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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. Hi everyone, In the main professions thread, there is a post about the 9K-10K difference between classes based on raid encounter benchmarks. Guardian is usually on the top (or near) and Necro is usually at the bottom. I recommend keeping that post going. Talk about your concerns and how a balanced game would be better for everyone. The guy above me likes Necromancers being low, you can read all about it in that thread. We have people justifying things being OP and do not believe in standardized benchmarks. Things continually get worse. The spread keeps growing every patch with Necro on bottom in standardized benchmarks. That is normal, because Necro has too much sustainability to be made into a top tier DPS class.There's simply too little risk factors comparing to other classes when going into full DPS builds. Let's rewind the clock back to the time before PoF, Power and and Conditon Reapers were basically spamming in every Fractal and raid, with automatic condition transfer and health regeneration, combined with high damage, turning every single game into brainless spam. It basically destroy sPvE to an extent (not that I didn't enjoy it).In my experience this is not true. Guardian has much more sustain (both living and damage) for good players. You can block when needed. healers can always heal you and react. You shroud can not be used to absorb damage, because that just lowers your already non competitive damage even further. Using shroud with a sliver of live, just means most mediocre players will just die when it ends. H Necro is a liability that does not buff others with sub part performance. Not buffing others with equal damage is still a short coming. If you really care about balance, participate in the thread with 5.9K views. That will get more attention then a bunch of smaller threads.
  2. Honestly. 6 months ago it really felt like they listened. I was buying stuff all the time because of it. I am hoping it goes back to the old days. My List:Exalted Outfit (That way we can get the full effect with the chest and feet. I am willing to pay double the normal price easy)Backpack like the exalted (the Shoulders aren't thick and big enough to match. I also prefer outfits/ethereal armor combinations)Skyscale: Primeval or ExaltedExotic Breads Mont Select LicenseWould like another pack where you get loot every week there alreade exists exalted back so ....lol ...rare achievements Nothing about that back looks like a true exalted. I'm talking about the spirit lines.
  3. Correct me if i am wrong, but d912pxy support two ncsoft games. Guild Wars 2 and Blade and Soul. Over time their whales who can afford highend PCs have gravitated to it. It has gained a massive following over the years. There would be a huge income loss if they banned these users. We will not even discuss the PR side. If it was a problem, we would have heard about it on either forum by now. All it does is help the game run better by utilizing more redources and dx12. Without arenanet having to devote time and resources to do it themselves. That way they are not liable for bugs or glitches. I would love if arenanet had natice support which would significantly incease perfomance while making d912pxy useless. That is something we can all get behind. When you think about it. They have a lot to lose but nothing to win by making such a decision. If you think about it. Its no different than upgrading your CPU.
  4. Honestly. 6 months ago it really felt like they listened. I was buying stuff all the time because of it. I am hoping it goes back to the old days. My List:Exalted Outfit (That way we can get the full effect with the chest and feet. I am willing to pay double the normal price easy)Backpack like the exalted (the Shoulders aren't thick and big enough to match. I also prefer outfits/ethereal armor combinations)Skyscale: Primeval or ExaltedExotic Breads Mont Select LicenseWould like another pack where you get loot every week
  5. Do what you like. If you like melee play Reaper. If you like range play Scourge . Scourge minion build is way over powered for PVE. It is so easy to solo champions it's not even funny. Scourge is better at tagging mobs in events for more xp.Reaper can't solo all the champs Scourge can, but it still very effective. Reaper kills normal minions faster. They are both fine options for Open World PVE.
  6. You realize schoolgirl outfits are in and of themselves, a fetish about 99% of the time? It's been a kink of people at least since Brittney Spears came strolling down a hallway in the 90's. So your fetish is completely okay, while others wanting bathing suits ( there's a fetish for that? ) is not. You must write for Kotaku. @Copestetic.5174 said: You realize schoolgirl outfits are in and of themselves, a fetish about 99% of the time? It's been a kink of people at least since Brittney Spears came strolling down a hallway in the 90's. So your fetish is completely okay, while others wanting bathing suits ( there's a fetish for that? ) is not. You must write for Kotaku. @Copestetic.5174 said: You realize schoolgirl outfits are in and of themselves, a fetish about 99% of the time? It's been a kink of people at least since Brittney Spears came strolling down a hallway in the 90's. So your fetish is completely okay, while others wanting bathing suits ( there's a fetish for that? ) is not. You must write for Kotaku. On one hand...who are we to prevent (decide) what a role player can and can't do. Why can't a role-playing guild have a beach party?On the other hand....I personally do not want to see asura's in swimsuits doing events/world bosses.... Would the following compromise work?New: Out of Combat Outfits. These would be outfits that can only be warn in safe places like: Cities, Guild Halls, ETC.
  7. Hi everyone! I would like to replicate the Exalted look as much as possible. I will use the Exalted Shoulders and Exalted Gloves. Looking for creative ideas that could pull off the rest. Chest piece is incredibly hard. I would like ideas for:Light Armor:Heavy Armor: Right now I'm leaning torwards the Requime armor/
  8. Positive: Looks nicePush EventExcept for Bosses, The Event Is GreatNegative: Story: I went from liking certain characters to disliking them. I went from liking the Char to no longer respecting them. Something was off. Event: Bosses are a mess. They need to appear in an order with enough time for people to go to them like dragon stand. Strike is uninspiringNew Mastery's are disappointingI haven't played the content to long, but it seems like the unnecessary grind is back at first glance.Comments: Text Bubbles Do Not Work. We had to many issues where they would hide and come back while moving. This should be like subtitles at the bottom of the screen JRPG style.Voice acting is preferredIf your story choices do not influence things when you do not like what you are doing, that's problematic. I feel like a tool, which I do not like.Overall I would say this will be a good release with a few tweaks. Fixing the way bosses are handled alone would make this a meta I would come back to.
  9. I'm with you. I can't wait. It's my favorite event. I really enjoy it.
  10. Is maxing out the waystations impactful though? Limited to one map? Limited uses?
  11. Is it just me, or does Essence of Resilience Tier 4 seem more impactful/helpful than United Legions Way station Synchronization?
  12. I see new people all the times looking at recommended group composition for raids.6 Guardians - Vale7 Guardians - Gors6 Guardians - Sab Even the raids where Guardians aren't the ideal raid composition, they are still competitive.
  13. Yes, Benchmarks on a non moving Golem that doesn't hit back is a clear indication of what is meta and what is not /sarcasm Don't forget the benchmarks for raid encounters as well. I will assume good intent, and you just haven't looked at the actual encounter benchmarks. Which can make the spread even greater than the golem. All joking aside, any class works Even Reaper and Scourge will work, you can do raid content with Necro or have some weird comp and still get through raids so long as the group knows what they are doing, the group comps from SC are for the quickest and most efficient way of doing it and I think people look at these and decide that that's all we are allowing into raid groups even though every class can do it.I love this! The way you worded it...just shows that the extreme imbalance is no longer in question.
  14. I regret asking for more Char story. I went from liking the Char to not in a single saga episode.
  15. I actually went glass cannon raid spec. It was much easier. This should never happen though. Minions are being destroyed way to easily lately.
  16. Can someone explain why the Branded Mounts Pack is coming back before the Awakened Mount Pack? Thoughts:Awakened Roller Beetle was just addedAwaken Mount Pack has been unavailable longer than the Branded Mount Pack I would want to capitalize on the brand new Awakened Roller Beetle. I would want to encouraging people to complete the set. The new Awakened Roller Beetle is awesome. It's a shame that the rest of the set is not available and promoted at the same time. (Note: We have multiple requests in this thread to bring back the Awakened Mount Pack since the Beetle has been added)
  17. I wouldn't read to much into this. Skritt has an idle animation. Skritt idle animation I would love to play a Skritt! I could see myself creating a Tengu and Koda too.
  18. Yes, Benchmarks on a non moving Golem that doesn't hit back is a clear indication of what is meta and what is not /sarcasm Don't forget the benchmarks for raid encounters as well. I will assume good intent, and you just haven't looked at the actual encounter benchmarks. Which can make the spread even greater than the golem.
  19. If I'm not wrong this is to nerf them in spvp?!Cause everyon was playing birds and they were considered op. But yes. I agree. Especially burn firebrand needs to be nerfed in wvw. As well as the immobilize spam (main offenders being ranger, ele, guard) What immobilise does guard have? That won't be useless anyway? Ele immobilise is fine, 1 sec immobilise from trait is nothing compared to what Guard and Scourge can do with genuine support and damage lulIt's nice to have benchmarks on my side....
  20. I guess... I would rather have the PVP ones.
  21. I think that shows how disappointing the current black lion chests are. One of our slots is now guaranteed scrap ticket worth approximately 3g?
  22. Sustained DPS refers to DPS dealt over an extended period of time.Burst DPS refers to DPS dealt in a short period of time. Longer fights where you can constantly attack the target tend to prefer sustain builds.Short fights and longer fights with short attack windows tend to prefer burst builds. I hope that helps!
  23. Can someone explain this balance patch: Ranger Slash (Bird): Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.38 to 0.25.Chilling Slash (Owl): Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.66 to 0.475.Blinding Slash (Raven): Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.66 to 0.475.I do not understand this nerf? Were their some secret meta I didn't know about? Meanwhile, guardians remain untouched.
  24. Sure if you buff necro in other places. #MAKENECROCOMPETITIVEAGAIN
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