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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. I'd prefer all maps return to GW2 tyria settings it was a far more fun experience.
  2. I think that this is a good point. Personally, I think that the core game going free was a mistake because overall the quality of it was not that great imo. I'm glad I decided to stick around and give HoT a chance because I found it much more replayable. this doesnt make sense, if core was bad, going F2P should had been done sooner. they didnt because it was still selling.and if REPLAYABILTY was the big seller, then hot should had done far better, than it actually did Compared to other MMOs that I have played core did actually go f2p very soon. You can't measure replayability simply by taking sales at a point in time soon after release. That is in fact the opposite of measuring any replayability. tell that to swtor. and tera. an teso. and sto. and prolly a bunch of other mmos, that i didnt play.and if the core game was so replayable, how would you ever sell any expansions?OTOH, if hot had the replay value, that you think, it would had done far better.fact is, that only a small fraction of players ever FINISHED it. that is not reply value, that is simply a bad product for the consumers it was sold todoesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out, that those customers will be less than pleased with the company, that made itand when you have several millions of disappointed customers, your company is going to nowhere pretty fast So if anet removed all content after orr it would be perfect for you? And even nerfed orr so no difficulty of any form could exist? It would be for me.. I regret buying all the expacs and living stories.. Nothing but resource grinds, mobile mechanics and over tooled game play. Even the stories weren't that great.. WHAT? guild wars 2 owner NCSoft made MMOs rise far earlier than WoW with the game Lineage. EverQuest and Ultima Online also were far earlier but none of them had over 10 mio players, and became a social phenomenon. wow made them rich AND funded the next 2 games,starcraft 2 and overwatch. they even had the money to scrap a 8 year project, because it wasnt "good enough"10 mio subs is roughly 100 mio clams EVERY MONTH. no wonder it made all the other companies rally around the mmo bannerActually Lineage and Lineage 2 were massive.. They were effectively the Asian versions of WoW. To date, the game has been played by more than 14 million users, most of whom are based in Asia.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lineage_IIhttps://sensortower.com/blog/lineage-mobile-games-revenue-4-billionhttps://venturebeat.com/2018/12/09/how-lineage-2-revolution-topped-30-million-global-players/Lineage is massive.. I personally was playing Anarchy Online before WoW even existed.
  3. GW2 at release, play whatever you like, its your story.. but only if you not overseas with 400ping time.. according to you. Total game sales is 5 million, just before the game went F2P in August 2015https://www.ign.com/articles/2015/08/21/guild-wars-2-sales-figures-revealed 11 million is the total players (do note: players not sales, likely includes free accounts) the game announced in September 2017https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-path-to-the-desert-in-numbers/ Curiously they still advertise 11 million players:https://welcome.guildwars2.com/en/play-guild-wars-2 The real question is what percentage of HOT/POF sales are HOT/POF gw2efficiency users, the accounts that stopped playing are irrelevant.Someone claimed 1 million / 500k respectively, which prompted the posting of gw2efficiency data.Do you think HOT sold 1 million and POF 500k? Those were 500k at release and even then we have no idea how accurate they were.. its been years since then. Fun fact i only bought hot at the beginning of this year as well as living story 2,3,4 because of how bad HOT was for me at release i said i'd never buy another expansion at full wack.. I probably will wait on Cantha as well if its anything like how hard everything else was. It takes 10 seconds to upload an API key; you don't even need to create an account. People recommend gw2efficiency all the time to casual players asking "How do I make money??" because it is by far the easiest way for people who DON'T play the market, and DON'T farm, and maybe don't even craft at all to find hidden valuables just sitting uselessly in their bank and material storage. It's very helpful for a lot of fun, low-effort stuff like birthday presents or starting a cat collection. (Try it out: go to gw2efficiency and collect some cats for your home instance.) You're absolutely married to the idea that "casual players" are know-nothing louts who can barely figure out how to play a dang video game — because that puts you in the position of being able to speak for the faceless masses who would never be caught dead pressing the dodge button at the right time or experimenting with their character abilities or using a website — when the reality is that there isn't a hard-line division between these categories and a lot of the player base is doing both "casual" stuff and "hardcore" stuff at the same time. i am still in top 10% of APS. so im prolly better, than most players here. so much for "barely knowing how to play a game". yep, the line can be blurry, but hot went far beyond it.and why would i want cats in my home instance? i am never there anyway.PS "all the time" still ended up 300k users. thats 2,5 % of the official number of players. pretty close to the industry standard for raiders. yep. Grinding APs is not a way to measure someone's game knowledge or ability to play the game."I have more AP so I'm better" is quite a disconnected conclusion to draw. isnt that the normal way to measure success in an mmo? playing the content? im not claiming the title or anything, but i have still played more thanmost other players. if PLAYING THE GAME isnt enough, then what is?For gamers it is yes but for companies its how much money they spend deems how much of a success it is.. The thing is if casual gamers (players that play for friends, social, story and whatever build they like, Not PvP, WVW or Raiding, Not meta min/maxers at all) drop it because its to hard before they spend any money then its not a success at all.
  4. You said earlier that casuals don't pay for this game so this is a weird statement. they HAD millions, but not anymore. out of 5 mio sold boxes, 3½-4 mio went to casuals. . thats over 150 MIO $ pretty much from start.those 150 mio is the major reason for the easiness of core. they wanted those money, but they didnt want to make more content for the casuals.that is why we are here now Source? You posted numerous times your claims about sales but I've never seen anything that verifies them. There is a confusion and debate on this thread alone on what the word "casual" even mean, I'm sure the data you have will not only clearly state your numbers, but also provide an accurate definition of the word "casual" that is accepted by everyone. go to any mmo and find a super easy mission with a good reward. its gonna cramped with players there.now go to the endgame zones with all the HARDCORE content, and see if you can find even a handful of players.fast and easy sells, slow and hard not so much. Ok well thought, how about this one, go to any mmo, find a super easy mission with a good reward, and try to calculate how much premium items this people are wearing, now go to a endgame super hardcore content and do it again...If you really belive what's important of this type of games is to just sell copies like if it was a singleplayer game, then you are pretty naive, I mean, there's a reason even singleplayers started to build DLC, and cosmetic kitten.... Actually more casuals buy premium stuff than hardcores, because hardcores are a lot smaller population of players. POF maps have the same rewards, require far less people to complete AND take far less time to complete. Yet they are much less populated than HOT maps. Makes you think right? And I thought the majority of players that play this game are casuals that enjoy the Core game, then how do you explain that more players play outside of it? How do you explain that Core Tyria was dead until the August 2013 patch hit? If players enjoyed it so much that is No it doesn't POF maps are highly unstable, but on a whole are just as popular as HoT. I play Core Tyria all the time and the maps don't seem dead at all, there are lots of customers in them.You've stated over the past several weeks many times that you quit this game for SWTOR.And now you are on Core maps "all the time"? I play Both, i also play Fallout 76 and Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning.. Your point is? Of course i play Tyria maps when i'm not trying to get characters through the stories, or chase hero points.. I'm not a sadist i prefer a less tough time in gaming. What do you all challenge haters pretend of this game? To be a walk in the park? Do you want anet to turn mobs into freaking paintings? Havn't you had enough with core tyria beeing so freaking easy? do you want mobs to become static with no attack or interaction whatsoever? This is the mentality that drove anet to the mess they are in now, with no clear direction and all sort of players leaving, first they lost almost all pvpers, now they are loosing hardcore pvers, soon they will only have open world bots running around playing for a few months and quitting out of boredom, and all of the ones playing fashion wars standing still in the bank... its pretty easy: we liked core, and thats what we want MORE of...not something ENTIRELY DIFFERENTquitting the game AFTER you played it, out of BOREDOM, is still better than quitting BEFORE the endif you made a meal for all you friends, and they all put down the fork after one bite, it prolly wasnt that greatbut if they clear the table in record time, and ask for MORE, then it has the quality, that people wil PAY for First of all "YOU" liked core, not "we".Second, core tyria is hands down one of the most boring experiences I had in all the mmorpgs I've played, you just run around chasing vistas, completing those stupid hearts, yeah it might be cool that gw2 doesn't have any "go kill 50 bulls and come back" quests, yet those freaking hearts are the same or sometimes worst fun wise.There is not even a single mob that can kill you there unless you just afk, even world bosses, the best world boss design you will see it on that black phantom if you start as human, but thats it, a pretty huge mob with 3 crosshairs and a few animations, luckluster, and the endgame are dungeons, which are so easy, and need a huge revamp for so long already, it's pointless.I myself for example started enjoying the pve in this game after reaching hot, the old one, not this crappy nerfed version we got now, not only it's so heavily nerfed you have mounts to even skip the whole maps today, and quitted the game after watching how easy pof was, same as core but with more lag, oh sorry i mean more flashy colors and animations. the fact, that they nerfed hot is proof, that it didnt do well. and it is not normal to buy expansions in a game, that you HATE.polarization is always bad, and hot has divided the community, where it should had done the oppositepof has many issues too, being easier than hot wont save it. but at least it has normal maps to play on.the kind of gameplay you want prolly wont be in a big mmo (at least not for long)big mmos need many players, and you wont get those without some easy bread&butter content They didn't nerf the right aspects, thats the issue, at least my issue.. hot will never click with casuals, since you cant nerf the maps. even without mobs i still wouldnt like it.and the story doesnt help either, good lord, what were they thinking? You can, you lower the enemies damage ticks, lower how many conditions enemies put on customers, and lower the scaling damage at hero points that would go a long way to making hot more accessible over night. accessible, yes. not enjoyable. the maps are simply not made for it, and the story is way too bloatedBTW shouldnt it be possible to see how many has finished the hot chapter in AP?Depends on the person, would make hot a lot better for me instantly.. seems you changed sides huh you are with the white knights now. That doesn't add up. NCSoft told us in late 2015 that in-game sales (gem store) for Guild Wars 2 were stableThis means that one of the following phrases (or both) is false: Casuals left the game because of HOTCasuals buy more gem store items than hardcore players If both were true, then in-game sales wouldn't be called "stable" by NCSoft. If those that spend the most money left the game, then it would cause gem store revenue to drop, that's the opposite of being stable. edit: @battledrone.8315 said earlier on the same subject that hardcore players pay the bills for this game because they are the "whales" in Guild Wars 2 Many of the customers that left at HoT release came back many times since then.. And no whales come in all types of players.. Whales by definition don't like hard work so they throw money, lots of it at the companies to mitigate it.. Either way you believe whatever you like, hardcores may run the forums because then Anet doesn't need to do jack squat, but Casuals run the game and throw most of the money at anet and ncsoft. Its 100% like that in every mmorpg.
  5. You said earlier that casuals don't pay for this game so this is a weird statement. they HAD millions, but not anymore. out of 5 mio sold boxes, 3½-4 mio went to casuals. . thats over 150 MIO $ pretty much from start.those 150 mio is the major reason for the easiness of core. they wanted those money, but they didnt want to make more content for the casuals.that is why we are here now Source? You posted numerous times your claims about sales but I've never seen anything that verifies them. There is a confusion and debate on this thread alone on what the word "casual" even mean, I'm sure the data you have will not only clearly state your numbers, but also provide an accurate definition of the word "casual" that is accepted by everyone. go to any mmo and find a super easy mission with a good reward. its gonna cramped with players there.now go to the endgame zones with all the HARDCORE content, and see if you can find even a handful of players.fast and easy sells, slow and hard not so much. Ok well thought, how about this one, go to any mmo, find a super easy mission with a good reward, and try to calculate how much premium items this people are wearing, now go to a endgame super hardcore content and do it again...If you really belive what's important of this type of games is to just sell copies like if it was a singleplayer game, then you are pretty naive, I mean, there's a reason even singleplayers started to build DLC, and cosmetic kitten....Actually more casuals buy premium stuff than hardcores, because hardcores are a lot smaller population of players. POF maps have the same rewards, require far less people to complete AND take far less time to complete. Yet they are much less populated than HOT maps. Makes you think right? And I thought the majority of players that play this game are casuals that enjoy the Core game, then how do you explain that more players play outside of it? How do you explain that Core Tyria was dead until the August 2013 patch hit? If players enjoyed it so much that is No it doesn't POF maps are highly unstable, but on a whole are just as popular as HoT. I play Core Tyria all the time and the maps don't seem dead at all, there are lots of customers in them.You've stated over the past several weeks many times that you quit this game for SWTOR.And now you are on Core maps "all the time"? I play Both, i also play Fallout 76 and Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning.. Your point is? Of course i play Tyria maps when i'm not trying to get characters through the stories, or chase hero points.. I'm not a sadist i prefer a less tough time in gaming. What do you all challenge haters pretend of this game? To be a walk in the park? Do you want anet to turn mobs into freaking paintings? Havn't you had enough with core tyria beeing so freaking easy? do you want mobs to become static with no attack or interaction whatsoever? This is the mentality that drove anet to the mess they are in now, with no clear direction and all sort of players leaving, first they lost almost all pvpers, now they are loosing hardcore pvers, soon they will only have open world bots running around playing for a few months and quitting out of boredom, and all of the ones playing fashion wars standing still in the bank... its pretty easy: we liked core, and thats what we want MORE of...not something ENTIRELY DIFFERENTquitting the game AFTER you played it, out of BOREDOM, is still better than quitting BEFORE the endif you made a meal for all you friends, and they all put down the fork after one bite, it prolly wasnt that greatbut if they clear the table in record time, and ask for MORE, then it has the quality, that people wil PAY for First of all "YOU" liked core, not "we".Second, core tyria is hands down one of the most boring experiences I had in all the mmorpgs I've played, you just run around chasing vistas, completing those stupid hearts, yeah it might be cool that gw2 doesn't have any "go kill 50 bulls and come back" quests, yet those freaking hearts are the same or sometimes worst fun wise.There is not even a single mob that can kill you there unless you just afk, even world bosses, the best world boss design you will see it on that black phantom if you start as human, but thats it, a pretty huge mob with 3 crosshairs and a few animations, luckluster, and the endgame are dungeons, which are so easy, and need a huge revamp for so long already, it's pointless.I myself for example started enjoying the pve in this game after reaching hot, the old one, not this crappy nerfed version we got now, not only it's so heavily nerfed you have mounts to even skip the whole maps today, and quitted the game after watching how easy pof was, same as core but with more lag, oh sorry i mean more flashy colors and animations. the fact, that they nerfed hot is proof, that it didnt do well. and it is not normal to buy expansions in a game, that you HATE.polarization is always bad, and hot has divided the community, where it should had done the oppositepof has many issues too, being easier than hot wont save it. but at least it has normal maps to play on.the kind of gameplay you want prolly wont be in a big mmo (at least not for long)big mmos need many players, and you wont get those without some easy bread&butter content They didn't nerf the right aspects, thats the issue, at least my issue.. hot will never click with casuals, since you cant nerf the maps. even without mobs i still wouldnt like it.and the story doesnt help either, good lord, what were they thinking?You can, you lower the enemies damage ticks, lower how many conditions enemies put on customers, and lower the scaling damage at hero points that would go a long way to making hot more accessible over night.
  6. Its so far and gone from meta but it works amazing in pvehttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pe0AoqJlRw6YQMHWJW8S9tfA-zRZYiRHnvZQBFRQMKNTgEhR8ApeFoeA-e
  7. If the Golems are like inquest champions they'd be super useful.. None of this ranger pet dead in seconds things though.
  8. I did not have these issues in pof till last month.. I think its just more people in pof than other maps.. As an Aussie i tend to play off peak US times, in those times as a whole i get less issues, as the Americans wake up and join the servers my latency issues get much much worse.
  9. POF maps have the same rewards, require far less people to complete AND take far less time to complete. Yet they are much less populated than HOT maps. Makes you think right? And I thought the majority of players that play this game are casuals that enjoy the Core game, then how do you explain that more players play outside of it? How do you explain that Core Tyria was dead until the August 2013 patch hit? If players enjoyed it so much that is No it doesn't POF maps are highly unstable, but on a whole are just as popular as HoT. I play Core Tyria all the time and the maps don't seem dead at all, there are lots of customers in them.You've stated over the past several weeks many times that you quit this game for SWTOR.And now you are on Core maps "all the time"? I play Both, i also play Fallout 76 and Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning.. Your point is? Of course i play Tyria maps when i'm not trying to get characters through the stories, or chase hero points.. I'm not a sadist i prefer a less tough time in gaming.Do we really need to search for the number of times you've said you are no longer playing this game?Because the posts are there. I do i take breaks my last break was 9 months.. I come back hoping the game will get overhauls in the direction it was sold to me as at GW2 release. Nothing you say will ever change that.
  10. I find them boring and tedious and try to force me into game modes i have no interest in, i do not do them.
  11. The amount of thieves I have to rez during Bounties says otherwise... Actually i rezz everyone because i mostly play Engi.. That said my Warrior dies in Tyria maps my other Classes do not.. Even today i was chatting to my guild and they all agreed Warrior needs super help.
  12. POF maps have the same rewards, require far less people to complete AND take far less time to complete. Yet they are much less populated than HOT maps. Makes you think right? And I thought the majority of players that play this game are casuals that enjoy the Core game, then how do you explain that more players play outside of it? How do you explain that Core Tyria was dead until the August 2013 patch hit? If players enjoyed it so much that is No it doesn't POF maps are highly unstable, but on a whole are just as popular as HoT. I play Core Tyria all the time and the maps don't seem dead at all, there are lots of customers in them.You've stated over the past several weeks many times that you quit this game for SWTOR.And now you are on Core maps "all the time"?I play Both, i also play Fallout 76 and Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning.. Your point is? Of course i play Tyria maps when i'm not trying to get characters through the stories, or chase hero points.. I'm not a sadist i prefer a less tough time in gaming. What do you all challenge haters pretend of this game? To be a walk in the park? Do you want anet to turn mobs into freaking paintings? Havn't you had enough with core tyria beeing so freaking easy? do you want mobs to become static with no attack or interaction whatsoever? This is the mentality that drove anet to the mess they are in now, with no clear direction and all sort of players leaving, first they lost almost all pvpers, now they are loosing hardcore pvers, soon they will only have open world bots running around playing for a few months and quitting out of boredom, and all of the ones playing fashion wars standing still in the bank... its pretty easy: we liked core, and thats what we want MORE of...not something ENTIRELY DIFFERENTquitting the game AFTER you played it, out of BOREDOM, is still better than quitting BEFORE the endif you made a meal for all you friends, and they all put down the fork after one bite, it prolly wasnt that greatbut if they clear the table in record time, and ask for MORE, then it has the quality, that people wil PAY for First of all "YOU" liked core, not "we".Second, core tyria is hands down one of the most boring experiences I had in all the mmorpgs I've played, you just run around chasing vistas, completing those stupid hearts, yeah it might be cool that gw2 doesn't have any "go kill 50 bulls and come back" quests, yet those freaking hearts are the same or sometimes worst fun wise.There is not even a single mob that can kill you there unless you just afk, even world bosses, the best world boss design you will see it on that black phantom if you start as human, but thats it, a pretty huge mob with 3 crosshairs and a few animations, luckluster, and the endgame are dungeons, which are so easy, and need a huge revamp for so long already, it's pointless.I myself for example started enjoying the pve in this game after reaching hot, the old one, not this crappy nerfed version we got now, not only it's so heavily nerfed you have mounts to even skip the whole maps today, and quitted the game after watching how easy pof was, same as core but with more lag, oh sorry i mean more flashy colors and animations. the fact, that they nerfed hot is proof, that it didnt do well. and it is not normal to buy expansions in a game, that you HATE.polarization is always bad, and hot has divided the community, where it should had done the oppositepof has many issues too, being easier than hot wont save it. but at least it has normal maps to play on.the kind of gameplay you want prolly wont be in a big mmo (at least not for long)big mmos need many players, and you wont get those without some easy bread&butter contentThey didn't nerf the right aspects, thats the issue, at least my issue..
  13. It really does op.. Warriors need a way better ranged option.. and a lot more defence on par with Guardians, Jeez even thieves play better than Warriors in open world.
  14. Ranger can hold its own, not the best but it works..Soulbeast is Meta pretty much for rangersDruid is useless outside of the odd raid type scenario, maybe support PvP.
  15. POF maps have the same rewards, require far less people to complete AND take far less time to complete. Yet they are much less populated than HOT maps. Makes you think right? And I thought the majority of players that play this game are casuals that enjoy the Core game, then how do you explain that more players play outside of it? How do you explain that Core Tyria was dead until the August 2013 patch hit? If players enjoyed it so much that is No it doesn't POF maps are highly unstable, but on a whole are just as popular as HoT. I play Core Tyria all the time and the maps don't seem dead at all, there are lots of customers in them. What do you all challenge haters pretend of this game? To be a walk in the park? Do you want anet to turn mobs into freaking paintings? Havn't you had enough with core tyria beeing so freaking easy? do you want mobs to become static with no attack or interaction whatsoever? This is the mentality that drove anet to the mess they are in now, with no clear direction and all sort of players leaving, first they lost almost all pvpers, now they are loosing hardcore pvers, soon they will only have open world bots running around playing for a few months and quitting out of boredom, and all of the ones playing fashion wars standing still in the bank... its pretty easy: we liked core, and thats what we want MORE of...not something ENTIRELY DIFFERENTquitting the game AFTER you played it, out of BOREDOM, is still better than quitting BEFORE the endif you made a meal for all you friends, and they all put down the fork after one bite, it prolly wasnt that greatbut if they clear the table in record time, and ask for MORE, then it has the quality, that people wil PAY for First of all "YOU" liked core, not "we".Second, core tyria is hands down one of the most boring experiences I had in all the mmorpgs I've played, you just run around chasing vistas, completing those stupid hearts, yeah it might be cool that gw2 doesn't have any "go kill 50 bulls and come back" quests, yet those freaking hearts are the same or sometimes worst fun wise.There is not even a single mob that can kill you there unless you just afk, even world bosses, the best world boss design you will see it on that black phantom if you start as human, but thats it, a pretty huge mob with 3 crosshairs and a few animations, luckluster, and the endgame are dungeons, which are so easy, and need a huge revamp for so long already, it's pointless.I myself for example started enjoying the pve in this game after reaching hot, the old one, not this crappy nerfed version we got now, not only it's so heavily nerfed you have mounts to even skip the whole maps today, and quitted the game after watching how easy pof was, same as core but with more lag, oh sorry i mean more flashy colors and animations.I also prefer Core so technically its "we" and so did the op.
  16. but if you didnt like the "numbingly easy" gameplay in core, WHY DID YOU STAY AND BUY THE EXPANSION?WHY??? What does this even mean? I never said anything about liking or disliking core Tyria. I just said it's easy when compared to HoT. yep, and that is the problem. you said hot was a "good wake up call". that is clearly wrong, since it drove so many players away from the gameyou also believe it is "necessary". a point most of the other players disagreed withHoT instances are only popular due to rewards.. If Tyria had the same rewards HOT would die over night.
  17. I find that reaper necromancer is one of the easier PvE professions to play with, so if you have one everything in PvE will be a lot easier when playing with it. Warrior is probably one of the worser professions right now especially when using a ranged weapon so everything may seem harder. I beat it with no death in less than a minute on my dual pistol thief.. Why because its ranged and armed to the teeth with cc skills, as i said most bosses are designed to destroy melee.. and classes are so imbalanced its not at all funny. Ranged can be easier because you can ignore or predict some of the mechanics of enemies easily, due to the distance you can put between yourself and the target. The trade-off I found in the classes I play though is that close range generally does more damage. So if you are able to manage the mechanics fine attacking from closer seems to kill them faster in a lot of cases. I disagree there isn't that much difference between a casual ranged class and a casual melee class, i use mostly Exotics because one they are easier to get and two Ascended are incredibly expensive for classes i consider worthless.. as they get changed, nerfed and die a lot.. so i just don't bother giving them good stuff just to have their gears become obsolete. Thief, Warrior, Elementalist and lesser so Mesmer are to me all worthless classes in high ping scenarios.. and very hard to solo on, so i don't bother with crafting 200-300g ascended sets. Not sure what casual means exactly in this context, but if you can dodge at a reasonable level I find that close range does much more damage for some classes. A good example is the elementalist with dagger/dagger and staff. Dagger/dagger does a lot more damage but requires a lot of dodging at close range since elementalist is pretty squishy. Staff generally provides a safe option at range although it does much less damage. I mostly use exotics too since I can't be bothered with ascendeds. I guess if you're ping is very high dodging may be a problem, but if it's not and you are able to dodge fighting at close range is sometimes a better option to kill enemies quickly. I am playing from Australia and my average ping is about 242 on the NBN, but am still able to dodge reasonably ok.Casual means sub par builds.. Damage wise they are usually on par. I'm on ADSL2+ because i cannot get NBN here (Rural QLD) so on a good day i'm on 280 a bad day 380-400 Avg..
  18. Never tried but was always curious how P/P fares as a deadeye build in say WvW or high lvl fractals. I don't do those so i have no idea sorry. Just PvE myself.. My issue is Valk Ascended just don't exist outside of Living storys or raids apparently.. Bit annoying.
  19. It's not a difficulty spike. Some fights that you would have already experienced to get here, if you followed the order of the story as it's available now:Mouth of ZhaitanVorpp (in "Meeting the Asura")MordremothCaduceusLazarusHerald of Balthazar (2x)Balthazar Other than herald and Balth a new customer can totally miss all the rest if they were just after mounts. Ok, worst case, I feel like the giant montage of Cool Stuff You Did In The Past immediately preceding that specific encounter should be a clue that you're really really doing the story out-of-order at that point.What montage.. i personally have done all that stuff and died many times on all of it.. a lot of times on certain classes, but as i said a new player can easily avoid all the living story stuff as they one need to buy it separately and two outside of story its not needed.. Zaitan maybe gets done.. Herald and Balthazar are obviously the ones before this boss.
  20. I find that reaper necromancer is one of the easier PvE professions to play with, so if you have one everything in PvE will be a lot easier when playing with it. Warrior is probably one of the worser professions right now especially when using a ranged weapon so everything may seem harder. I beat it with no death in less than a minute on my dual pistol thief.. Why because its ranged and armed to the teeth with cc skills, as i said most bosses are designed to destroy melee.. and classes are so imbalanced its not at all funny. Ranged can be easier because you can ignore or predict some of the mechanics of enemies easily, due to the distance you can put between yourself and the target. The trade-off I found in the classes I play though is that close range generally does more damage. So if you are able to manage the mechanics fine attacking from closer seems to kill them faster in a lot of cases.I disagree there isn't that much difference between a casual ranged class and a casual melee class, i use mostly Exotics because one they are easier to get and two Ascended are incredibly expensive for classes i consider worthless.. as they get changed, nerfed and die a lot.. so i just don't bother giving them good stuff just to have their gears become obsolete. Thief, Warrior, Elementalist and lesser so Mesmer are to me all worthless classes in high ping scenarios.. and very hard to solo on, so i don't bother with crafting 200-300g ascended sets.
  21. I've been using this old build from Kitty on here and found it to be very good in PvE even if its considered out of date.http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PaEBoqxrlZwwYXsImJW+XnvPA-zRQYR0zmgLkoShAjgIKATmFWNjA-eAlso the gears are very easy to acquire.
  22. ^this. i feel like the whole game has turned into a grind, and is increasingly heading down the pay-to-win direction with account upgrades. i think the core problem is, low replayability of content. WVW has the most replaybility due to its sandbox nature but has virtually no new content in years. Ncsoft the parent company that owns Anet are very big on mobile gaming, where the design is grind or pay money to avoid said grind.. I'm betting a lot of these mechanics were added on behest of Ncsoft. ^this. i feel like the whole game has turned into a grind, and is increasingly heading down the pay-to-win direction with account upgrades. i think the core problem is, low replayability of content. WVW has the most replaybility due to its sandbox nature but has virtually no new content in years. Pay to win? Name one item that you can buy from the gems store that makes your character better than other players their character. And you can obtain every single item in the gems store without paying a dime in real money.Stash and Bag space... Laugh but it does make you better over time..
  23. As a fellow Casual i've had years of grief with mesmer until i tried this buildhttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Condi_MirageIts not the fastest killer by any means but its crazy hard to die on it even for me. I use the Vipers version with illusion trait line.
  24. I don't really have a main, i use whatever class can survive Hot and PoF until Anet nerfs them then i use the next best class to do the same..At the moment i main an Engi flamethrower Asura because its almost unkillable in pve.. until Anet destroys it of course.
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