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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. well we DID ask for a power gs revenant, and using canthas legends isnt a bad idea, the problem is.... implementation, the energy mecanic works awfully, it makes no sense and is incredibly punishing and restrictive, and all the 2 legends swap... well is like having another 2 sets of weapons to swap between, because you cant choose your skills and they work like weapon skills almost, so now imagine with 3 legends instead, a dissaster, also no more sigil on legend swap, because it would be overpowered, were smart enought to know it wasnt a bug. Warr is getting a revenant threatment, and i can only wait to see guardians when they get it too, the laughts will be epic.
  2. well i DO want some housing, i mean i dont realy care that much and wouldn't use it much prob. But the thing is, out of normal housing, clan content is almost dead, and the game is called guild wars, what i mean to say is, there are other priorities in my opinion and then we could get a good housing sistem, i hope not too big, but something
  3. warrior suffered from fan service sindrome, trust me revs are usednto it by now, vindi is more or less the sameXD
  4. mmm you do understand that mech and spectre are probably the 2 most boring and braindead elite specs from this expan right? I mean i like thief, but it already uses little skills, also now with its shroud it doesnt even need to position itself that much as it has a necromancer 2 life, again i like it but its not an amazingly engaging, fast and funny spec. As for mec.... the pet does all the job, or almost, you can just select target, spam auto and use the 3 pet skills off cd, and youre good to go. Maybe youre a bit biased because theyre your favourite classes, or bwcause theyre 2 of the strongest new elites, but i dont think theyre the funniest nor the ones with the best designs, theyre literaly improved versions of the ranher pets and necro shroud, improved because they have more dmg and do more things, but the mecanic is the same almost, heck mecanist is just a mega untamed, just that untamed pets are a pest XD. if i had to choose the more... funny or unique elites id say harbringer and virtuoso, both of them take their core mecanic but give it a 360 change, blades make mesmer more ranged, but at the same time you dont have clones to diverse attention, harbringer on the other side is the exact opposite to necromancers, shroud doesnt save you anymore, it puts you on a tight position where you loose life and get dmg. both virtu and harbrin force you to change your way of playing the class and the game mecanics in a new way, willbender gives more movement freedom to the usually bulky slow guard, while vindi and sworn are nothing new nor revolutionary, untamed, and mec are the same thing basicaly, one overpowered and the other underpowered but the same thing more or less, and spectre is a necromancer on medium armor.
  5. i only find it remotely usefull in wvw when sieging, it can attack cannons and similar things, and the block is decent too, but the jade spere needs more duration, and it needs better IA for the autos
  6. ctals could be considered dungeons, but at the same time they are different, for example 99, 98, etc are closer to raids, while strikes are raids with just one boss. And yeah they are made to replace dungeons as end game content, but dungeons per se are abandoned, and i think noone would complain if arah, ascalon, etc were remade to be more in line with the rest of the game
  7. mmmm you know dungeons are ascalon catacombs, fire citadel arah and so on right? they have been abandoned. Strikes are raids, like wing 1 with VG and so on, strikes have nothing to do with dungeons.
  8. dungeons have been oficially abandoned since a looong looong time ago, i mean yeah, they should remake tham, not rework but remake from 0, but its almost impposible for that to happen. In my opinion one thing that goes bad is mostly the comunication between anet and the comunity, be it the patch notes, balance policy, all the way up to their streams, they should make a better job there, making streams with the devs playing and explaining why things are that way, answering comunity questions on stream, showing the process of balancing a class, streaming that im sure theyd get much more twitch views, the comunity would have more fainth in them, and also things like balance would be much more easy to understand and, if needed, change. As for things theyre doing good, well wvw restructuring is a good way to go, also balance, while mising the point, at least looks like it tries to make more things abaliable, at least the sup balance, it wasnt good per se but a good starting point. And lastly, well its good and bad at the same time, they recogniced making a mistake with warrior, wich is good, but at the same time, when those leaks appeared they said nothing, i understand that death threats were just too much and something unjustified, of course, but anet should take their part in the fall too, even if it were a joke or a, how would they react, and not a true leak, wich i doubt, they shoud say, Were sorry this happened, well take tjis seriously and apologize, but to those who sent death threats, you have no excuse, a death threat is just too much, that would have been a better aproach in my opinion.
  9. you can play whatever you want, but its a fact that reaper has very low dmg, even inside the power dps elites that have less dmg than condis now (cos condis are overpowered), if you main and like reaper of course you can do it, if you find groups that dont mind dmg that much, you have very good cc and survival, but it needs to be said, and recognized, that power classes are in a bad position now, and that reaper is in a very bad position, if you say its fine, just eat whatever they give you, and never say something is wrong, the problem wont be solved, as for a person asking for advice, if you say reaper is perfect and suddenly he gets kikked of a raid because reaper doesnt have enought dmg, wich for fast and high performance groups is true, then what is he gonna think? that people are meta toxic elitist, that forums are full of people trolling, that we made him spend gold in useless things, etc, instead say, reaper has very low dmg, has some good things but if you go condi you will be much more free and wont have to face as many idiots.
  10. For pvp you can go power reaper and do good, in pve... if you refer to open world just play whatever you want ot dpesnt matter, if you talk about strikes, raids, fractals... well condi is too incredibly overpowered there to consider even going power, of you want to anyway, reaper shoukd do better i think but i dont think the difference is that big anyway its just a gs - pistol choice for weapons, and shroud... reap is tankier while harbring is more movility. And for surviving... harbringer blight mecanic cuts your health pool so reaper has it better
  11. well its not realy trivial, i mean if you do a 0.15 increase to a 0.4 increase in all of the weapons skills of a class you are buffing them, and there are weapons that just need this tipe of changes. With that said a number change is not all a class needs to be relevant of course, mecanics rework, utilities, those are more important overall, but number changes, moreso for power and condi as theyre right now, are needed too.
  12. i dont know if youre sarcastic or realy think what you said... i hope its sarcastic, and no its too hot now for popcorns, maybe icecream ^^
  13. i think its more of a problem with enemies overall areas . in ankka strike, there are many times i cant see any area at all, not just the full effects but the red, OH kitten I HAVE TO RUN, area, and in other instances with many effects, twin largos for example, its incredibly difficult to see some of the warnings. I say this because i think making those warnings more visible, giving priority in the grafics(so even if arena efects like on ankka fight arent visible you can alleais see the areas), making enemy areas a brighter red and maybe thicker, would be the best option, i mean yeah it would be easyer to evade things but just because we will see those things better, also its true that in wvw its difficult to see wich areas or warr domes are yours or theirs, making enemy areas all red and aly areas all green (or maybe just the wvw option to do it, like a toggle) would be huge help, i have been in wvw recenty and many time there were people asking, this are ours or theirs? talking about domes and i was, mmmm it has a tiny little less yellow and more orange so i guess its theirs? yeah thats the level XD
  14. funny thing is, catalist was good, but it was never meta defining, not as much as hfb hmec or the condi dps. and they nerfed cata instantly but not the other meta defining what i mean is hfb is broken because its mecanics make it just good everywere anytime and however it wants, easy powerfull and versatile, ham is similar to that, while cata just had too much dmg at the same time ot gave boons... wich isnt the worst thing we have seen anyway, i dont mean to say, make cata hit 40k and perma boon, but if balance was realy good sups would never hit more than 22k dmg, not because they get - dmg % traits, but because they dont take +dmg% traits and instead take boon traits, condi shouldnt do that much more dmg to power, power, as i see it, is a burst of dmg, dificult to maintain but that shines in phased ecounters like vg, while condi should shine in things like mattias, bosses moving, no invuln phases, and consistent dmg. but now condis burst more than many power builds, soulbeast was the burst king with owp, little time, a huge peak of dmg that explodes enemies and then drop, yes its good to have better dmg overall but... how can that compete against condis? what i mean is... i think balance is becoming more difficult to understand as time passes, hope anet explains why and how they do things soon.
  15. mmm i dont realy care that much about the change, when i first used and saw the jump i said woa new change? then got on chrono and said, ah only virtu, then read the skill again and thought makes sense, not that it realy changes anything about the skill or anything, its still a movility tipe skill, and well if you know how the elite and sword works it makes sense, as for standarization, i disagree, i like diferent elites getting skills work different for them, i mean if virtu worked the exact same way as chrono it would be boring, if mirage didnt have ambush skills and its unique evade, if chrono didnt have its unique fskills, as long as the skill isnt bugged and it is the same tipe of skill, movility, dmg, cc etc. Just think about it, they could have just left sw3 as it was and it would have been bugged, meanwile changing the skill in all mesmers would have been strange, the skill worked fine so why change it right? instead they made a skill work in an unique sinergy with the new elite and i like it. They could also just make every class be a firebrand, spam mantras brainlessly and be the top class of the game.
  16. youre not a dev but still explained so we that dont have exp can see a bit how it works, while devs... well, they could have explained and we would have all, anet and us, had an easyer time. being transparent usually is the best route, if youre not you risk things like last balance... unfortunate dev leaks.
  17. the thing is sword 3 is a clone skill i think, while the others are ilusions or howerevr they are called. so sword skill needed a change so it was still a movement skill, as clones are converted to blades, while the ilusion skills didnt need the change, i dont know if there are more weapon skills that work diferent, i mean sword 3 was the only dependant on clone, 1 to create it then to swap position with it, while other skills just create the clone and it has nothing to do with the rest of the skill.
  18. now that you mention that... all anet streams are of art and painting and such things right? why dont they do a stream of talking with the devs while the devs play diferent game modes? i think more people would be interested in seing the devs play, asking why something works that way, telling a dev, hey i tried this and it feels strange, or theres this bug and then seing the dev triing it themselves, it would be a huge increase in devs popularity, clarity, and we would put more hope on them.
  19. My question about balance would be. What do they consider balance? yeah it sounds stupid but its not, we have 4 main game modes, pvp wvw open world and instances, how do they balance? or better said, what is their base for the changes? there are classes like revenant, or elites like spellbreaker, that are more oriented to pvp modes or wvw, while other classes shine in pve instances, and things like firebrand that shine everywere, is that conaidered balance? why? and how do they deal with this, and i domt mean the separation in balances, wich are mostly number or boon changes in game modes, but mecanic changes, a class that mecanicaly shines in pvp and has no use in pve, is considered balanced overall? like spellbreaker shines in wvw but has very little use in pve, but berserk and swornblade are good in pve, thats the balance? or do they try to make every elite useable overall? would they change the core mecanics of a class like rev, seing that its mecanic is quite clunky and too much penalty? Also one thing i have been troubled for a long time, how is the composition of the balance team? i mean do they have enoight people? how is the process? like they look at forums and such, look at wiki and decide? then change things and try them themselves? or are there testers for each class for example? (if you want testers im in XD) And also one last thing, open world, in my opinion its the game mode things shouldnt be balanced around, meta events, world bosses, elites, all the content, or almost all of it, will be completed with numbers, i mean you will allwais have at least 2-3 more people, not counting you, to kill an elite or do an event, every class and elite, every stat combo, is viable on open world, you can kite, use minionmancer or pet strategies, i wont say its not important as a game mode, but even without optimizacion you can deal with almost everything, so balancing around it looks like a bad idea to me, how does it realy work then?
  20. i have seennsome coment about the heals nerf and tradeoffs and.... you know, with how vindi traits are made, they could make so the last trait was more specific, like, the dps jump locks you on archie and maybe increase cc or give fields or finishers on its skills, the healing jump locks you on vicky and makes some of its skills give alac for example, and the boon jump, well it has some suport and some dmg, like a 50/50, and you would get both legends but no specific upgrades, so youd be good to go, as for the heals... well its true that 3 heals are great but... maybe decreasing the healing for each one instead of cd? i mean after all you need to swap to get the other heal, and the animation is a channel, for comparison guard channeling heal not only lets you move but makes you invulnerable, yeah archie deals dmg, who knows why ( because dmg based heals arent that good) and vicky heals alies, but i havent seen heals do that much to outsiders, i think needing to swap is enought tradeoff for having 2 heals
  21. if its open world, untamed, long bow, 2 axes, marauder or dragon stats and pets like wite tiger, bears etc that tank a lot, just stay out and pew pew, if they get close drop traps, take axes and axe 2 in their face and axe 5 to clean, also sb4 and axe 4 with a trait lowers skill cd if you ever need it, if not theres lifesteal on another trait XD
  22. think that arche, invo, and other traits can give you power too, one trait from vindi also gives power, from the first colum, anyway i think the last trait is more of a choice
  23. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmiAEJlZSHsTyhlSNMU6hpSfsSKglukf0D-zRZYBRFIG8cYFSmVQnJQFhgtDA-e im using something like that for zergs, you can also go shiro and be half roamer, no stab but if someone tries to poke at you or flee youll catch him, also you can use deva for more dmg, but invo for the crit chance id use it allwais.
  24. It was said that revs shoudnt have it because other classes change weapon skills while rev changes class skills, but think about it. Rev legends are basicaly weapon skills, you use shiro like you use a gs, you have a set of skills and swap to jalis(hammer) when you need other set of skills, as you cant choose legends are basicaly a 2 weapon swap. Also we all know they took it out because condi rene was too strong with it, and vindi with energy sigils would be insane, but well they could balance it and give it back but why bother about one of the not main classes right? cof cof XD
  25. sry i dont have it, and if im honest i hate that vindi can go condi, gs is a power weapon, archie has just 2 condis in all his set and theyre there just because condis are broken and everything needs to have condis, as for builds, if its condi i think maybe renegade could be better? dunno
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