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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. I used them for the achieves then went and did other stuff.. even the BL chests are now full of junk i've stopped buying keys.
  2. I don't even plan on crafting legendary weapons so sigils and runes are a hell no.. 7 Years and i still have none, going to go ahead and say no i never will... Nothing about legendary gear in this game is legendary.. Crafting defeats the whole purpose of something being legendary.. Something legendary should be gotten through drops.
  3. They could just give us Great Axe skins for hammers and i'd be happy.
  4. Depends i've completed three sets now. and i only spent a few hundred gold.
  5. It is however the (distant) future of MMOs. I'm not sure MMO's have a distant future honestly. playerbase of 250k vs playerbase of 40 million.Yeah it's a puzzler. Are you for real? 40 million accounts made maybe.. concurrent customers no. nope, I would say 40 million would be possible as to current playersAs of March 2019 fortnite has recorded 250 million accounts madeAugust 2018 recorded a mass amount of 78.3 million accounts active 250 million accounts vs 11 million (gw2) accounts.... The OP is basically comparing a apple to a watermelon. Lol. I think Anet are fudging their numbers, quite extremely... Also the Vinewrath is pretty much a straight-up refined version of the Marionette fight, so they reused the basic idea later on anyway. I have to agree there i have not missed living story 1... it was horrible.. Karka was pretty bad as well.
  6. GW2 is 100% mashing buttons and twitch skills, with a lot of luck thrown in, zero strategy and zero skill..
  7. You are better off just ignoring Legendaries op.. outside of epeen enhancement they are pointless.. Stick to Ascended imo.. I've ignored legendaries for 7 years now and i continue to until they make them easier for everyone.. Considering its just a purple weapon or gear.. Black Lion skins are far superior in looks as well. Really? You are coming across way more entitled imo..
  8. A lot of people (me included) would not push the bar even if it was enforced, many would leave. Challenge is not fun for everyone.. Gaming is about casual after work entertainment not a second job i'm not paid for..
  9. It is however the (distant) future of MMOs. I'm not sure MMO's have a distant future honestly. playerbase of 250k vs playerbase of 40 million.Yeah it's a puzzler. Are you for real? 40 million accounts made maybe.. concurrent customers no.
  10. My only issue is the wiki really doesn't explain at all how to do a lot of the more complex stuff like crafting... I spent hours trying to work out how to get Marauders insignias etc and the wiki was completely useless in explaining how it was achieved, turns out you can just purchase those off a crafting npc.. which is odd considering many other 4 stat you must go hunting for them.. Wiki was of no use in this respect i had to go to a multiple other sources before i found this.. Why the Wiki cannot be more straight forward and to the point on many things is beyond me.
  11. The only time i weapon swap is for ranged and melee options.. And due to how annoying enemies are in later GW2 content i never really use Melee.. That said Engineers and Elementalists are forbidden from weapon swapping just because... Tyria core gameplay was the perfect bar for GW2, the expansions were just over the top for many customers.. I spend way more time in the core maps because the expansions are not fun to do at all and the living stories are atrocious difficulty wise. Now you're just sounding like "today's society" of participation awards, celebrating every mundane achievement, and everyone deserving to feel "special". Again--your heart's in the right place, as is all those sentiments. But it's just not needed--especially in a game where, once again, the point is skill. That's the point of any game--skill. Otherwise this wouldn't be a game, it would be some giant online social "choose your own adventure" book, like those tell-tale games. There's no skill involved, you just push a button and watch the story--and it's still marginally considered a "game." That's like trying to say they should change the rules of Chess to make it easier / more enjoyable for people who are bad at it. It's a game--the point is to, essentially, "git gud" (even though I hate when it's put in that condescending way). But the sentiment is correct--yes, you're supposed to get better at it, as that's the point of progressing in the game and taking on harder and harder content. So no--there shouldn't be an "easy button" for harder content. It's just that plain and simple--it's harder for a reason. Chess is not hard to play at all.. It requires zero hand eye coordination and twitch skills and is only complex due to how far you think ahead strategy wise, even a disabled person can be a master at chess.. But not GW2... We have supposedly advanced beyond petty things like virtual achievements and fake difficulty as well.. Well some us have...
  12. Or we stop complaining and be realistic? I mean, you can earn like 40g an hour in the lab and buy those skins cheap on the TP... Or do you feel Anet should just mail them to players bc we are customers? Yes i do. If other people hadn't bought BL chests you wouldn't have been able to buy them off the Auction house... Free chests would take years to get skins like Seven Reapers. Again if others don't open them you wouldn't be able to buy them.. So Anet should mail you all legendary weapons, legendary armors, legendary trinkets, infusions, every skin and convenience item... because you bought the game?Well mailing one weapon choice skin box each time a new set of weapons was released on the BL out of good faith would have gone down well imo.. nope, but hiding everything behind hideous grinds isn't to their favor no matter what you think..Apparently they had to lower how hard Ascended and legendaries were to get because 4 years ago it was insane compared to now. What a terribly irrelevant comparison. Some people just understand that it's a company and if it stops making money, it has no right to exist. They also understand that skins are just skins and they don't desperately need to own them all. Other people -like you- just want to get everything for free or with minimal effort, because apparently logging into the game is more than enough.But hey, good job not addressing a single argument in this thread other than trying to blindly back up a person that tries to play a victim in the whole thing. I'm sure that makes you correct.I actually thought it was pretty accurate compared to some of the customers here.. Never understood the need to put developers on pedestals like communities do.. I understand developing games is poor and a horrible job but looking up to them like gods seems inappropriate.. For the customers and the developers.. And yes standing up for my rights is playing the victim these days.. wow out of touch much.. These weapon skins are not in current BLC, though. They are aquired from the ticket vendor. We are referring to having to open BLC to get tickets to buy from a ticket vendor. If you don’t open chests you don’t get the tickets to buy from the vendor. You don’t need to open chests for tickets either. Every finished BLC collection gives 7 tickets as a reward. You still need to purchase BL chests en mass to get enough tickets to buy the weapons to then post them on the Auction house to allow others to finish them.. I think people have been buying these things off the Auction house for so long they've forgotten how they got there in the first place..
  13. Check out Lord Hizen's mirage build: His build link is listed in the video description.I use it and I can solo champs with ease I tried that someone linked it to me in my guild but even they said they have no idea how he pulls that off... That said hes using legendary gears and i don't even have Ascended.. Great build i'm sure but with my net and the broken illusions i just cant do what he does. Thanks either way.
  14. Or we stop complaining and be realistic? I mean, you can earn like 40g an hour in the lab and buy those skins cheap on the TP... Or do you feel Anet should just mail them to players bc we are customers? Yes i do. If other people hadn't bought BL chests you wouldn't have been able to buy them off the Auction house... Free chests would take years to get skins like Seven Reapers. Again if others don't open them you wouldn't be able to buy them..
  15. You wont get any help here op, the forums don't favor the customers here, its far too bias to the developers.. Better to use other avenues to air grievances, Also the game makes far too much on BL chests to ever stop the gambling. The only way it will stop is through government laws.
  16. Druid and Chronomancer are the most disappointing classes in GW2.. bar none..
  17. No the only mode that counts really is PvE and its not great there.
  18. Crafting is the only sure way.. everything else is RNG Oh and do the Broken Caladbolg quest after completing HoT.
  19. Same totally the same.. I've only been back a month and i'm already sick of the grind, might check whats new on Steam.. Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps.. If you must ask, yeah I've gotten 2 or 3 ascended chests to drop from Silverwastes alone. More if you include other PvE things like Fractals. I got an ascended amulet in Jahai the other day as well, now that I think about it. But I don't rely on random drops to get ascended gear, there are plenty of easy ways to get ascended equipment for a new character that only rely on things like gathering a currency, achievements, or crafting, i.e., you can actually work toward the goal efficiently without really relying on RNG. Also, fun fact: you don't actually need ascended gear at all outside of fractals. Another fun fact: Crafting in pretty much any game costs a small fortune.Fractals are not Pve.. Its basically raids before raids existed And Silverwastes also require a team meta play.. try doing those events solo.. anyway i just craft ascended i will never get drops. Fun Fact yes you do since the expansions power creep, and no it doesn't..
  20. For me Forged and Mordrem just eat my mirage alive.. way to many condi to cleanse and the illusions just don't do anything other than attack random deer and things i've not even attacked... No idea what nerfs they have done but open world is not fun on mesmers anymore. Why pve always must be ruined due to the pvp modes ruining everything is beyond me but yes i'll stick with warrior, guardian and Engi thanks for the heads up.
  21. Heaps of reasons to make alts..Differents builds and classesBirthday presentsFree keys as you level..Multiple ways to get moneyMultiple craftersLists go on
  22. No Mesmers should go back to how they were 4 years ago.
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