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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. Coming up with a worse Death Magic trait line...what a waste of time.
  2. So my happy fun minion build was nerfed? Just when I thought this patch couldn't get better...
  3. It wont really be a nerf in pve at all it will just require the player to pay slightly more attention to deal damage specifically for end game content.In pvp it is a nerf because scourge now is an easier target if it summon a shade.in wvw well... better get your anti tox runes. LOL But that said i mean if they make scourge subpar in every mode what is it suppose to do. Think about how this affects dpsing moving targets....
  4. (Newer players perspective) No replay ability, PVE emote gated way more than PVP (this isn't a dragon), and poor rewards. Story was good. As soon as my friends and I did the story, we were done with this location. We tried the event one night...were disappointing...then the lack of reward happened. Now we treat this patch like it never happened.
  5. Changing the game's philosophy from a community one to a selfish mindset. One patch at a time.
  6. Complete story (Check)Never return (Double Check)Get emote (Not worth it...it's not a dragon)
  7. By definition loot-boxes are gambling: Gamblingthe activity or practice of playing at a game of chance for money or other stakes.take risky action in the hope of a desired result.to bet on an uncertain outcome Gambling, the betting or staking of something of value, with consciousness of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game, a contest, or an uncertain event whose result may be determined by chance or accident or have an unexpected result by reason of the bettor’s miscalculation. - Britannica. Shortly after the US decided on self regulation... NBA 2K20 Trailer: Was that a trailer for a NBA game or an online casino? Pachinko...Slot Machines....
  8. Great idea. I was thinking that a GH node would be fantastic. RNG strike 1-3 times daily like the other nodes for Varietal Seeds or a chance for a cultivated seed. The way the mining nodes can give ores or Crystals or Obsidian Shards. Honestly I am, I was going to say stunned, but that isn't the right word and I don't want to be a jerk or come off as someone that will always agree with the decisions that are made by the developers so I will say speechless. Why would anyone think that the intention of Ascended Cooking was to make FEASTS that last for 5 minutes for anyone to eat cost less then what food used to cost to craft. The old feasts cost 10 of the food the feast is. Old best in slot power raid food was 1g each and lasted for 1 hour and cost about 80s to craft if you had the recipe. Ascended feasts were 80s-1.5g to craft while this was bugged. The bug lasted for a week and everyone just assumes that it was normal? I don't understand honestly. All other ascended items have a significant time-gate or cost associated with them and are account-bound in most cases, why wouldn't this as well. Simple. Because that's how previous gardening worked. They had plenty of time to tell us this was unintentional before doing a knee jerk (bored line unethical) reaction. If they would of communicated this on day one...day 2...day 3... I wouldn't have bought the garden plots and wouldn't feel bait and switched. They had plenty of time to communicate this.
  9. And gardening gets worse. slow clap Hopefully they will refund my garden plots, because I bought them under the assumption I can do something nice for the guild with Ascended seeds... I bought them recently.
  10. I thought there were some good things. The trailer was good. Developing Char and Norm background was on my wishlist. The LFG version of a raid boss is exactly what this game needs. I hope all Raid Bosses are retooled for a LFG alternative. The current class imbalance (which has gone on far to long for the top DPS) makes this new mode welcome. People can play what they want without feeling like they hold back the group. I also think this is a great first step to allow everyone to experience what raids have to offer. Here is my wishlist:1.) Raid bosses for all (LFG)2.) Make dungeons viable (Buff rewards to compete with other modes, add a LFG que system).3.) Do the same que system for fractals. WOW has a great approach to this. You get a bonus for everyone not in your party. So organized groups and disorganized groups have a closer playing field. I'm hopeful that this is the direction we are going. Content for all.
  11. I am excited for the new content that focuses on the two less developed races. It will be a nice change of pace. Bitterfrost is one of my favorite areas, so that is encouraging. I wish people would stop saying...Free Content. The content is not free. You have to own Path of Fire. I also spend more on this game than any subscription game....End Rant
  12. Correct me if I am wrong...but if I own a garden plot. I can harvest someone else garden plot for the day. If I do that I can not harvest my own. I have to have a garden plot to harvest someone elses garden plot. Which was a way for them to make money. This seems intended.
  13. New:1.) Rechargeable Revive Orb (1 hour cool-down)2.) Black Lions Armor Voucher (New for gem-store exclusive armor pieces)3.) Port Party Member to Your Location (1 hour cool-down)4.) Sky scale Mount Pack 2 (Flames Sky scale, Exalted Skyscale, Star Skyscale, Primeval Skyscale, Ice Sksycale)Note: I would only use a couple of these. Star Skyscale was included to complete the new outfit look Returning1.) Black Lion Vouchers (All of them, like last years Anniversary sale)2.) More Bag Slots3.) More Shared Slots (at least finish the remaining row to look better)
  14. I will quit GW2 if I am unintentionally flagged for PVP as a PVE player. I quit WOW over this issue. People were exploiting the system and getting you to attack them as they stack on the auction house, NPCs and more.
  15. I started buying gem card for this reason. Which is sad, because I am sure Arenanet makes more from direct purchases.
  16. I run into invisible walls enough out of nowhere.... Full flight would just make that 10x worse.
  17. omg he dared! :o seriously, well nice idea, with that my set would be 100% complete! EXACTLY. We've got Inquest armor, weapons, BL weapon skins, Exo-suit outfit, Exo-suit mounts (thanks for the 40% off, just got it), themed minis, backpacks, glider and even a chair -- but no gathering tools! A devastating oversight. I need to despoil and rob the land of natural resources with suitable style.Still need an Exo-suit Skyscale... The Skyscale needs another (hopefully better) pack. I really need a Fire Sky Scale.... For things that exist, Black Lion Vouchers please. All types since they can benefit everyone. :-)
  18. That is awful. As a person that plays Asura, this would ruin it for me if I played female characters..
  19. This so much. Easy way to get $200 from me. Compared to nearly nothing.
  20. Minor Correction:Total Makeover Kit (1)Black Lion Chest Key (5)
  21. So is it true that the Rune-fed doesn't give luck or as much luck as the copper?
  22. I thinks with the Rune and Silver Salvag-O-Matic's back in stock it's important to keep this post active. So if you own all three the simplistic approach seems to be:Blue and lower: CopperGreen: RuneYellow: Mystic>Silver-Fed
  23. @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" Thank you for the detailed response. If I understand correctly, the economic climate has changed. The new "keep it simple" approach would be to get Copper and Silver-fed salvage-o-matic. Green's and Bellow -> Copper-FedYellow: Mystic > Silver-fed (Mystic first)Epic: Almost always auction, if not use Black Lions Salvage Kit. (I was using Mystic when I wanted to unlock the skin) Funny thing, this is what I have been doing. It seemed like the best return from my limited sample size. I do not see myself spending time or trying to figure out Green's with upgrades vs Green's without upgrades. If I had a salvage all greens with upgrade, then I could justify the rune-fed...especially for a small return. Return/Convenience play a big roll here for me. I also find myself with more Mystic kits than I can use.... I assume that will change. Though that will be a while, which makes me question the Silver-fed. The 250 stack makes the Mystic Salvage kits more convenient than the other normal kits. I assume things will change, and I will eventually run out.
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