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Everything posted by Yannir.4132

  1. FTFY. If this was the old Blizzard, I'd be hyped. Ever since Activision got involved, I've been avoiding their games.
  2. Guardian already has drawbacks on all of its Specializations. The differences may not be severe/distinct enough though. Also, just because an ESpec is strong doesn't mean that it needs a bigger drawback. Scourge is a very strong spec that has a very clear drawback, it's missing the 2nd healthbar associated with necromancer.Anyway, I wouldn't expect anything totally new, just emphasizing the current ones. Or maybe they'll do something like taking more damage when equipped with a tome. Now that the rest of the class is pretty much as balanced as it can be, what I would do if I were a dev at ANet is look at buffing the core Virtues, mainly Resolve and Courage. Especially the F3, it's useless without traits from Virtues. DH Longbow needs a buff as well, it just doesn't do enough anything as a weapon. That whopping 45 second cooldown on Hunter's Ward needs to change. Core Guardians profession mechanic is supposed to be used according to the situation. Both the passive and active are meant to be good, so that you are almost always making a choice between maintaining the passive or using the active, weighing the benefit of activating vs losing the passive. DH was designed in a way that makes activating the F skills much more valuable, which is why it's not well suited for condi builds that focus on maintaining the F1 passive as much as possible. It's also why many players don't really like the new Movement speed trait on DH. It feels bad to activate F2 now if you are using the trait. Firebrand changes the professions playstyle from reactive to predictive. Using tomes reactively is not efficient because they don't grant an instant benefit upon activation, only gaining advantage after pressing another skill while in the tome. Playing Firebrand reactively would also result in a lot of wasted tome charges.
  3. Zeromis won multiple mAT's on a Marauder GS Shatter build.
  4. What I mean is that I like Mesmer GS as it is, a one-shot niche build weapon. The 5 skill could certainly be a bit stronger though. It would be nice to be able to set up bursts with it instead of having to rely on a utility.Don't think too much about it, there is no insinuation here. This wasn't intended as a general comment, it was as a response to the person I was quoting.
  5. Warrior also has the shortest cooldowns (where they apply, so excluding Thief and Revenant to some degree) out of all classes. Just looking at GS, it doesn't have a single skill with 20+ seconds of cooldown with the longest cooldown out of all weapon skills at 25 seconds. In comparison, a Guardian has 30+ seconds on almost half of skill 5's, and the longest cooldown is 45 seconds. Well they also don't have as many skills to have cooldowns, if they had longer cooldowns there would be 10-15s where they would only be able to spam 1 and maybe 2.Yes, that is exactly what I intended to say. Somehow I forgot.
  6. Warrior also has the shortest cooldowns (where they apply, so excluding Thief and Revenant to some degree) out of all classes. Just looking at GS, it doesn't have a single skill with 20+ seconds of cooldown with the longest cooldown out of all weapon skills at 25 seconds. In comparison, a Guardian has 30+ seconds on almost half of skill 5's, and the longest cooldown is 45 seconds.
  7. Why do they have to lock pvp players out of content for 2 weeks but not other game modes. Actually raiders are locked for a year :P 7 wings in 4 years doesn't equate into a year per wing. It's a bit under 7 months.But I do appreciate the sentiment.
  8. Seconded. These are all very reasonable things to do. Although I kinda like the GS as it is. If I want "an actual weapon", I'll play another class. At first, when it was first done, I wasn't against the Portal nerf. Thinking about it afterwards though the nerf destroyed some of mesmers class identity, dumbed down PvP and made balance more cancerous. I think this has been the single dumbest balance decision ANet has made in years.
  9. Guardian may have a larger number of defensive skills when compared to Warrior. However...Most of Guardians defenses scale badly with number of opponents. Blinds and Aegises are only good against single opponents as the effect is consumed on the next attack, especially Aegis as you can only ever have 1 Aegis on you at a time. Blind is a bit more useful in that regard as it scales better with number of foes.Focus 5 only blocks 3 attacks before expiring. Mace 3 is essentially an Aegis. Warriors Shield Block lasts for 3 seconds no matter how many opponents you have, or how many times you get hit. It's as effective vs 10 people as it is vs 1, assuming there's no Unblockable attacks present. When traited it also reflects and grants you Might, and it's on a low cd. This weapon skill is more valuable and useable than RF, an Elite skill, is.
  10. Good performance isn't exactly subjective, it can be quantified.But the amount of variations that can happen in a match is a mind-bogglingly huge number.Making a good algorithm for this purpose would likely be as big of a project as the making process of this entire game was. It would take years to code, and the cost would likely be in counted in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Governments and militaries pay exorbitant amounts of money to have these kinds of scenario simulators that can predict outcomes of actions and weigh whether your response was the correct one.It's just not worth the time, money and effort.
  11. So far the only reason I've seen here in favor of this is because you want it, and you want it to be easier.Those with the skill (PvP is all about skill and personal/team glory) should get it faster.Getting tired of pip farmers and consolation prizes in the game, they causing toxicity in the community.Competition is healthy, and the winner should get it all.
  12. I think those gloves are these:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pyre_Gloves
  13. Neither example actually touches on the core reason people say these things.Point is that there is 0 reason to afk in a match unless you bite the dust at that exact moment with your face on the keyboard. If you absolutely need to leave your keyboard, you log out and take the dishonor. It's the better option instead of letting your teammates suffer. So what is it like living in disney land?It's great. Mickey came over the other day, and brought some bourbon. Good times. Being serious though, people that complain about toxicness in PvP and then proceed to afk in matches are feeding that toxicness. The only way the toxicness stops is you as an individual deciding to not be toxic no matter what other people do. "I can afk because other people do it." No you can't, if you want those others to stop. You're feeding it. I may be an idealist but hey, atleast I'm not part of the problem.
  14. Neither example actually touches on the core reason people say these things.Point is that there is 0 reason to afk in a match unless you bite the dust at that exact moment with your face on the keyboard. If you absolutely need to leave your keyboard, you log out and take the dishonor. It's the better option instead of letting your teammates suffer.
  15. I feel like the 2 previous ESpecs have been themed playstyle-wise around specific perceived characteristics of the professions elements, Tempest for Air and Weaver for Water. It's a bit of a stretch but I like the idea. So, in that light, for the next ESpec I would like an Earth-based one that emphasizes gameplay that somehow feels "solid" in a way but then kinda then kinda goes the polar opposite direction in terms of what it actually does. Like how Weaver is supposed to be flowing and fluid like Water but then is just kinda clunky and awkward. Edit: /sarcasm on that last bit if you didn't catch it.
  16. When playing as a thief, I find that fighting other thieves is the most fun to be had in this game.Doesn't happen a whole lot as thieves tend to ignore each other, choosing to try and outrotate the other thief, but when it happens it's just the best.There remains a tactical aspect to it of timing your skills, that has mostly vanished from the rest of the game.
  17. Can't say originally but at some point the idea behind the length of the off season was to be an adjustment period for balance patches. The patches were supposed to go live during the off season, and then you had the chance of adjusting your build if it got affected, or to try to learn a new role/build if your bored of the old one/your previous build got deleted. Also it's a chance to try out things you wouldn't want to try in ranked without needing to worry about decay or rating loss, etc. It also gives you a chance to do something other than PvP if you have limited playtime(like myself). It's an MMO, and you aren't supposed to pigeonhole yourself into just playing 1/3(?)rd of it but all of it. There's a cool festival going with challenging PvE solo fights. Go do that maybe?
  18. And class is mesmer, in case you were wondering why the GS floats. :lol:
  19. Wouldnt 2v2 at this point have 4 maps if they make it a gamemode? For a start that would be more than enough. Courtyard is not a 2v2 map. It's a TDM map. It could be very easily turned into a 2v2 map.Sure. But as it is at this moment it is not. It's missing the end-of-match mechanics that remove stealth and healing from the equation.
  20. Wouldnt 2v2 at this point have 4 maps if they make it a gamemode? For a start that would be more than enough. Courtyard is not a 2v2 map. It's a TDM map.
  21. I just came to tell you to please never use the word "legend juice" ever again...
  22. To be fair, in order for it to be called a game mode, they need multiple maps.Neither Stronghold nor Team Deathmatch ever really lived up to the standard precisely because of a lack of maps.Maybe Stronghold wouldn't have failed so miserably if there had been a second map with varied mechanics.And I really hope there's no queue, instead I hope it's placed into the AT structure. I want to pick my partner instead of being paired with randoms.
  23. For the record, I agree with this. Mantra of Distraction is not an issue on its own. Issues arise when a spammable skill like this is combined with a strong trait like Chaotic Interruption. The Immobilize on interrupt is too strong because it essentially turns the Daze into a Stun. In fact it's worse than a Stun because now you're suddenly dealing with 2 different effects that have separate ways of removal. As a Guardian player I'm used to having CoP on my bar that deals with both but I can see how someone else could be having big issues with this.
  24. I know Ben is on the pvp side of things. But has he not seen all the glittery infusions, outfits, and mount skins? XD. Theoretically it can be extremely easy to get gizmos. Imagine if there is the bare minimum of registered teams, and nearly every team is so incompetent that their win is decided by pure luck. And then a good team comes along to take a gizmo, with no effort invested. Compare that to a ton of gold and effort being spent on infusions.That would require Team USA to finally get bored playing in the mAT.Since most of them don't even play GW2 anymore aside from 3 tourneys per month, it's pretty much impossible to even practice playing vs them.
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