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Please add a ragged cloak!

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I really like that we are now able to wear capes and that we got a really nice one which can be acquired by doing Strike Missions. But even though I really like the idea, the capes that we got so far are quite similar. They look new and nice and aren't cloaks in the sense that they are worn for practical reaons but rather shiny capes that are worn for being shiny.That being said, I would love to have some more natural looking cloaks. Some that reach the floor, are maybe ragged or have a darker tone to them like they could be worn by a thief or assassin.Maybe there even could be a set consiting of a long cloak and a head piece that would form the fitting hood when you wear it.Such cloaks xwouldn't just be nice for asthetics and fashion wars but also for role players.

What do you guys think?

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I second this. There's way too many perfect cloaks. Not even Queen Jenna would be worthy of wearing them. I need a ripped, torn, rugged cloak to show the pain and suffering of my tortured soul.

Also, could we get a feathery cloak? Something inspired by Crow Mom from Bloodborne?nl0S17e.jpg

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:Ugly. I prefer a classic style: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/b3/06/1fb30655d75e5c4662cb303f214e31bc.png

Even that would be cool because it's plain. It doesn't have immaculate gilded embroidery and superfluous flaps and whatnot. It's just a mundane cloak designed for a sneaky person to blend in with the crowd. It's practical and down to earth. That's what I'd like to see.

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That's the style I was thinking about! That would be fantastic!It would be cool if they'd add different types of cloaks. We have shiny ones for people who like those but now some darker or ragged or simple and plain cloaks would be really really nice.

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@Lurana.7506 said:

@The Greyhawk.9107 said:Anet would likely have trouble creating a proper cloak that at least partially wraps around the shoulders, and the hood would have to be a separate skin.

Would it really be a problem if the cloak should wrap around the shoulders? Reminds me of the Ebonhawk shoulders.

It would depend, I think, on how close to a proper cloak you want to get and whether or not a back item skin can be made to overwrite the shoulder armor slot. With how armors work on the back end its questionable whether the current system would allow that. When you look at the full list of existing back skins it seems that none of them effect any other part of the character other than the back. Most either stick straight out from the back or sort of float at the back.

I'm inclined to think that in order to create the effect of a cloak it would require a matching set of shoulders, head piece and back item: a shoulders skin design similar to this ebon skin or the scarf skins, a hood head piece, and a longer and slightly broader cape for the back item. It goes without saying that this set up will limit customization a little as it uses up three slots, but it seems like the best way to have a cloak look with armor. Actually an outfit combined with a larger cape could also make a cloak effect but I went with what could be used with armors first and foremost.

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Yes, the commander needs a practical cloak for adventuring in the Far Shiverpeaks. Icebrood Saga is probably the most fitting opportunity they'll ever have to do this.Honestly, I wouldn't want them to stop at just one. Some folks will want ragged ones, some will want nicer LOtR style cloaks that are still not flashy, some will want flashy cloaks that are still distinctly cloaks rather than capes.But I'm just really not interested in capes at all. Capes don't make as much sense to me for a fantasy game. I'm glad the people who like them have them, but I'll wait for a cloak.

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The shoulder-wrap-around style would be cool but I can see that being a major challenge. I would be happy if we just got some reskins of existing capes. Do the runic cape, but remove the intricate design, rip the edges, and stick some feathers on it.

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@Westenev.5289 said:Over the shoulder capes would be cool, but I suspect this would have to be designed into the outfit or Armour set to prevent clipping...

... the problem being, you can enjoy the cloak, but hate everything else - or vice versa.

Yeah pretty much this. Although they already have helm skins in the game which automatically hide the shoulders (dry bones, whisper's secret, etc) so its not unprecedented.

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