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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. Mesmer and Thief are actually fine for 1vs1, you can be good With any class in 1vs1 . There are some simple Rules in 1vs1 that are Key to win. - watch your enemys Animations and try to remember them - don't Attack into Blocks - Count dodges to secure your CC - don't waste your Blocks and dodges on nothing As well Check your build Out, some traits and utilitys are different in PvP and WvW. Can you maybe Show your builds? Maybe they Just don't fit into a 1vs1 and Just Work in 2vs2/3vs3 better.
  2. Work at the Pvp system, maybe 5 Player Ranked? Weekly changing funmode? Buffing stuff that is Bad for a while, and looking at the 300 icd traits
  3. Having a Boss that is counting as ultimate Challenge is one of the Key Things that are Missing in this Game, There was No Challenge Like this before. If people/guilds come to this Game, they have now a reason to Go beyond their Limits to master the Challenge. I Hardly believe that people don't rly Care about the rewards, but they Care to get a piece of content that is rewarding to Finish it
  4. Its an enabler for Face-Tank ing every DMG for 2 minutes. Fragen Trigger has a shadowstep and aegis, you can tweak These to stand still
  5. Actually i think the Dragon Trigger is good that you need to activate your brain. Shoutspam makes this spec rly stupid, a Harder to Dodge Attack is what this Game needs to increase the Skill ceeling I am Bad at fighting it but i can only judge myself for dodging wrong
  6. I think the PvP subforum is the wrong place to ask I have No clue what the echovald wilds is
  7. You might be able to Play the map on a custom Server, idk If it counts to the archievment but you could try it
  8. vindi, and if they gonna nerf harb vindi will get even stronger
  9. Might be a wild comp because No harb but; Bladesworn Tempest Healbreaker Specter Vindi
  10. 1vs1 condi Ranger Always strong, but It dies Very fast when you get +ed. But i have another Idea, Ally targeting With staff 1 With some increased heal modifiers maybe. Personaly i rather Go marksmanship valk on druid
  11. I Had different expieriences, after playing thousnds of hours in counterstrike,i can Not Imagine the Game without ingame voice
  12. Yes i rly want that for pvp Yeah but marking people that they do x,y, Is hard for someone to find out. Ez calls via voice Like, "i Need a heal", or " Take Care for Close, someone is comming" Grant was less hazzle Also if you wouldn't include a mute function in 2022 in a voice Chat it would be absolut utopic
  13. Absolut, Druid has high healing Spikes already but the healing Radius is Very small, halfed compared to any Other Healer, 300 vs 600 Radius, which Makes it hard to be competetiv. The defensives are the Problem, If you Take glyph of Stars you have 1 Stab of stability on 25 sec cooldown and that only in your celestial Avatar (ca5). Cleansing in Druid is kinda Fine, you either Go wilderness survival or you Go marksmanship+glyph trait, you get a Lot of light fields, that you can proc With warhorn 5, petswap, ca 3 and staff 3 (but you don't want to use staff and warhorn in marksman Druid). The field cleanse 2 condis and the explo proc another 3. To stay alive in Druid is still kinda hard
  14. Bladesworn is pretty good, healbreaker With Hammer/dagger shield and normal greatsword strength spellbreaker are good in some Szenarios. (Heal breaker If you need a Lot of cc's) Vindi is als Strong in 2vs2
  15. + add finally the Waterfield to glyph of Stars, its Missing for quite a while now
  16. - Reduce Celestial Avatar cooldown to 15 seconds. Its Just stupid to Run Arround with füll celestial Avatar but still having 10 Seconds cooldown to wait until you can pump feels Not only odd, you can easily die and having 0 astral Energy again - increase to heal Radius from healing glyph's from 300 to max 450 All Other classes have 600, Radius but also a way lower healing Output, this would make the 11k burst heal Not op since you need some coordination to heal your allys. - give glyph of Stars 1 Stab of stability for 7 Seconds The Skill is Not Bad, but you Expose yourself for 7 Seconds to either Rez or cleanse someone, since it isn't an insta rez you should have at least 1 defense when you activate it, 2 cc's or 1 corrupt shouldnt be hard to pull of in 7 seconds
  17. Yeah His Duo was Mark, but probably on a bronze Account, and for safety maybe Helio in the enemy Team on a bronze Account 119-2 is Like Not even trying to hide it
  18. i won 75% of my matches on bladesworn in 2vs2
  19. People mostly never use voice, Most of the gw2 pvp Players are Very shy. While Off-Season some Players Just Group Up and Play a Bit Arround and they win Hardly because they are pretty good and Not because they using voice
  20. I think 2vs2 is in q was better state than 2 years ago
  21. you can't contest while invuln, also you can not attack and save your dmg :3
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