is why I keep saying that ANet should do something similar for raids. Make a 15, 20, or heck even a 50-man squad version of raids. It would effectively throw open the floodgates, so to speak, but for players who want to experience the original challenge that it came in, the 10 man squad version is still there. It wouldn't require very much work on ANet's part at all either.


But, until something like that occurs, I suspect that gussied-up PvE content in the form of strikes/CMs are all we're gonna get because that's the best compromise ANet can do between making content that a vast majority of players will do, while also still providing complicated enough challenges for those who want something more exciting. I have a feeling that ANet is probably gonna tie the Gen3 Legendaries to EoD strikes (whether or not CMs will be required remains to be seen. If they're smart, ANet will implement similar rewards for CMs, but you can accrue rewards FASTER by doing CMs.)

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18 hours ago, Zaxares.5419 said:

We've had this discussion in some form or other ever since raids were first introduced, and it's just gone around and around. :/ The bottom line is this: Not enough players do raids for ANet to really justify sinking that kind of time and manpower into making them on a more regular basis (a similar sort of scenario applies to Fractal CMs; the proportion of T4 fractal players who also do CMs is a much smaller group, small enough that you can actually start to recognize players who do CMs after you've done it for a while.). The only way we can turn that around is if we make raids more accessible (aka "easier") for players to clear; for a very clear example, take a look at what happened to Marionette. Once people realized that you could clear the content much more easily in Public, everybody gravitated there and, after a bit of learning curve, Marionette was being cleared more often than not. People were getting their loot and achieves, and for those who wanted a more challenging experience, the Squad version was still there. The content was successful.


This is why I keep saying that ANet should do something similar for raids. Make a 15, 20, or heck even a 50-man squad version of raids. It would effectively throw open the floodgates, so to speak, but for players who want to experience the original challenge that it came in, the 10 man squad version is still there. It wouldn't require very much work on ANet's part at all either.


But, until something like that occurs, I suspect that gussied-up PvE content in the form of strikes/CMs are all we're gonna get because that's the best compromise ANet can do between making content that a vast majority of players will do, while also still providing complicated enough challenges for those who want something more exciting. I have a feeling that ANet is probably gonna tie the Gen3 Legendaries to EoD strikes (whether or not CMs will be required remains to be seen. If they're smart, ANet will implement similar rewards for CMs, but you can accrue rewards FASTER by doing CMs.)

One of the things I think about is what would happen if the raid bosses were available in the open world.  The first one I thought of was Xera because I think it would be funny to watch what happens when 50+ newbies try their hand at it.  Then I realized that I was being stupid, because they already were in the open world.  I keep forgetting that toned-down versions of Vale Guardian and Slothasor are in Bloostone Fen and Ember Bay.  I'm not sure how much having these two in the overworld has helped people to learn the fights in raids, but I can't help but think that they were made too easy.


I've mentioned it before, but Ysshi Hessani and Pek Rakt Grag are effectively overworld raid bosses.  If you pay attention to everything they do, they do... a whole lot.  I'm not even sure what all of Ysshis abilities are.  All I know is sometimes people are shrunk down, turrets fall everywhere, and that Ysshi attacks quite frenetically.  I've only fought them in zergs, but fighting them with a squadron of 10 players must be quite terrifying.  Cut their timer down and put them into a smaller area, and they're basically Twin Largos. 


Players zerg Ysshi down all the time.  I sincerely think that, with some minor modifications, most of the raid bosses could be put into the overworld somewhere.  The hardest part about getting into raids is getting experience and familiarity, since those are usually earned by disappointing teammates.  But, if you could fight these bosses at nearly full strength (plus scaling) with the safety of numbers, then it would be quite easy to learn all of the mechanics.  Imagine how easy Slothasor would be if the only thing players had to learn was the fungal eating part, or Vale Guardian if you only had to learn the split phase, or Soulless Horror if you only need to remember that the platform shrinks.  On the one hand, this would make raids less of a unique experience.  On the other hand, it would open accessibility for newer players.


That all said, I'm not so sure that having big, public versions like the marionette would be the best way.  It's something else I've said a few times: The difficulty of the content is itself part of the content.  It is good for there to be some sort of push for players to get better, some sort of carrot on the end of the stick for people to chase.  The big rewards of ascended equipment, magnetite shards, achievements, and legendary insights are something that should be kept exclusive to the small instanced raids.  Otherwise, players wouldn't ever do raids, and we'd just be killing one game mode for another.  

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23 hours ago, Zaxares.5419 said:

I have a feeling that ANet is probably gonna tie the Gen3 Legendaries to EoD strikes (whether or not CMs will be required remains to be seen. If they're smart, ANet will implement similar rewards for CMs, but you can accrue rewards FASTER by doing CMs.)

lets hope not, having leg bound to cm (if as difficult as raid) is a mistake and just fuel the "toxicity" by dragging unskilled players in an inapropriate content. and it's not like if raiders care that much about legendaries, they take for stats swap and reskin to the skin they fancy so doesn't really matter if they make gen 1, 2 or 3.

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On 8/8/2021 at 1:18 PM, Fangoth.4503 said:

lets hope not, having leg bound to cm (if as difficult as raid) is a mistake and just fuel the "toxicity" by dragging unskilled players in an inapropriate content. and it's not like if raiders care that much about legendaries, they take for stats swap and reskin to the skin they fancy so doesn't really matter if they make gen 1, 2 or 3.

If everything was about the skins being accessible to anyone regardless of what they want to do, they'd probably be released exclusively through gemstore. But it's not, so some of them being bound to more demanding/time consuming content is k.

Not that I think they should be bound to strikes/cms, but on the off-chance that they are, I don't see how that would be a problem.


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On 8/10/2021 at 7:07 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

If everything was about the skins being accessible to anyone regardless of what they want to do, they'd probably be released exclusively through gemstore. But it's not, so some of them being bound to more demanding/time consuming content is k.

Not that I think they should be bound to strikes/cms, but on the off-chance that they are, I don't see how that would be a problem.


so far the leg are the only openworld content annonced so not to keen to have all players being dragged in a content they can't/don't want to do. if there is other content than aurene leg then why not

that being said i'm not against having skin special for a type of content but i'm against legendaries only in 1 type of content.
imo you should be able to do a fullset of leg in:

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1 hour ago, Fangoth.4503 said:

so far the leg are the only openworld content annonced so not to keen to have all players being dragged in a content they can't/don't want to do. if there is other content than aurene leg then why not

that being said i'm not against having skin special for a type of content but i'm against legendaries only in 1 type of content.
imo you should be able to do a fullset of leg in:

Why stop there why not edge of the mist and unranked/custom aswell?

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