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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. no hold on anywere, he started talking about herald and renegade power dps, and so i said that neither of them needed a buff in power dps, i brought up the people that want everything everywere because HE brought up the topic and looked like HE wanted that. now explain how the hell im defending something changing topics. As for SWORDS i ALREADY said that i dont know the exact numbers but sword was never bad, if we change weapons is because we need to do it because of cooldowns, but rev doesnt realy have cds on weapons out of 3-4 skills, that is a problem with the energy + cd mecanic, maybe sword isnt even that bad nor need that many changes, the patch hasnt even come dammit.
  2. but herald is a suport and renegade is a condi based dps, i know some people want every elite to be hibrid and do everything, but that only leads to things like hfb, the past alacrene, and those stupidly overpowered elites, either that or the elite ends up dead because it does nothing good at all like herald did till they gave it quickness, we have 3 elites, herald for sup, rene for condi and vindi for power, let them be that way, take condis out from vindi and buff its power numbers, tahe herald numbers to just 30k or so while it boons, and leave rene full condi, simple, easy and effective
  3. well firat of all, gs dmg comes mainly from gs5, yes all gs skills do dmg but gs5 is the big gun, and gs5, unless in huge hitbox, looses a lot of dmg, while swords are realy more single target, i didnt do the benches but id say in small hitbox swords are better than gs if im mistaken well i am no prob. as for legend swap, first remember that vindi doesnt have any crit chance trait, and also vindi skills and gs dont consume that much energy, and archie doesnt have an upkeep, so using the energy replenishing trait isnt worth that much when you have a trait that gives you 50% crit chance, fury giving now 25% and doubling that, that means you can prob fit some dragon or some kind of armor, you get to 50% crit chance and fury gets you to cap, while energy... well shiro just camps IO and archie is spamming skills, no need for energy traits there. Lastly, yeah maybe camping archie isnt the best, but think about it, what skills are good in archie? spear and advance are the 2 best, and their cost isnt too high, also both sword and gs have low costs, evade, wich is a base mecanic for dmg also locks you in place for a lot of time, i mean maybe you dont have that much dmg camping legend but i dont think it would hurt that much, is vindi a bad design, id say badly implemented or incomplete, archie has conditions it doesnt need, gs3 is pretty much half assed, and vicky needs more love and boons, also the evade needs tunning, it needs work, but i dont see the similarity with mech, mostly because mech abuse comes from the fact that the mech does half its work passively, its like, if a rev just camped shiro IO and used sword skills off cd, archie has more buttons, thus more options and versatility but in a way it doesnt realy have dead skills, shiro pve is only IO, in wvw IO is mostly dead, and i still need to find some situation where jade winds is even remotely worth using, and shiro is a core legend from hot release. Lastly if you hate the game or smth, well sry to say but right now the direction of the game is the best it has been in years, no alacrene forced everywere and no other class competing for alac spot, hfb and mec get nerfed so they leave the spot if someone else want it, power builds that are dead right now finaly getting buffed and some condi ones nerfed to balance apropiately, just think about it, fb and mec, thw 2 most braindead overpowered specs nerfed, while power ones, mostly ele, rev, etc, buffed, wvw finaly gets another beta and it works decently fine, yeah maybe swords need a bit of a buff but lets just see how the patch goes, theres one more on october, a big one suposedly, what do you hate about it?
  4. think that swords are better at small target dmg, also with runes like energy or such on weapon swap you can still get some interrsting gains, i think maybe even camping legend and swaping weapons might be a good choice
  5. 1 think that swords are a core weapon, that would mean a great dmg increase overall, what i mean is, herald is now more boon and sup based, a boon dps shoudnt get too high numbers, while vindi, being more selfish dps itself should have higher numbers, with the increase in the multiplier trait herald already got somewat decent dmg increase, and vindi got its gs number increased to balance that out a bit and get on par. 2 swords arent bad dmg wise right now, they have allwais had good dmg but the problem was we had nothing to use them with, herald relies on multipliers and IO alone, renegade has spmewat dmg skills and sb is kinda hibrid but meh, but vindi brought both archie and gs, both have decent dmg skills, while i think they need some changes in spear and scav burst they complement swords well, the big problem is still shiro, it needs some rework, maybe the heal having pasive and active, like you allwais have jade daggers and when using a shiro skill you use a dagger to hit your oponent, and daggers recarge, one each 2 secs or smth, and jade winds need a change too, maybe a direccional attac, like you select the target area and create a jade tornado that dmg the enemy, if you hit all the hits, maybe being like 5 or so to max 5 enemies, you also stun them. overpowered, a bit, but it has 50 energy drain and it would be an area pulsing dmg that needs all hits to land so it would balance out.
  6. its a buff, thank god we get a buff and dont do too much noise, we dont want the hammer to fall on our heads instead XD. now seriously, hammer isnt gonna become a goid weapon for raids or fract bosses because some number changes, it is slow and there are better options, just no ranged, but its a decent change nontheless, instead of more hammer changes id be more interested in a remade of the energy sistem, it is too punishing and unrewarding, it becomes just a limitation overall, yeah we have 2 legends but it is just like having 4 weapon sets instead of 2, and having the current cd + energy requirement is too bad, maybe something like thief, weapons have cooldown and legends have energy cost, so it becomes cleaner and we can actually do interesting things.
  7. ok if i may say something, think that in wvw were playing a beta, the aliances, restructuring, rewards, etc, its something that still needs some months to come, and probably the aliances and restructuring alone will make some changes in what is needed, also weapon numbers and trait changes that should come on October, what i mean is, having changes only in pve builds, and this changes that, better or worse are acurate in their direction, nerfing overpowered clases and giving power dps more options is a good thing and pve needed them, now for wvw.... yeah of course things like stabs and aegis are needed, but it would be better to get them after pve has trued them a bit and the situation in wvw is more stable with the new things to come. Talking about ranger itself, pets getting more crit chance and a defiance bar are both things wvw need, pets die too easily in zerg play, also beast mastery should be where the trait to share boons should be, if not mybe making "we heal as one" have a passive effect, it shares boons with the pet, while active heals both you and your pet, while the untamed heal could make it so your pet while doesnt die till you die or smth, think that soulbeast has just one pet and has a more rogue pkaystile, fuse, use your burst and play kinda like a thief, while untamed is more bruiser. Its a goid patch, nothing huge, but decent overall.
  8. well for once, all the changes have been mostly number wise, and herald itself depends too much on those number multippliers, to add more, herald right now, with quickness, is mostly a support, either dps support, wich shoudnt have too much dmg(and im talking about all dps sups having lower dmg to a dps) or heal sup, a dps herald, with all those upkeeps, i personaly dont like it, but for those who like it you got a buff overall with invo and RP. Maybe its not the best change, but its a good one to have nontheless
  9. well, think that were in a wvw reatructuring beta right now, i hope getting no changes in wvw is because they want to see how it goes before doing anything, also.... pve needed those changes a lot and i prefer less changes well directed, than a lot of changes over all the game modes and then activating apocalipsis mode.
  10. i actualy like that, i mean thiefs and mesmers are a pain in the. X. because they can stealth oneshot start the lasthit, teleport, and telwport back to lasthit you, first of all, more reveal skills, and its effects increased in wvw, if i hit a mesmer or a thief(wich is pretty dificult) or they eat a trap or smth, and i reveal them, i want them to be revealed for at least 20 seconds. Also, that start a lasthit on a downed, teleport to north korea, and teleport back to finish the animation and kill, thats Cskdbdhfb, if someone is in an animation to finish off someone you stay there doing the animation, no tp, and if you tp or stealth you have to start again, and if you start the animation you also should be revealed, either that or make wvw a permanent no downed mode. And lastly, i get it, teleports are a game mecanic and all that, but with classes like thief and mesmer roaming around, maybe some kind of shadowstep block, like a condi or smth, that lets you move and so on, but doesnt let you swadowstep. Again thief and mesmer are incredibly good at hit and run, and its incredibly difficult to land a hit, so if i hit i want to be able to punish them a lot if theyre free theyre able to wear down a group of 20 with just 5-6 of them, so i want a metod to, if i hit, theyre dead, no more fun parry for them, but a, kill me or die, where they also have tension.
  11. well id like more variety, maybe 5 or so maps, being border included, and every week the map for each server rotates, and eternal... meh i personaly dont like it but refreshing it a bit could be good. Most importantly, wall redesigns, taking out some plants and terrains that get us stuck in place, more enviroment things, maybe forest where you can be hidden from the outside, things like that, also..... in the camp south of the map, build an arena there, people kind of prefer that place to obsidian, and maybe making obsidian anothe map, like a huge castle, or a place excusive to gvg with lfg or smth. also this one is impossible but.... reworking underwater combat and maybe an underwater castle or smth, with submarines or smth to attack it, just ideas.
  12. if it wasnt for how it is now maybe id say your right, but baruch bay for example allwais plays alone, while every week you allwais find servers fused together, if a loner server had as many pleople as 2 servers fused then ok, but there have been weeks that you saw one of the servers literaly abandoned, because one of the others just had a 50 people zerg in almost every map, and at the end of the week one server has double or triple the other servers points, like... how the heck is that fair? also theres people changing acounts because they just wanna be in the winning side and abandon the loosing sides, or changing servers whenever they want... wvw need a huge rework, aliances are something at least.
  13. the thing is, virtuoso has a huge dmg output, it was on nearly 40k last time i checked, also mesmers have tons of cc and utility (at least utility from a pure dps perspective) if you compare virtu to other pure dps elites, dh, vindi, reaper, daredevil, the biggest difference is in dmg, and lets be clear, what do people want from a dps elite most of the time? suport and utility? or a BIG BADABOOM number? yeah if you know more you start knowing that utility is exactly that, utility, something usefull, but most randoms or not so invested players want to see a 40k number and say HAHAHHA F noob im the best, while on speedruns on raids for example the classes with huge dmg output shine too, while something like a reaper or dd just have a spot for new player friendly class to learn, even classes like vindi, that have decent dmg output, cant shine above said virtuoso because it doesnt have enought cc for example. also there is the problem of condi dps being absurdly strong now and with the same or even better utility. All that said, do pure dps classes need to share boons, or have selfless traits to buff your alies? i dont think so, a pure power dps needs a good dmg based on the meta, right now around 38k would be good, good access to cc, and good field and finishers to combo, while suports should never go above 30k in dmg so the difference is clear. of course you cant make everything the same, but if for example reaper has 36k, with great cc with golem and gs5, survival with shroud, while holo could have less cc and survival but reach 39k dps, that 3k would make the diference but for some people a reaper woukd be a surefire class that even if not 1 in dmg it wont lag behind, now the difference is in some cases near 8k and nothing to cover the diference.
  14. For all those people that took the comenta and all that seriously, read the first post carefully, theres a word there, SARCASM, i know you want to defend anet forever, that you get paid and that you are the smartest allwais right people on earth but..... XD at least read the first post guys. noone cares too much about pets autos, and he was just making fun of how mech, wich is pretty easy and braindead while being ridiculously strong, now doesnt need to use more skills, its a joke, its not serious nor offensive, calm dow XD
  15. AFK FARMING WHILE DISCONECTED YEAHHHHHH go to dragonfall or drizzewoods and log out, log in next day to grt a 24h of farming materials and stuff yayyyyyyyyy XD XD XD
  16. well i dont know about cantha and the in between story so, yeah there are prob netter legends out there. What i meant about the legends is, yeah jalis didnt have hammers spinning around him (but it would have been awesome) , but in the end both the character, jalis, and the idea it represents, the dwarfs and the stone ritual, need to be both there, at least thats how i see the rev as of now, i personaly would have prefered if we got a no legend elite, just getting a classic skill bar where you can personalize your skills, taking skills from all 4 core legends and getting new skills based not on a legend but on the mist itself, the virtuoso kamehameha? give a mist kamehameha to rev, maybe a heal that transforms you in mist and makes you untouchable, kinda like warr or untamed heal, a couple more skills and you would have gotten a cool thing, also it could have been kinda a mix between ritualists and revenants, maybe giving 2 new weapons instead of 1, gs for dmg and a scepter to heal or smth
  17. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAEJldQmMH6k1QpsHCl9RqsAqklukf0F-zRZYBREiTMkXhzRBFmQZ0ZKURFY7sExqFA-e i use something like that for zerg, and when roaming or when i want to go more aggresive, i take shiro so i can pursue anything, thiefs are a pain and willbenders too but you can pursue and hit almost anything, if you dont like hammer you could take swords but a ranged option is allwais good and having legend swap is like having another 2 weapons to swap, moreso with archie being all dmg dmg and dmg with no upkeep, so you can camp gs in melee
  18. If i had to do it... id take the trait that copies your boons to your pet, its caled fortifiing bond, i think it fits better in beastmastery trait line, and id put spirited arrival as a minor, it gives fury and vigor on pet swap so... it kinda minor thing, and then you can put a trait there. the best would be something like gyros, i mean you transform your spirits from land spirits to fliing spirits, and the are allwais around you, but they have less health, or the area of effect is smaller, so you can move but need to be more stacked and carefull. or make it so the boons start from your pet, like it swallowed the spirits or smth, and thus the pet has all those boons perma and pulses them to alies, but it cant attack or smth
  19. i didnt play 1 so i know none of those names you said, as for the legend not needing to be a expansion themed legend, yeah youre right, but i think they just made arche and vicky because they wanted to, its just fanservice and even people that didnt play the gw1 have heard of shiro, arche and viky, so dunno. as for legenda being more of an abstract concept... well all legends have some kind of duality there, shiro has jade winds, because he unleashe them, jalis made the ritual, ventary literaly has the tablet as a real thing, and kalla, well she was a charr, so vomanding a warband was what she should do being the leader, yes the concept is there, but the character that made the archievement is as important, becuse it is THEIRS, without them the sade winds, stone dwarfs, the ventary teachings, that wouldnt be there, even glint has some kind of sense, herald is a suport, and in a sense is the last help glint gives us in the form of, in this case rythlock, dunno if im explaining right.
  20. i dont think pets are that strong, and what was it for blast fields?
  21. I guess it has already been talked about but ill ask anyway, stealth on pets, how does it work? The thing is, i have made a decent build for wvw, and i saw that smokescale can self stealth with smoke field and unleash f2 to blast, but even then, the pet takes stealth from others right? should anet make it so your stealth aplies to pets too? like, the trait that copies your boons to your pet making so stealth is also copied. Also i didnt realy see any problem with the stealths, i mean i might not be the main source, but i and my pet stayed stealthed almost more than anyone else, and noone ended without it... sooo opinions please
  22. think that untamed skills are more utility than anything else, boon rip, shadow step and a projectile block, so you want to be able to use them yourself allwais
  23. we needed years to get gs revenant, and we got Vindicator... i mean its good but.... its vindicator.... rev needs a mecanic rework to feel realy good. all we can do, post and post again the same ideas, to try and see if they notice XD. Not that they answer anyway so..
  24. i think anet just takes a look around the forums, and the ideas more proposed, the ones with more likes, etc, are the ones they implement their way, it would be much much better if they made streams with the devs, instead of art, making the devs play their main, and then have questions made in the chat of the stream answered by the devs as they play, let them explain why something is this or that way, let them read our questions and proposals out loud and answer what they think, it would be much more dinamic, clear, and it would give a sense of familiarity anet lacks with the comunity, the forums is more like writing in a wall and triing to not put any word too strong toget banned or reprimanded. Also it would probably end a lot of devates between players if anet just said, its this way because i want it that way, all of you stop.
  25. the thing is, players didnt even give a bad idea, i mean we needed a good power dps, and ventary needed a lwgwnd to go with, because herald was dead at that time, so vindi covered that. The quimera was made by anet alone, every player that knows rev a bit knows that pve power was dead and herald too, while in wvw herald was, and still is, pretty decent, so vindi just needed a gs, good skills for pve and good cc because power rev has literaly no cc in pve, they made us another wvw elite...see the problem, also rev itself is very clunky and its mecanic awfull. If they realy did what players asked for, with a base knowledge as main players of a class has... well just look at engi and guardian, they can do it right, just looks like they dont like.
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