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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. We had this bug out, and i noticed a few enemies were passed attacking other creatures, when i went back and killed them it seemed to unbug this. Make sure you kill everything red.
  2. I have no idea what is going on with PoF servers in Sea of Sorrows, its been a nightmare to do, one second all is well then its freezing, stutter latency and unplayability.. And i'm not the only one there is people calling it out in /map all the time..
  3. I don't even own a warclaw.. I saw what was needed in wvw and couldn't do it.. I saw that i had no glider (why?) and cannot keep up with the zergs with no mount (continually left behind and had to run miles back after deaths) so i gave up, way too gated content for me..
  4. Its taken me nearly a year to get those 250 and a couple still aren't complete yet.. thats how trickle feed they are given if you do them how Anet wants. I even have the home instance things. Do you remember when you had long term goals in games?Gamers remember. Yes they were left in the dust when HoT arrived..
  5. As a fellow Casual customer i've been playing my mesmer and just updated to this build and honestly having the best time on content like pof and hot in maybe 7 years on mesmerhttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Condi_MirageI don't like myself going to metabattle for help usually but this build was very helpful to me. (i use the Viper version but only one staff and axe and pistol as my secondary) It isn't the most damage build but kills well, it has unreal survivability.
  6. I sure hope you're right as a lot of customers will then play it more, even if its just off and on play.. also praise will go a long way to keep content coming after Cantha, if it is hated as bad as Heart of Thorns was do you think Anet will go for a number 4, 8-9 years later.. I feel they'd be less inclined to if its panned myself.
  7. The "massive nerf" you are talking about was removing the need for participation to get rewards from meta events, effectively killing HOT maps outside their big meta events. That was in part due to complaints, but also because love going from event to event, on a timer, to get all the rewards they can. With the old participation system that wasn't possible as you had to stay on a map for a long time to increase your participation. In other words the "nerf" they applied to HOT maps was because of player greed, not because of difficulty or challenge. The article is talking about masteries and I agree the masteries you get in POF are better than those you get in HOT (and of course those you get in the living world) They also did large changes to mobs and creatures, not enough imo but they did lower the difficulties drastically.https://www.pcgamer.com/au/guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-review/#comment-jumphttps://www.ign.com/articles/2015/11/07/guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-review While those reviews aren't devastating they aren't glowing either. They didn't do any "large changes" to mobs and creatures though. There were a few small balance changes like removing the complete invulnerability of Itzel Shadowleapers to ranged attacks, now they only evade ranged attacks when they do their "leap", but the changes overall were minor to use the word "drastically". Maybe it's your perception that changed, you got better at playing the game and that's why HOT looked so much easier, because based on patch notes, there was no "drastic" mob overhaul, only some minor changes on some specific mobs As for the reviews, just be happy they don't review the Living World Yes there was, it was significantly lowered, mob populations were lowered and also were damage reduced.https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/66j7zo/the_guild_wars_2_heart_of_thorns_review_how_did/Here is good summary. You can find the actual patch notes here:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2016-04-19 They reduced spawns on some "choke points", turned some champions into veterans and reduced the amount of mobs spawing during events. No sweeping changes to the actual difficulty/challenge of mobs. Good luckFor guildwars 2 that is sweeping changes, especially for a company that "doesn't go back and fix older content" They may not be significant to you but it was the difference in playing or not playing the content for me, pretty significant and i firmly believe there have been a number of stealth nerfs to heart of thorns since. You ask for sources then disregard them, gg..
  8. The "massive nerf" you are talking about was removing the need for participation to get rewards from meta events, effectively killing HOT maps outside their big meta events. That was in part due to complaints, but also because love going from event to event, on a timer, to get all the rewards they can. With the old participation system that wasn't possible as you had to stay on a map for a long time to increase your participation. In other words the "nerf" they applied to HOT maps was because of player greed, not because of difficulty or challenge. The article is talking about masteries and I agree the masteries you get in POF are better than those you get in HOT (and of course those you get in the living world) They also did large changes to mobs and creatures, not enough imo but they did lower the difficulties drastically.https://www.pcgamer.com/au/guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-review/#comment-jumphttps://www.ign.com/articles/2015/11/07/guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-review While those reviews aren't devastating they aren't glowing either. They didn't do any "large changes" to mobs and creatures though. There were a few small balance changes like removing the complete invulnerability of Itzel Shadowleapers to ranged attacks, now they only evade ranged attacks when they do their "leap", but the changes overall were minor to use the word "drastically". Maybe it's your perception that changed, you got better at playing the game and that's why HOT looked so much easier, because based on patch notes, there was no "drastic" mob overhaul, only some minor changes on some specific mobs As for the reviews, just be happy they don't review the Living WorldYes there was, it was significantly lowered, mob populations were lowered and also were damage reduced.https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/66j7zo/the_guild_wars_2_heart_of_thorns_review_how_did/Here is good summary.
  9. The "massive nerf" you are talking about was removing the need for participation to get rewards from meta events, effectively killing HOT maps outside their big meta events. That was in part due to complaints, but also because love going from event to event, on a timer, to get all the rewards they can. With the old participation system that wasn't possible as you had to stay on a map for a long time to increase your participation. In other words the "nerf" they applied to HOT maps was because of player greed, not because of difficulty or challenge. The article is talking about masteries and I agree the masteries you get in POF are better than those you get in HOT (and of course those you get in the living world) They also did large changes to mobs and creatures, not enough imo but they did lower the difficulties drastically.https://www.pcgamer.com/au/guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-review/#comment-jumphttps://www.ign.com/articles/2015/11/07/guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-review While those reviews aren't devastating they aren't glowing either.
  10. They did? According to the NCSoft report gem store sales after the release of HOT were "stable", meaning that "mass exodus" did not affect the financials of the game. At least when it comes to in-game / gem store purchases because we all know that the game went free to play shortly before the release of HOT and caused their revenue from sales to tank to the bottom because the core / free game wasn't good enough to force conversions (also identified by NCSoft themselves) Also, given how meta events on HOT maps were always well populated, and still are, we can say with a certain degree of certainty that the "mass exodus" you claim to happen had no effect to the game's in-game activity and popularity, nor on their financial state, so even if it did happen it was of no consequence at all. Losing players that play once a month for 20 minutes and not buy anything from the gem store, didn't really hurt the game. Considering anet nerfed their content "because it was overtooled and hard on customers" yes there was a mass exodus, do you really think anet would nerf whole expansions (past released content) if there hadn't been a massive backlash and a lot of customers leaving.. When else has anet ever nerfed whole content expansions in the past before HoT.. Never.https://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/columns/how-heart-of-thorns-failed-and-path-of-fire-succeeded-2000107410
  11. Only time i do hot and pof is for hero points then i'm out again, its not fun at all.. true it was nerfed apparently at release cause so many customers quit but it wasn't even remotely nerfed enough.. I mostly play in tyria as its a lot better gameplay experience. If it had not been for mounts and hero points in hindsight i'd have never even bothered with the expansions. That said i hope they learned from their mistakes with cantha. I do as well, since heart of thorns maps are played more then path of fire maps.Hopefully they lean more towards hot in the new expansion.Remember at hot release customers mass exited GW2 (i was one of them) so i'm sure that is in the back of their minds daily.
  12. Tedious fetch quests does not equal interesting content, just saying. For me tyria was fine i still play there 8 years later.. Not all of us are content locusts.
  13. To a point yes and no.. for me the grind in guildwars 2 is just different more like a mobile game type grind, things like ascended, legendaries, mounts etc.. yeah they aren't strictly needed but they still are a tedious grind.. I like GW2 a lot but i miss the day to day leveling grind, thats why i have 18 characters i love the leveling up aspect.. I just wish it wasn't just to 80 more like 160.. I do play other mmorpgs Fallout 76 and SWTOR are all excellent these days to me. ESO is far to painful latency wise and unbalanced classes worse than here, i enjoyed it but their megaserver is not friendly to Aussies. Gw2 is just a different type of grind.. Nearly all games have their merits.
  14. The skyscale dramatically outclasses the griffon, which I almost never use anymore. Why you ask? Unlike the griffon, the skyscale does not have forward momentum, plus it doesnt need you to constantly hit space to keep flapping. And you can cover a lot of ground with 4x dash with the skyscale if having bond of vigor, letting you hit ledges that the griffon never could reach. You dont know what you are missing. Just farm eternal ice in bjora marches and exchange it for the currencies. I farmed x250 of each in a single day, from early morning to past midnight. And that was before bjora marches. And do not judge the skyscale on the rent-a-scale. It gets much better with the masteries. Plus theres MANY volatile magic trails in the air of ls4, as well working with the karma trails in IBS. Keep taking volatile magic and your stamina meter refills, letting you have unlimited flight while you have VM to munch. It does however not work with unbound magic from ls3. I have more than 250 of everything already the mats aren't the issue its the stupid fetch quest after fetch quest.. Yeah, for me this was the "hardest" part. Just when you think it's over, the next step requires you to do another one. You can probably get it all done in a couple of days but for me this would be mindlessly boring. I had to do it over a few months.The mindlessly boring part is 100% accurate, and for the record i hated the Griffon one as well.
  15. Only time i do hot and pof is for hero points then i'm out again, its not fun at all.. true it was nerfed apparently at release cause so many customers quit but it wasn't even remotely nerfed enough.. I mostly play in tyria as its a lot better gameplay experience. If it had not been for mounts and hero points in hindsight i'd have never even bothered with the expansions. That said i hope they learned from their mistakes with cantha.
  16. You never unlocked the skyscale. How would you know whether or not the griffon is superior to it? Rent-a-skyscale is not the same thing as fully unlocked skyscale with bond of vigor and leap of faith. The skyscale is better in virtually every way as a multi-purpose mount. It completely replaces the griffon in this role. However, the griffon is still useful for its dive maneuver and the skyscale makes it easier to gain sufficient altitude to use it. I used the testers, they were atrocious even max tier they'd not be as good as griffon speed and maneuverability, to me. I am glad the op got theirs though it was a crazy challenge to me but to them i congratulate their work. The skyscale dramatically outclasses the griffon, which I almost never use anymore. Why you ask? Unlike the griffon, the skyscale does not have forward momentum, plus it doesnt need you to constantly hit space to keep flapping. And you can cover a lot of ground with 4x dash with the skyscale if having bond of vigor, letting you hit ledges that the griffon never could reach. You dont know what you are missing. Just farm eternal ice in bjora marches and exchange it for the currencies. I farmed x250 of each in a single day, from early morning to past midnight. And that was before bjora marches. And do not judge the skyscale on the rent-a-scale. It gets much better with the masteries. Plus theres MANY volatile magic trails in the air of ls4, as well working with the karma trails in IBS. Keep taking volatile magic and your stamina meter refills, letting you have unlimited flight while you have VM to munch. It does however not work with unbound magic from ls3. I have more than 250 of everything already the mats aren't the issue its the stupid fetch quest after fetch quest.. Thats exactly my take but i don't even bother anymore its just way to much work for such a small gain.
  17. But they are not hacks, they don't change the code whatsoever What about mods who don't mess with the code, just screencap for example? None at all, you allow one you need to allow all... So no nothing, nada, zilch. Thats not how rules work though, thats like saying well if we allow people to drive 30 km/h you allow them to ride 500km/h. So we should not allow cars. See you are ok with arcdps but you are not ok with people never dying and flying around in WvW which is also a script mod.. just not a friendly one.. But they still use them to screw others over just like arcdps. But it's not an hack per definition. It doesn't change the game code/information that gets send to the server. And let's be clear here, toxicity decreased from my experience after the introduction of dps meters not increased. And will you address the point I made about rules not applying to all cases. Why should add-ons be the one exception to this and be all or nothing? Its got to inject some to see what other customers are doing.. obviously is checking the code to see what the raid group is doing.. Because if you allow one you have to allow them all. Why are you so adament on having no nuance? As a company it's perfectly possible to allow some and disallow others. Explain to me please why you can't have nuanced rules. It's impossible for me to take that comparison seriously. You're really stretching. If thats the case why are raids considered niche and the population doing them so small.. I think a forum poll does not show the full picture of customers. I don't do raids, and I use arcdps all the time. Ofc a forum poll does not show the full picture of all customers. For that you would have to poll them all. But the results of this poll are clear, and one might assume that it represents the views of that proportion of the playerbase which both frequents the forums and which cares enough about the issue to vote. It's not dismissable. No it represents the views of the raiding portion of the Forum community. Possibly, but this is placed in general so its to be expected that it represents the general forum population. Its been explained all through this thread why.
  18. Sea of sorrows was always the unofficial Oceanic server. But SoS was last open in Feb so there's thatSorry open how? I've been on SoS for 8 years or so so i'm not sure what you mean by open?
  19. Skyscale is not worth it after getting the griffon.. Griffon is far superior to Skyscale to me. The grind required to get such a lackluster mount was insanely over the top so i gave up.
  20. Taimi its always taimi, so sick of Taimi being left out... Jory makes the most sense lore wise.. Ogden would make sense as well. #Bringbackdwarves Please no more Rytlock, Rox or most definitely Braham they are all horrible to listen to and painful to deal with, the rest are pleasant enough.
  21. But they are not hacks, they don't change the code whatsoever What about mods who don't mess with the code, just screencap for example? None at all, you allow one you need to allow all... So no nothing, nada, zilch. Thats not how rules work though, thats like saying well if we allow people to drive 30 km/h you allow them to ride 500km/h. So we should not allow cars. See you are ok with arcdps but you are not ok with people never dying and flying around in WvW which is also a script mod.. just not a friendly one.. But they still use them to screw others over just like arcdps. But it's not an hack per definition. It doesn't change the game code/information that gets send to the server. And let's be clear here, toxicity decreased from my experience after the introduction of dps meters not increased. And will you address the point I made about rules not applying to all cases. Why should add-ons be the one exception to this and be all or nothing? Its got to inject some to see what other customers are doing.. obviously is checking the code to see what the raid group is doing.. Because if you allow one you have to allow them all. It's impossible for me to take that comparison seriously. You're really stretching. If thats the case why are raids considered niche and the population doing them so small.. I think a forum poll does not show the full picture of customers. I don't do raids, and I use arcdps all the time. Ofc a forum poll does not show the full picture of all customers. For that you would have to poll them all. But the results of this poll are clear, and one might assume that it represents the views of that proportion of the playerbase which both frequents the forums and which cares enough about the issue to vote. It's not dismissable. No it represents the views of the raiding portion of the Forum community.
  22. Would be awesome but i believe keys are Anets strongest money maker in this game.
  23. Sea of sorrows was always the unofficial Oceanic server.
  24. As a PvE customer Meta is one of my most hated things in an mmorpg.. Partially why i avoid pvp, wvw Raids even etc, because i play for choices.. PvP is so shoe horned into meta you are literally forced to play certain builds or not play at all.. Nothing else is ok.. I kinda equate meta to a very long hallway with no doors and something behind you pushing you forward, playing a game like that is just not fun at all for me.
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