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Thief Elite Specialization Prediction & Speculation Discussion


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8 minutes ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

Did they show the silhouettes for the other elite specs?

For EoD they've only shown Virtuoso, Harbinger and the Guardian.

Each profession has a specific race as their representation, and specific gender I believe.  Engi are always Charr.  The Ranger is always a female Sylvari with a pet.  


As for the color of the Aura, you can see all the released ones on the wiki.  Those with color schemes were listed, Mesmer is pinkish purple and necromancer is dark green just as Virtuoso and Harbinger are.

Edited by Xanhawk.3806
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Well, we can probably rule out the bullet and the mask with animal features. Which leave the flame, the angry face, what people believe is the revenant's symbol and the 8th symbol which is... indescribable.

- The flame could mean torch and generation of shadow bomber clones on new skill#3 for all weaponsets. (I'll be shameless and admit that I like this idea)

- The angry face could mean anything, really.

- The revenant like symbol could mean longbow (not sure what new it would bring, but why not?)

- The 8th symbol... Well... This thing elude me, I can't imagine anything related to this symbol as it is.

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Why do people want another 2handed weapon when we're supposed to be a special dual wielding class? Guardian just outdid us with 100 dual attacks with a single weapon set lol. We've yet to experience new dual attacks for every weapon by getting a new 1hander/new 1handers thrown in.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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9 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Guardian with high mobility, ports, high defensive sustain and probably high burst, what could go wrong. Honestly once dust settles I could see this expac doing more harm than good to a already struggling game.


Yeah they can already instakill a Thief with a single teleport attack if you're not ready to dodge/port away immediatly.

Just wear more defensive armor, kekw. 


Edited by Doggie.3184
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10 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:


Yeah they can already instakill a Thief with a single teleport attack if you're not ready to dodge/port away immediatly. Just wear more defensive armor, kekw. 


Any competatant dev with knowledge of the core defensive traits guards have accessible to them would have kept guards mobility in check in future specs.

Maybe thief will get a traitline that gives it a free block every few secs, a block skill on new weapon, and some other traits in the new line resulting in a high sustain/defensive, high mobility, high burst spec that can also provide sustained damage.

Maybe necro spec will have reapers shroud sustain and damage at range with pistols with a few high mobility options.

This expac is gonna be gong show, at least on the pvp/ wvw front.

Honestly so glad lost ark releasing in na in next couple months.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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5 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Any competatant dev with knowledge of the core defensive traits guards have accessible to them would have kept guards mobility in check in future specs.

Maybe thief will get a traitline that gives it a free block every few secs, a block skill on new weapon, and some other traits in the new line resulting in a high sustain/defensive, high mobility, high burst spec that can also provide sustained damage.

Maybe necro spec will have reapers shroud sustain and damage at range with pistols with a few high mobility options.

This expac is gonna be gong show, at least on the pvp/ wvw front.


Necro also got mobility when they were one of the slowest but could kill you in a single DoT tick. And remember when Warriors only weakness was condi and they buffed condi removal so now it has no weaknesses?


Thief will be demolished by it but it still makes the other classes more fun to play cuz I hate low mobility.  If they fail Thief as hard or more as they did Deadeye (useless copypaste Rifle that adds nothing to the class that Pistols couldn't) I'd just end up still sticking with stealth-less Daredevil again or finally rerolling to a class that plays Thief/Assassin better. Just wish there were race/job changes already in this game.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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I want GS, but I also want the variety that 1h weapons bring across the weapons we have thus far. But if I had to choose between the choices… I’m tryna recreate Dante. DMC 🥴



plus on a side note, I’ll add. The fact that all these new elites are bringing mobility into their kit is great and all, but we really are  just taking away from everything that Thief was and is supposed to be . Stealthy (which pretty much every class in the game has access to now) and we are supposed to be the most mobile and quickest class. So let’s see what this new spec brings.

Edited by AikijinX.6258
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On 8/10/2021 at 2:55 PM, Panda.1967 said:

 doesn’t change my view on the icon any though… thief is still going to be the crossed swords icon and get an offhand sword… this silhouette being guardian just makes the mempo mask icon that much more likely to be guardian…


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On 8/10/2021 at 1:58 PM, Kodama.6453 said:

they just want to cater to the crowd which was asking for a second Asuran elite spec in a row with golemancer....

Can I ask which is the other Asuran spec? I mainly play Asura and have been trying to go for a thematically correct character.

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1 hour ago, Tails.9372 said:


That one is "human themed", Elonians created it based on Zephyrites sun aspect iirc.

There's a bit of a "yes, but..." here. Formally, it's based on Zephyrite crystals, but weaponised holotech was established as an asura thing back in the Zhaitan campaign. If they hadn't introduced lore snippets on the elite specialisations in Path of Fire, everyone would have pretty much assumed it was asura-based and moved on.


Similarly, if hypthetically the EoD engineer gets dragon jade golems, they may strictly be based on Canthan technology, but a lot of people are going to think 'asura' nonetheless since in GW2, everyone thinks of golems as being an asura thing.


Of course, there's a bit of a catch 22 here, as pretty much any magitech is probably going to be interpreted as asura themed, and more grounded technology will be interpreted as charr-themed, which doesn't leave a whole lot of ground for engineer stuff that won't be associated with one of those races...

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11 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I guess this is going to be the closest to the durable offhand sword Thief without Stealth that I wanted.

Just like Harbinger probably is going to be the closest to the Alchemy Engineer many Engineer players want.

Yeah, it gets the Assassin-like icon and sounds like the lore too, since the bodyguards of the emperor used to be part of the Assassin job description.


1 hour ago, Tails.9372 said:


That one is "human themed", Elonians created it based on Zephyrites sun aspect iirc.

That's the in-game lore reason, but the rl behind-the-scenes reason is indeed that the devs had Asuratech in mind. Holosmith was designed to contrast with with the Charrtech of Scrappers. You can hear them talk about it in this Guild Chat.

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1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

 but weaponised holotech was established as an asura thing back in the Zhaitan campaign.

I didn't know this.

37 minutes ago, hatsamu.4327 said:

That's the in-game lore reason, but the rl behind-the-scenes reason is indeed that the devs had Asuratech in mind. Holosmith was designed to contrast with with the Charrtech of Scrappers. You can hear them talk about it in this Guild Chat.

This is good to know, my Asura holosmith does not feel out of place now.

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57 minutes ago, Roads.5130 said:

I didn't know this.

It was relatively obscure at the time - it was literally invented during the storyline, and unless you take one of the story paths with the inventor, it's easy to miss. Basically, there's an asura announcer who uses a hologram projection to improve her ability to get people's attention (it also acts as a sound amplifier, IIRC).


Then she gets roped into the Zhaitan campaign, figures out a way to make the projection solid, and uses it to fight on her behalf while she controls it from a safe distance.


After Zhaitan's death, she sells the technology to the first Dragon Bash organisers, who use it to make the holographic dragon minions (and where it also gets stolen by the Aetherblades).


Now, all of this was cases of using it to create holographic soldiers and monsters rather than weapons specifically, but it would probably be a relatively small step to go from that technology to the holosmith.

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What i don’t want for ANET to do (assuming we do get GS) is make the weapon skills cost 8 INITIATIVE PER SKILL. Our 2 handed weapons so far have absurd amounts of initiative cost as of now. They need to reduce initiative cost per skill across the board and make preparedness baseline. Oh and remove 9 sec weapon swap CD entirely. It makes no sense paired with this initiative system.

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