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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. well in my opinion iboga needed a nerf, a trait that gives you dmg per condi on target is fine on a elite or class trait, but iboga being a pet and having that in the auto made it absurdly strong, now is this the moment to do the nerf? probably not, pets have lots of lacking cualities, boon sharing ONLY in a suport trait line, beast mastery to increase pet stats being plenty mediocre compared to other trai lines, and untamed itself doesnt give pet any buff with unleash mecanic, the crit chance and slash fixes are good, but until we get realy good pet trait rework iboga should be left as is, holding the garri till every other pet is ready to come help.
  2. fallacy? what game are you playing? you play whatever you want, then why even bother entering the discussion man? and also, go enter a raid group with a heal reaper, lets see how much you stay in. Im tired already.
  3. people play mech for 2 things, 1 they like the mecha robot pet and tematic, 2 its stupidly strong and one of the best options for any end game content thus people want it in groups and you end up using it. Theres nothing else to that, do you realy think even half of the mecs you see around like it? nah its just too strong, and thats a problem, a problem because end game, if you play a bit seriously, requires you to use good builds, good characters and play decently so noone in your group looses its time. I mean please, tell me why do you need to enter the discussion, if you dont have any complain, and the only thing you say is, not everyone plays because its strong, people play for different things, yeah, but between firebrand and mech they take all the suport spots in more than 85% of the groups in raid, fractals and strikes, is it realy a personal choice that almost everyone does that? or maybe you are the exception that doesnt wanna see reality?
  4. Ok how in the world does other people not affect you in a mmo game? be it pvp or pve you have people around, and even if you were alone, you play a class, its overpowered, then play another, its underpowered, you have more fun with the second but as it just makes things more dificult and feels bad you play the first. Thats what usualy happens, im not talking about how you feel or play, im talking about 90% of the player population here
  5. ok then what the hell are you saying from the start, please tell me
  6. because its not wether they want or not, its simplres than that, if its broken youll use it for convenience. But is it wrong to see something broken an then ask for balance? so instead of using mec you can use other classes without being looked at? or simpler even, if mech is broken and it feels powerfull then every other class thats weak will feel worse, thus i want my class to be buffed so it feels good again
  7. i mean why the need to refute what others say when you suposedly dont care about anything?
  8. then why do you keep deniing that mech and other clases are objectively better and thus have much more use? and why, if you like playing whatever you want, keep saying that buffing dps that are objectively worse isnt needed? See the point? youre just saying that because youre fine as things are then things are perfect and theres no need for changes
  9. So you play with your friends and they dont mind if you have less dmg than the suports and you dont care for your friends caring you while you are almost dead weight, i see youre great. Ok lets list reasont to play something in raid for example. As a dps, you want first and foremost good dps, something around the likes of 37k that is decent, not too strong not too bad, then cc so you can help defiance bars and not braindead, and lastly sustain, something that can take at least one hit so healers dont have a hard time, nowwww what do i think when i read this? oh yeah a condi mec, good cc, good dmg, sustain, and it is also incredibly easy to use, just spam like a madman and no thinking, or spectre, the exact same thing, power? well virtuoso has huge dmg and cc, sustain? well it has blocks and stuff, ele? you mean that paper class that needs you to have 3 arms and does decent dmg and not much cc? why would you use it when half its rotation is on the floor while being rez? As a healer/boon? well good acces to boons and good healing sustain, decent defences, utility like barrier, cc... wait mec does all that, and its rotation? well you can spam mace and kit skills and the mech is gonna do half the job itself even if youre afk so...., tempest? what for? for rezzing the healer so he can try and maintain boons with difficulty? well its not that bad... ok lets find one... wait there are 10 mecs per tempest in the lfg? why? I mean man come on, you can be whatever you want, and if you can play however you want with everyone and be deadweight and dont care, or maybe youre main mec and fb and you dont want other classes catching up to you, do whatever you want, but dont go saying kitten like, "OH no ME nad my friends are perfectly fine, i dont se why people want to do dmg im fine doing 0 dmg on soldier gear and having vg running after me while i troll everyone else hahaha, or hey i dont see the problem, my thief does 40k dmg so everything should stay as it is. Oh and of course the all powerfull hibrid, I DO EVERYTHING builds, wich sry but are a waste of time most of the time in contents like raid, noone wants a power dps build in raid giving power, we have suports for that, you can help new players? nit realy, youre making them think those builds are god and carry while in the end they do no dmg no sup no heal and nothing to talk about. Just play and stop messing with people triing to help the game would you?
  10. think about this, vindi is in a dead time the whole evasion, so for example if you want to optimiza dmg you would want to end sooner, while as your only evade, and with not much defensive options, somwtimes you want to make time or evade the whole duration, making a simple 2 tap force your landing would give us control over the pj, its kind of similar to why i ask for weapons to only have cd and legends only need energy, its because of a smoother control, a better gameplay that can be balanced with numbers and still be an improvement overall. Just numbers are a patch, while a mecanic change can make a permanent diference in the feeling and flow of gameplay
  11. Ok so rev remarks are useless, rev is unique because he has legend swap,.... firwband tomes, shrouds, foton forge? Also rev legnds arent the same kind of skills as, say a guardian skills, guards for one have much more weapon options that rev doesnt have, and guard skills from health to elite are completely personalized, you choose your config, while rev has 2 legends with a set of skills that you cant change, and you need 2 to addapt to the situation..... WAIT doesnt that sound like weapon skills? a set of skills? that you cant change? and you need a SWAP to do things? also both weapons and legends use the exact same resources?.... shiro has allwais been the rev dagger without me noticing. Also the only sigil that would work on vindi is energy, the "bug" was removed probably because of condi ren overperforming, when a simple, " sigils have reduced effect on legend swap" would have been enought. GUYS REALY legends are weapons, think about it, they were coded in a way that even WEAPON sigils worked on them, its just hilarious when you think that rev is the only class that uses 4 weapons and has no utility skills XD
  12. the dodge needs a rework, making so you have the chance to press evade again to land beforehand would help in my opinion, or at least making so the evade frame lasts till you end the landing animation.
  13. What stealth needs, is a counter, wight now its almost impossible to counter a stealth thief or mesmer, why? because they have too much of it, theres a buff that shows after stealth finishes, wich is revealed, how many builds can afford to have that skill, and how much does that buff lasts. if a thief, with its huge stealth and movility gets revealed because i used a sill right and got to hit him, then i should be able to make use of the oportunity, but he just jumps somewere and in a blink hes steath again, i get it, its a thief, it would be dead without stealth, but revealing stealthed enemies is too dificult and not enought rewarding, thats all there is to it.
  14. Pve isnt competitive, true. Then when you see a reaper in raids and know that person is gonna be last in dps because the class has no dmg its fine right? when you have to choose between elementalist and mecanist dps and you allwais take mec because you know theyll do more dmg its fine right? look everyone can play whatever, but the same way some people need to play low intensity builds, its also true that low intensity builds shouldnt be better than difficult builds, an easy dps build can do 37k amd an elementalist can have 40k, thw difference is minimal, you get rewarded for your effort, and noone gets kicked, nor feels useless because the build and class you like is utterly useless. I have been forced to use alacrene before because power rev was completely useless, did they put a gun on my head? no, but if i had said, im gonna play what i like, and them i end up last in dmg, with no way to make up for it, feeling like im dragiing people down, and posibly end up kicked, and thats rev, that was spamming IO and sword skills like a bot, now imagine an ele, a holo, those classes that almost require you to be a pianist, and then a spectre, comes and does 40k when you do 35 at most and he just needs to spam 3 and venoms most of the time, wouldnt you feel thats unfair? wouldnt you feel like youre not having fun? people that main dps are mostly 2 tipes, either new people or people that go braindead and dont care, or people that like the feeling of tearing bosses apart and wanna see who has the best numbers, no need to be toxic, just competition, and somehow your favotire class, you favorite build, just is simply useless, dead, not because youre bad or because, well, its not meta, no, because here comes other spec, that does more than you, with less effort, and is just plain overpowered, then what? change? but you womt have fun because you dont like that class? stop playing?... isnt it better, and easyer, to just recognice a problem, and say, well we dont need a huge diference, just enought so people do have fun. Vindi doesnt have cc and requires evade timing? give it 39k, ele needs a complex rota? give it 40k maybe, mech goes condi and the pet does half the job? well let it stay at 37k. Would people realy complain? yeah maybe some mains that allwais need to play the meta tryhard builds, but those people, in the end, enjoy just the number, not the class now build. Realy, please think about it, is it realy stupid that people ask for certain dps builds to get higher numbers? or maybe it does make sense that you get something when you sacrifice something instead, be it utility, time learning or whatever.
  15. pure dps builds should get to 38k dps or close to that, while suport dps should at most get to 30k, in a ideal situation id say maybe 35k for pure power and 25 for suports. that would make a diference.
  16. think that open world enemies are already paper for most good dps builds, and condi builds are much better dps wise than power builds. as of now necro, ele, rev, none of those on power build get over 36kdps if im not mistaken, at least in golem benches where the golem has normal size, while most condi builds get to 38 minimun to 40k, this patch works for underpowered builds and also nerfs some overpowered like spectre, mech, and similar.
  17. Thing is, its a difficult question to answer. I myself find all classes enjoyable and dont stay too much on just one, but the problem is, what do you prefer to play as, or how? put rev as example, its a mix between warr and thief, but the energy mecanic and all the time it has had no power build makes it so many many people,me included, complain, its a lack of smoothness and versatility that makes us both like and hate it. Now take firebrand for example, incredibly powerfull, guard has allwais had decent to meta builds in every mode and tipe of build, what do guards complain about? probably that firebrand is pretty boring to use, spam buttons and a lot of things happen without much need to think, dh? its pretty static with traps and its skills and not the fastest class to move around with, not counting willbender. Thief? fast, medium dmg output on power, but uses 2 buttons and needs good positioning, enjoyable, but requires good thinking and good gameplay, spectre? the oposite, 2 butons, shrowd to become immortal and tons of dmg, its good, but maybe les dinamic than say daredevil, or not as fullfining as deadeye. What i want to say is, all clases and elites have good and bad things, and so there will allwais be people complaining, why does x has less dmg? why does y just needs 2 butons to do 10 things and i need 10 butons for 9? there are times that you realy find good critisism here, why not change rev mecanic so it feels less punishing and bothersome?, why does condi builds do much more dmg than power builds? why does mech have that much power when pets, even sacrifiing ranger traits to get pet traits, cant even reach its ankles? everyone has their opinion, and thus people complain, if there was a class that was powerfull, fun, fullfiling, verstile and everyone loved.... then why have 9 classes when we could all play 1 and be all happy? thats just how life is, nothing is perfect, and looking to improve and not being complacent is good, not so much wanting to strangle pleople online XD
  18. Ok let me tell you a couple things that might help. 1 we like to ramble here, most of the comments about nerfs and all that is because we want to get rid of some steam XD its true that not all the clases have thousands of viable builds, some are underpowered and other overpowered and all that, but we also like to have partys here and ramble, dont let it affect you too much. 2 as i said, yeah aome things are overpowered, some underpowered, some classes have more options than others, but think this every class has at least a couple builds that are decent, not meta, not great but usable at least, warriors now can be power, condi or suport dps, while they lack too much if you want to heal with them, are they top 5? mmmid say no, but you can still use them, moreso if youre starting the game, you have at most full exotic gear, probably dont know much about combos, defiance bar, mecanics, farmings etc, at least i as someone who has been playing years dont expect you to know all that, you have training more in raids, fractals, strikes, and open world in pve, pvp works in its own world, and wvw is also a world of its own, and youre new to that, unless you get yourself paired with skrits you can tell others youre new, try to find a clan, and try all the classes, dont focus just on one, im sure youll end up finding some game mode and class that you love to play with, and if you get bored try something else, youll never have 0 things to do. good luck man
  19. turtle needs a couple changes, first and foremost its autoattack, sometimes it can hit siege canons in wvw and sometimes it spasms on the floor, second is its bubble, too low duration and long cd, a couple seconds more would be the way to go, i think siege turtle is very good for a wvw build, it helps in sieges with ranged attacks and bubble, and is tanky enought to resist when figting with groups as most of the dmg are areas and ranged stuff, pets in general need work, making "we heal as one" share boons passively, like mech signet, or moving the share boon trait to beastmastery is mandatory for pets to be usefull, making untamed unleash buff work with the pet in reverse would also be a great option. with those changes on turtle, pets in general, and a couple untamed weapon changes, i can perfectly see untameds in wvw zergs fighting in a condi bruiser or siege beast style.
  20. for a wvw perspective there are 3 things, each for a diferwnt elite. Druid needs stab, wich already got on pve so hope it ends up in wvw too, and a way to have spirits work like giros or herald facets, so it can move around, with that druid could find a spot. Soulbeast is good for a roamer, its like a thief in its burst so not much to upgrade at all. For untamed, first and foremost PETS pets that share ranger boons without taking them from group, and pets that can stealth at the same time you stealth so you dont get spotted, once both those things are done then you can change more, id make unleash skills permanent, sb auto is an area hit that spreads condis, maybe giving it charges so it can be used 3 times or so would be good, hammer is fine but maybe making all unleash skills create spores, so you can use a condi dmg build with sb on ranged and hammer at melee, filling everything with areas of poison and stuff, untamed has awesome stab and sustain, a shadowstep, cleanse, inmortality, etc, it just lacks a good ranged weapon for area hits and a better condi hammer version, paired with better pets so they dont die in p. 5 secs and are usefull, maybe locking pet in wvw and giving it a cc bar and an unleased effect similar to the untamed one, pet unleased = pet hits harder, pj unleashed= pet resist more dmg. with that i think a dps untamed could be viable, and if you got spirits to be able to work like giros with a trait you could go ritualist untamed or smth and have fun.
  21. but then sand sharks, rock hounds, and similar animals that work as pets for ogres for example could become pets, kirins being cantha animals and pretty comon could become pets too, the fire version of the cheetah could be added too. but even getting all those pets, what we need isnt new pets but better pets, pets that share your boons without needing a healer trait line for example, pets that share your stealth, maybe some felines that already have stealth skills. Once we get pets powerfull enought to realy be usable, dont need to be mech level but something close, then adding new pets is a good thing to do.
  22. I think we should get something like thief, weapon skills working only on cds and no energy drain, while legends working on energy alone, that way they wont get in the way of each other and we would get a smoother and easyer way to play, having herald, rene and vindi with their unique mecanics of their own, plus 2 legends that are essentialy 2 more weapons to swap between(we need the sigil bug back guys and you know it), we have enought uniquenes to afford copying thief in that, if you want more changes create a f2 that, while active makes your weapon skills drain energy for upgraded effects, more dmg, maybe a cc somewere, bigger area, etc, maybe just one skill per weapon, with numbers good enought, it would be like playing a new class almost, then change skills like jade winds, my take would be a jade tornado, like scavengers burst or hammer 5, you select the place and a tornado appears, hits 5 times 5 enemies and if it hits all tics you petrify, or maybe the first tic pulls enemies inside, its a skill that needs you to place properly, has a cc but just one, can be evaded and i dont think would be overpowered for a 50 energy drain at all, a couple changes on skills like that would be a great help. And lastly traits, with each legend skill draining from 20 to 50 energy, and upkeeps existing, well maybe decreasing energy recharge to 4 instead of 5 per second, and making base energy 75, it could be pretty good, but even if it stayed at 50 base, with the other changes it would be enought to fell completely new, much less punishing and irritating, and more rewarding in the end. if you agree tell me, if not.... tell me anyway.
  23. We all know rev is like that failed experiment anet wants to bury, i mean... sry devs and dont ban me but.... you know that we know that you hate rev, ventary changes were good, maybe theres someone who wants rev to come back to life.... yeah i saw the bad joke of rev being rev XD, but the thing is, vindi is like every rev elite out there, a bunch of things smashed together and working barely and mainly because we force it a bit, the ideas are good, implementation.... sry, i dont know how to code, but im completely sure i can make up ideas so rev works a thousand times smoother. First of all i agree, staff feels bad, its a heal weapon, but does almost nothing, its only used because of the cc and blocks, needs much more work, hammer? well its not bad in wvw where its designed to be used but... maybe a couple changes, so it keeps up with the times, i dont realy use it much. if im not mistaken empty vessel was break cc on swap right? i didnt realy use it before, but itd be great to have it if im honest. for the old sword, i think you might like gs, it has a block that hits like a truck, not as much area but hey its good if you know how to use it, gs3 is a dash... wich should end in a pull and i dont know why they havent done that change already, out of that gs is a good pvp weapon. mallynx i kinda like it more now, maybe because i realy didnt like condi and never used it that much before the change. Now, i know i know, i said some heavy things up there, but be honest, rev has been awfull out of alacren and condi ren for a long time, and those 2 werent good, they just were completely overpowered and made no sense, yeah now theyre making good improvements, finaly herald has quick, man i have been saying herald needed that for years, and ventary finaly works well, so we can have hope, good work, keep going, great. BUT we could get better and more important changes, what people say is right, rev is like a warrior and a thief smashed together and were family or smth, because rev mecanic is completely awfull. Dont get me wrong, i like energy, what i dont like is how it works now with the skills, let me point out some things: 1 having 2 legends and 2 weapons right now feels and works as if we just had 4 weapon sets and we were rotating between the 4, think about it, gs has a set of skills we cant change, and has both energy and cd requirements, the same goes for any legend out there, a static set of skills and we swap to change to another set of skills, legends are weapons, i say this because the "bug" of sigil legend swap, maybe its a bit too strong but it wasnt a bug, and we should have that bug back. 2 legend skills, dont you think shiro jade winds is mostly useless? i mean if youre gonna use that maybe better use IO or swap or smth, even its cc is pretty bad for a 50 drain skill, id prefer if at least we could choose where the winds appear, a targeted area skill, similar to scavenger burst, maybe making it tick, 5 tics, 5 enemies, and if all hits you petrify, if not at least you do dmg, 1000 per hit or smth, think about it, would be broken, maybe, but you literaly are forced to swap after that, you can fail it and people can evade and run out, i feel it would be balanced that way. 3Last of all, the core mecanic, you know how thief work right? weapons drain initiative, while heal and so on have cds, how about we get the oposite? weapons work on cd, while legends work on energy, legend skills usualy drain from 25 to 50 energy, except heals and a couple things, that would mean you can use a couple skills per legend and use weapon skills without them getying in the way of the other, its a copy of thief? well yeah but now it is too, just now every skill gets in the way of the others, you allwais lack energy or have too much, maybe you could add some kind of unique f skill, like an energy charge, an upkeep that when used your weapon skills drain energy for upgraded effects, jut they drain more than they do now, also remember herald, renegade and vindi have unique mecanics of their own, upkeeps forever, orders, the 3 legends and strange jump, maybe simplifying would do more help than dmg, would it be broken? dont think so, i mean youd just need to update some numbers for cds or drains and itd be the same but probably feel much smoother.
  24. again, we already have vindi for power, i know some people want every spec to do power but thats simply not viable, well end up again with 3 hibrid specs that work like kitten, rene works fine as condi, and herald already hits very good considering it is a support and thus shouldnt get even close to a pure dps elite, herald being 29k with sup stats, rene doing good with condi and vindi being good with power, can we please just be fine if we get to that point? because im completely sure noone wants rev power to be like it was before the expansion.
  25. most probably theyll give them for free in the future, i mean with the return archievements they gave for free a chapter per week or so, thats how they usualy do it, for free for limited time or spend gems, even so a chapter is more or less 40g or so? dunno but its pretty cheap if you know how to farm the gold
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