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Everything posted by Yannir.4132

  1. How do you consider Essence Sap the second strongest stolen skill? At first I thought I must've misread that.It's pathetic, although very quick.IMO around 70% of the other skills are more useful. Ice Shard, Throw Gunk and Mace Crack being the only worse ones. Whirling Axe is the most useful in the most common situation you get it in, when stealing into a downed warrior. If there's no one else around, it does great damage and blocks both warriors down state skills so it's very good as a cleave skill.Skull Fear has a decent range so you don't need to hug your opponent. It's also Unblockable.Probably not particularly useful for S/D but Healing Seed is rather nice when you can Heartseeker into it as a D/P. Not super strong but it is nice.And Blinding Tuft is crucial if you want to succeed vs other thieves. Not the most common one but very useful when you do get it.None of these is as worth as Plasma obviously but they have their uses.
  2. Extra damage to Burning foes doesn't make a whole lot of sense here as it's the only skill in the kit that actually inflicts the needed burn. With a 10 second cd you'll never hit your own burn. Ofc in a raid scenario a boss would be permanently burning assuming there's atleast 1 Guardian in the squad, so in that sense sure. I would normalize the recharge to be the same as in Twist of Fate, 5 seconds. That 1 second window between this ending and getting access to the next ammo charge can be covered with a normal dodge, making this skill too strong with a 2 second recharge. I think the revive speed penalty is too severe. Depending on how this is implemented, your opponent could end up doing damage by trying to res if the ressee also has Poison on them, and that violates core design aspects of the game. You did forget about Poison, right?-25% or -33% would be my suggestion. Probably -33% so it's like a proto-Poison.Even with that this skill would be OP af. Ammo? 4 second duration? I'd put this on a 3 second duration with no ammo, and keep the current recharge. Should also rip Stab and Resi on placement, and the inflicted Chill could be 3 seconds. Maybe just 1 Boon though. Boon removal is a strong effect, and wading into melee with Stone Heart and a foe with Weakness is not a big deal even as an ele. You can make entire builds around an interaction this strong. Which is good but 2 is still too strong.Btw, is this a physical projectile and does it Pierce?
  3. I'd rather they establish Core Guardian as a bunker. Which it can do decently, it's just missing a few things.
  4. People have been saying WoW is dead for a decade now. Still the most played MMO.
  5. Ever tried Divinity: Original Sin 2? That might scratch your itch for longbows and flaming balls of fire.
  6. Skepticism is healthy, and you're welcome to it.Many of the previous categories, that benefit everyone, are also kind of over-saturated.A new "novelty" like this could be a new avenue for cashflow to them that actually effects what playing your class looks like. A new look for minions is more compelling to me personally than novelties, mount skins or gliders. I like the flavor.But overall it's a question of whether it's a good investment for them, and only ANet can really answer that.
  7. I agree. Bring back Portal. At the least, push the time between uses to 40-45 seconds. 30 seconds as a window for what Portal is supposed to do is just way too little.
  8. This could be baked into a larger collection. I also don't see this as unlikely as it used to be as they have been expanding the wardrobe lately with novelties, gathering tools, etc.Engineers want more skins for their kits. Mainly Flamethrower, Mortar and Elixir Gun.Spirit Weapons for Guardians could have alternative looks.Thief minions could have more varied looks, although they already change based on race.Just some examples I could think of right now.
  9. That sounds like a good idea.I think adding +25 to each tier chest would be neat. I'm also one of those people that doesn't get enough games played to even reach the last tier chest. Usually get to around 70-80 games per season.
  10. That Guardian scepter auto.People that spam Tomes of Knowledge next to the bank NPC.LA fountains. Those are the loudest fountains I've ever known.
  11. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASncoCVWhtoCGpCEqilKjievr77WcZCgwL86CrvC-jJhYABzWGw3HAwvXAAA2fAA I tried a few games with this setup yesterday. Focus is on CC to give your allies as many chances for burst as possible, while being really survivable yourself and able to utilize all your fields. The Might from the Blast Gyro+Fire Field is nice for team support as well.I had no problems with cleansing but on the other hand I didn't fight any condi Mirages, or Scourges.
  12. I'm gonna drop that ESpec suggestion for ya in the Guardian forum within a week. I've been working on an idea, that checks all your boxes, for a bit and I think it's ready for presentation. Just taking some time to actually write it down.
  13. I still think the Carapace Armor set is the best looking armor in the game, especially the Heavy set.
  14. yes i am serious bright lights have the effect to make u stay awake. its a interesting phenomenon almost like the daylight if u heard about that before Seriously, you should turn off atleast the game if not your entire computer like 2 hours before you get to bed.Besides, you can set your screen to night mode which eliminates some of that brightness.
  15. I think people are focusing way too much on Joko when in regards to this topic. Liches in this games narrative have typically been powerful but nowhere near the level of Dragons and Gods. Just because Joko had a trick up his sleeve doesn't mean that either of these could've just snuffed him out any time they wanted. They just didn't really have a reason/opportunity to do so, and in regards to Balthazar, it made more sense for him to trap Joko rather than kill him. In the grand scheme of things, Joko was more a distraction for us than a main villain. A few things that come to mind: "the lich is dead" - None of this sentence has any indication that it needed to be Aurene that killed the lich. It could've just as well been Kralkatorrik(there's a good reason now why he didn't) or the Commander that did it. The only indication here is that Joko getting killed is a roadsign included in whatever prophecy Ogden is talking about. It's unclear what that prophecy is precisely, as the whole "Kralkatorrik seeing a world without him" is only revealed after this point in the story. It could be the same one but then it might not.As for "cheesy writing" and "Deus Ex Machina", I think there are worse things they could do storytelling-wise if we don't resurrect Aurene into the story. Personally I hate storytelling that comes out of nowhere, and that's exactly what they will have to do if resurrecting Aurene is out of the question. I have to add that resurrections were a thing back in the days of GW1, especially when in relation to Ascending, so lore-wise it fits while mostly associated with the gods. Just because the gods stopped doing it doesn't mean that there aren't others that can. Perhaps it's Glint that resurrects her daughter.
  16. Power mesmer is also a minor issue btw. It just doesn't stand out from the rest of overtuned power specs/builds currently. It's also far less common. I don't quite know what the situation is currently since I haven't been playing necro much recently but I remember a time(October-ish?) when a Power Shatter mesmer 100-0'd my Reaper in about 2 seconds through both RS+Lesser Spectral Armor, and I was on Paladin Amulet as well btw. There was another opposing player involved in that fight but it was a duelist type, so mainly the damage came from the mesmer.That said, if you catch a Power Shatter Mirage with their pants down, they are really squishy. That kinda balances out the spec. I'd like the damage to be tuned down a bit but at the same time as every other class like core radiant guard, sic em soulbeast and power shiro rev. People just like to complain about the condi variant because it's annoying to deal with Torment/Confusion on most classes. Personally, I like where condi mirage is at, and if you know me, you know that mesmer is my least played class, Mirage even more so. I prefer Chrono and I rarely play mesmer if chrono doesn't have a playable build. It's mainly there to be my JP safe mode.
  17. Also, the Silverwastes meta is probably the highest intensity in terms of regular loot drops for salvaging. If you are doing that anyway, it's a good source for Elder Wood and Mithril Ingots. It's also highest intensity for Rare drops, you get a guaranteed rare drop for each first successful event daily, which means 5+ rares. Good for ectos if you need them.
  18. Yes I was thinking about the same thing. If you do healing on a full HP character, no healing will be done so the rune's effect is not affected. And on Scrapper, for example, if you have Rapid Regeneration slotted and give yourself Swiftness when out of combat/full hp, you will have permanent 120 or so barrier on you as long as the swiftness lasts.
  19. Yeah, Spirit Watch feels very weird to play in.Feels like it has 3 side nodes instead of 2 side nodes and a mid node. The "mid" node, Raven, usually is the least contested node unlike in all other maps. The "team fight" in this map tends to happen around Wolf because it has the most flat ground, or around the Orb without anyone bothering to try and claim it. That's not really relevant to why it's disliked though. A different feel is exactly what we need. I think that the biggest issues on this map are the areas around the Orbs spawn point, and the Orb mechanic itself. A third issue is that teleports are far too good in this map.The area around the Orb needs more LoS IMO, it's far too easy to rain down AoEs from the ledges and gangways around it. On the other hand, there's way too much LoS between the points. The high ground advantage is real.The Orb needs to be available all the time(unless it's already being carried) but be worth less, maybe only 10 points. It also shouldn't reduce movement speed, shouldn't remove your skills and Swiftness and Superspeed shouldn't be disabled. Ports and Invulns should still drop the Orb. That way it would valuable to have a "flag runner" but mesmers couldn't Portal-cheese the Orb.The teleport issue could relieved by adding a direct way of walking from the Orb to Raven, and opening up the Raven ledge area a bit more. Currently if you port to the ledge in front of Raven, it'll give you a good 20 to 30 seconds of peace from the warrior that was chasing you because he has to go around. Unless he drops the chase entirely. A good thief will never ever die on this map. A personal issue I have with the map is that it has too many bottlenecks which makes it bad as a Conquest map but is mandatory for a CTF map. IMO you need to decide which one this map is, and enforce that decision with design. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 I just had a thought I wanted to ask about. Why exactly is it that all Conquest maps have 3 nodes to capture? Is it just a fundamental constant of the mode or is that up for debate? Just feels like SW as a map might work better with only 2 nodes, which would increase the importance of the secondary mechanic.
  20. 7 seems like an unpopular option. @"MithranArkanere.8957" has a good point. Can't tell how many times I've seen false accusations of cheating because of an interaction that's obvious to me but someone else has never seen before. I regularly get accused of "damage hacks" because Righteous Instincts while I'm on Core Guardian.
  21. If you play less than all 9, please specify why.If you only play a certain spec, or exclude a certain spec, talk about that too.As someone that has always played all 9(or 8 before HoT) classes for one content or another, I never quite understood why many people don't. Alting is easy enough in this game. Help me understand. I mean I understand why you would exclude 1 or 2 professions if you just don't like them. I have those too but I do maintain a character for all classes anyway.
  22. Please god no. I hate bards with a passion. Not even Dandelion escapes that feeling.Besides, you can't make a silent bard which would mean that the ESpec would include a lot of audio-based stuff, in other words, noise. We would need a "Silence Bards" option in the game settings xD My suggestion for the topic is some kind of Shadowdancer-like spec dual-wielding Axes. Give the OH a cheap, short range shadowstep that can replace shortbow.
  23. Pls don't. :lol: More customization options is always nice. Thumbs up!
  24. Took me about 15 tries but I finally did kill Liadri. On a celestial/viper druid. Not the most optimal build.. :lol: Enjoyed every moment of it. Once you learn the steps, and time your dodges right, it becomes more a coordinated dance maneuver rather than a struggle.
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