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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. Give the game more time. There is an easier weaver build that does 17K DPS in the open world with more survivability and healing than Reaper. Reaper can't competed end game at all, which is said..it's a DPS spec that does a fraction 2/3 of other specs in raids. I agree with Guardian. We have entered Guardian Wars. Extremely overpowered and easy. Master of all game modes.
  2. Guardian...Game should be called Guardian Wars based on the "balancing" for the last couple of years. If you enjoy end game content (Raids/Dungeons) avoid Necro like the plague. If you do not care about endgame content, Necro is a lot of fun.
  3. Every profession is 100% viable in every gamemode. Not every profession is able to be optimale in every gamemode. The necromancer isn't more "viable" than other profession, the necromancer lack the ability to specialize in any aspect which limit both it's potential strength and weakness. On another hand, other profession have the ability to specialize letting them truly trade-off defense for offense (and vice versa) in order to maximize their potential. In the grand scheme of thing, the profession that have the ability to maximize it's potential will find easier to add it's strength to an organized group in a "controled environment". While a profession that can't specialize will appear strong individually but end up lackluster in an organized group. (And this is the plight the necromancer have been in since HoT, before HoT it was worse.) Reaper great in pvp,Core necro great in pvp, Reaper great in raids, Scourge great in raids, every specialization of the class great in wvw and reaper is offmeta in fracs.Let me fix this for you:Reaper: ok-ish in PvP [just watch platinum+ games, how many Reapers you'll come across, it''s not like they're on par with Revs and Rangers ...]Core Necro: ok in PvP [again, watch higher levels, you won't come across that many Necro's there]Reaper: absolute worst spec in Raids you can choose!!! [i can for the life of it not find any other spec that performs worse than the Reaper in raids, oh wait, there's one: Core Necro! Hell, I would bet that even Scrapper would be more useful to a team than the Reaper/core Necro]Scourge: sub-optimal in raids [only when your team fails, the Scourge really shines!]Scourge: Meta in WvW [there's no other word for it, they rule in zergs]Reaper/Core-Necro below average in WvW [definitely not great like you put it, if you compare them to many other specs]Reaper: used to be offmeta in fracs [you were close on this one, but still, that was in the past. Now you're just better off to swap Soulbeast (or your Banner Slave) for either a DH, Firebrand or another Weaver, and if that's not possible, I would recommend Holo or another Berserker, hell, I would even choose a Daredevil above Reaper these days]This is what I have seen. I temporarily stopped raiding and started raiding in other games. Everyone would always beg me to play Guardian or Soulbeast (which I do not enjoy and just have to be competitive). Guardian really caries the groups, and is easy to adapt to every situation. When the classes I enjoy are competitive, I might raid again. Depends on how much I get into this MMOs end game. I can tell you I'm not alone. Things are getting stale with the lack of variety.
  4. The title should be changed to WVW/PVP to match the content. Since PVP/WVW is balanced differently, you can not combine them. PVE end game: Necro is by far the worst. All the benches prove it. Necros are below average in WVW/PVP now, but not the worst.PVP end game: This is more debatable. Memsers have it bad in PVP but have the top DPS and the best Tank spec for end game PVE. Combining really alters things, and does not help at all.
  5. Depends on the map:General: Skyscale > Roller Beetle > Raptor = Skimmer Special Notes:Griffon: Rarely am I high enough to justify it. I use it all the time in the new zone to get to the bosses since you are ported high in the sky.Jackal: Only for PortalsWarclaw: I don't play WVW outside of getting legendary weapons.
  6. I only use the POP! minis now. Aurene POP! has the cuteness factor.Joko POP! makes me smile. His cute little terrifying scream at things makes me laugh. I pretty much use those two now, sorry Rytlock your POP mini annoys me...
  7. You talk about how people just spend gold to buy gems. Someone has to buy the gold with gems to make that work. Someone still paid for that transaction to happen. I have had them refuse to refund something, when they changed how it functioned days after my purchase. It still bothers me to this day. I still support the game, but that situation combined with the false advertising Charr chair incident really changed my spending GW2 spending habits. Should I purchase ___?What if they change how it works?What if it does not work as expected?Will I use this (something I never asked before the incident, I just bought things blindly)? From my own experience, I do not believe they are ~~to ~~ good to the customer.
  8. Anyone else hoping for a balance patch? A guy can be optimistic. :-)
  9. If you like the profession, Guardian. Just by being Guardian, you are top tier at everything. That alone gives you a good advantage over other professions and variety. It has been that for a while. It is also easy to play.
  10. We started playing other games. PVE is in desperate need of end game balance.
  11. This thread amuses me. When I can buy more for my money, I take it as a sign that the economy is doing well. (More material for my gold) The gems to gold thing is another story. As Turkey says, "Gem Store offerings have been relatively uninspiring." As someone who whips out my credit card for things I might use, I couldn't agree more with my spending habits as of late. Look at the latest mount pack.Skycales are really lacking. Where is our Primeval, Starlight, or exalted Exalted. We get WVW mounts first.
  12. In a game with:Rainbow Trail EffectsShooting RainbowsRainbow UnicornsRainbow inspired finishersRainbow Ground Effects You draw the line at a rainbow back piece? To each their own. If it was released a week before Pride month, would it be a problem? I think he was just taking issue with the real life references to the political aspect of the movement. People can ironically turn anything in a game into something it's not. I've heard stories about Old School Runescape once having a gay pride event. People ran around in white robes and chef hats or dyed themselves obnoxious rainbow colors. Players currently already have the ability to dress up in rainbows, as you've said. Showing pride I'd say is already obtainable, but Anet going in with something blunt might have players return with blunt results.Politics aside, just announce vertical and horizontal striped cloak that gives you the option to create a rainbow. I would like a simple striped cloak. Then again, you could create country flags on it too... Would that be an issue? I guess you could make everything an issue if you try hard enough.
  13. In a game with:Rainbow Trail EffectsShooting RainbowsRainbow UnicornsRainbow inspired finishersRainbow Ground Effects You draw the line at a rainbow back piece? To each their own. If it was released a week before Pride month, would it be a problem?
  14. I see scourges being pretty requested for strike missions. Scourage res is good for beginner groups that die a lot. That is its saving grace, and even with that, other support specs are better for an organized group. Necro doesn't have a top DPS end game PVE spec. Speaking of: Mesmer is the it DPS spec and it Tank for endgame PVE.
  15. I went with necromancer because reaper is bad in all end game content and nothing Necromancer has is good for end game PVE.
  16. Were are the human, sylvari and norn toys? They seem to focus more on them. We have plenty of cosmetic problems with Charr including the chair debacle. The new Dragon Wings are broken on asura while gliding with no respnse from arena.net. They do not attache to the Asura's body while gliding. They hover over at a really weird angle and pushed wayup the body compared to the old dragon wings which looked great.. I will not even discuss how appaled I was when bought the endless selfless and thoughtless tonic for my asura which was never fixed. I cant even see it in my current hair.
  17. This is the company that can't/won't update back items we payed for to be dyable. Considering the above, do you really believe refitting/designing armor and outfits for a new race is reasonable? The same company that doesnt fix cosmetic Asura/Charr toys, outfits, back pieces, and glider bugs.
  18. Its only a matter of time until they release new legendaries. Then we wil have another post that prices went up to much.
  19. That's just a hangup you need to get over if this game continues to support the idea that people can play how they want. Everyone contributes when in that team and everyone is carrying everyone else in that team to some degree, even if most of the players are highly capable. Even if there was 5 players that could solo a raid ... they are going to generally get a full team to play with ... and it's not to make those other 5 people feel inferior for being carried ... it's because they recognize that those other 5 people are going to contribute to the success of the encounter. I mean, what you are actually telling me here is that Anet needs to buff Necro DPS ... so you don't feel bad anymore? If you didn't feel bad about this ... would you still feel like Anet needs to buff NEcro DPS? Knowledgeable raiders are not the problem. Wanting to help the group more is not a bad thing.
  20. Let's buff the bottom professions in end game PVE (Raids, Fractals, Stirkes) please. :-) It hass been way to long since the gap has be closed. It has been getting wider.
  21. I love it! The value of my gold or (gem to gold conversion) buys me more than ever. The currency is strong due to the economic growth the wars has provided.
  22. This is frustrating. I bought the Skeleton Wings which came after the first dyable backpack/glider. I would love this to be updated. I would even buy an item that upgrades these for an additional 150 gems.
  23. Honestly. 6 months ago it really felt like they listened. I was buying stuff all the time because of it. I am hoping it goes back to the old days. My List:Exalted Outfit (That way we can get the full effect with the chest and feet. I am willing to pay double the normal price easy)Backpack like the exalted (the Shoulders aren't thick and big enough to match. I also prefer outfits/ethereal armor combinations)Skyscale: Primeval or ExaltedExotic Breads Mont Select LicenseWould like another pack where you get loot every week there alreade exists exalted back so ....lol ...rare achievements Nothing about that back looks like a true exalted. I'm talking about the spirit lines. well ...but it is exalted so ..i dont think they ll create back item with same name and similar looks so ...maybe they would rework that one ...it would be dope @Hestia.1643 said: Honestly. 6 months ago it really felt like they listened. I was buying stuff all the time because of it. I am hoping it goes back to the old days. My List:Exalted Outfit (That way we can get the full effect with the chest and feet. I am willing to pay double the normal price easy)Backpack like the exalted (the Shoulders aren't thick and big enough to match. I also prefer outfits/ethereal armor combinations)Skyscale: Primeval or ExaltedExotic Breads Mont Select LicenseWould like another pack where you get loot every week there alreade exists exalted back so ....lol ...rare achievements Nothing about that back looks like a true exalted. I'm talking about the spirit lines. well ...but it is exalted so ..i dont think they ll create back item with same name and similar looks so ...maybe they would rework that one ...it would be dope I'm fine with that. Call it a Spirit Cape.
  24. Each area has an Icon that is associated it each space. If you double click that Icon on the map and spend 5 supply you will drop in right there. Then if you mount a skyscale or griffon you can fly right over to the caches. This is extremely helpful. There have been quite a few near misses (literally) in front of the boss. I honestly wish this wasn't a think. I fell like you should be able to get to the boss if you book it by mount, but at least I know how to get to them quicker now.
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