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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Costume Mage Knight Costume The skirt like part of the costume seems to vanish randomly on Asuras, the cause is unknown and seems to be very random. It seems to effect all Classes, Professions and genders of asura. My race was Female Asura Mesmer, but it effects other classes as well. Maybe an issue with mounts or map travel but i cannot be sure as its random. I aquired this for 700gems and it doesn't work as intended.
  2. Its a living world.. I'm not hyped sorry.. Its more filler, more grinds, more currencies i don't want to chase, More specs to overpower the old ones, more mounts to make the old ones obsolete, more cash shop gems stuff and very little actual story.. Sorry if its negative but its how i feel about newer Guildwars 2 content.
  3. Hopefully yellow and white because its a rarely used color and its by far the best colors.
  4. Nothing i don't play for grinds, i play to enjoy the stories.
  5. Unless Store housing comes with every crafting node, i have zero interest in housing either way.
  6. I wouldn't go so far as to say on a whole that PvErs aren't as skilled as PvPers and just enjoy the game casually; I doubt that PvErs who raid just to get leggy armour enjoyed it every step of the way... PvP is different than PvE and PvP skills are different than PvE skills. PvP skills are: "How do I kill my foe(s) controlled by real humans with my teammates / solo?". PvE skills are: "How do I kill my AI foe(s) with my teammates / solo?". If nerfing and buffing won't work, then what is a guaranteed way to balance which will work? I'm all for the split because each game mode can now be separately balanced independent of each other without having to throw each balance patch under one umbrella and affecting all game modes Splitting the content completely and focusing on both separately. And by splitting the content, how far do you want to go? Throw PvP and WvW out of the game and make a own "Guild Wars 2: PvP edition" and split the pve into "Guild Wars 2: PvE edition" ? I'd say that goes against ANets design philosophy of "Theme Park", where everyone should find something they like, and easily be able to jump inbetween them. There are PvE games where players have to have just as much skill as in PvP modes, so the two aren't exclusive of each others. It's a matter of encounter design and AI among other things. And many PvE players does enjoy that, despite popular belief around here. I have guildies that stick to playing wvw/pvp because they find PvE in this game a joke, and rather go play other games for challenging and interesting PvE. Personally I think there is room for both, and wish the devs designed for a much greater variety of skill levels, the game does have one of the best/easiest handicap systems in existence in open world, just bring more numbers if there is difficulty. Besides, the actual balance between PvP and PvE has absolutely nothing to do with this, we already have Open-World Tyria for example, which where designed while the entire combat system was balanced around PvP (2012-2014), and they made the majority of the mobs so easy that we still suffer that a large section of players never had to learn and develop much skill in the first place. So they've already shown that they can make PvE easy without affecting balancing at all. (And thus we also have the problem that Open World Tyria doesn't actually teach new players how to play, so they don't develop actual skill. Making for some rude awakenings when they enter other modes and get pulverized by the first thing they meet). It has everything to do with it.. Open world Tyria was perfect it was accessible to everyone. The later content pushed a lot of customers away and they needed to overhaul it to be more accessible again, even though its still incredibly tedious to enjoy.. bar those that consider themselves hardcores.. Splitting the content is the smartest decision even if it is the most work. Wow, that's subjective. When you say that OW-Tyria is perfect, it certainly wasn't for me, and of all the people I've talked with I'd say a fairly small amount is still happy with OW-Tyria, I'd guess about 1 out of 10, small sample and obviously not defining in any way. So I think it is wrong to simply state that it is perfect based solely on your own opinion. I find the OW-Tyria is a large part of the problem, because it was nerfed repeatedly since the beta until it has become so easy (through the entire map/level range) that people doesn't need to learn the combat system any-longer. I wish that OW-Tyria had a more diverse difficulty and challenge, so players actually had to improve a bit each time they went to a new level-tier map. That way, when people came to the expansions for example, they wouldn't feel so overwhelmed or get trashed by pocket raptors and hydras the moment they entered the map. This game is skill-based, we need to level up the player, not the character/gear. And at the moment, the game doesn't teach players that. That's the biggest problem with OW-Tyria. Splitting the balancing isn't really going to fix that, splitting the modes isn't really going to fix that. Replacing the entire combat system with WOW's probably would... but then I'd quit the game. They don't "need" to do anything.. There is no need to level players up.. the game already does that, there is no need to punish players and make them leave either. It doesn't "need" to teach players anything its a game people play mostly socially and casually. I said level up the player not the character, the game doesn't do that. Meant as in guiding the player to improve their own skill with the game. Not a numeric boost to the character. And I've said nothing about punishing any players, I'm talking about giving a better learning curve so people don't hit a spiked wall when they go into HoT for the first time, because the difficulty spikes so much because there is no difficulty in Tyria. That's not punishing people, that is helping people adapt and learn as they go (the way the vast majority of games, including mmorpg's, work. Slowly increasing difficulty so players are gradually adjusted, and learn to use their tools to overcome). It is a skill based combat system, closer to fighting games than it is to traditional RPG's. You certainly don't "need" to learn to get better at it, but then it is your choice not to improve at the game. At that point it is your own choice, and you will just have to accept the consequences of that. And just to make that clear, social and casual has nothing to do with it. I'd qualify as both of those, I only really play to play with guildes and friends nowadays, and I definitively play casually. Those two are buzzwords that people use, but are near impossible to define or nail down, and actually includes almost the entire player-base, including most pvp, wvw, fractal, and raiders. If your point is "I don't like it, and I want it changed for me." then at least say so. Because that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Its not just me in hot i continually am seeing upset customers and dislike for the maps and mechanics.. I've been there a lot lately struggling through the later areas, its not fun at all and the faster i finish the story the quicker i can never go back imo. And as I have said, I've seen and talked to people that find HoT difficult, but they are greatly outnumbered by the people I see and talk to that have been through that and progressed and learned how to deal with it. Overall I find more people that dislike the map design being in 3d and having to navigate in multiple layers, and that the mini map is usually no help, than people complaining about the actual difficulty or challenge of HoT. And even those are not the majority. Besides no player observation is ever going to give an accurate sample or vision, only ANet sits with the numbers to be able to really comment how many seemingly enjoy or hate HoT etc. Now if you don't like it, so be it, that is subjective and up to each individual person. You can do as you like in the game etc. But there are plenty of other players in this game that does not want HoT change into Tyria level, because that would flat out bore them to death. Besides, this has absolutely nothing to do with the original topic, which is not about PVE balance, but about the Skill-Splits from PvE into PvP that ANet has been talking about. It is not going to change any PvE at all, it's about how splitting the skills too much from PvE to PvP will make classes too different between the modes.Learning to deal with things is not enjoying things.. There is a big difference there. It has everything to do with it. The game mechanics of hot, pof and living stories are a huge factor in pve balancing.. the whole areas are what effect classes and balance most of all. Nerf builds for pvp and WvW and you make PvE content unpassable or extremely tedious to do which in effect lowers the populations because customers get tired and move on.
  7. Assassins weren't Ninja.They made a living out of killing, while Ninja were soldiers to primarily 'acquired' information.Ninja were nothing like the fantasy tropes Senran Kagura or Naruto are trying to convey.And since their primary function included sitting silent and still in narrow attic for HOURS, they can't even compared to the jumpy Assassins from GW1 or GW2's Thief. Yes they were, they were even dressed as ninja.. News flash Ninja are Assassins. I did real life Togakure-ryū Ninjutsu for years they were 100% assassins
  8. I wouldn't go so far as to say on a whole that PvErs aren't as skilled as PvPers and just enjoy the game casually; I doubt that PvErs who raid just to get leggy armour enjoyed it every step of the way... PvP is different than PvE and PvP skills are different than PvE skills. PvP skills are: "How do I kill my foe(s) controlled by real humans with my teammates / solo?". PvE skills are: "How do I kill my AI foe(s) with my teammates / solo?". If nerfing and buffing won't work, then what is a guaranteed way to balance which will work? I'm all for the split because each game mode can now be separately balanced independent of each other without having to throw each balance patch under one umbrella and affecting all game modes Splitting the content completely and focusing on both separately. And by splitting the content, how far do you want to go? Throw PvP and WvW out of the game and make a own "Guild Wars 2: PvP edition" and split the pve into "Guild Wars 2: PvE edition" ? I'd say that goes against ANets design philosophy of "Theme Park", where everyone should find something they like, and easily be able to jump inbetween them. There are PvE games where players have to have just as much skill as in PvP modes, so the two aren't exclusive of each others. It's a matter of encounter design and AI among other things. And many PvE players does enjoy that, despite popular belief around here. I have guildies that stick to playing wvw/pvp because they find PvE in this game a joke, and rather go play other games for challenging and interesting PvE. Personally I think there is room for both, and wish the devs designed for a much greater variety of skill levels, the game does have one of the best/easiest handicap systems in existence in open world, just bring more numbers if there is difficulty. Besides, the actual balance between PvP and PvE has absolutely nothing to do with this, we already have Open-World Tyria for example, which where designed while the entire combat system was balanced around PvP (2012-2014), and they made the majority of the mobs so easy that we still suffer that a large section of players never had to learn and develop much skill in the first place. So they've already shown that they can make PvE easy without affecting balancing at all. (And thus we also have the problem that Open World Tyria doesn't actually teach new players how to play, so they don't develop actual skill. Making for some rude awakenings when they enter other modes and get pulverized by the first thing they meet). It has everything to do with it.. Open world Tyria was perfect it was accessible to everyone. The later content pushed a lot of customers away and they needed to overhaul it to be more accessible again, even though its still incredibly tedious to enjoy.. bar those that consider themselves hardcores.. Splitting the content is the smartest decision even if it is the most work. Wow, that's subjective. When you say that OW-Tyria is perfect, it certainly wasn't for me, and of all the people I've talked with I'd say a fairly small amount is still happy with OW-Tyria, I'd guess about 1 out of 10, small sample and obviously not defining in any way. So I think it is wrong to simply state that it is perfect based solely on your own opinion. I find the OW-Tyria is a large part of the problem, because it was nerfed repeatedly since the beta until it has become so easy (through the entire map/level range) that people doesn't need to learn the combat system any-longer. I wish that OW-Tyria had a more diverse difficulty and challenge, so players actually had to improve a bit each time they went to a new level-tier map. That way, when people came to the expansions for example, they wouldn't feel so overwhelmed or get trashed by pocket raptors and hydras the moment they entered the map. This game is skill-based, we need to level up the player, not the character/gear. And at the moment, the game doesn't teach players that. That's the biggest problem with OW-Tyria. Splitting the balancing isn't really going to fix that, splitting the modes isn't really going to fix that. Replacing the entire combat system with WOW's probably would... but then I'd quit the game. They don't "need" to do anything.. There is no need to level players up.. the game already does that, there is no need to punish players and make them leave either. It doesn't "need" to teach players anything its a game people play mostly socially and casually. I said level up the player not the character, the game doesn't do that. Meant as in guiding the player to improve their own skill with the game. Not a numeric boost to the character. And I've said nothing about punishing any players, I'm talking about giving a better learning curve so people don't hit a spiked wall when they go into HoT for the first time, because the difficulty spikes so much because there is no difficulty in Tyria. That's not punishing people, that is helping people adapt and learn as they go (the way the vast majority of games, including mmorpg's, work. Slowly increasing difficulty so players are gradually adjusted, and learn to use their tools to overcome). It is a skill based combat system, closer to fighting games than it is to traditional RPG's. You certainly don't "need" to learn to get better at it, but then it is your choice not to improve at the game. At that point it is your own choice, and you will just have to accept the consequences of that. And just to make that clear, social and casual has nothing to do with it. I'd qualify as both of those, I only really play to play with guildes and friends nowadays, and I definitively play casually. Those two are buzzwords that people use, but are near impossible to define or nail down, and actually includes almost the entire player-base, including most pvp, wvw, fractal, and raiders. If your point is "I don't like it, and I want it changed for me." then at least say so. Because that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.Its not just me in hot i continually am seeing upset customers and dislike for the maps and mechanics.. I've been there a lot lately struggling through the later areas, its not fun at all and the faster i finish the story the quicker i can never go back imo.
  9. Well wouldent help you even if you found one in australia, since its only usa (as usual) and canada thats in on the promotion. I see well thats a pointless thing then huh. If you regularly keep an eye out on Reddit during these promotions, there are usually people with extra codes handing them out. I personally got both the KFT and Quiznos codes from there, and activated them on my account (EU) without problems.Interesting thanks. Do those codes still work outside of America?
  10. No its only certain aspects get a lot of gold.. Story missions do not and map completions do not give very much gold, especially if you need the materials for crafting. The meta events, pvp, fractals etc may give a lot more i'm not sure, i'm not online for most of the main timezones to find out.
  11. We need Golem mounts asap...https://preview.redd.it/o6l7147luruz.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=67177ca720285e9bc0a5d53c3de289485f50485aFound on Reddit lol
  12. Cantha has Ninjas... How so?Also how we defining "Tolkien based"? Stolen Mythology :D
  13. You from a thread yesterday: Which leads me to wonder, why are coming here giving questionable advice to new players when you are struggling with even the most basic content of this game? Guardian is among the strongest picks in the game currently while being viable in all game modes and on multiple builds. @Archivist.8109If you are interested, Woodenpotatoes already made his video on his recommended open world build for guardian (he went with firebrand). Feel free to watch his guide video here: No thanks, its not great and i don't use many WP builds, just because i mostly play solo pve doesn't mean i don't understand the game.. My skills are not great as i'm older and i'm Aussie so 600+ ping times don't help.. That said i usehttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Burning_TomeWhich works really well but isn't durable at all. Its basically squishy as as are most firebrande builds because everyone is obsessed with glass cannon specs these days. I did not say Guardian was bad i said its not very durable. Yet Firebrand is considered the tankiest class in the game with insane support (beside maybe warrior). The literal backbone of any WvW team composition. Dragonhunter at the same time is considered one of the tankiest high damage outputting builds, with almodt unrivaled selfsustain if properly utilizing its utilities and heal skill (only outperformed by thief or engineer). I'm sorry, but maybe you should start using other people's builds, especially of players who do not struggle with content which gives you trouble. Metabattle builds usually have good explanations how and when to use skills. Also your 600 ping is your issue and should get mentioned when giving advice since it directly affects how this game sees play. Given this game is built on active defences and reactions, which are required in more challenging content, obviously you might see issues on any class which requires skill uses for survival. Face tanking or sponging enemy damage does not work past open world content.Revenant, Necro and Engi is far far far tankier than any Guardian.
  14. That's why they need to do the opposite, all specs should be a choice not a linear forced direction. I'm not sure I agree. They tailored the newer content to the higher-strength elites. It fits with their stated design goal of horizontal improvements.That's vertical not horizontal.. As I said, I don't care about competitive modes. This idea would be for PvE. Fair enough. Yet i still fail to understand how anyone cant clear pve with core classes, even today... Most core classes have real issues surviving and passing Expac and living story content because of the power creep.. the newer content is extremely OP to them.. The only core class i can think of that breezes through later content imo is Engi. Ever tried a minon master necro? So we are all suppose to play 6 characters to be as good as an one elite spec.. I don't know what you are talking about... There is a ton of core builds which perform very close to elite specialization levels like core power guardian (easy 32-33k dps benchmark on golem) and core banner warrior (still a very valid and strong support warrior build). Most other classes have builds which are no further than maybe 10-15% in performance output on their core builds with the main inconsistencies being among support classes which have their support skills tied to elite specializations (like druid versus core ranger). As mentioned by me earlier: buffing core trait lines would not open up any or even close to as many role options as a new elite specialization could. As such if you want overall better class representation (at least that is what I'd be in favor of) it makes more sense to introduce a new elite specialization. This gets even more critical if we look at all game modes where just about every class has viable core builds in some game mode (with the only real exception being elementalist and mesmer). That is strait up untrue. If people have issues on ANY class or build in any story or open world content, it's a player issue. There is enough guides and core build guides available for players who struggle to improve. As a matter of fact, most people who come to the "Players Helping Players" section of the forums asking for help often have huge flaws in their builds, playstyle and execution (which is not their fault, that's what asking for help is for). The only content which is remotely affected by core versus elite specialization balance is either top end pve content where every little bit difference counts, or competative modes (where a lot more core builds work just fine atm). In most cases due to better support role availability of elite specializations for group content, where as solo or small scale content see a lot of core build gameplay still (in competative modes for example). If this is true why aren't the core builds all over metabattle, 99.9% of the builds are espec builds... For ever style of content not just hardcore raiding. Maybe actually go to metabattle and check. Each and every class has core builds in at least 1 or 2 game modes. In other cases core builds are not able to peform a certain role (like healig or boon support). That wouldn't change with adjustments to core trait lines as discussed in this thread since these are often related to mechanics. As for open world content, there is enough core builds which are rated high or better (4+) for every class. I check every day, the core builds are sub par and are the minority compared to especs. ... No. That is false. Core specs that have made their way into metabattle as good/great, means that theyre usable instead of elite specs, too. Plus i dont really know why metabattle should dictate stuff. On a side note, have you ever tried to play minstrel core guard? I have not and with how hard making armor is these days and how hard "grindy" it is getting modern inscriptions is i tend to avoid the no name ones outside of Marauders and Vipers.. Mostly because GW2 made making armor a hideous thing these days.. I don't agree that it is grindy. Legendaries are grindy. Some of the achievements are grindy. But, ascended gear really isn't that bad. It takes a while, but not if you have a reasonable number of characters. I only play the content I like to play, but I'm 82% completely outfitted with ascended gear. I just use what I farm here and there to do it. (And, I have an UNreasonable number of characters.)You must play an unhealthy amount of hours a day to outfit that many characters.. I play many hours and i still have to buy my mats.. even farming 24/7 is insane.
  15. I don't see anything wrong with druids after all the nerfs. The fact no one uses them outside of raids and maybe fractals says different. People use them in WvW too.In the time i've played WvW i've not seen any.
  16. I wouldn't go so far as to say on a whole that PvErs aren't as skilled as PvPers and just enjoy the game casually; I doubt that PvErs who raid just to get leggy armour enjoyed it every step of the way... PvP is different than PvE and PvP skills are different than PvE skills. PvP skills are: "How do I kill my foe(s) controlled by real humans with my teammates / solo?". PvE skills are: "How do I kill my AI foe(s) with my teammates / solo?". If nerfing and buffing won't work, then what is a guaranteed way to balance which will work? I'm all for the split because each game mode can now be separately balanced independent of each other without having to throw each balance patch under one umbrella and affecting all game modes Splitting the content completely and focusing on both separately. And by splitting the content, how far do you want to go? Throw PvP and WvW out of the game and make a own "Guild Wars 2: PvP edition" and split the pve into "Guild Wars 2: PvE edition" ? I'd say that goes against ANets design philosophy of "Theme Park", where everyone should find something they like, and easily be able to jump inbetween them. There are PvE games where players have to have just as much skill as in PvP modes, so the two aren't exclusive of each others. It's a matter of encounter design and AI among other things. And many PvE players does enjoy that, despite popular belief around here. I have guildies that stick to playing wvw/pvp because they find PvE in this game a joke, and rather go play other games for challenging and interesting PvE. Personally I think there is room for both, and wish the devs designed for a much greater variety of skill levels, the game does have one of the best/easiest handicap systems in existence in open world, just bring more numbers if there is difficulty. Besides, the actual balance between PvP and PvE has absolutely nothing to do with this, we already have Open-World Tyria for example, which where designed while the entire combat system was balanced around PvP (2012-2014), and they made the majority of the mobs so easy that we still suffer that a large section of players never had to learn and develop much skill in the first place. So they've already shown that they can make PvE easy without affecting balancing at all. (And thus we also have the problem that Open World Tyria doesn't actually teach new players how to play, so they don't develop actual skill. Making for some rude awakenings when they enter other modes and get pulverized by the first thing they meet). It has everything to do with it.. Open world Tyria was perfect it was accessible to everyone. The later content pushed a lot of customers away and they needed to overhaul it to be more accessible again, even though its still incredibly tedious to enjoy.. bar those that consider themselves hardcores.. Splitting the content is the smartest decision even if it is the most work. Wow, that's subjective. When you say that OW-Tyria is perfect, it certainly wasn't for me, and of all the people I've talked with I'd say a fairly small amount is still happy with OW-Tyria, I'd guess about 1 out of 10, small sample and obviously not defining in any way. So I think it is wrong to simply state that it is perfect based solely on your own opinion. I find the OW-Tyria is a large part of the problem, because it was nerfed repeatedly since the beta until it has become so easy (through the entire map/level range) that people doesn't need to learn the combat system any-longer. I wish that OW-Tyria had a more diverse difficulty and challenge, so players actually had to improve a bit each time they went to a new level-tier map. That way, when people came to the expansions for example, they wouldn't feel so overwhelmed or get trashed by pocket raptors and hydras the moment they entered the map. This game is skill-based, we need to level up the player, not the character/gear. And at the moment, the game doesn't teach players that. That's the biggest problem with OW-Tyria. Splitting the balancing isn't really going to fix that, splitting the modes isn't really going to fix that. Replacing the entire combat system with WOW's probably would... but then I'd quit the game.They don't "need" to do anything.. There is no need to level players up.. the game already does that, there is no need to punish players and make them leave either. It doesn't "need" to teach players anything its a game people play mostly socially and casually.
  17. And open world is toxic solo/group if you want content? Disagree OWPvE is far less toxic.
  18. I don't see anything wrong with druids after all the nerfs. The fact no one uses them outside of raids and maybe fractals says different.
  19. You from a thread yesterday: Which leads me to wonder, why are coming here giving questionable advice to new players when you are struggling with even the most basic content of this game? Guardian is among the strongest picks in the game currently while being viable in all game modes and on multiple builds. @Archivist.8109If you are interested, Woodenpotatoes already made his video on his recommended open world build for guardian (he went with firebrand). Feel free to watch his guide video here: No thanks, its not great and i don't use many WP builds, just because i mostly play solo pve doesn't mean i don't understand the game.. My skills are not great as i'm older and i'm Aussie so 600+ ping times don't help.. That said i usehttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Burning_TomeWhich works really well but isn't durable at all. Its basically squishy as as are most firebrande builds because everyone is obsessed with glass cannon specs these days. I did not say Guardian was bad i said its not very durable.
  20. They are always at the bank at lions arch.. No idea why.. Wish they focus on fixing the leather scams..
  21. If i knew when i returned what i know now i would have focused on Revenant, Necro and Engineer.. The rest are just not durable to play. Even Guardian... This is why you are best to ignore Raiding.
  22. I wouldn't go so far as to say on a whole that PvErs aren't as skilled as PvPers and just enjoy the game casually; I doubt that PvErs who raid just to get leggy armour enjoyed it every step of the way... PvP is different than PvE and PvP skills are different than PvE skills. PvP skills are: "How do I kill my foe(s) controlled by real humans with my teammates / solo?". PvE skills are: "How do I kill my AI foe(s) with my teammates / solo?". If nerfing and buffing won't work, then what is a guaranteed way to balance which will work? I'm all for the split because each game mode can now be separately balanced independent of each other without having to throw each balance patch under one umbrella and affecting all game modes Splitting the content completely and focusing on both separately. There are PvE games where players have to have just as much skill as in PvP modes, so the two aren't exclusive of each others. It's a matter of encounter design and AI among other things. And many PvE players does enjoy that, despite popular belief around here. I have guildies that stick to playing wvw/pvp because they find PvE in this game a joke, and rather go play other games for challenging and interesting PvE. Personally I think there is room for both, and wish the devs designed for a much greater variety of skill levels, the game does have one of the best/easiest handicap systems in existence in open world, just bring more numbers if there is difficulty. Besides, the actual balance between PvP and PvE has absolutely nothing to do with this, we already have Open-World Tyria for example, which where designed while the entire combat system was balanced around PvP (2012-2014), and they made the majority of the mobs so easy that we still suffer that a large section of players never had to learn and develop much skill in the first place. So they've already shown that they can make PvE easy without affecting balancing at all. (And thus we also have the problem that Open World Tyria doesn't actually teach new players how to play, so they don't develop actual skill. Making for some rude awakenings when they enter other modes and get pulverized by the first thing they meet). It has everything to do with it.. Open world Tyria was perfect it was accessible to everyone. The later content pushed a lot of customers away and they needed to overhaul it to be more accessible again, even though its still incredibly tedious to enjoy.. bar those that consider themselves hardcores.. Splitting the content is the smartest decision even if it is the most work.
  23. Why? what is the point in all of this? Why not focus on actual balance issues like druids and chronomancers..
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