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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. theres a diference, the first is that both hot and pof were around 50€ on launch i think? maybe a bit less, but now you get both at the price of just one, the prices right now are the same as the in game shop, as for discounts, well maybe a discount in eod could be good but the expan launched like 5 months ago? i dont know but i dont think a discount right now is needed. And yeah i understand 10 aniversary and all that but... i dont know, i just see it fine however they do it.
  2. you all know the game is f2p right? at least the core game, once they have done all core tyria then you can decide to keep on or not, and getting 2 expansions or more together is a huge discount by itself, most veterans had to buy every expansion. For how much content the game has, you cant do a discount and put 2 hole expansions at 20€.
  3. id say almost remake retri, we have too many lines with traits that are 10% dmg on "insert condition", it would be good if retri had more utility, like, boon reap, stab, aegis and stuff application, and so on, moreso because the dmg traits are a bit.... copy pasted... also rev in the end has a lot of dmg modifiers, like a ton of them, maybe it is too reliant on modifiers that have a lot of requirements, heck even skills like gs5 has a huge dependance on enemy hitbox, with so many "ifs" dmg should be in the moon, moreso with the negligible cc and overall utility, a power vindi with shiro archie has 0 combo fields and just 2 or 3 finishers at most, its a bit too lacking
  4. vindi has... id say 2 problems, one on each legend. On archie, the power legend, it lacks dmg, archie is pretty selfish, only boons himself and everything has the same dmg more or less, and thats the issue, with every skill doing similar dmg we dont realy have good dmg skills, spear is a bit higher but not much and gs5 only works on huge hitbox, spear and scavenger have condis that arent needed, they could just make more dmg and would be more usefull, archie also lacks cc, as gs has none and archie himself has 1 but its pretty meh, like a tuned down jade winds that, yeah its usefull but... not enought, also you have a huge dependance on evading to get dmg, wich makes you loose time and ironicaly dmg, because if you dont evade off cd you drop dmg to hell and if you do evade you spend too much up in the moon. for vicky... it just heals... no realy, it just heals, and that is using your heal and an upkeep that drains your life and doesnt let you heal yourself, the boons, well, almost non existent... how are we suposed to use vik? i think its better to asume were suposed to not use it, and having that skill there so you can missclick and fail miserably... well, i think vindi needs to bw finished, rev itself feels half done some times, but vindi feels like they started, changed a couple things after 3 beta, and then abandoned it... wich is what happened XD
  5. invo is already on all dmg tipes right? also i dont think rev lacks condi dmg, well maybe on herald but i see herald and vindi like power specs that got condi on a couple skills because... well just because.
  6. well for starters you need to know that weapons maintain their cds, i mean that if you have 2axes and on swap another 2 axes youll maintain the cds and the only anvantage would be sigil on swap effects, if you had 10 secs on axe 5 and swap to another axe you maintain those 10 secs, thats why people use 2 diferent weapons. now for lb its pretty simple to use, the only thi gs to look for are, lb5 is a channel, so you need to be carefull not to cancel it too soon, and lb4 is a push, so maybe you dont want to use it some times, lb2 does good dmg and the auto has good dmg too even at melee range, axe axe is good now because axe main has axe2 wich now does huge dmg, compare to before, as for gs i dont realy know too much, havent used it in a wile. for condi, axe torch might as well work, axe 2 does good dmg and axe 3 is decent, the problem is, you realy want to learn how to melee, i know its difficult on some bosses, deimos is a pain in the kitten, but think that allwais ranged means you can easily be out of heal range, step on another mecanic by mistake, etc, also ranging allwais makes you dependant on it, what i mean is, being melee has certain risks and you need to get used to them, vg blues, deimos black goo, gorse eggs, etc, if you dont fail those mecs whule learning you will when you are cleaning and you will feel worse, try going melee and train those melee mecanics, even using sb and axe torch being melee helps as some hits have fan shapes and at melee you hit more projectiles than ranged. also you can try untamed, it is kinda gimmicky, but it prob works decently.
  7. well i dont think its a bad elite, design wise, it brings engi an easy elite and also serves for those that like robots and pets but dont realy like necro nor ranger, its problem was how broken it was, also the mech might be usefull for anet to see how weak pets are overall and maybe get them some good reworks, the cc for example was pretty good
  8. think that in this game there are mainly 3 tank stiles in pve, either by who has the most thoughness, wich is a stat diferent from defense, thoughness increasing defense but defense itself being born from the armor defense stat, being heavy medium and light diferent defense armor stiles, and thoughness, to sum up, you can use a light armor like ele or chrono and work as tank because you build thoughness on your armor. the 2 stile would be a boss mecanic, either taking certain object that marks you as target or getting far from the boss in certain moments can make you become the tank. and the third would be the random tank, when on some bosses every person can become the tank and the bos changes its target periodically. with all this said, most bosses dont require you to have excesive efenses and life to tank, chrono is great because it has several block skills or invulnerable skills. Then you need to think about what to do for your groups, usually a power dps needs 3 stats power, prec, and ferocity, adding a 4 one makes one of the other 3 lower significantly, a healer/sup, usually just needs healing power and concentration, while condi need expertise and condition dmg, the best is usually for a suport to tank, as concentration and healing power usually are the lest punished for bringing thoughness, a suport dps can also tank, as for a dps tank... well you usually loose too much dmg so its not as worth as a suport.
  9. think that even then you see clear diferences, if mirage is difficult and virtu easyer you can just increase mirage traits and weapons or decrease virtu traits and weapons on need. The same goes for almost every elite, rev for example is the exact oposite, they have been nerfing deva, a power trait line, while triing to nerf the condi builds, that only made power builds become incredibly weak and unnerving, now to buff power builds they have herald on one hand and vindi on the other, in my opinion vindi is more difficult, 2 weapons, energy management, evade management and archie having no upkeep makes making mistakes easy and punishing, while herald is more of activate upkeeps to get dmg buff and then hit with the swords, an easy way to balance would be buffing gs, as they already did, although it still needs a bit more i think, buffing a couple of archie skills, or a vindi trait or two, other more difficult biffs could be changing energy mecanic or rocket jump mecanic so its easyer to play with it. what i mean is, targeting one elite or build isnt difficult if you think about what youre doing, the problem is that anet usually just nerfed and buffed without even looking at the builds nor the class itsef, and thus nerfing power traits to balance condi builds, putting traits in a traitline that doesnt make sense, having core mecanics that end up being a hidrance on gameplay or that could be simplified and polished without loosing identity nor getting broken, i hope this little changes, that truly are well directed at least, means anet is finaly getting serious at balancing and there are big changes aproaching.
  10. my ele has never seen the light of day, no realy i have her on the aerodrome bank XD. But yeah i kind of said those words for a reason, they nerfed cata because they said it was meta defining, while i dont know about how much thats true, i know fireband mecha has been seen everywere, low li groups, 1k li groups, speedrunners, everywere, thats what i think when meta defining comes to play, builds that are everywere because theyre just sooo easy and soo good that you dont even think about bringing something else. Just look the lfg, how many 2 fb 2 mecs 6 dps can you find? while the cata i think was more of a gimmick for elite players than anything else.
  11. i mentioned wvw because if im not wrong the nerf, in terms of healing and stuff, brings it to the point where its the same as in wvw, the same coeficients and the same cds or similar, also scrapper is suport, it has quickness, power, stab, stealth, barrier, condi cleanse and i think it still has superspeed? it is a more dps suport than a heal suport, true, but only hammer and one giro are dps while the other giros, the toolbelt skills and traits are very good suport wise, is it better than hfb? well it depends on the content, scrapp is better on wvw because it has stealth and better healing while moving, while fb is better on static encounters, but boon wise and heal wise id say theyre on par, or at least very close.
  12. im not sure if the healing is really that big of a nerf, counting that fb also got a couple nerfs in boon application. i say this because heal scrapp is used in wvw and i heard it heals more than fb, so i dont realy know, also i think scrapp could be a dps sup while mech is more heal supp, itd be a matter of wait and see i think
  13. the thing is, balance is a difficult still simple thing. For suports getting access to certain boons that sre better than others, alac, quick, power, stab, aegis, classes with those boons will be better sups than classes without them, as we have seen for years now, what this means is, if fb and mec have those boons while others lack stab for example, fb and mec will forever be better, also people allwais look for the easyest way to win, in most content bringing stab and aegis just makes your group do bosses faster, win more fights in wvw etc, thus people will stop playing other things that lack, and so suports should have kind of a standard set of boons, this way even if everything is a bit too good, at least everyone gets the spot. For dps is different, as i see it the range of dmg good for raids and strikes would be between 35 and 40k on golem, making more difficult classes do 39k wile simpler classes get 35-36k would mean a dif of 3k, enought for "elitist" or better said players that like to optimize to play the 39k classes, while more casual players can use a 36k class and find a spot without much trouble, of course the access to cc, combo fields and finishers and similar can be counted, a selfish dps without cc can go 38k, and a dificult class that has tons of cc and so being also 38k, one is better but both end up being good and noone will conplain about not finding a spot.
  14. well it has some truth, chrono, engi and ele, having more resourses with elements kits, clones, etc, are more difficult for a new player, now thats a core design thats not bad nor needs changes, come classes having more difficulty isnt bad, whats bad is if those classes dont get rewarded. If a new player gets to ele, he will prob start swaping atunemets, get locked in chanelings, prob dont know that you need to evade, and ele also has low survival options, low life, defense, etc, i can see many regretting and saying its too dificult, an engi could just put many kits and go mad not knowing what happens, and so on. While a warr or other classes are more axe up axe down, enemy skull open... sound stupid but we all do that at first, so.... well there are many options, and the game almost forces you to try as many as possible till you find your soulmate so to say.
  15. alac rene does decent dmg, but thats it, mech does decent dmg, gives stab, aegis, power and barrier, also the mech dmg is half the pj and half the robot, so you can go do mecs or evade things and the robit will still do dmg, while rene, being decent, isnt even close, its cc is better but only if you use staff, wich drops your dmg to hell, you only give alac, and power and stab are there but power is a bit meh by itself, while for stab you need dwarf and swaping legends is more bothersome than just spam skill of cd. maybe power wise theyre similar, but mech brings more things as a suport. The robot thing is good on expan release and all that, but were months into the expan and most people already came back to "optimization" the best in slot, and fb and mech arent the 2 best, most used, and meta defining classes for nothing.
  16. well think that mech is getting nerfed on boon uptime and barrier, wich is good, i dont know how much the change does but looks pretty heavy, as for fb it also gets some nerfs on stab mantra, maybe fb woukd need a but more look. But overall the changes are being good thia patch.
  17. i think harbringer could be a decent power / condi build, because its playstile is diferent from other necromancers, on reaper you have better survival, and thus a harbringer being more squeasy but with more dmg could be good. Now is reaper in a bad spot? yeah, it needs more dmg, i saw that it gets some weapon improvements but i dont main it so i dont know how much that changes. My idea would be reaper does 35-36k dmg, while a well played harbringer does 38k or so, i said well played because i think playing harbringer should be more risky and thus you can die easyer and loose a lot of dmg if youre not carefull, while reaper can do less dmg in an easyer and more consistent way, thatd be the way to go for me.
  18. i think they could be close in use, staff is gonna get decent dmg and also bring utility like condi cleanse and fear, while axe probably bring more dmg and life force, it might depend on the boss, for sloth for example i can see reapers using staff to explode slumblings or cleanse poison, and stuff.
  19. Think that anet has been keen in nerfing deva with the intention to nerf condi builds, wich is part of the reason power rev is in the spot it is now, the other part being mostly that rev has a huge difference in dmg vs huge hitbox conpared to normal/small, hitboxes. Most bosses and enemies have small to medium hitbox so rev has overall less dmg than its potential would suggest.
  20. probably for elite or speed runners, youll still see mecs and fb, but its also true that the nerfs and buffs are usefull for closing the gaps between suports, now a tempest main or druid will find easyer to find groups and well see a bit more those classes, is it the solution for all the problems? will it make all sups have an equal playrate and so on? no, but its a good change it isnt irrelevant, and it isnt something that widens the gap, instead it is helpfull and closes that gap, and just for that, its a good change, at least for the kind of patch it is, a small patch that is well targeted on small improvements and helps out balancing
  21. Well what other reason would we need to give stab to some classes? lore? i mean if stab and aegis can help closing the gap with fb and mec its good, at least for me. as for mech being overloaded... well it is too strong yeah, but getting rid of boons like stab and aegis now just would make hfb become even more prominent, the boons itself arent bad, its the lack of classes that can acces to those boons thats a problem, and i think its good ele and druid get those boons.
  22. Itd be pretty simole in fact, you coukd give "we heal as one" a pasive to share boons to pets, or put the trait in beastmastery, and use the spirit trait line spot for something else. making unleashed pet get 10% more dmg, and when pj unleash pet receives 10% less dmg. With that and maybe some tweaks to beastmastery you could even nerf a bit the existent cc untamed build and still keep it as a good build.
  23. itd be better if shield was an actual good weapon for suport so herald could make use of it properly, renegade is good as it is, being mostly condi and all that
  24. normaly you start receiving dmg just before landing, also fears lines and almost every condi cc is able to get you whilr on air.
  25. I have seen plenty soulbeast oneshoting people in wvw, i mean yeah its not god like but its pretty decent still, at least wvw wise
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